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  1. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    They wouldn't have been much use at NRMA sites, given there's no payment to be made. (Unless you're asking if anyone has seen them retrofitted at sites in the last week or so?)
  2. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    They do: Although accepting credit cards is a separate question - the original question was asking why a new app and not an existing app (e.g. Chargefox). You can accept credit card payments as well as being app connected. A charging site that is credit card only and not on any app at...
  3. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    But to be fair, they're on a tight schedule. They've only had 4+ years to do it :P
  4. Chuq

    Supercharger - Bulls

    Pics of supercharger sites in progress spread like wildfire once shared :)
  5. Chuq

    Supercharger - Bairnsdale, Vic

    Depending on the application, it's fairly hit or miss as to whether council planning approval is required (or if it is required, sometimes it can be done by council staff and isn't advertised publicly). So yep - sometimes we only know it's happening when there is physical activity sighted...
  6. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    That's a good point - I imagined the new ABB-style national sites would be at the higher rate, but they'll also be in the "sub 150 kW" category.
  7. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    I've just installed the MyNRMA app for the first time. Once installed I can only sign in as an NRMA member, or join NRMA. Presumably there will be a way for non-members to use the chargers? Has the app update not occurred yet?
  8. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    Sounds pretty reasonable. 175 kW rates are comparable with others of this speed. I suspect some will say 54c might be a bit high for 50 kW, but they've had ~5 years of free usage.
  9. Chuq

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Interesting layout.. may confuse people but appears to be able to accommodate all kinds of situations... towing vehicles, EVs with ports in different locations, accessibility-friendly spaces.
  10. Chuq

    Supercharger - Bulls

    Sounds good! Historically the grey markers on the Tesla site have not been indicative of the final location, although for many New Zealand sites they have been spot on. If that's the case here - it might be worth checking the car park behind the Subway:
  11. Chuq

    Supercharger - Majura Park, ACT (Canberra)

    Honestly.. how on earth does that happen? Tesla's data is all over the place.
  12. Chuq

    Supercharger - Bulls

    If there's any evidence of construction, please share and I'd be happy to add it to supercharge.info!
  13. Chuq

    Supercharger - Ruakura

    Interesting.. several new pins appearing on the NZ Tesla map have been placed at precise locations (not general "in the middle of a town" locations) and some were later confirmed as the correct locations (by evidence of construction, etc). This one appears to be at Ruakura Berry Shop / Camarosa...
  14. Chuq

    Where can we Tesla camp in Australia?

    Another +1 for Wikicamps. It's a paid app but very much worth it. Also shows locations of various other public facilities like toilets, showers, BBQs, etc. Lets you sync maps offline for when you're heading to remote areas.
  15. Chuq

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    Probably worth sharing this observation from @Murbs from Nanutarra Roadhouse - solar panels on-site. Is this their most-progressed off grid location?
  16. Chuq

    Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme

    Unfortunately the Qld Govt didn't give a detailed breakdown as per the NSW Govt grants - so we don't know details (number of sites, stalls per site, sites per successful recipient) - we just just the list as shown in @moa999's post - Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme I'm sure there...
  17. Chuq

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    There are a couple of other variables here: - If they build at (e.g.) a roadhouse site, that roadhouse probably runs off a diesel generator now. The same solar/battery setup could be used to replace the diesel on site there. So that's another possible consumer of the energy (although I can't...
  18. Chuq

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    Well, Southern Cross in particular I've seen pictures of the equipment in place, so I'm more confident of there being a slither of a chance!
  19. Chuq

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    Desperately hoping this one gets done in the next 6 weeks! Coolgardie too.
  20. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Just got 2023.32.4 today (from .26.9). Only documented feature was Hebrew language option. Camera quality is definitely better!
  21. Chuq

    Queensland EV Charging Infrastructure Scheme

    Looks like plans for the first RACQ site - at Mitchell: https://maranoa.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/08/OM_23082023_AGN_796_AT.PDF Appears to be 2 stalls but nothing specific about hardware or speed (unless you want to read anything in to the new 500 kVA transformer)
  22. Chuq

    Supercharger - Runaway Bay, Qld

    So it has... now updated!
  23. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Yeah, I had re-worded a couple of sections about voting to make it sound less demanding. Hopefully people realise they can vote for whatever sites they want, just that (as you say) it would be better bang-for-buck if we're not splitting between a dozen different sites!
  24. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    On the supercharger voting call-to-action: This is the write-up/summary I'm going to use to suggest to the admins of the big Aussie Tesla/EV FB groups - proofread/thoughts anyone? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p34_qzXL7LazURhUpRh9eHHXpUxZsWr3xL-MNoX0ZPc/edit
  25. Chuq

    NSW EV charging master plan

    Sounds like BS. To quote from TheDriven: "This is despite the recent introduction, for the first time, of three new models priced below $40,000, and multiple price cuts by Tesla, for its Model 3 and Model Y EVs which account for more than half the EV market." Also the fact that Tesla's prices...
  26. Chuq

    Supercharger - Glenfield

    Well that was “the other day”!
  27. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    I wonder who would be queueing up for Mittagong these days, with the 12-stall supercharger (open to all EVs) at Campbell Town, the 6-stalls at Ampol Pheasants Nest, the 6-stall supercharger at Exeter, and the 4-stall Evie charger at Sutton Forest. Plus the two BP sites at Marulan!
  28. Chuq

    Supercharger - Wagga Wagga, NSW

    Supercharge.info was still ahead by 6 minutes :D
  29. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    Well, their network of single charger sites were all established 2-4+ years ago when there was nothing...
  30. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    The most logical way of going about it would be to use Chargefox, given that NRMA and Chargefox have overlapping ownership. I'm guessing they intend to use the app to cross promote their other services.
  31. Chuq

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    Funnily enough, I just happened to see this article: Behind the scenes: Deciding on NRMA's national network locations
  32. Chuq

    On the Road Puncture Repairs

    That's interesting.. I'm fairly sure this was the same thing suggested to me by one of the Tesla service techs at our local showroom. I'll have to catch up with him and double check what he meant.
  33. Chuq

    On the Road Puncture Repairs

    Just bumping this post... making plans for what I need to take on my trip to Perth. I already have an electric pump (this one). Would there be any need for both the Tesla repair kit and the SCA one linked? Considering just the SCA one. Does anyone have any more recent experiences of various...
  34. Chuq

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    That article seems to have little to do with this network. As to how NRMA was picked - I can only guess NRMA planned it internally and made the proposal to ARENA themselves. Although in many cases ARENA solicit bids for particular projects (e.g. Future Fuels fund) they do also regularly...
  35. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    And this entire post has been thrown out of whack by the surprise appearance of Supercharger - Abbotsford, Vic !
  36. Chuq

    Supercharger - Abbotsford, Vic

    ... and Bathurst, and Coffs Harbour.. which is why I said "currently active" :)
  37. Chuq

    Supercharger - Abbotsford, Vic

    I think it's a record for shortest distance between two currently active Australian sites!
  38. Chuq

    Supercharger - Abbotsford, Vic

    Stealth install at Hive shopping centre! Spotted by xtesseract on Discord. Already on the Tesla app (not on the website map yet). Doesn't appear to be open to all EVs.
  39. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    It doesn't need to be particularly successful... 400 out of 30,000+ people to make it a clean sweep of Australia sites, less than that can still affect the result.
  40. Chuq

    Do Australian-delivered Model 3s still use ultrasonic sensors?

    The Highland renders on the Aus website don't show USS, which is why I think people are suggesting it *is* being removed. They also showed a front camera, but then a couple of days after the launch I think news sites said the camera had been removed from the renders., which raises more questions...
  41. Chuq

    Supercharger - Gawler, SA - Q2 2023

    So Tesla has now opened about half of their Australian superchargers to all EVs. Gawler, who refused a supercharger based on them being Tesla only, and the chance that a service station is "likely to install something soon", could today have had 6x 250 kW CCS2 chargers at no cost to council...
  42. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    I'm still planning asking the admins of the big Aussie FB groups if they want to post an end of quarter "call to arms" request for votes. Group admins can tag "@everyone" and it notifies everyone in the group, so hooks all the members who don't read most posts. Tesla Model 3 & Y Australia...
  43. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Tesla just opened their 10th supercharger in Australia for 2023, beating last year's count of 9, and only one off their all time record of 11 (in 2021). Although if you take into account the two closed sites from last year, and decide to measure it by net growth of superchargers, it's an even...
  44. Chuq

    Lost my bookmarks!

    Try https://tesla.com/teslaaccount ?
  45. Chuq

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Not just on the Tesla map, but a leaked address from last year. Shame it's a bit off the highway (adds 20km) but only really a concern for standard range models who want to avoid the QESH sites.
  46. Chuq

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Another thing to note, this is 357 km from Gympie. Tesla doesn't often leave a gap like that - they may have another intermediate location under construction.
  47. Chuq

    Supercharger - Benalla, Vic (Withdrawn June 2024)

    Report now expected in October :-/
  48. Chuq

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Here are the pics from original finder... What do we think? He said 5 stalls - weird number, but there may be a 6th in a inverse position somewhere.
  49. Chuq

    Supercharger - Calliope, Qld

    Possibly 120 km could be far enough apart to be worthwhile. That's what Knockrow/Maclean and Maclean/Coffs are, for example. They could've struggled getting a sufficiently large power supply at some of the smaller localities.