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  1. A

    that Creep can Roll (and Hold) - wishlist item

    oh well, i guess there is no voice command for this, or else i didn't happen upon the magic words.
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    Definite Guide: Find out if you have HW3.0 or HW2.5

    i see the cones in my dec 2019 car w/o FSD, however the latest software release notes said that stop signs should be rendered if the car has HW3 and i have yet to see a stop sign after a few days of driving in the neighborhood, where there are definitely stop signs in real life. maybe the cones...
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    that Creep can Roll (and Hold) - wishlist item

    ah, let me try that, thanks!
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    that Creep can Roll (and Hold) - wishlist item

    something that occurred to me the other day: i prefer to use hold as it most closely emulates the one-pedal driving of the Bolt that i am used to. however, for pulling into the garage (a tight space) it's easier for me to use creep mode with my foot on the brake. the Bolt has a traditional...
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    I was offered a damaged Model 3 without telling me about it

    well they had notified me my P3D- had been damaged at the delivery center and delayed delivery almost a week, and then when i got there they acted like they didn't know what i was talking about. i inspected the car as best i could and didn't find anything obviously wrong but the stonewalling was...
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    Taking Delivery tomorrow. Thoughts on paint quality of most recent production Tesla's?

    i was thinking along the lines of "tiburon" which means shark in spanish, however i ended up with a blue stealth so i decided not to use that.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    i don't know if it is the default but my car was set to 3 car lengths. i felt like it was stopping so far behind the car in front of me that i was at risk of someone swooping into my lane and i didn't want to find out on the first day how autopilot would handle that, so i changed to 2. however...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    interesting - the car was slightly downrev on software at delivery and when i got home it downloaded the latest (2.2GB, wow). i did notice a couple of times where it did accelerate a little fast on autopilot but it was nothing too jarring. i did already have hold mode in the software it shipped...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    also picked up today - was raining and a little dark so it was hard to inspect the car properly. i didn't see any problems but given the circumstances i think i might find something tommorrow in the light. little bit of a rattle driving on the freeway but not sure it warrants a service visit. i...
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    Home deliveries?

    my account says: Delivery Appointment at Fremont Delivery Hub in the right sidebar of the reservation status page. i assume it would say home delivery in the same spot, but now i can't remember if that's what mine looked like. the status page changes format when the VIN becomes available and...
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    Home deliveries?

    when i ordered an AWD LR, the order page listed home delivery as my delivery method. when i switched to P3D- the delivery method immediately changed to the fremont hub. not sure why since neither fremont nor my home moved as a result of this change :)
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    California, The Land That Time Forgot

    well i thought i was buying an inventory car but it was also pre-production. my delivery date has come and gone (twice) - they say the car was damaged at the delivery center and needs body work. delivery is now scheduled for this wednesday but i don't have high hopes at this point.
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    Tesla Online Shop Order Fulfillments

    must just be low stock? i ordered a J1772 adapter and a flat tire kit last week and received them in 3 days. but yeah they should not have charged your card.
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    Talk to 3 different delivery specialists in the bay area...here is what they said

    this correlates with what an SA told me early in the week - that by this weekend (14/15 dec) they'd have a lot more visibility into what was going to happen in the final weeks of the year.
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    car damaged @ delivery center ... what to do

    right i didn't think they would put it back thru the line or anything but thought that they must have a final QA/touchup area that might be able to make the repair. but yeah if they have an outfit in SJ then it makes sense that it would go there. well... sure. i was planning on just being...
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    car damaged @ delivery center ... what to do

    yes, that is true about leasing. i guess from reading here i've heard about paint quality problems, so i wouldn't want to get dinged at the end of the lease for something paint-related when i had nothing to do with it. beyond that, you are right, tesla owns the car and modulo wear and tear or...
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    car damaged @ delivery center ... what to do

    thanks, yes i supposed given all the cars sitting in the delivery center that they may have just bumped into it with another car. i was under the impression the car was going back to the factory for fixes but maybe it is just going to some body shop?
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    "C" motor code in VIN on a few performance Model 3 cars

    can someone point me to this thread, my google-fu has failed.
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    car damaged @ delivery center ... what to do

    thanks for the replies all, yes - i am grateful that they caught it but given all the stories about cars delivered with scratches/dents, my feeling is that whatever happened to the car must have been serious or else they would not have done anything about it. so i was wondering if something...
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    car damaged @ delivery center ... what to do

    i got a call 2 days ago that my P3D- would be available to pick up today @ fremont, 13 december. on 12 december the delivery center called and said they noticed 'a dent' in the car and would need another day to repair the car; delivery was re-scheduled for 14 december. got a call today saying...
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    California, The Land That Time Forgot

    switch to lisp and you can use nil, might make you feel better. only problem is... you'll be using lisp ))))))))
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    things are going pear shaped... they pushed my delivery back to the 18th now since the car has to go back to the paint shop. getting very close to the point where i won't be able to take delivery of the car due to travel plans full-on tesla experience!
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    "C" motor code in VIN on a few performance Model 3 cars

    so how do you tell what motors you actually have? is there supposed to be a build manifest, or you look under the car or...?
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    California, The Land That Time Forgot

    whenever i see "btch pls" yao ming i know i'm gonna laugh at yr post, thanks for the help with my sanity!
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    Tesla - new owners event at delivery center

    i agree, though in theory they do know who they invited (the RSVP url is very clearly a tracking URL). of course this is tesla we're talking about, so you are right! i guess we'll get there early and see what happens.
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    Tesla - new owners event at delivery center

    could be... but i'm sure they will prioritize the more expensive cars for delivery by the end of quarter. it seems like when they finish a batch there are an enormous number of cars being shipped out. my new delivery time overlaps the next new owners' workshop and i can see that it's going to...
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    Tesla - new owners event at delivery center

    what did you order? seems like they pushed a bunch of stealth performance models into the line late last month/early this month. maybe the other models are coming later. lots of people are getting their stealths right now.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    that looks like a reflection of the top of the phone that's taking the picture...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    well i actually went to the fremont distribution center today while i had some time off, just to make sure they had my appointment confirmed for tomorrow. i asked if the car was there already and they said no, that the cars for the next day generally come in the late afternoon. seems like there...
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    Insurance woes

    just FWIW, my P3D- vin never changed from what first appeared in the html source. some people's did though.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    dangit they somehow damaged the car and want an extra day to fix it. i guess it's dented somewhere. well, glad they are taking care of it now rather than letting it slide.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    when did they want to reschedule? meaning did they say they'd call you back or did they schedule a new time right away?
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    ??? how can these guys be so wrong? i just logged into my tesla account to find that: 1) my VIN is now shown, it is the same as what was in the source 2) i have a delivery appointment for 13 Dec @ fremont even though every time i've called in to ask about status they have put me on hold for...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    thanks - i guess that's the default color - but who knows if that has anything to do with it. i guess for my part it wouldn't be the first time an SA was wrong, so i guess there's still a chance the car materializes sooner.
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    Passed by Tesla factory this morning and saw lots of 3s being loaded onto carriers

    i wasn't suggesting they drive the cars to the delivery centers in the immediate area, i just meant that the places on the peninsula and as far as walnut creek are 1-2h hours away. that's fundamentally different than driving 400-500miles. they can make multiple trips per day on short notice if...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    maybe it's the wheels... what color is your car? i switched on 12/5 and was just told this morning by my SA that the car probably won't be delivered until the 4th week of december. they also apparently switched me from home delivery (in oakland) to pickup @ fremont when i changed to the stealth...
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    Passed by Tesla factory this morning and saw lots of 3s being loaded onto carriers

    that's all right, it's useful to have this forum to rant from time to time. makes me feel better anyway. the thing is, whether we like it or not, tesla is a business with shareholders. they are going to do everything up to and including pissing off legitimate customers in order to make profit...
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    Passed by Tesla factory this morning and saw lots of 3s being loaded onto carriers

    maybe they feel with the deliveries closer to "home" that they have more control over them? after all for any place other than fremont or other delivery centers in the immediate bay area there's days-long latency in driving the cars out to the delivery center. conceivably a car could roll off...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    i just talked to an SA about my order (changed to P3D- on 12/5/19) - they are talking about delivery (to fremont) during the week of 22-28 december. so we're coming right down to the wire with CA deliveries it seems.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    that's interesting - i was starting to get the feeling that the 6022xx VINs were pre-production 'placeholders' but it sounds like yours changed from a 6019xx to a 6022xx number. maybe there's no pattern here. sounds like everyone scheduled for thu/fri has already received notification, so i...
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    Northern California PW installs BUMPED to 2020!!

    sheesh, that's the same date they supposedly gave me (via text) last saturday morning. at any rate i called them to confirm (for some reason my account page is asking me to schedule the install) and they say it's on for the 13th.
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    Wiki Model 3 Order Tracking Spreadsheet

    so did they note everything you identified or give you a "due bill"? wondering how formal this acceptance process ends up being.
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    Wiki Model 3 Order Tracking Spreadsheet

    who knows, i ordered AWD on dec 2 and switched to stealth on dec 5, same color/interior as you. was also told 1-1.5 weeks but i am in northern california so could (and apparently will) pick up in fremont. VIN was in the source right away upon switching my order. there's another guy in a...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    that's great news, maybe i'm in the queue right behind you! did your VIN change from what was shown in the html source? everyone else seems to have a 6019xx vin and mine is 6022xx.
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    Wiki Model 3 Order Tracking Spreadsheet

    thanks, have had bad luck with that sort of thing in general with tesla so i hoped there was a backdoor of sorts...
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    Wiki Model 3 Order Tracking Spreadsheet

    that is completely messed up. i changed to a preproduction P3D- also, but on 12/5. my VIN in the html source has been the same since that day. no one has tried to contact me. half expecting something like this to happen to me as well... how did you contact the delivery center directly?
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    it is 6022xx. i don't have an MVPA. i might have had one before the switch, i am not sure now.
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    is it a known thing that VINs change somewhere along the way for these stealth performance cars? if i may ask, what number did you call and/or how did you navigate the phone tree? every time i call tesla it seems that my call gets routed to some random place; called the # for the walnut creek...
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    LR AWD Performance (Stealth TM3) Waiting Room

    how did you get a DA or learn the name of your DA? i swapped to stealth on 12/5, i have a VIN in the source, but no other updates.
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    Switching from LR AWD to P3D- for faster delivery?

    i don't know if there are any sitting around - i didn't ask the right question of my SA when i switched my order to a P3D- last week. the one that was assigned to me was "pre-production", but he told me they could deliver it this week. i have my doubts. maybe they are putting a whole bunch of...