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  1. Medved_77

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Car didn't charge overnight, no schedule received until now (10.13am). But just got this, time to stick the washing on :)
  2. Medved_77

    Adding driver not possible

    Tesla fixed this for me remotely. Rather than allow me to add my wife as a second driver they went ahead and added her as a second driver. She now has an account and can access the car with it. Can't see any option to link her settings to an online profile though. Will wait a bit and see what...
  3. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.36

    Few more details about what could be included in this release: Redesign of supercharger map popup with historical occupancy Car left unlocked mobile notification Lithuanian language support https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/version/2022.36/release-notes
  4. Medved_77

    M3P Extended Warranty advice

    @GeoffA Have you worked out the delta between the value of your current car (motorway, WBAC) + £2,400 (for the warranty you're considering) and the cost of a new M3P, from £61,490? Might be worth thinking about as you'll then get the full warranty without the exemptions of the extended...
  5. Medved_77

    Whats your favourite and least favourite supercharger and why?

    Its the ground floor of the car park attached to John Lewis. Tesla Sat Nav took me to the top floor of the car park when I visited so was also confused. I've pinned the entrance to the car park here: Cribbs Causeway https://maps.app.goo.gl/sKM7x7ysKRjWzXKcA
  6. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.28.X

  7. Medved_77

    Adding driver not possible

    After over a year trying to add my wife as an additional driver, rather than her sharing my credentials, this still isn't working and just presents an error. We're both running latest available Tesla app version, have separate Tesla accounts, both with MFA enabled, car is not lease...... So at...
  8. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    The alternative routes are available if they are deemed viable alternatives. Quite what metrics are used to be deemed viable are unknown. For anyone with this update, who is uncertain about whether this feature is available for them, I'd suggest navigating to a further away destination that can...
  9. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    @natuk Have you checked the release notes via Controls > Software > Release notes (where you see the historical updates too) or just via what was presented automatically on the MCU after you completed the update? As an aside, the game inclusions are being added for anyone that did not have...
  10. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    Could include ability to minimise theatre and alternative routes for navigation (if available in UK).
  11. Medved_77

    Sat Nav Questions

    Little help to you now but in the next major release (2022.28) you'll be able to select from different routes. With the recent addition of traffic along route and soon alternative routes, maybe this is an area of improvement Tesla are focussed on right now.
  12. Medved_77

    Model 3 Front Wheel Well Liner Installation

    They've held up really well through a Scottish winter with plenty of salt and grit on the roads. Definitely not a dirt magnet which was my main fear. Can't really say they pick up any more or less dirt than the rear wheel wells that are stock. I've not heard of fluid film but would say it can't...
  13. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    If we avoid conflation of auto high beam performance and the new functionality available in software update 2022.24, is it fair to say you may wish to avoid this update if the following apply to you? 1. Your car is currently equipped with radar 2. You have auto high beams disabled and/or auto...
  14. Medved_77

    Climate control whilst in theatre mode

    Ability to minimise Theatre Mode video coming in 2022.28 so you can easily control car functions whilst watching. https://teslanorth.com/2022/09/06/2022-28-tesla-update-to-bring-theater-mode-allowing-you-to-minimize-video/
  15. Medved_77

    Boot latch button broken

    Yes, complete replacement of the loom, covered by warranty.
  16. Medved_77

    Boot latch button broken

    Hmm, I may of misheard the service technician regarding colour but he definitely said that the recall wasn't applicable to my car as it had the newer wiring but no collar. My vin range (1Q 2020 delivery) was listed as requiring a recall though.
  17. Medved_77

    Boot latch button broken

    Mobile service has just been. Issue was a broken green wire in the boot wiring harness. Same harness that has a recall out and although my harness contains the newer wires (black and yellow) it didn't have the protective collar. Impressed with how quickly I was able to get a mobile service...
  18. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    For anyone concerned about the removal of radar (not performance of headlights) in this update, there's really interesting opinion from an ex Tesla Autopilot program manager in the latest TMC podcast. About 30 minutes in:
  19. Medved_77

    The Latest Elon Musk Promise

    Where's the promise?
  20. Medved_77

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    If your 330e can use the Ohme charger than seems like you could switch immediately and activate Intelligent Octopus before the Tesla arrives:
  21. Medved_77

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Does it give you the option if you go to the web page for IO, select Sign me up and say you're an existing customer? https://octopus.energy/intelligent-octopus/
  22. Medved_77

    Octopus Energy, including Intelligent and go

    Not familiar with E.ON Next, do you have a smart meter already installed? If not, I'd start focussing on that, either supplied via E.ON or by Octopus. If the latter, you can move on to the Octopus flexible tariff now and request a smart meter install from them. If you already have a compatible...
  23. Medved_77

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I used the mobile app from Octopus, just followed the prompts to accept the terms, disable any other smart charging then complete the test charge. Took about 10 minutes. Is there something peculiar about your switch that requires a CS representative?
  24. Medved_77

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Just made the transition this evening. Still had 3.5 months left on my GO tariff at 5p per kWh and half the day rate and almost half the peak rate but the indicative increase in the Agile price cap scared me into acting now. Speaking of which, this plan really does remind me of Octopus Agile...
  25. Medved_77

    Boot latch button broken

    Thanks for the info on loom placement. Hopefully the mobile technician has the parts in stock, otherwise I'll inspect the loom myself and see what I can do as a temporary fix. Button actually worked on one occasion today, so feels like it's salvageable.
  26. Medved_77

    Boot latch button broken

    The external button to open the boot appears to have failed on my car. This is a 2020 TM3 without power tailgate. Can still open the boot via the app or infotainment screen. Noticed in the weeks preceding the failure that the boot seemed very heavy to open, so I'm wondering if there's some...
  27. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    Trying to think of why Tesla would now be allowing the deletion of games, given that other than the storage of some Tidal songs offline, there's really no other way that I can think of to use up the internal storage space. Wonder if this is the beginnings of some form of an app store perhaps?
  28. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    Article suggests that with 2022.24.5 you can now uninstall games you don't play. Also, new info added to tyre pressure screen with a time stamp for last updated reading and recommended cold pressures...
  29. Medved_77

    Home podpoint and off peak scheduling

    Not much to add other than a further data point. I have sentry off at home, car sits on drive asleep a lot. Have used the Podpoint scheduled charge from 00:30-04:30 for over a year now. Hasn't failed once. Charge usually starts a few minutes after the off peak period begins. If I need a top up...
  30. Medved_77

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    The stubby trigger just requires a push and twist to lock on to the hose, same with disconnecting and connecting back to the original wand. The fitting I got was compatible with K2/4/5 models. Quick change, no tools required.
  31. Medved_77

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    The Karcher wand communicates wirelessly to the motor within the unit, essentially it's a remote control for setting the pressure of the device so can still be used to adjust the pressure even though the wand is no longer connected to the hose. With the short trigger I lose the ability to...
  32. Medved_77

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    To throw in another recommendation (even though the last person to ask has already bought), I'm using a Karcher K5 premium coupled with a MTM Hydro SGS35 short trigger. The trigger just allows for better control and removes the need to wave a 1m+ wand in front of the car. The wand, even though...
  33. Medved_77

    UK (Scotland, Fife) install question

    If you're in Fife, head across the county lines to Perth and Kinross for free charging. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/charge-place-scotland-tariffs-by-council.216046/#post-5221686
  34. Medved_77

    Octopus no longer showing meter readings on bills

    Octopus have taken this one step further with me and not included any information about electricity consumption on my bills, nor taken any payment, since September 2021! I've only just informed them about it. Believe under back billing regulations they have to write it off any amounts unbilled...
  35. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    Not sure if you noticed but the indicator icons are now on the top row.
  36. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    ISAs via IBKR are relatively new, last 6-8 months I think. Other option for voting on your TSLA shares from overseas is to transfer them from your broker to Tesla's transfer agent, Computershare. This removes the shares from the DTC and you become the direct custodian with no intermediary. This...
  37. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    In the case of a stock split distributed via dividend, the shares are released by the transfer agent of the security, then to the DTC, then to the broker (or in the case of some over seas brokers, intermediary (crest) then broker). It can just take a while to process in some cases, or seemingly...
  38. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Thank you, I'll have a look back through some posts around that time. It's normal for there to be a 5 trading day delay until you receive the shares via dividend if owned on the ex dividend date. Some holding GME got their shares delivered in the after hours of the last trading session...
  39. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Interactive Brokers (IBKR) allows voting on US securities from the UK and Europe. Don't believe it uses CREST although many UK based brokers do. Revolut which uses IBKR for clearing allows voting too.
  40. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Interesting, odd that it's recorded as 'bought' but that's likely just semantics. Looks like it was handled correctly. Zero price as to not create a taxable event in certain markets and I assume your cost basis was divided exactly by five.
  41. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Thanks for the response. Just a small correction here. The company distributes the additional shares via their transfer agent (e.g. computershare) who then provides them to the DTC to distribute. The DTC shouldn't be creating anything. Anyone lending the stock at the time of a stock split...
  42. Medved_77

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Was wondering if any TSLA investors that held through the stock split distributed by share dividend in 2020 recall any issues with the way the DTC issued the dividend shares to shareholders via their brokers? I assume from reading much earlier posts in this thread that the number of TSLA shares...
  43. Medved_77

    Place Group - Net Zero - £70 billion - 2 employees

    Actually I'm wrong about the framework for inviting multiple organisations to contract.... One tender received so a choice of one bid to pick from. Yes, this is nuts.
  44. Medved_77

    Place Group - Net Zero - £70 billion - 2 employees

    I'm registered if you need anything specific. This looks to be a framework agreement where multiple suppliers are invited to register for many smaller opportunities within the framework. I suspect the £70bn relates to the total award value of the framework over the year(s) it's running for...
  45. Medved_77

    Hansshow audio sr+ harness install

    Thanks for the response. I'm fairly certain then that both of these harnesses must be for LHD cars then. 99% sure that I've identified the MCU connector correctly in my image, which then given the connector for the rear speakers is on the off side, would not leave enough length to travel to the...
  46. Medved_77

    Hansshow audio sr+ harness install

    Through some speculative ebay bidding I've ended up with two wiring harnesses that activate the four unwired front speakers and two rear speakers. Car is MIA early 2020 so all speakers are in place. One kit is branded from Basenor. The other has no branding. I appreciate this thread discusses...
  47. Medved_77

    Climate Control Issue - climate keeper not working due to system fault

    I had the same issue after a windshield replacement, reported here: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/5121869/ 1. Reported to Autoglass, they sent someone to the house to check if they'd caused the damage but couldn't confirm 2. Booked in with the Tesla SC, who found that the cable for the...
  48. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    Probably referring to Bach.
  49. Medved_77

    Charge place scotland since takeover - all fine?

    Nice breakdown of operational performance here: https://chargeplacescotland.org/network-news/network-development-update-june-2022/ Does appear that the number of opened faults in the second half of this year has improved.
  50. Medved_77

    [UK] 2022.24

    Updated OP with a few more inclusions in this release. https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/version/2022.24/release-notes