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      I'm off round-trip all the way to Portugal, so will cover France, Spain and Portugal in August.
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      For those that ordered this, sorry to bring this old thread to the top, but did you pay fees for France after the free period? They have...
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      lusitano reacted to stonecoldrmw's post in the thread Fisker ocean - UK forum with Like Like.
      Right... Back on topic..! Just had phone call from Santander. The vehicle inspection report has found in my favour. There were a...
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      lusitano replied to the thread Tesla app charge stat.
      It's not possible unfortunately, Tesla app doesn't have Octopus IO integration, you could always use Home Assistant and Tesla...
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      lusitano reacted to James-R10's post in the thread Tesla TV Web App with Like Like.
      I can do that. Only thing is the login piece for customisation wouldn’t work for self-hosted so you would need to customise it directly etc
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      lusitano replied to the thread [UK] Spring Software Update.
      This update popped up for me on Thursday morning, when I got back to the car afterwork, it had disappeared. Been checking since and no...
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      lusitano replied to the thread Tesla Phone Key.
      I have the same phone as you, and my car sits about 5m away from my bedroom, it doesn't do this, or at least I don't think it does, but...
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      lusitano replied to the thread [UK] 2024.8.x.
      I thought it might be a sign, my model Y also does this, every morning I make my way to work, on that spot. So always disengage...
      • Screenshot_20240429_070859_Maps.jpg
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      lusitano reacted to Oxid8ter's post in the thread Changes to Supercharging? with Like Like.
      Increase is on the per kWh price for non members. I made a point of asking on Live Chat as it made more sense to ask than to speculate.
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      lusitano replied to the thread Changes to Supercharging?.
      This relates to membership, not charge cost per kWh , but when you click read more there is no info there. Typical.
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