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Recent content by Alexzobe

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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    Thanks! Will keep it in the casre somethign goes wrong :-)
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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    This is correct there is NO tax on the money you can make with Stock Gains with exception on dividend, either in cash or in stock. Although the spirit of the Tesla split is indeed a standard regressive Stock split, Tesla has been using the word "Dividend" in their communication. This is the...
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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    Thanks Much ! This sounds to be another belgium story as I called them 3 times and asked a confirmation by e-mail and in my e-mail it is stated 99% chance of not being taxed. The only difference is that I was talking to the french speaking part of Binck bank :-) It sounds they are not even...
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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    and This is also an important part : "Mais, avertit encore Pierre-Philippe Hendrickx, "la confirmation viendra cependant de l’analyse des comptes de Tesla. Si les fonds propres de la société restent inchangés à la suite de l’opération, cela voudra dire qu’il s’agissait bien d’une simple division...
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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    I called Binck here in Belgium and they could NOT confirm... Do you have their confirmation in written ? Thanks
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    Stock split tax implications for non-US shareholders

    FOR BELGIUM RESIDENT, There is still no confirmation from neither banks or Tax authorities that we will not need to pay 30% of tax on the dividend Split... and there is no way we can deduct it from taxes afterward except a very small ridiculous amount (in the range of 650€) There is an article...