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  1. Max Spaghetti


    Isn't it smothered in Lidar and Radar that apparently Teslas can't drive without? How could it not identify it as a long vertical obstacle? Whether it thought it was hard or soft should be irrelevant, why would it even want to hit a long vertical soft obstacle? I wonder what Tesla's...
  2. Max Spaghetti

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    Starlink has stated publicly that it is LTE (4G) only, not NR/5G, and will work with all existing LTE handsets, so it's not anything special. (Something special going on up on the Satellite though, one would assume, to get a technology designed for 30km to work over 550km plus whatever slant...
  3. Max Spaghetti

    AGL’s “Night Saver Energy Plan”

    I haven't had an email from them yet (Vic). Waiting. At least the 8c stands - I have been wondering how long that will last.
  4. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    It might have something to do with live traffic data - it’s just not getting the live camera data due to some glitch in the system, so not firmware related at all.
  5. Max Spaghetti

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    I don’t think the Starlink implementation is “point to acquire”, it’s direct to cell via LTE unlike Apple’s setup. So I suspect it will auto roam while still in your pocket, but I don’t have evidence that it will be that seamless.
  6. Max Spaghetti

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Maybe... However, I did the same experiment for 12 months (ending 12 months ago), to even out the seasons. I did not pay extra for green power, nor have solar or battery. I merely bought and consumed power. It cost me considerably more with Amber (about 50% more, averaged over 12 months). As...
  7. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    That's strange. I think my nav data updated to 2024.14 during the 14.8 update (I didn't opt in, it just happened), and I'm subsequently on 14.9. Maybe they pulled the nav data update at some point - I've had no noticeable improvements from it and some suspected regressions with speed zones...
  8. Max Spaghetti

    Predict when we will be able to summon our cars three miles

    The answer is the same moment your car has Level 4 automation and both Staten Island, your house, and a route between them are within the ODD. The three miles are irrelevant, unless your real question is about potential ODD's for Level 4 automation.
  9. Max Spaghetti

    Virgin Galactic

    Unless, of course, there is some kind of economic recession. “economic recession?” “Well, you see, five million years ago the Galactic economy collapsed, and seeing that custom-built planets are something of a luxury commodity, you see …”
  10. Max Spaghetti

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    I wasn't aware of that, so I googled it... and... sadly it's only available in the US. I'm happy for you. I don't recall them saying it would. It might. But to send a text there is a satellite-finding process you have to go through to acquire the satellite first. To receive a text, is there a...
  11. Max Spaghetti

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Agree with @cafz - I don't believe TACC behaviour has anything to do with forward collision warning or any of its settings. So no, you won't be able to improve or desensitise TACC by adjusting the forward collision warning settings.
  12. Max Spaghetti

    Phantom Braking / Slowdowns

    On certain parts of the Hume Hwy (both NSW and VIC sides) it will slow down approaching certain cross-roads (not all of them) - so not technically a controlled access motorway in those sections. There doesn't have to be any traffic around and it's repeatable every time. I tend to learn to...
  13. Max Spaghetti

    All Things Direct-To-Mobile

    Great! Won't work with the Tesla app though, so unless Tesla implement a service-by-sms option, it won't help get a tyre fixed/car tow outside cell coverage. Although at least you can now text a friend for help. Preferably a friend with the Tesla app... Even Starlink's upcoming DTC satellite...
  14. Max Spaghetti

    Which cable to use at Supercharger in Europe

    The plug on the left is actually a modified Type 2 for older Tesla Model S/X only. It won't fit. There are some plastic lugs at the top/middle to prevent it. This allows DC charging through pins that a Type 2 normally uses for AC. You will only use Type 2 for AC charging, not DC. The plug on...
  15. Max Spaghetti

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Almost time for a charge!
  16. Max Spaghetti

    2023 M3 air conditioner using 70% of energy

    Driving solo in hot weather I like to split the driver's air in half and shoot both sides up over each shoulder because I don't like the air in my eyes. If I want more, I tap the passenger's air and send it my way - I find that works really well, just annoying to have to do it each time I drive...
  17. Max Spaghetti

    Charity bet #5: First Starship Booster Intact Landing

    Amazing that FR24 can track aircraft over the ocean these days - this aircraft went down to 2000' over the ocean about 1000km NW of Australia at one point. I'm aware that there are satellites that can pick up ADSB these days but I didn't know that FR24 could get their hands on the data.
  18. Max Spaghetti

    Supercharger - Campbellfield, Vic

    I normally use BP Northpoint just off the Hume Freeway - good food options in the servo and 2x 350kW Evie Tritiums that have actually been working every time I've stopped there. But this Supercharger will be convenient with what looks to be easy access off and back onto the Ring Road. And I'd...
  19. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I don't know about NMC batteries, but my LFP battery needs to get up to about 22C for max regen (85kW) (although not completely consistent). I could definitely feel lighter regen this morning when I drove without preconditioning (I think the battery temp was about 12C). Preconditioning makes a...
  20. Max Spaghetti

    Supercharger - Benalla, Vic (Withdrawn June 2024)

    Benalla would have been a nice option, but really the Euroa Supercharger could use an upgrade, currently only 6 stalls of the older style that share 130kW between pairs. It's a busy site that fills up at peak times. Hopefully Elon will follow up on his comment of "expanding existing sites". I...
  21. Max Spaghetti

    Superchargers in Australia

    Indeed I've used Campbelltown and Yass, but no email. I've used Euroa (VIC) a few times recently - that's a high usage site that tends to offer an "adjusting charge limit to 80%" advice due to high usage. That's an early build site that could use extra bays and/or V4 upgrade (I'm talking...
  22. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    It probably won't cut you off at 10%, it will grow the buffer that exists below 0%. In other words, the displayed percentage will drop faster until it reads 0%. A calibrated buffer is 2.6kWh (4%). My buffer recently grew as high as 7.6kWh (13%). This meant I had about 10% less range until the...
  23. Max Spaghetti

    Supercharger - Raymond Terrace, NSW

    That’s nice. I charged at BP Pulse in torrential rain on the Hume last week and I felt a little like a poor cousin to the ICE refuelling which was all under cover
  24. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Thanks. I discovered that the hard way.
  25. Max Spaghetti

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    Thanks for the info, I shouldn't have jumped the gun.
  26. Max Spaghetti

    2017 M3 left for 2 years! what steps should I Take?

    Interestingly for LFP, it charges at a constant voltage of 3.426V (max cell) until the calibration phase at 99%. It then slowly ramps up the voltage (presumably while balancing) until the max cell voltage reaches 3.800V. It then keeps charging very slowly at this voltage (still balancing) for a...
  27. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Re: sentry mode - I discovered to my annoyance on a road trip that there are two places to disable sentry mode in the car: 1. On the main settings screen (the top one), there is a sentry button you can turn off/on 2. On the "safety" screen, there is a sentry on/of toggle switch (I think, I'm...
  28. Max Spaghetti

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    I renew my objection to critical infrastructure relying on an app. EFTPOS please. Let the banks do what banks know how to do.
  29. Max Spaghetti

    Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) SpaceX and Boeing Developments

    That's unusual. Usually Boeing airliners boot up pretty well. Unlike Airbuses - often have to turn them off and turn them on again when booting them up in the morning...
  30. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Driving down the Vic Hume Hwy tonight in torrential rain, I experienced what one poster has reported previously: With wipers on Manual IIII (because, well you know why) - suddenly they just stopped wiping. Completely stopped. I pressed the button on the stalk (with completely zero vision...
  31. Max Spaghetti

    Evie EV charging networks

    Or whether they will just look like the Evie site at Avenel: broken for a month. (Again.) It's hard to get excited about new sites when they can't keep existing sites working.
  32. Max Spaghetti

    Charging Adaptors 101

    True, but the interface and mechanism to achieve this is clunky at best description. The navigation system is smart enough to look at your calendar to predict your destination each day. The charging system is so primitive it assumes you work a 5-day week. Many of us don't. *Roll-eyes*
  33. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    It was initially a distraction seeing the road verge flying past on the edges of the wide-angle video feed, but I got used to it after a couple of days and it didn't bother me any more. It was just the night time stuff that continued to annoy.
  34. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    You'd think I would have learned by now - sorry for the inaccuracy.
  35. Max Spaghetti

    LFP battery - how often is too often to charge?

    Just to report back from my experiment: Charging from 0 to 100% did not improve the energy buffer significantly (I think it went to 5.6kWh). However, after driving down to about 50%, one further charge to 100% restored the energy buffer to 2.6kWh (normal). This time I let had it sleep at 100%...
  36. Max Spaghetti

    Australian Model 3 Highland experiences, tips, tricks

    Ahhh, so that's how it is. Highland drivers only acknowledge other Highlands... Sharing that fellowship and camaraderie that only stalkless drivers appreciate. At least now I know where I stand... :p
  37. Max Spaghetti

    Charging Port door closes immediately after opening

    So, I guess they are still "working on it"... 😜 I had it happen a second time a couple of weeks ago, and implemented the same "solution" as last time which was to walk away and then come back to it later and it had resolved itself. Both occurrences for me have been after charging in rain...
  38. Max Spaghetti

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    My ICE 4x4 ute has one of those. When I mounted a camper canopy on the rear tray, the rear view mirror became a garden gnome with no purpose. So I fitted a rear dash cam screen which is the same shape as the rear view mirror which just clips over it. It's great until the camera gets covered in...
  39. Max Spaghetti


    I suspect that is partly true, but also a big part of it is the lack of eye contact. I think when most pedestrians venture out onto a road expecting vehicles to give way to them, they establish eye contact with the driver which gives them some confidence the driver is aware of their presence...
  40. Max Spaghetti

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    To the best of my limited knowledge, it's worked perfectly. I haven't heard of any successful jamming attempts by the Russians. The only issue I have heard of is that Elon got annoyed when they started affixing them to uncrewed surface vessels and he geo-blocked them for that purpose...
  41. Max Spaghetti

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    You know that I do. But not with a good ODD.
  42. Max Spaghetti

    Model 3 SR+ LFP Battery Range, Degradation, etc Discussion

    Preconditioning is everything with LFP in cold weather. I have only been watching battery temps recently since I have S3XY commander, and have been surprised with what I have seen. It really likes the battery up around 20C for decent regen (60kW) and 22C to get to max regen (85kW). It takes...
  43. Max Spaghetti

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Working at a level of reliability and confidence that the authorities will approve to operate autonomously (L4) and the public are prepared to purchase individually and/or a large company or startup will be prepared to purchase a fleet of them. If you build it they will come. Waymo have a...
  44. Max Spaghetti

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Who with? Which distributor? Unless you export more than you import, you are unlikely to win with Amber in winter in VIC. Current range of 24 hour import prices in Powercor VIC are from 34c to 98c.
  45. Max Spaghetti

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    I said a working prototype. They don't have one yet.
  46. Max Spaghetti

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    Oh, I don't think any company with a sound working prototype will have any shortage of investors. Getting to that point is the difficult part.
  47. Max Spaghetti

    Anybody have direct experience with Amber Electricity?

    Meanwhile the Amber price in VIC was $0.44. Don't they have a wire across the Murray River?
  48. Max Spaghetti

    Evie EV charging networks

    Just turn up during the even hours of the day. It's the odd hours of the day that are busy. Except 5pm. 5pm is ok.
  49. Max Spaghetti

    Evie EV charging networks

    Yep, like the Irish pub I worked at as a youngster. It takes 2 minutes to pour a Guinness properly. If someone orders a Guinness 1 minute before the end of happy hour, you have to pour half the Guinness, leave it to settle, and then pour the other half. But when you pour the other half, it's not...
  50. Max Spaghetti

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    There used to be a road I used regularly where according to the nav you couldn't do any turn that crossed the opposing traffic - it was a 4 lane road with just a painted line in the middle and even had extra turn lanes. The nav would do what it is doing in your description. Apple and Google...