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  1. RichardC

    Climate Change Legal Action

    This issue seems to be heating up, on both sides of the border. Note to Exxon: Lying About Climate Change Isn’t Free Speech—It’s Fraud Democrats to Exxon: Stop Trying to Change the Conversation A Historic Coalition Is Building to Investigate Exxon's Alleged Climate Fraud No denying it: The age...
  2. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Calls to investigate fossil fuelled climate denial are moving into the political arena (which could be either good or bad). See: DNC draft platform calls for Justice Department to investigate fossil fuel companies, A Historic Coalition Is Building to Investigate Exxon's Alleged Climate Fraud...
  3. RichardC

    Eastern Canada Superchargers

    I would like to see a push to open up Atlantic Canada with a SC at Quebec City, Grand Falls NB, Fredericton, Moncton, Truro, etc. There are four provinces out there which are currently inaccessible.
  4. RichardC

    Eastern Canada Superchargers

    I agree. I have done north west Toronto to Ottawa directly using Hwy 7 in the summer a number of times in the days before Superchargers (but a strong west wind can make the return trip challenging)! On my trip last week, I drove to Kingston on the 401, charged during breakfast, drove...
  5. RichardC

    OEM 21" Tesla Turbine Wheels and Tires - Toronto Canada Local Sale

    All are the same size (original P85 configuration).
  6. RichardC

    OEM 21" Tesla Turbine Wheels and Tires - Toronto Canada Local Sale

    Four OEM 21" Tesla Turbine Wheels with center hubs. Two have tires mounted (P85 front tires). The wheels include TPMs (which may or may not work - wheels were last used in 2015). Two wheels have some curb damage. The other two have minor cosmetic scuffing from storage. Pictures of wheels may be...
  7. RichardC

    "This year could be the first ice free arctic in 100,000 years"

    The subject is neither one of common sense nor of faith. This is science, physics and chemistry, and at a high school, rather than graduate school level. GHG's (such as the CO2 that we are adding to the atmosphere in increasing quantities) have been known for 200 years to interfere with the...
  8. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I agree. This also needs to be considered from a long term perspective in terms of path dependency and the resulting locking of emissions for another 50 years. Imagine how difficult it would be to meet future climate goals if you are allowing the continuing installation of gas infrastructure in...
  9. RichardC

    President of Chevron on Charlie Rose 5/17/16

    We can all thank German consumers for helping to drive the demand for solar to the levels required to achieve critical mass that has led to the dramatic decreases in price that the rest of us now enjoy. In the same way that early adopters of Teslas have paved the way to the Model 3 and the EV...
  10. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Another climate change victory in the Courts The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court found in favor of four youth plaintiffs, the Conservation Law Foundation and Mass Energy Consumers Alliance Tuesday in the critical climate change case, Kain et al. v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental...
  11. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    News on similar initiatives in California: Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Climate Science Misinformation Jason Barbose, Western states policy manager | May 16, 2016, 9:41 am EDT See: Momentum Builds in California to Hold Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Climate Science...
  12. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    This is being investigated in Canada. Similar investigations should be launched elsewhere. See: Leading Canadians call for investigation of climate change denier groups - Ecojustice
  13. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Low carbon ethanol.
  14. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Agreed. I am using passive solar together with air source heat pump (which can be installed anywhere) for winter heating.
  15. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Interesting developments in Ontario, Canada. See: Ontario to spend $7-billion on sweeping climate change plan Ontario to spend $7-billion on sweeping climate change plan ADRIAN MORROW And GREG KEENAN TORONTO — The Globe and Mail Published Monday, May 16, 2016 5:00AM EDT Last updated Monday...
  16. RichardC

    Study finds fine dust emissions from EVs equal to those of conventional cars

    Having looked into the billions of dollars that are being spent to confuse the public about threats to health and well-being such as those caused by smoking and GHG emissions, it is reasonable to be very skeptical about studies which appear to be, at best, a distraction from the real issues, and...
  17. RichardC

    Study finds fine dust emissions from EVs equal to those of conventional cars

    In my view, this is nonsense and disinformation. Let's stop dignifying this with any further attention. Regenerative braking in electric cars greatly reduces friction brake usage (there is no comparison between the brake dust from electric vs gas cars). The low coefficient of drag (look at the...
  18. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Agreed. But by making a conscious effort to avoid flying, including by using more conference calls, etc., and by using the Tesla where possible (in North America), I have reduced my annual air travel by about 90% over the past few years.
  19. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    However, if the alternatives were EVs powered by renewables, European style trains, or long distance bus seats, that 12.2% could cause more climate change damage than the remaining 87.8% of passenger miles.
  20. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Unfortunately, there are many seriously frequent flyers, some of whom have accumulated well over a million miles (much of it in first class) of air travel. The US average, counting US carriers only, would appear to be around 2500 miles per year per person in the US: See...
  21. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Ohmman, those reports are consistent with the results cited by the author of the infographic, who states:
  22. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    We do the same, we now have 86 K on our Model Ss, including a couple of trips to Florida, and other trips to Ottawa and Montreal, and have cut out all vacation and recreational air travel. Our annual distance driven has increased substantially since getting the Model S.
  23. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    National Observer is publishing some excellent materials on climate change. The first series (which I am helping to support through Kickstarter) is at: Race Against Climate Change Other series relevant to climate change include: Road to Paris COP21 The Climate Innovator Next Door Tar Sands...
  24. RichardC

    Rooftop Solar Wasps

    Too hot for wasp nests in most cases. Squirrels and small raccoons, at night, are more of a concern
  25. RichardC

    Model X optional with non Falcon-Wing-Doors

    2016 UPDATE: We had planned to get an X but got tired of the wait and got a second Model S (90D) instead. The Model S, with the 2 inch trailer hitch and roof rack, does everything that we wanted the Model X to do (four wheel drive, carrying bicycles on the hitch mounted bicycle rack, and a kayak...
  26. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Maybe / maybe not. The Canadian courts have surprised many here with the protections which they have extended to indigenous peoples in Canada (in some cases on grounds not dissimilar to those advanced in the children's trust case). The size of the yawning gap between the scientifically predicted...
  27. RichardC

    Info and Hints from Elon Tweets

    Agreed. I first drove the Roadster many years ago and found the EV driving experience completely compelling. While I have had the good fortune to drive a Model S for the past three and one half years, what I would dearly love to see is a high quality vehicle that makes the essence of the Tesla...
  28. RichardC

    What is Your Monthly Maximum Minimum Solar Output

    We have a 12K array north of Toronto which produces around 15 MWhr per year using two 5K string inverters.
  29. RichardC

    Coal Free by 2030

    The Province of Ontario in Canada finished its coal phase out in 2014 and we have not had a smog day since.
  30. RichardC

    Info and Hints from Elon Tweets

    I hope that Tesla will avoid the unnecessary complexity, weight, cost and delays that will predictably result from trying to pioneer new technologies in the Model 3. This car needs to be simple, light, inexpensive and timely. Tesla's electric drive system is so compelling that it should be...
  31. RichardC

    Fossil Fuel Divestment - Saudis Want Out

    Sadly true in Canada as well. The number of top engineering graduates who go to work at hedge funds and other similar jobs is very disconcerting.
  32. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    As the costs of solar and wind continue to fall with increasing volumes, they become the cheap energy source. It is this insight which enabled the world to reach the agreement that was reached in Paris. I was pleased to see Canada change sides on this issue prior to Paris, and hope that the US...
  33. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.facebook.com/350.org/videos/10153777404792708/?video_source=pages_finch_main_video&theater I think that this is working. Enjoy!
  34. RichardC

    What's your take on the COP21 agreement?

    The virtuous cycle of continually falling costs and increasing volumes of renewables and electric vehicles are the principal source of hope for the future. Encourage your friends and neighbors to go electric and to go solar! Every additional installation and vehicle makes the next one a little...
  35. RichardC

    Musk: Introduce Carbon Tax & reduce other taxes

    Flasher, you make two points, one with which I agree. In the current, fossil industry sponsored House and Senate, the chances of passing any legislation which materially reduces the likelihood of climate change catastrophe is close to zero. (A vast majority of the GOP representatives deny the...
  36. RichardC

    Driving on Sunshine

    As another point of reference, our 12 KW (DC) array in southern Ontario produces enough power to drive four Model S almost 20,000 km a year each.
  37. RichardC

    Musk: Introduce Carbon Tax & reduce other taxes

    While I do not disagree with many of your comments and observations, a fee and dividend law is inherently very simple. In fact the credible drafts which have been introduced in the House and the Senate were each less than 30 pages in length. See...
  38. RichardC

    Hers and His

    Congrats! Have you sorted the protocol for access to the plug?
  39. RichardC

    Canada - How is your Wh/km?

    Average 189 Wh/km for 71,000 km over three years (in a few days).
  40. RichardC

    Musk: Introduce Carbon Tax & reduce other taxes

    Robert, I agree with the revenue neutral fee and dividend approach, for all of the reasons articulated by Jim Hansen, Elon Musk and most of the economists who have seriously considered the issue. The experience in British Columbia with its revenue neutral carbon tax (currently at $30/MT) is a...
  41. RichardC

    Climate Change Legal Action

    The link for the ecojustice petition was truncated, to correct address is: https://www.support.ecojustice.ca/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1943&ea.campaign.id=43443&ea.tracking.id=Email_2015_11_26_Breaking_News&ea.url.id=501178&forwarded=true
  42. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Thanks for pointing that out (the address was accidentally truncated). https://www.support.ecojustice.ca/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1943&ea.campaign.id=43443&ea.tracking.id=Email_2015_11_26_Breaking_News&ea.url.id=501178&forwarded=true
  43. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Six prominent Canadians, including a former Ambassador to the United Nations, have filed an application with the head of the Canadian antitrust agency to have the misrepresentations of climate denier groups investigated under the Canadian laws against misleading advertising. The application...
  44. RichardC

    Climate Change Legal Action

    Leading Canadians call for investigation of climate change denier groups Six prominent Canadians, including a former Ambassador to the United Nations, have filed an application with the head of the Canadian antitrust agency to have misrepresentations made by climate denier groups investigated...
  45. RichardC

    Keystone Pipeline evaluation

    I was heartened by the statement of the new Canadian Prime Minister: See more at: http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/11/06/statement-prime-minister-canada-keystone-xl-pipeline#sthash.WF9OLyvy.dpuf
  46. RichardC

    Climate Change Legal Action

    Did Exxon violate RICO? Momentum for a Justice Department investigation of Exxon's climate change misrepresentations is growing. See...
  47. RichardC

    Free Speech and Climate Change Skeptics & Deniers

    Momentum for a Justice Department investigation of Exxon's climate change misrepresentations is growing. See...
  48. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    No plans to charge them for selling a legal product, as with tobacco the claims will relate to the intentional efforts to deceive and mislead:
  49. RichardC

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Pardon? No one shut down the tobacco industry. It was appropriately punished for lying to the public about the harm caused by its products! The parallels are striking. When US politicians open their mouths we hear fossil fuel money speaking. Paid denialism for commercial gain is illegal and...