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The next big milestone for FSD is 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

From AI day and Lex Fridman interview we have a good sense of what might be included.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

Lex Fridman Interview of Elon. Starting with FSD related topics.

Here is a detailed explanation of Beta 11 in "layman's language" by James Douma, interview done after Lex Podcast.

Here is the AI Day explanation by in 4 parts.


Here is a useful blog post asking a few questions to Tesla about AI day. The useful part comes in comparison of Tesla's methods with Waymo and others (detailed papers linked).

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Two things. First, the sight lines are always clear at the 4 way stop. Zero need to creep out, and it takes so long that it is not practical. It never used to do this so a new behavior. I am not throwing FSD out. I am just so frustrated that I really don't use it in traffic. I still use Autopilot on the highway and am pretty happy with that. Also there is a new "feature". A couple of times when turning into my driveway I get a "lane departure" warning-not when using FSD either-just normal driving. I should make sure all the cameras are working properly. The street is two way with no dividing line so not sure what the car thinks is going on. This is new with the latest software update.
"A couple of times when turning into my driveway I get a "lane departure" warning-not when using FSD either-just normal driving."

I got lane departure warning and take control immediately messages very often at a section of a big 50mph street when not using FSD too. Sometimes it jerked my car. It's worst with 10.69. Sometimes with 11.3. I don't believe it's a camera problem. Maybe map problem or some software bug.
So assume that means 2020? When I was watching the "shills" it was clear there were lots of problems and that it was going to be awhile before FSD was going to be close to full self driving so I don't buy your excuse.
You might try using a cover on your coffee :)
(moderator edit) Here’s a video example from Master Shill’s channel:

Yea, I did NOT get that sort of performance from FSD until the current version. As I’ve mentioned before, from many cases it appears as the junk has always performed better on 3/Y than S/X. So unless you have experience with it in Florida in a refresh Model S then you DON’T know anything about the experience I’ve had.

Let’s also not forget the ultimate leg pull by Tesla video:
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How do you disengage FSD Beta once it prompts you to "Take Over Immediately"?

Intended a 400 mile trip on FSD Beta over Memorial day and encountered a "Take Over Immediately" event early on the first 150 mile leg and was suspended from FSD Beta for the rest of the leg. I had my hands on the wheel and there was no nag preceding the alert.
I tried to disengage FSD Beta by moving the drive stalk upwards. The car ignored the cancel request. After a second or two I made another stalk upward move which was also ignored. FSD Beta stayed engaged and kept beeping and flashing "Take Over Immediately", until it after a few more seconds self cancelled and suspended me for not taking over.

I know that you can cancel by steering manually, but that creates a sideways jerk and doesn't feel safe when you have cars close to the sides. Braking is another bad option when you have cars right behind you. This is what the manual says:


This has happened to me before with the same result.

Have others found a way to disengage when this happens?
It still hangs out in the left lane (passing lane). If a car comes up fast and gets close enough it signals and movers over, but if it approaches to slow and doesn't get close enough, you have to manually move over. They should address this because you can get ticketed for hanging out in the left lane. On 81 and also NY thruway it stayed in left lane even though there were no cars around in the right lane. Several times I had to use the blinker. Overall it is pretty cool and did all the heavy driving, 5hrs up and 7hrs back over the holiday weekend. Little more work needs to be done on lane changing with cars on the left. I'm not as aggressive as I used to be and I'd rather wait until I had a big gap (I have it set to Average) rather than squeeze in, but that's me. Probably because the car is in control and not me and I want that buffer just in case.

Phantom slow downs also seem to have been fixed or significantly reduced. I also notice that it no longer tries to turn into the left lane at the grocery store up the road and is back to continuing straight. That only happened in 11.3.6., so they fixed that too. More testing to find what else has been fixed and what needs to be addressed. Sloooooowwww progress.....
I'm still awaiting 11.4.2, but, using 11.3.6 recently on a long trip, I was frustrated at how dogged the car was to camp out in the left lane on interstates and other multilane highways. I tried minimal lane changes for a while, but my car would not initiate a lane change using the turn signal stalk. Has anyone else seen this? I was on Average assertiveness.
How do you disengage FSD Beta once it prompts you to "Take Over Immediately"?

Intended a 400 mile trip on FSD Beta over Memorial day and encountered a "Take Over Immediately" event early on the first 150 mile leg and was suspended from FSD Beta for the rest of the leg. I had my hands on the wheel and there was no nag preceding the alert.
I tried to disengage FSD Beta by moving the drive stalk upwards. The car ignored the cancel request. After a second or two I made another stalk upward move which was also ignored. FSD Beta stayed engaged and kept beeping and flashing "Take Over Immediately", until it after a few more seconds self cancelled and suspended me for not taking over.

I know that you can cancel by steering manually, but that creates a sideways jerk and doesn't feel safe when you have cars close to the sides. Braking is another bad option when you have cars right behind you. This is what the manual says:

View attachment 942694
This has happened to me before with the same result.

Have others found a way to disengage when this happens?
I always turn the steering wheel, as the user manual states above to "take over steering..." The car needs to know that you are actively controlling the trajectory of the car.
I'm still awaiting 11.4.2, but, using 11.3.6 recently on a long trip, I was frustrated at how dogged the car was to camp out in the left lane on interstates and other multilane highways. I tried minimal lane changes for a while, but my car would not initiate a lane change using the turn signal stalk. Has anyone else seen this? I was on Average assertiveness.
See my post #7680, same.
I see lots of comments about how the car merges in a suboptimal way but what I also notice that's even worse is when other cars are merging into my lane. My car on 11.3.6 seems to completely ignore merging cars so the merging car usually has to stop the merge and move back and slow down and merge behind me (moderately unsafe) or they continue merging into my car and by then I've taken over or the car slams on the brakes.

Is this common and known behavior?
I see lots of comments about how the car merges in a suboptimal way but what I also notice that's even worse is when other cars are merging into my lane. My car on 11.3.6 seems to completely ignore merging cars so the merging car usually has to stop the merge and move back and slow down and merge behind me (moderately unsafe) or they continue merging into my car and by then I've taken over or the car slams on the brakes.

Is this common and known behavior?

Yes, dealing with cars merging into your lane has always been a problem, especially with multiple cars in a row. I haven't tested 4.2 enough to know if it's improved vs 3.6.
My car on 11.3.6 seems to completely ignore merging cars so the merging car usually has to stop the merge and move back and slow down and merge behind me (moderately unsafe) or they continue merging into my car and by then I've taken over or the car slams on the brakes.
Sounds to me like the cars merging into your lane are at fault. They are supposed to merge into an open space, cars already in the lane are not supposed to need to make changes to accommodate merging traffic.
Sounds to me like the cars merging into your lane are at fault. They are supposed to merge into an open space, cars already in the lane are not supposed to need to make changes to accommodate merging traffic.

That may be true, but a majority of merging cars don't do it well. Also the idea only applies if the cars actually followed the speed limit. A car going 75mph isn't allowing much room for a merging car to get up to speed, for example. So at the end of the day, fsdb needs to smoothly deal with merging cars, regardless of poor drivers.
Sounds to me like the cars merging into your lane are at fault. They are supposed to merge into an open space, cars already in the lane are not supposed to need to make changes to accommodate merging traffic.
Similar thing happens to me, a car tries to merge in front of me (with enough spaces as far as I’m concerned) and the Junk waits until it’s half way in then slams on the brakes and drops several car lengths behind it. I would prefer to see it use regen to slow down A TAD, and then continue as planned.
That may be true, but a majority of merging cars don't do it well. Also the idea only applies if the cars actually followed the speed limit. A car going 75mph isn't allowing much room for a merging car to get up to speed, for example. So at the end of the day, fsdb needs to smoothly deal with merging cars, regardless of poor drivers.
That's a situation where Tesla is damned either way. If the car let everyone in, owners would be pissed and disengage, likely more than if they let no one in.

Everyone has a different idea of how merging should work.
That may be true, but a majority of merging cars don't do it well. Also the idea only applies if the cars actually followed the speed limit. A car going 75mph isn't allowing much room for a merging car to get up to speed, for example. So at the end of the day, fsdb needs to smoothly deal with merging cars, regardless of poor drivers.
I think the main problem is the merge doesn't "feel" safe. There is no visual acknowledgement from FSD about cars in other lanes being watched or speed adjusted. Sometimes I end up controlling the merge using speed changes - but rarely have to take-over.
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That may be true, but a majority of merging cars don't do it well. Also the idea only applies if the cars actually followed the speed limit. A car going 75mph isn't allowing much room for a merging car to get up to speed, for example. So at the end of the day, fsdb needs to smoothly deal with merging cars, regardless of poor drivers.

And in many states there is a legal requirement to avoid collisions. To be a good driver, FSD needs to try to figure out what the twit on the entrance ramp is going to do. As a rule, maintaining constant speed is good because that creates a constant that helps the twit decide and act, but then the car has to figure out at some point whether it's good or not.

Moving over is obviously also good, because that allows the twit to make a confident early decision. But then it has to decide what to do if they just come on and match your speed.
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Similar thing happens to me, a car tries to merge in front of me (with enough spaces as far as I’m concerned) and the Junk waits until it’s half way in then slams on the brakes and drops several car lengths behind it. I would prefer to see it use regen to slow down A TAD, and then continue as planned.
Is “slams on the brakes” an exaggeration of decelerates to make your story more exciting? As it only falls back a few car lengths (which it should) doesn’t sound like a Slam on the brakes kind of action. Unfortunately your exaggeration of words and product name child play devalue your input participation.