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  1. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Except the rate of improvement is literally NOT increasing. Lane selection is the worst it’s ever been, creeping is scary as heck because FSD simply can’t see good enough with the stupid camera placement.
  2. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Define “critical disengagement.” Is it one where the car would crash? It must be a lower threshold than that? For me personally, I consider a critical disengagement to be anything that significantly affects other drivers around me. Changing lanes constantly unnecessarily pissing people off...
  3. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Another thing to add. Elon keeps talking about how much progress we have made. He even recently said (again) that we will achieve FSD safer than a human by the end of the year. How in the actual heck can he say this? He has access to the disengagement numbers and can see that there is no...
  4. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    11.4.2 is bad. Really really bad. Its lane selection is the worst of any FSD beta release ever. On a simple 4 mile drive today in the suburbs I had 7 disengagements due to it selecting the right turning lane at intersections where we want to go straight. Weirdly, when it does this there is no...
  5. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    THIS! I have new lane selection errors, old, resurfaced lane selection errors; 11.4.2 is a complete lane selection mess. This is the worst update in terms of lane selection since 10.2. Wow that was a long time ago, and I can’t really say my car has fixed any lane selection errors since then...
  6. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Is anyone else’s energy app completely broken by 11.4.2? It’s giving me absurdly high readings. This pic was taken mostly driving on 30 mph roads with minimal A/C. A scroll wheel reset brings it back to normal ~250 Wh/m (i did one right before the end of the graph), but then it goes back to...
  7. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Are there still people on .3.6?
  8. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    We are already at that point. That’s not what Elon is saying, he is saying that FSDb alone will be safer than a human.
  9. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    The wear to the front tires is so minimal it doesn’t matter. Play the game, have fun.
  10. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Let me start with I haven’t driven 11.4.2 yet. It’s installing now. I simply do not understand how anyone out there still believes this crap, “At this pace, we will achieve self driving safer than a human this year.” Seriously!? What pace? Most of my trouble spots from 10.2 all those years...
  11. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Just got the update. Anger has ceased;)
  12. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    All these posts about 11.4.2 are making me rlly angry. Why is this rollout so slow? It’s never been this slow before.
  13. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Teslafi folks… Where are we at with the rollout?
  14. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Nope. Sorry.
  15. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yeah there is autowiper v4 or something. If only I could try it. Give 11.4 to the people Elon!
  16. D

    FSD beta not hands-free?

    No it’s not hands free, the testers you see are just very good at hiding their hands/being smooth abt it.
  17. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    So like… why does merging onto the highway still suck in 11.4.2???? It’s really aggravating and makes me disengage every time. It’s such a simple problem.
  18. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    What is the current status of the rollout? Is it the 20% rollout right now? No update here.
  19. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    So are we at a 20% rollout right now? Still on 11.3.6. Has anyone been upgraded from .3.6 to ..4.2 yet?
  20. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Loved to see the ghia! I have a 74 convertible myself. Great car.
  21. D

    Anyone else with Michelin CrossClimate 2 on Model X

    Just a heads-up. The cross climate is a horribly inefficient tire. If you want more balance and a sticky feel, try the pilot sport all season 4. The pilots have been great on my model 3, but there is a slightly noticeable efficiency drop.
  22. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    11.4.1 or 11.3.6?
  23. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My taste - We won’t see FSD 12.x until 2025…
  24. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I guess 11.4.2 is late as always. It’s comically predictable lol.
  25. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I second the fact that 11.3.6 has improved since I first got it. This is not just an “It feels better” analysis. A spot that has always had an awkward lane change through an intersection before a turn has been fixed, even though when I first got 11.3.6 it had not been fixed. They definitely...
  26. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    You are probably the first in a new group of the “HW4 Chuck Cooks” of the world. Essentially, they seem to be starting a new group that goes along with the OG YouTubers, only this time they need people with HW4 to test it on early. Isn’t it also very strange that Tesla themselves have never...
  27. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Dirty Tesla’s.
  28. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yeah. It’s over. HW3 is done y’all. At least they tried. There appears to be no noticeable difference in 11.4.1 at all from these vids.
  29. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    This will not happen for another 3 years at the minimum. Where is that roadster?
  30. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    As long as FSD can’t properly merge onto the highway, NoA is (was) a superior product. Yes I know that FSD is better in every other capacity, but half the point of NoA was that it could merge and take interchanges. FSD sucks bad bad at this. Why did they release it in this state? Don’t hit me...
  31. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Got my first ever strike today. Have had FSD since the “original” 10.2 so it’s disappointing. User error. Screen was acting weird so I did a scroll wheel reset. Of course, that means the whole screen goes black and you can’t see the “Apply force to steering wheel” warnings. Screen comes back on...
  32. D

    Plaid Regrets?

    Either model s would feel fast to you. I drive a 3 LR too and the long range s felt stupid fast. Never been in a plaid tho.
  33. D

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    No piece of data can alter real-world experience. FSDb is NOWHERE CLOSE to being as safe as a human driver, much less safer. First off, no one is going to leave FSDb engaged going through a wreck. The car screws up (which it does a lot) and the human disengages right before the accident. Now...
  34. D

    200 miles review: Michelin Pilot Sport All Season 4

    Good lord. I’m lucky to get 300 Wh/Mile doing 80! How are you getting 258? That’s insane?!
  35. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Hmm. This would work but it would piss people off who want to make a quick change with one click… Debatable tbh.
  36. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Just got 11.3.6 from .3.4
  37. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    How can we be saying 11 is better than NoA when 11 literally does not merge at all?? It sucks and is unusable for merging until they fix it. Merging (or lack of it) has always sucked in FSD beta. It just “rides it out” 😏🙁
  38. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    THIS! 11 always moves into this same right turn lane on my commute. Never had a problem here on 69. It is very annoying.
  39. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yeah merging (or lack of it) sucks. Why would they release this with completely incapable merging.
  40. D

    11.3.3 First Drive Reactions

    Wow you are getting really good efficiency: 217 wh/m. I used to get that before I got new tires. What are your specs?
  41. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Can confirm v11 fixed zero of my map data issues. Oh well.
  42. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Hallelujah! Everyone is getting it now!
  43. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Well I’m losing hope in getting 11 today. Here’s to getting it tomorrow fellow 69ers.
  44. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yes never ever do a reboot during an update. It could have had to reinstall software.
  45. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I still don’t have 11. But like others have said what have they done to merging? It looks horrible now. Beta always did this “zipper merge” even before 11. It’s ridiculously uncomfortable. Doesn’t use a turn signal and then aggressively swerves to merge at the last second. Sometimes I even think...
  46. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I hate 10.69. 😖
  47. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Still nothing here
  48. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    No way there is a .5 that we have to wait for again. I am starting to really hate 10.69. I bet that 11 won’t solve any of my issues anyway; they all seem to be map-data related. Oh well. Tesla needs to invest in more accurate maps if they are going to use any sort of map data. Right now they are...
  49. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

  50. D

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Is everyone getting the update now from 69? Am I the only one who doesn’t have it now? Starting to panic a bit…