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  1. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    You are the type that should be testing FSD. The picky drivers tend to be the safe drivers. It is nerve wracking, and there times I turn it off and just drive, but I like to think I'm contributing a little to the future of driving.
  2. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    I previously had 10.2 and took 10.3 out for a spin today. My first thought is that this is an incremental improvement. I didn't notice major improvements but turns seemed marginally smoother. 1. It still greatly struggles with unprotected lefts. I have a particularly difficult one and it...
  3. Battouttahe77

    Tesla’s FSD Beta 10.3 Coming This Friday 10-22-2021

    No 10.3 on existing FSD cars either.
  4. Battouttahe77

    Have I locked in a price

    I found a screen shot from earlier this week.
  5. Battouttahe77

    Have I locked in a price

    Can anyone post screen shots of the advertised prices?
  6. Battouttahe77

    FSD Tracks Dangerously Towards the Center Line

    That's exactly what mine does. Add in some blind curves and the pucker factor goes through the roof. Hopefully, it gets fixed in an update soon .
  7. Battouttahe77

    FSD Tracks Dangerously Towards the Center Line

    Since getting FSD Beta, I have noticed that it tracks heavily towards the center line and even crosses it when making turns. This is most evident on two-lane roads and I've had to disengage several times because it was uncomfortably close to oncoming traffic and they even had to swerve out of...
  8. Battouttahe77

    Reservation number

    Reservation #RN115801361 Tri-Motor. I hope they call it the Plaid version.
  9. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    I agree. I'm going to take it slow and deliberate until I am more comfortable with FSD and how it makes decisions.
  10. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    First impression... I took it for a short test drive in the dark and it really is amazing. That said, I see why it is still in Beta and not for wide release. It is far more aggressive than I am comfortable with and it blew through a yield sign like it wasn't there. It wasn't a dangerous move...
  11. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    I had a brain fart because I tried to test drive it before coffee.
  12. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    Nevermind. Found it. You have to turn it on in Autopilot settings..
  13. Battouttahe77

    Any reason not to install 2021.32.22?

    I noticed these exact things when I updated. On AP, the car wanders around the lane and I get a lot of phantom FCWs.
  14. Battouttahe77

    Blog Musk Gives Details on FSD 10.2 Beta Release

    Agreed. I also have a vision car and I found the AP on 32.22 to be way worse than 4.21.3. My car used to approach stopped cars smoothly and rationally, now it hard brakes shortly behind them. It also seems to favor the left side of the line (towards the center line), and bounces around the...
  15. Battouttahe77

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    Of course it's delayed. How very Tesla of them.
  16. Battouttahe77

    Blog Musk Gives Details on FSD 10.2 Beta Release

    True, but Tesla shouldn't penalize a driver for following at the distance that they determined.
  17. Battouttahe77

    Blog Musk Gives Details on FSD 10.2 Beta Release

    One of my trips today was about 10 miles, and half of it was at 35 mph. The other half is 55 mph and driven entirely on autopilot. I have the following distance set at 7. Everything is good and I know that I won't get dinged while on autopilot, until I need to turn off the road. And that's...
  18. Battouttahe77

    2021.32.22 Autopilot worse than driving without it

    Agreed. I was on 2021.4.21.3 and the autopilot generally tracked in the middle of the lane. Since I updated to 2021.32.22 I noticed that my car tracks to the left of the lane. That's not a good thing on two-lane roads when your riding the center line.
  19. Battouttahe77


    The performance of your car has nothing to do with the riskiness of your driving. Even with a 1000 hp car, it's not necessary to tailgate, make hard braking, and make hard turns. Those acts are more indicative of your driving choices, not the car you drive.
  20. Battouttahe77


    I installed it and it works flawlessly. It even shows my white interior now.
  21. Battouttahe77


    The Android version is on APKMirror. You'll need APKMirror installer. Tesla, Inc. APKs - APKMirror
  22. Battouttahe77


    The Android version is on APK Mirror.
  23. Battouttahe77


    The Android version of 4.1 is available on APK Mirror. I installed it, and it's working flawlessly. It even shows my white interior now.
  24. Battouttahe77

    Blog Tesla Looking for Good Drivers to Test Full Self-Driving System

    I'm waiting to see how many people get pressed because Tesla tells them their risky driving style is risky.
  25. Battouttahe77


    I was stuck at 60% for a long time as well. It takes longer than expected but it installed and I'm in the Beta queue! Now we'll have to see how all this plays out.
  26. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    May 2021 M3 downloading 2021.32.22 now. It's stuck on 50%, but it's coming!
  27. Battouttahe77


    May 2021 M3 w/ FSD - Download stuck at 50% but it's coming!
  28. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    I still got nutt'n.
  29. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    I'm on 4.21.3 and have a serious case of FOMO.
  30. Battouttahe77


    I am still very skeptical that any decent number of us will see the button tomorrow (especially those of us with vision-only cars).
  31. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    They seem to be on a different branch than the newer vision-only cars. Some have speculated that, because of the chip shortage and rush for deliveries, they have a different configuration.
  32. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    Prediction: Vision-only cars (especially May, June, and July builds) won't see it until much, much, later (if at all).
  33. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    I have that same suspicion. Since vision cars are a few generations behind on updates, it seems unlikely that we will be in the beta program. I hope I'm wrong.
  34. Battouttahe77


    These are the same people who complain about not being able to set the following distance to 1 on vision cars.
  35. Battouttahe77

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    This is the way it should be. The last thing Tesla needs is somebody driving like an idiot as a beta tester. If they get in a collision (FSD activated or not), the media will glom onto that and declare Tesla's are unsafe.
  36. Battouttahe77

    FSD Beta Videos (and questions for FSD Beta drivers)

    That's good news. Perhaps our vision-only cars have a shot at the button.
  37. Battouttahe77

    FSD Beta Videos (and questions for FSD Beta drivers)

    Does FSD Beta V10 use vision only?
  38. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    This is exactly me. I got mine on 6/8.
  39. Battouttahe77

    New tesla system [question about firmware]

    Welcome to Tesla. You'll get nothing, and like it.
  40. Battouttahe77


    I picked mine up June 8, when did you get yours?
  41. Battouttahe77


    Still nothing for 99% of vision-only cars.
  42. Battouttahe77

    New Tesla APP 4.x. Released for iOS and Android

    My Note 10+ got it through the Play Store. It shows my white interior as black, but that's not a big deal to me.
  43. Battouttahe77

    Vision-only cars

    My unpopular theory (and I hope it's not true because I have a vision-only car)... Tesla rushed the vision-only cars because of the chip shortage. The company mantra was, "We always intended to do it. This is a great time to do it. They are better than radar cars." Now that they are into it...
  44. Battouttahe77


    I have a vision-only M3 and have zero hope that we will see "the button" any time soon.
  45. Battouttahe77

    App to remind me to take my iPhone from car

    My Galaxy Watch alerts when it's disconnected from my phone. Doesn't the Apple Watch have something similar?
  46. Battouttahe77

    Poll: Will we see the button before the end of the year?

    I'm not holding my breath. Us poor saps with vision-only cars can't even get regular updates.
  47. Battouttahe77

    Charging sickness

    It has never happened to me or my family. Hopefully, it will stop affecting you.
  48. Battouttahe77

    Not getting any software updates??

    I'm in the same boat. Stuck on 18.10.
  49. Battouttahe77

    Autopilot drive experience - relaxing or scary?

    I find autopilot very relaxing... Until it's terrifying.
  50. Battouttahe77

    Wonder why 2021.4.21.3 is going out

    Do any of the vision cars receiving 21.3 have FSD?