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  1. vangogh

    Anyone have REAL delivery dates for SIG X? Not soon..end of November..by Christmas..

    I have yet to see a confirmed delivery date (when and where). My delivery specialist replied to my inquiries with..... "Information that you see on the forum or on Tesla Motors Club is in general, not always accurate. I cannot speak on a specific number of MX deliveries to date, but with new...
  2. vangogh

    What color X?

    SIG Red
  3. vangogh

    Whats Your VIN#....When was it assigned...Predicting SIG X Deliveries

    Just got new buttons on my "my Tesla" page....payment options (lease financing, other financing, cash) and trade in question....Getting closer : )
  4. vangogh

    Whats Your VIN#....When was it assigned...Predicting SIG X Deliveries

    SIG X Reservation 700 - VIN# 0027X assigned 10/22
  5. vangogh

    California Tax Credit Email

    I read somewhere the $2500 California incentive was being phased out for high income earners starting 7/1/15....Delays are expensive in more ways than one...
  6. vangogh

    Bonnie's Xcellent Adventure w/X Sig 2 - Config, Delivery, Roadtrip

    I did update the tracker...but it seems the moderator is not updating the information input to the tracker...
  7. vangogh

    Bonnie's Xcellent Adventure w/X Sig 2 - Config, Delivery, Roadtrip

    SIG X Reservation #700 assigned VIN#002XX today : ) Now just need that delivery date....I believe it will be a very merry Xmas...
  8. vangogh

    Bonnie's Xcellent Adventure w/X Sig 2 - Config, Delivery, Roadtrip

    Last time I looked ModelXTracker had the highest VIN at 15 and no delivery dates... At lease we have some information streaming here real time...
  9. vangogh

    Bonnie's Xcellent Adventure w/X Sig 2 - Config, Delivery, Roadtrip

    SIG 700 - No VIN Yet...
  10. vangogh

    Random Model X sightings

    Looks like a grey interior?? Not Black...Mule?
  11. vangogh

    Random Model X sightings

    New X's ??? Went by the factory today and saw several X's out on the test track... Good to see they are out there putting several thru their paces...
  12. vangogh

    Whats Your VIN#....When was it assigned...Predicting SIG X Deliveries

    Mark Z...I use ModelXTracker...It seems to have place for delivery date assignment...but I don't seen any data on VIN assignment and a correlation between VIN assignment date and delivery date...If that could be added to the Tracker it would be great...
  13. vangogh

    Whats Your VIN#....When was it assigned...Predicting SIG X Deliveries

    Waiting...Waiting...Waiting.... And with little news from Tesla, thought I'd put another thread together to collect info (and pass some time) IF people are getting VIN #'s assigned (I believe at there are at least a few of you out there)....and IF VIN #'s are assigned at the beginning of the...
  14. vangogh

    Random Model X sightings

    I'm definitly going to paint some Shark Teeth on Mine....Only wish they had it in Teal "Go Sharks" :smile: - - - Updated - - - Here is another one of VIN#2....
  15. vangogh

    Random Model X sightings

    Is that the hitch or the tow package blank off in the shot of the back?
  16. vangogh

    Random Model X sightings

    VIN #2 in the wild....
  17. vangogh

    Two row configuration?

    I got the two seat configuration...Hoped I could get the center console I saw in one of the cars at the launch..but they said it wasn't available yet...Hoping for add on capability Signed, Sealed and now just waiting for delivery...
  18. vangogh

    Very Difficult decision..Canceling my Sig X reservation

    WHAT.???..There isn't an autonomous back-up/centering feature that automatically positions the X hitch at the trailer, sends a signal for lowering the trailer onto it, magnetically couples the electrical connections and locks it in to place??? I'm canceling my order......NOT
  19. vangogh

    Unanswered questions

    Middle Seat Center Console not available yet I ordered the 6 seat config, and I saw the center console at the event in the red test car. I asked a representative at the configuration booth...and she went asked her supervisor...After about 5 minutes I got the answer that they are not...
  20. vangogh

    Reservation number gone from My Tesla

    Yup..I am/was SIG700 and the 700 is not shown (even in the URL)... I have configured mine car and am waiting for validation on 10/1 I still have the same RNxxxxx # as I had presiously
  21. vangogh

    What is the highest reservation number to get invite to configure?

    Got mine today S700 - - - Updated - - - Seems like they added a 6 seat option...I guess without the center middle row seat, the X could accommodate much longer, albeit narrow, piece of equipment like a surfboard or something...seems like adding this option is another indication that the center...
  22. vangogh

    Model X Launch invites have gone out

    I'll be there...SIG#700