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Place Group - Net Zero - £70 billion - 2 employees

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TSLA - 12+ startups in 1
Jun 15, 2019
Northampton, England
This was suggested in my youtube feed - company with 2 employees and according to the video has a "recommended credit limit of £20,000" and "contract value of £30,000" (unsure of source for these figures, perhaps some kind of financial/factoring agency)

I was hoping someone with knowledge of the company could explain how they might proceed with overseeing £70 Billion.

Simon James RULE personal appointments - Find and update company information - GOV.UK - mostly school trusts, some dissolved


Google news has this to say -

So, according to that tweet, it's the "The East of England Broadband Network" going a bit rogue, extrapolating world dominance and the ways the contractfinder website/rules work.

Overall, I'm happy if that's the case and it looks reasonable. The big worry for me is that this kind of thing is believable after PPE, Track & Trace, non-existent ferries & hideous wallpapers.
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Tenders (requires login which I don't have) - myTenders - eProcurement made easy - myTenders
I'm registered if you need anything specific.

This looks to be a framework agreement where multiple suppliers are invited to register for many smaller opportunities within the framework. I suspect the £70bn relates to the total award value of the framework over the year(s) it's running for, rather than an individual contract award.

I'm in the middle of applying for a government tender and have submitted previous tenders, due to the way the process is setup, in many cases, providing you can prove financial stability the awardees of the tenders are often those that can write the best responses, not always those that have proved their prior capabilities.

Bit of a side note but Wales is currently inviting participants to tender for a £40m contract to improve their EV charging network:

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I'm registered if you need anything specific.

This looks to be a framework agreement where multiple suppliers are invited to register for many smaller opportunities within the framework. I suspect the £70bn relates to the total award value of the framework over the year(s) it's running for, rather than an individual contract award.

I'm in the middle of applying for a government tender and have submitted previous tenders, due to the way the process is setup, in many cases, providing you can prove financial stability the awardees of the tenders are often those that can write the best responses, not always those that have proved their prior capabilities.

Bit of a side note but Wales is currently inviting participants to tender for a £40m contract to improve their EV charging network:

With regards to Wales, improvement welcome according to this & other forums (or looking on a map/filtering). Hopefully they recognise need to have a number of stalls in one location, not 1 or 2 spread out. Plus some older connectors for older EVs.
Actually I'm wrong about the framework for inviting multiple organisations to contract....

View attachment 835853

One tender received so a choice of one bid to pick from. Yes, this is nuts.
As a restricted competition they had to allow anyone to apply. On the face of it they published a Contract Notice to advertise the competition. Only one company met the criteria and put a bid in. Might have a read to see if they artificially narrowed competition (Reg 18 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015). It’s within 30 days of the Contract Award Notice so the award can be challenged.

It could be an illegitimate process to place work with a friend or more likely it’s a case of all ‘frame’ and no ‘work’. I.e. an umbrella for upto £70bn doesn’t necessarily mean they have secured £70bn. Setting numbers like that would be frowned upon. Due diligence to use this framework might not pass the raised eyebrow test. Any self respecting publicly funded organisation with any sizeable money to spend would probably struggle to demonstrate value for money or pass internal financial regs by choosing a framework with a sole supplier. The question, why would you?
Yep seems like a nonsense viral story, but that that You Tuber's style is especially annoying
We will see; I am unsure if it is another Tanner Pharmaceuticals, Check them on Companies House.