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  1. S

    Please field report any Canadian Supercharger problems to Tesla

    They do - at least the ones in Red Deer & Canmore do. The number is on a little sticker on the interior red portion, just below where the connector clips into the unit.
  2. S

    Newbie service help in Edmonton - windshield defect

    I had mine replaced under warranty 2 years ago, Tesla shipped a new windshield to a Speedy Glass near me which took about 3 days and then the replacement process itself took a day. I had it replaced in ... March? It was still cold outside and part of the replacement process involved waiting to...
  3. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Crappy - I had to have my lower control arms replaced last summer. I think Alberta's pothole-y roads exceed Tesla's original testing parameters... :( Replacing the LCAs requires dropping the battery pack (!!!), hopefully the uppers don't need that. Make sure that they do both sides, if one...
  4. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    Sorry we missed you - we went out to Banff on Friday and came back late Sunday afternoon. I've started to get the "orange ring" at several Superchargers too, for me it hasn't been temperature dependent. Orange means there's a communications problem/cable not seated properly problem, the...
  5. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    Ah. Annoying that Tesla didn't publicize that better to existing owners, I've had several people asking if/when Tesla would be coming to Edmonton.
  6. S

    Tesla drivers aren't the only ones that can't drive across the country!

    Zero. Pick any Canadian engineering school's undergrad website, they'll all tell you it's a myth. a little history lesson: the iron ring After The Fall
  7. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    You either tow it/trailer it to your nearest dealer, or depending on the work you wait (and wait and wait and...) for them to arrange for a local shop to get parts and they'll send over a tech. New cars may come with some sort of arrangement but my experience with a used one was that it was all...
  8. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    There appeared to be some kind of Tesla event at the Hotel Macdonald in Edmonton today, a bunch of cars were parked out front and a Tesla flag was waving. Anyone know what that was about?
  9. S

    Is the Model S made for Canadian winters?

    Doubtful. Oversteer is when the rear of a car gets going faster than the front, typically from weight transferring forward for a variety of reasons. Braking at the front is the worst thing one should do in that situation.
  10. S

    Edmonton Charging - West Edmonton Mall

    19% is still quite a bit of range even at -20°, it's about 55 km depending on how fast you drive. I sorta feel that a lot of range anxiety is caused by that stupid warning popping up, not by people actually needing to worry.
  11. S

    Edmonton Charging - West Edmonton Mall

    A PayWave/Paypass credit card indeed works. If you don't have one of those or if the tap isn't working for whatever reason you can phone the number on the front of the charger and they can unlock it over the phone as well.
  12. S

    $215k OBO: 2016 Tesla Model X P90D Signature

    I was in no way disparaging you or anyone else that has sold especially if it was for a premium. I was expecting a fair bit of snark against the OP throughout this thread, it seems that people are actually being fairly reasonable. I'm more jealous that you got a hold of a Founder's series...
  13. S

    Tesla drivers aren't the only ones that can't drive across the country!

    Why not, I'm sure some engineer figured out a way... :)
  14. S

    $215k OBO: 2016 Tesla Model X P90D Signature

    There's already a precedent for people paying a premium for these things... It only takes one person (well, maybe two now since that first person got bonnie's :)) to want one bad enough. Best of luck with the sale.
  15. S

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    Glad to hear you made it! How fast did you wind up driving at? At those temperatures 110km/h has a bigger impact compared to 100km/h.
  16. S

    Is the Model S made for Canadian winters?

    An electric all-wheel drive car doesn't magically make you stop faster or grip better, it still has rubber tires on snowy pavement. You still need to be a bit more cautious in the winter, at least until Elon releases the Model T with tank treads. :)
  17. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    That's exactly the spot! I wish they would've done that with mine. :mad: - - - Updated - - - Auto Obsessed on 63 ave. and 96 st. did mine. I've been moderately happy with the wrap, the problems I've had are that the wrap didn't go around some corners. I don't know if I can fault Auto...
  18. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Yup, the Tesla is my winter car. :) The front wrap has been awesome, but the little wrap pieces on the rear quarter panel were too small/weirdly shaped. They didn't wrap forwards into the door sill and they don't come high enough on the rear quarter panel meaning I have chips right on the edge...
  19. S

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    I think you'll be fine provided the Sun Country charger is functional. One other tip I'd offer would be to bring some gloves and maybe a blanket for wearing whilst driving. At those temperatures with the Eco Heat setting I find the cabin to be chilly. Everybody says to use the seat warmers...
  20. S

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    Agreed, that's why I mentioned it twice. :)
  21. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    I didn't get a full wrap, I only wrapped the hood, the front bumper, the front fenders, and some little pieces on the fender in front of the rear wheels. By "film set" I mean the templates for the shapes that need to be cut from the film, the actual whole piece of film is much much larger than...
  22. S

    Model S in Extreme Cold: Driving at -30 Celsius

    *heh* Yup, car works just fine.
  23. S

    Will I make it? -23 celsius & 320 km

    The stories of an hour-to-increase are from people charging a cold-soaked car on a 120V outlet. The battery heater will use up almost the entirety of the juice off a 120V@12A outlet, again if the battery is completely cold. You can do the math to figure out the loss from there: 120V x 12A =...
  24. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    That's weird, Xpel makes a Model S film set that indeed covers the whole hood. I had mine done in Edmonton when I got my car almost 3 years ago now, it's not new.
  25. S

    Front suspension clunk

    My car did this too in exactly the same manner as you described, as the problem gets worse the noise happens at any suspension height. It's a control arm issue, it has nothing to do with the drive unit.
  26. S

    Wiki Canadian Trip Planning

    I've driven from Edmonton to Kimberley and back, never on to Vancouver from there. I stopped in Invermere after leaving Canmore, Invermere has 2 CS-90 charging stations while Kimberley has none. If you want to continue down Hwy 95 and over to Hwy 3 you should be able to make it, it'll just...
  27. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Where did you get that from!!? That's awesome!
  28. S

    Electricity bill shocker

    Wow. My Internet-armchair-mathematician calculations point to a faulty meter. Of your 4090 kWh, say that 75% of them went into your car 4090 kWh * 75% = 3067 kWh You have the 85 kWh pack: 3067 kWh / 85 kWh = 36.08 fill up charges 36.08 fillups * 200 miles per fillup = 7216 miles I...
  29. S

    Is the Tesla Model 3 hiding under this sheet?

    Robert Downey Jr. has long said he's taken inspiration for movie-Tony-Stark from Elon. RDJr got a personal tour of SpaceX provided by Elon in 2007 before the first movie, plus they put Elon in the second movie...
  30. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Same here - the latest update fixed soooo many of my connection issues.
  31. S

    Wiki Canadian Trip Planning

    That and that and a consistent way to identify & publicize charging station power output. :) Trying to explain to my parents that "this one is a 60 but it's actually 48 so that means I have to stop for this long, and that one is a 30 and it's actually a 30 but it doesn't say that anywhere on it...
  32. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    You need to email your non-Tesla friends your referral link so that they start buying more cars so that Tesla can justify paying for more free charging stops. :)
  33. S

    Canada - How is your Wh/km?

    Once a year yes. They did mine in conjunction with my switch from winter to summer tires which is where the confusion comes from, they won't do a second alignment when I switch back later this year.
  34. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    I got mine yesterday. On a totally unrelated note, any of you guys 'n gals wanna buy a Tesla? I'm sure the "Tesla Owners in Alberta" thread is a great place to start. Model S Design Studio | Tesla Motors ;):)
  35. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Drive Electric hasn't been to Edmonton before, there used to be a Drive The Future event at NAIT but that wasn't held this year. The trick with test rides will be not having your car in the main display area - there will be many pedestrians and to have cars coming & going obviously is a...
  36. S

    How many of you will trade in your P85D for a new P90D?

    My car's due to get shipped to Vancouver for a service issue, during my conversation with one of the Tesla service techs I asked about the 90 kWH - I was told that to buy the battery outright as an upgrade would be $26,000. Eye-watering no doubt, but when I bought my car 2.5 years ago I was...
  37. S

    Edmonton <--> Vancouver round trip average 202 Wh/km

    It's definitely possible in 1 day. Pairtrader just did it and I would've done the same last month had my passenger not been my pregnant spouse who didn't want to sit for 15 hours. :)
  38. S

    Anyone in Canada receive the new 6.2 update yet?

    Seems to be, yeah. Unfortunately I don't track my charge stops all that closely so I have to admit this is largely anecdotal, but even my spouse noticed the decrease in time and commented on it. Environmental conditions were largely the same so it wasn't a temperature/cooling difference, plus...
  39. S

    Anyone in Canada receive the new 6.2 update yet?

    I've got mine, I'm not supposed to tell you when I got it. :) Rather surprisingly 6.2 seemed to increase SC charging efficiency (ie: decrease SC charge time). I was right in the middle of a road trip and I saw decreases of 15+ minutes in my charge times which I was quite surprised at.
  40. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    Brown car with winter tires? That was me, I'd ducked into the Opus art store across the street from the parking lot. A shame we didn't get a chance to chat, none of the Edmonton Tesla-ians ever wave. ;) Just teasing the Edmontonians that're on here
  41. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    *hehe* This probably means the real number is 75. :)
  42. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    *heh* It took us 35 hours when we first did the trip in 2013 but that included a night in a hotel in Golden. It's doable now in about 15-16 hours provided your spouse is ok with that kind of car time in a single day, which mine was not. :)
  43. S

    Powerstream SAE charger at 400 & MajMack

    Sadly even this isn't true as the Tesla European connector is different than the North American one: Tesla Model S Charging Inlet In Europe | Inside EVs
  44. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    I just got home on Sunday having made the same trip, we actually started in Victoria. Hopefully you have the 6.2 firmware update, I noticed a substantial increase in SC charging efficiency (ie: SC charge times went down) with it. Making the trip in one day will definitely be a challenge...
  45. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    It's over 100 now, according to the Tesla tech that paid me a visit a few weeks ago.
  46. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    Did you spray it on or brush it on? I bought one of the G2 Caliper Paint kits which was a brush-on application, I'm not really happy with how it turned out because it didn't go on smoothly. I suspect my garage was a bit too cold even though I waited until May (last year) to do it, stupid...
  47. S

    Buying Roadster #116, thoughts?

    Yup, that's the one. 2008 Tesla Roadster, Auto World of Texas EDIT: I couldn't get n2mb_racing's link to work either, and my first link-fix attempt worked in the 'Post Preview' but stopped when it got actually posted. The full link has square brackets in it which appears to screw up TMC's...
  48. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    *huh* I didn't actually know that. I went to school in Calgary a long time ago and went skiing many times in BC with my typical-student-econocar with all-seasons... :eek: For other non-BC-ians who are equally unaware: Winter Tires and Chains - On the Road Winter Tire and Chain-up Routes -...
  49. S

    Western Canada Superchargers

    I'm making that same trip leaving tomorrow and am leaving my winters on. For one the weather/road conditions in between Canmore & Hope is unpredictable at best, and for another the weather won't be warm enough to cause significantly increased wear. By April though the odds of a snowstorm in...
  50. S

    Tesla Owners in Alberta

    ...they *leased* you a set of rims & tires!? I didn't know that was possible, that explains the centre caps. ;) Cool choice for caliper colour, where did you have that done? Did they have any trouble getting the caliper decals or did you have to provide those?