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  1. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    That, or just let it ride. Basis is ~ 195 for this position, but ~ 145 with all the calls I’ve sold… now $136.. So if someone wants them at $230 between now and expiry I’m fine with that.
  2. T

    Supercharger - Laguna Seca Raceway, CA (LIVE Sep 2022, 8 V3 stalls, possibly restricted access)

    If I’m reading this right, does this mean that you used ~ 46kw to go 20 miles in 20 minutes? That’s some crazy energy draw. I’ve done LS in several different combustion engine vehicles.. MB C63 AMG, P911 Turbo, Miata, Toyo Supra, Nissan Nismo and a few others. It’s a high level of ELEVATION...
  3. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    It’s calls, and two+ months. Are you already drinking the hooch, pooch from your +c wins?
  4. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I know I said i wasn’t going to do it, but bought back the Aug $210 at $26 (~$11.5 sold), put now just sold the SEPT $230 for $25..keeping it all in play. Down $1. Frankly surprised I could roll up ~10% and OUT another month for such a small debit.
  5. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

  6. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    What we have here is a good old fashioned short squeeze.. nothing more nothing less.. I focus on P, which was low and indicates where the NEXT D most likely will be.. or below. From Q1, Tesla had 53K inventory cars to sell through and they did, at discount, and buying down finance rates.. that...
  7. T


    Sorry that link didn’t expand. But frankly “if feasible” gives me very little confidence. We’ll see
  8. T


    Do you have any evidence of this?
  9. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I’m going with something between 390k-412K
  10. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We do often get a wider release around a holiday..
  11. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Things change, but as I posted higher up I’ve only seen that happen when the current SP is >5-10% than the strike+premium total value. But then again, they would most likely sell just the call which would still have some extrinsic in it. Take THAT money instead of share.
  12. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Yes, but personally I already have ~ $100K in calls for AUG/SEPT against just those three equities so I’m full position there. Strikes about 8% higher for AUG/SEPT strikes.. they were paying ~ 3-4% for the 1-2 months.
  13. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I think MP is being skewed - as it often is, by a LOT of legacy positions.. It’s hard to tell, I used to have a tool that would tell me that but it got turned off about a year ago and put behind a VERY $$ firewall.
  14. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I’m betting on P&D creating volatility, but NOT certainty… so hopefully, I’ll just ride it out and be opportunistic with the vol.
  15. T


    I’d like to read that article.. granted, almost anything that downregulates one’s immune system (through occupation or distraction) is going to allow UP-regulation of daily cellular mutation production. It’s going to be very hard to get enough data points that would be A) no vaccination, no...
  16. T


    “Standard virus”
  17. T


    I was talking with an epidemiologist who works in pharma over the weekend. He said something I found surprising, and having had some visibility into the process (he) I don’t have much reason to doubt.. The reason we’re getting JN.1 based vaccines in the fall is because Novavax could not make...
  18. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Whatever happened to 10x? Or even 5x?
  19. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    It is rare, but I’ve had it happen a couple times, but ONLY after the share price, is trading at least 5-10% ABOVE the strike plus PLUS the premium of the option paid (so in this case ~ $221),, so we’d have to be something like $235-240 for someone to really want to book that gain. Could that...
  20. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Yes, I’m going to not try and over think it.. frankly, I’m going to blame my motivation to sell against the whole position on my distraction with MOVING (ughh!) and on the 35K in NVDA Aug $140 calls I had sold that week. ;-). Win most, lose some - is a win. I think we have a bit of FOMO here...
  21. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Well, this didn’t age too well. Had sold these closer to $11, now $17.. I’m going to leave them out there, past tomorrow P&D. If we rally., someone MAY call the shares - which I’ve said I’m fine with for now. Still, lesson learned is maybe sell -cc HALF, holding for a bit more $$ premium...
  22. T

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    Just order from tire rack and ship dorect to your favorite installer
  23. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    The iceberg is always deeper than it appears on the surface. ;-)
  24. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Ooof. Might as well just call it Hindenburg or Titanic or something why don’t ya.
  25. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I’ve already bought property in Alberta as a hedge. ;-) Always be hedged..
  26. T

    Review: Hankook iON evo AS vs Pirelli AS+ Elect vs Michelin PS 4S vs Michelin PS AS 4

    Just curious, why is the WH/Mile for say the MXM4 (OEM M3 tires) LOWER, so more efficient, and yet the “efficiency” seems to indicate higher for the HK ION Eve? I would say, my experience with the MXM4 is ~ 240 wH/Mile overall, some lower, some higher… i figured the HK would be better.
  27. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Patience is not inaction.
  28. T

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    It’s kind of funny/odd how they price the Model 3 at X price, and then the model upgrade/pricing for the P AWD… haven’t seen that that way before.
  29. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I certainly look for FOMO, MOMO to move up SP, and by derivative CALL options pricing.. especially when not truly married with some fundamental or valuation change. Ppl chase price, cheaper ppl chase call options, pushing up options price, and SP, repeat. That’s when I like to sell -CC...
  30. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    AI puts TSLA 1 mo PT at ~<$230
  31. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Sold 7x -cc $10.7.
  32. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Ok, which one of you miscreants is holding this thing JUST below 10.5?
  33. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Ah, next time I’ll be more clear.. maybe something like. “Looking sell maybe calls, somewhere not sure or price”… then looking follow it up with maybe 2-3 finger Laphroaig. ;-0
  34. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Yeah, 8.16.. Aug monthlies. You think I’m cray cray? Too close to the edge? We gonna moon next Tuesday? Is it up and over $225 and never heading back this year or ever? Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)
  35. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I have both iphone and android apps, options is still there… search for a stock, go to “overview”, options (new) should show up. It’s also under stocks that one has in an account, but under the OVERVIEW top header
  36. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Looking to sell 7 the -cc AUG $210 @ $10.5
  37. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Nope, just long ~ $8.9 avg. Was going to add yesterday with the upgrades and some insight I have into R2 development, but not so much now. Would have liked to see either -cc danger or eurphoria this morning, to sell some close in $20 calls but it appears that calmer minds have prevailed...
  38. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    that’ll b investigated and probably cancelled or penalized..ppl are so stupid.
  39. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Holy mother of god, now I’m up 125%..that is crazy just for partnership and 5B infusion. I DO have confidence that this company will be a player, but wow, might look for some juicy $20 AUG/SEPT calls tomorrow.
  40. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    At least it’s up ~ 42% and not down to flat.. ;-0
  41. T

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    A rental or lodging passing through some or all of the electricity rate is fine with me. Convenience has a price and it's usually worth it.
  42. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    BTC and QQQ have been highly correlated, but BTC usually leads… Up AND DOWN..so maybe cautious posture.
  43. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Maybe throw in a BTC, look for lead in.
  44. T

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    What does the in car software detail say, when you go into details? The email could easily just be standard MarComm after purchase.
  45. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Call me when ur another standard deviation to the right.
  46. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It’s NOT exponential, but that’s a big word for 99% of the population and it really SOUNDS compelling… if one doesn’t recognize this is a Musk pattern of communication, they haven’t been watching for years. It’s pretty obvious when he throws out acronyms, or unusual combinations or words, or...
  47. T

    My experience with 500 miles on my one month old Cyber Truck

    Towing IS and will almost always be an issue with EV… I’m not sure if ICE ppl reallly know exactly what their towing range IS relative to regular range.. they just know its more (energy consumption) or less, (range), but since overall there is usually a gas station somewhat nearby they just...
  48. T


    could be… but frankly if they are thinking COLLECTIVELY, for purposes of creating the best options for interested parties (I’ll put that level of domestic USA interest at ~ 17-23%)… they should let the mRNA produce what they can by early fall, and produce what they (novavax) can produce by late...
  49. T


    My understanding at this point from the biotech contacts I have is that novavax is actually going to engineer for the KN variants and slip the release date.
  50. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    30 day SMCI $901, probably lots of vol in between NVDA $130, same same. I think we’ll see July call buying and re-balancing next week which should push this up again, I’ll be selling Aug $140 probably at that point.