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  1. SageBrush

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    A heat pump is not required to divert heat from a source to a sink. A heat exchanger or a radiator would do the job just fine -- albeit with a COP something below 1.0
  2. SageBrush

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    The Tesla drivetrain can divert up to ~ 6 kW to the motors for heat production. 45 minutes is 4.5 kWh, so closer to 6% of SoC of a 75 kWh pack
  3. SageBrush

    Tesla Extended Service Agreement (ESA)

    Yes, and it is easy money to bet that the house has rigged the game in its favor, even before accounting for marketing, profit, admin costs, and the increased likelihood of warranted customers abusing the warranty. I take a simplistic stats approach to these questions because I have the money...
  4. SageBrush

    Tesla Extended Service Agreement (ESA)

    Well said. Warranties are insurance by another name, and insurance spans a range from 'pay ahead' schemes/scams like whole life insurance and assisted living, to diffusion of risk. The former are exploitative, the latter a good idea unless the middle-man fees are high. These threads are almost...
  5. SageBrush

    Tesla Universal Wall Charger And Mobile Charger On The Same Circuit?

    Not bends per se, but no more than 360 degrees of bends. If you have more than 180 degrees though, you better upside the conduit or you will suffer greatly, and perhaps damage the wire along the way from the effort involved to get it through. One way to handle convoluted paths is with conduit...
  6. SageBrush

    Tesla Universal Wall Charger And Mobile Charger On The Same Circuit?

    Depending on how much power OP wants to each EV while charging concurrently, he can consider taking down the 14-50 receptacle and using that circuit for an MLO sub-panel. Then two wall connectors that power share can come out of the sub-panel. As for the ampacity of #4 wire, it differs by Cu...
  7. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It does not sit that well with me either. Kick the Russians out
  8. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Is from a UK tabloid. You might as well quote FAux news
  9. SageBrush

    Electrify Everything

    Unless you are talking about complementary clean energies or cross-state HVDC lines, infrastructure is at best a partial solution for their demand problems. Just look at wholesale energy prices in the CAISO markets from ~ 4pm - 10pm
  10. SageBrush

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    When an obvious drop in visitors occurs because EVs are driving right through or driving around them, then the locals will start complaining that Tesla et al are ignoring them.
  11. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It is curious that Navalny is still alive, while a host of much more restrained critics with no where near his influence have been murdered. Is Putin more grumpy than usual ?
  12. SageBrush

    Car version 2023.44.6

    I might have the software version slightly wrong -- it is the Xmas version. In general I have shied away from autopilot, and only tried the FSD trial today, about one month after owning the car. It went well enough that I will probably rent it for long trips, but my interest today was in trying...
  13. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I've wondered about that too, but Prig is not telling. I got the impression that Prig viewed himself as a Patriot, as loyal to Putin, and he was definitely outraged by the MOD destruction of his private army. So he gambled that he could take down his enemies in the MOD and not be treated as a...
  14. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I'm more inclined to think that Putin is manipulating the US Congress fools. I hate to say it, but I think he has a fair chance of success
  15. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If Putin wants a cease fire, then that is the last thing UKR should want.
  16. SageBrush

    Green Hydrogen

    ^^ That makes good sense. Thanks What are the details of a partial credit ?
  17. SageBrush

    Green Hydrogen

    That is dealt with in a separate provision Sort of. If the admin was truly clued in, it would recognize that hydrogen falls into the category of stored energy and write subsidy rules that are tech agnostic for clean energy storage, so long as they themselves meet carbon emissions limits. On a...
  18. SageBrush

    Green Hydrogen

    Why ? Otherwise I congratulate the Biden admin on provisions to prevent subsidy of dirty hydrogen. Btw, just a stray thought: can the hydrgen lobby make heat from burning fossils and claim that it is not power ? I'm pretty sure that hydrogen can be produced with smaller amounts of electricity...
  19. SageBrush

    Nuclear power

    Toshiba is the poster child of Nuclear business case folly. For those unfamiliar with the story, Toshiba bought Westinghouse's Nuclear plant construction business, only to have it go belly up a few months later. That saddled Toshiba with $6B in losses, from which they never recovered.
  20. SageBrush

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    Not "may," -- there is a lot. The packs heat up close to 60C during Supercharging, specific energy is around 850J/Kg*K and pack weighs somewhere around 10 Kg/KWh. Presuming a 30Kelvin rise in pack temperature and subsequent release, that is about 5 kWh of heat admixed with ambient air that is...
  21. SageBrush

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    There is something to this, but in a Tesla on a long trip that requires multiple Supercharger stops the heating is **mostly** free too, because the car uses heat accumulated in the battery during charging for creature comfort.
  22. SageBrush

    Wh/km (or mi) / range grossly mis-advertised, if not fraudulent... srsly.

    But it would be rare person who cares, because it is *a short trip* The important point for people new to EVs to grasp is that winter efficiency on a short errand run is in no way similar to the efficiency a Tesla gets during a long winter trip with multiple Supercharger stops
  23. SageBrush

    All discussion of Nikola Motors

    What is the going price for protection in prison these days ? I don't think Trevor is going to have much leverage in the negotiations
  24. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    My post was unclear. I was responding to the Russian complaint that Finland was acting illegally. I don't know if true, but Russia deserves what they got, and a WHOLE lot mroe.
  25. SageBrush

    Canadian vs. American model Y... why the range difference?

    I agree that neither chemistry should sit at 100%, but I'm under the impression the LFP is more tolerant of time at high SoC and high(er) temperature. I understand LFP to be more tolerant, but those conditions should still be avoided when possible.
  26. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Yeah, because Russia would never seize foreign owned assets :rolleyes:
  27. SageBrush

    Growth of Superchargers vs Teslas/EVs in Australia

    I like stopping to get out of the car to stretch, walk around, and give everybody a chance to use a restroom, so the extra time is already built into the drive. But for someone who wants to stay planted in the car and urinate into a bottle to arrive in the shortest time possible, I agee with...
  28. SageBrush

    State of Charge plummeting in cold weather

    Yes indeed, although after a cold soak the temperature gradient may only be a few degrees
  29. SageBrush

    State of Charge plummeting in cold weather

    The specific heat of the pack is in the range of 850 J/Kg*K. From Bjorn's videos, I think active pack heating is in the range of 6 kW. A - 80 kWh pack weights about 800 Kg So you tell me: how many degrees C will the pack heat up per minute with directed pack heating ? My arithmetic says 0.5...
  30. SageBrush

    Growth of Superchargers vs Teslas/EVs in Australia

    One other point: if holiday and festival driving is somewhere between 10x - 100x the usual location usage, the cost to fully mitigate waiting times everywhere will be exorbitant if all Superchargers are permanently installed. Tesla has experimented with relocatable Superchargers, and that...
  31. SageBrush

    Growth of Superchargers vs Teslas/EVs in Australia

    Interesting. Other throughput effects not considered in the OP analysis are Supercharger generational effects from improved power, and pre-conditioning. Tesla estimates these two effects as equal to 2x the throughput for the same # of cables. There are also very substantial non-linear effects...
  32. SageBrush

    Electrify Everything

    Fair point, but it does reduce cabin size and it has R&D costs related to the extra weight. I know some the German diesel passenger cars were equipped with large fuel tanks. It was a marketing point that those car owners were quite proud of.
  33. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    No, but as we have seen with Germany, the sales have provisions that prevent transfer to other countries. So if you were thinking that UKR can receive US arms via a NATO middle-man, I'm skeptical unless the US wants to let it happen. Of course, the USA **loves** to be the world's military...
  34. SageBrush

    ~$17 a month for Digital Rplate

    Insightful comment -- thanks. I had never heard of Juiceroo, that was interesting reading. Juiceroo was jumping on the healthy food craze, and was an early IoT developer. They also tried very hard to setup a subscription model, and they invested heavily in design and marketing. In many ways, a...
  35. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Or a concentration of orcs was targeted
  36. SageBrush

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    Yep. It doesn't take much to whip up anti -'rich, white man' sentiment. I'm most familiar with the Navajo and Pueblo tribes. They are in full blown 'what is in it for *me*, right now mode. Take that up 10 notches among the corrupt decision makers, and you end up with very little getting...
  37. SageBrush

    ~$17 a month for Digital Rplate

    People spend money on all sorts of things that elude my comprehension. Ostentatious jewelry, for example. I'm just surprised that this company has enough customers to stick around
  38. SageBrush

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    Good luck garnering votes, but I wonder if it matters. I've read of substantial opposition by the locals to a Supercharger.
  39. SageBrush

    Electrify Everything

    I also shun fossils, but even if my home PV covered 100% of my energy consumption I would still conserve, simply to provide clean energy to others*. It is this latter desire that prompts me to put money into the measures that have the highest green ROI. In the same vein, it also means that I...
  40. SageBrush

    Electrify Everything

    Yep. I think it falls into the Chris Dizon rule (a member here on TMC) who answers every conservation question the same: "put up more PV!" For people like us with PV already in place, we are not likely to add more. But I think the sentiment is pretty sound. Improving the home envelope might also...
  41. SageBrush

    Electrify Everything

    Thanks. I had to look up CEF. The best (non heat pump) electric dryers are up to 3.9 CEF; Energy star requires a minimum CEF of 3.3-ish. So the LG heat pump dryer you found has a COP of ~ 2.7. Not bad for sure, but I keep wondering if the price difference is not better spent elsewhere. Or put...
  42. SageBrush

    Model 3 Replacement Wiper Blades

    New trick for me -- thanks. I was under the impression that modern blades have a silicon coating. Is this incorrect ? What grit size do you use ?
  43. SageBrush

    Do you have enough solar to go off grid in winter?

    The internet is chock full of 'off-grid' living experiences that typically but not always have fossil back-up. I think it then becomes a question of how much of their lifestyle is powered by PV/battery, rather than a black or white question
  44. SageBrush

    Nema 14-50 or Nema 14-30 dryer outlet

    Yes, in one of three ways: Your future car has a NACS port You buy a Tesla -> J1772 adapter You buy the universal WC
  45. SageBrush

    Nema 14-50 or Nema 14-30 dryer outlet

    This is my suggestion too, although OP should realize that Romex will only allow a 50A breaker while #6 conductors in flex conduit will allow a 60Amp breaker (both presuming the service panel can handle the load and no adjustments or corrections apply.) I'm equivocal about permits, although the...
  46. SageBrush

    Do you have enough solar to go off grid in winter?

    Interesting post, thanks. How much did you pay for the PV + battery (installed) after tax credits ?
  47. SageBrush

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    I sometimes label myself a progressive, but that mostly means to me that I am able to recognize AGW. Wealth redistribution is not really on my agenda except where education for equal opportunity comes up, or the fossil fuel barons come out of their holes
  48. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I don't know anything about bombs. Is a short circuit a typical ignition mechanism ? If so, I find the Russian obfuscation amusing. I'm used to them just outright lying.
  49. SageBrush

    Nema 14-50 or Nema 14-30 dryer outlet

    Maryland (not sure about Baltimore) follows the 2020 NEC. As you can see here, a GFI breaker is required. That $53 for a 2-pole breaker quote is not GFI, and it should make you wonder about that electrician's competency, and perhaps his honesty since a master electrician who really did review...
  50. SageBrush

    Nema 14-50 or Nema 14-30 dryer outlet

    I don't mean to come off as harsh, but for your safety, please hire an electrician