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  1. A

    Meeting other Model S owners on the road - do you wave?

    had my first tesla to tesla wave yesterday (Hi Silver Tesla on 520) -- actually they waved to me first. my wife's reaction -- who are you waving at? do you know them? :)
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    Model S REST API

    Anyone documented how to know charge timers are exposed via the REST API? Something tells you charging is scheduled to start at a given time?
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    Back from 3 weeks in Costa Rica.. The update to the Tesla Connect windows phone app is now available in the windows phone store. (Took awhile due to an issue with certification of phone7 devices with the fake creds I had the certifiers use or it would have shown up while I was out of town)...
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    Front Plate Mount installed - screw into nose?

    My car was delivered with the front plate mounting bracket. I got the plates in the mail and tried to put on the front plate, the screws for the top 2 holes seem to hit the nose and don't go in. Do I need to screw really hard into the nose area, go to tesla to have them drill into the nose...
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    The author of Tesla commander has an existing popular app, leaf commander, but he does not own a Tesla. We both work at the same company, how I heard of it from our internal Tesla discussion alias. I'm still traveling but in a few days will get an update submitted for phone and then get the...
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    I ran into the same problem, I never checked if the official apps enforced an email address Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    Here or pm me. There is an update coming that fixes a bunch of little issues like those you mentioned and adds setting of climate temp, but I don't have access to the machine with all that right now. The new version also includes a contact email address. Me @hotmail.com. When it was first...
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    Q&A with G. Blankenship : Mobile app + Superchargers in Canada + Q4 Sales

    I was expecting my soc to drop more as it hasn't been driven for a week, but every time I check its near a full standard charge.. 180-186. Unless Tesla forgot to change the number at which it fills back up from the 85 battery Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
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    Any thoughts on the seats?

    I think driver profiles are bundled with leather seats, not tech package. I have tech but no driver profile UI I can find, not even mirrors & steering wheel if 'seat memory' needed to be so exclusive Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
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    Any thoughts on the seats?

    I have the textile which have been comfy enough. I was disappointed no seat heaters, but actually they seem to not breathe super well and my back gets hot with a coat on. Hopefully they have some breathability in summer Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
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    Model S Insurance

    My quote from MetLife was 1100/6mo, still trying to get them to lower it but will likely be moving companies after 15yrs and no auto claims. They also mention the vin doesn't validate so it's mostly off the value of the car.. They know it's a sedan but seems more like what I might expect for a...
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    Hacking the Model S for evil...

    there are lots of ways to hack cars lower tech than the model S, there was some hack demo'd where the tire pressure sensors were used as an attack vector (in a vehicle where those sensors had a wireless comm protocol, some buffer overrun or something was exploited to get into the core car...
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    Model S REST API

    Has anyone noticed a high frequency of server error responses? I see server unavailable error (503) a lot for mobile_enabled requests, frequent enough that I had to change what I was doing -- I was requiring that it returned true before using the rest of the API -- but that query fails so much...
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    Does Tesla Service Cover A Tow If You Get A Flat?

    Tesla Service | Tesla Motors •24 hour roadside assistance The service plan has some amount of roadside assistance, its unclear what exactly is covered by that. Looking at other roadside assistance packages, it should cover a tow (if there was a spare in the car it should cover installing a...
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    It does not yet -- That would not be a large thing to add except there are some graphics with text on them for a few of the buttons -- that could be changed though. If there doesn't end up being an official Tesla app soon -- or there is still demand, I will add it to my todo list.
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    Coated windshield impacting door openers and EZpass

    Yesterday I crossed 520 twice, holding my front plate pass to the upper windshield a little below the rear view mirror. It registered going east but not west. Put the front plate pass onto my front plate frame today (no plates yet), I assume that will have 100% recognition but didn't cross today.
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    If you follow the link above, there are a few screenshots.
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    Unofficial windows phone app

    While we wait for the official Tesla app, I've written one which can be found here: Tesla Connect | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) Tesla Connect app for Windows in the Windows Store Features: View your full VIN, battery state & other vehicle information Car controls...
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    Model S REST API

    I was expecting that max_range_counter to be related to the 'you've charged in max range mode 3 times in a row' and it starts warning you to switch to standard? Not the count of lifetime max range charges
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    NEMA 14-50 Plug Orientation

    I've seen some garage photos posted here with people using a tornado brand hook (easy to find at home depot) any concerns about kinkage? I bought one, but haven't installed it in the garage yet.
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    Likelihood of a CHAdeMO adapter for the Model S

    I think the installed CHAdeMO is ~50kW, where supercharger with a model S is up to ~90kW. So about half the rate of a supercharger, but still >5x faster than a typical J1772 (or 2.5x faster if you find a high amp J1772 AND you have twin chargers on your model s)
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    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    p3081 - VIN 3756 delivered today at Bell Square. Was a bit delayed due to the shipping backlog to Seattle (car was finished on Jan 18, got on a truck Feb 6 - picked up today). No items on my due bill. Only minor thing that seemed to be missing was screws for the front license plate, didn't...
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    Windows Phone Tesla App - Please vote "me too" here if you are a WP user

    While getting my delivery orientation today, the DS said Tesla is working on a Windows Phone version -- no idea how soon, just that a lot of folks in the seattle area were asking for it.. I tried to demo my app to him, but couldn't get good cell data service in the parking garage...
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    Model S Delivery Dates and Sequencing

    Delivery / Pickup scheduled for Tuesday 2/12 at Bell Square Mall. 10 days off from my delivery window (1/19-2/2), but the wait is almost over!
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    Windows Phone Tesla App - Please vote "me too" here if you are a WP user

    I have an unofficial app I've been working on, PM me if you want access to the beta (everything functional except changing climate temp (can turn on/off), and location info)
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    Anyone got their delivery time frame missed?

    I'm not sure how widespread this issue is, for deliveries via service center -- in the Seattle case, they have something like space for 14 cars to be delivered at a time, so they can only accept shipments from the factory of up to 14 cars. If more customers than that have built cars, they get...
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    Neighbors jealous of the Model S :(

    the fear is if something like turns into them saying you took him on a bragging joy ride. If someone wants to be mean, the will always find a way...
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    Model S REST API

    that I have no idea about, but they seemed to be right, all the things that differed for me seemed to line up
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    Model S REST API

    there are some comments in the apiary.io doc for most of them.
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    Anyone got their delivery time frame missed?

    You should be getting a DS call pretty soon then if you have a VIN. If you are financing or expect any specialness with your paperwork you could contact delivery directly to try to get someone sooner. It seems they've upped the production rate even more the last few weeks, stressing the...
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    Model S REST API

    slight annoyance for Windows store (& WindowsPhone) apps -- they do not have access to cookie data that is httponly, which the auth sessions cookies are. That means restarting the app will always have to login again and not be able to make use of the 3month cookie session timeout. That's good...
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    Anyone got their delivery time frame missed?

    Which delivery window are you referring to? There is one on the pre-MVPA paperwork (with a 2-3 month range), you get a more specific delivery window after completing the pre-delivery questionnaire/clicking the Delivery button in mytesla. If you have that more specific delivery window, once...
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    Anyone got their delivery time frame missed?

    Missed my window yesterday too. Car was done and ready to ship before the start of my window (1/18). No ETA, last contact was Thursday that they were still trying to get it shipped out from the factory. Looks like deliveries 1000 VINs later are happening now, seems like the ones coming right...
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    Model S REST API

    The Auth is in form post format that sets cookies back on the client. I haven't monitored enough to know first login vs subsequent app launch is handled though -- what cookies their client is saving between sessions as its not resending user/pw each time.
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    Phone App: Please TM put all the fob features into the app

    the only way your phone is more secure than the fob is if you require unlocking your phone every time you want to unlock your car, that would be more annoying than the security benefit of dropping your fob. or if you don't require the phone unlocked, someone can steal your phone instead of your...
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    Phone App: Android Beta Version introduced!

    I did the same thing, except I don't have a car so I couldn't get to the commands part. working on a windowsphone app now (since I only have a VIN, my app only logs in and shows you a VIN so far, but with this info I can start geting this stuff in and test it when my car arrives)
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    How accurate are the delivery date windows?

    I financed about half the car, and for me to even get to the point of signing the final MVPA I had to provide my additional deposit amount (so it would show the amount being financed as the amount due). I could have waited til I got the car to give them the bank's part of the payment, but...
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    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I finally got an update today after finalizing and giving payment last week, I have a Jan 19-Feb 2 window, car was done on 1/18 - but its also still in Fremont. They said there was a large backlog of cars going to Seattle and mine is still waiting to get on a truck. I hope it hasn't drained to...
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    How accurate are the delivery date windows?

    my experience is you'll have the paperwork and pay for your car before the end of the window -- actually receiving it in the window is a different story. (I suppose Tesla does still have 2 days on mine, but given I haven't heard anything in a week since they were paid, i'm not counting on it)
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    Company parking lot charger etiquette

    There have been some very large threads on the topic of charging etiquette at my work. (1) we don't have free charging, its 0.50$ an hour (2) its a parking violation if you're not actively charging (1 warning) -- a lot of the discussion was around 'can I inplug you when you're full', that puts...
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    Future 60kWh and 40kWh owners, how long have you waited?

    I'm just approaching the 2year mark on my reservation (after waiting a few months debating whether or not to get a Roadster). Currently still stuck in the waiting for delivery zone. A DS told me my car was done on the 18th, Thursday last week my DS did not know why it still hadn't shipped --...
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    Connectivity: When is iPhone/Android app coming out?

    maybe it's taking so long because they're going to also release a winphone version :tongue: or they're waiting for me to get my car first... speaking of windowsphone, any Bluetooth problems? a coworker was having major problems and switched to his iphone
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    First 60kWH delivery notice or email - who will it be?

    I'm in the same state, they told me last Friday it was done and waiting to be shipped, then yesterday it was still in that same state. Still waiting to hear anything from the local delivery person to schedule it.
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    Connectivity: When is iPhone/Android app coming out?

    I heard v4.2 firmware exposed the option in the UI to allow access from the mobile app (or was it there before?) if georgeB said the apps were done but needed a firmware update -- do people have that now with v4.2?
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    2 week delivery window, but no VIN

    I can hope for something similar, but i'm doubting it given they don't have all my money yet. I did get some info from my DS today that I needed to give them a check with the non-financed portion so the mvpa paperwork could show the remaining amount for financing with my bank, so I did that --...
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    2 week delivery window, but no VIN

    very unpredictable, the advice I'd give is to not get your hopes up, target the end of your delivery window and be surprised if its early. personally, I got a VIN last week, but while going back and forth to get the final MVPA finished, my DS went on vacation -- tomorrow it will be a week that...
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    How Many Cars can Tesla Sell?

    I don't think we're going to see 25k US sales in 2013. That's more like the worldwide target (and 20k is what they've been publicly mentioning). This year the US % will be higher than future, if the tax benefits stay as good as they are in many of the international markets, we could see some...
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    Silver with black roof and textile at Menlo Park

    You do have to also wait, when I asked about the heated seats it wasn't just a pay 2500$ more now option.
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    2 week delivery window, but no VIN

    I was told my VIN was available 4 days before my window started 1/15 -- window 1/19-2/2 (but I didn't see it til the next day when the docusign paperwork came). And on 1/18 I was told the car was 'done', waiting for shipment. It was probably available a couple days before that based on...
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    Coated windshield impacting door openers and EZpass

    I was just looking at the Good To Go info for WA's pass info, they have some customer centers you can go to and test if you pass is in a working location. But they also have a PDF that tells you if your windshield is metalized and you should get the license plate mounted tag instead. The PDF...