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    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    I can confirm 100% what @RichardV has already deduced. Campbelltown is a 12 stall site! 11 stalls (including 1 nose in) and 1 opposite.

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    Yeah, I saw that (But I only counted 9 + 1). Maybe for this supposed CHAdeMO requirement they’ll put some type of other charger over where the +1 is. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! I’d love to sneak over early one morning and “find” an SD card from a drone that may have flown over and...

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    Friday night photo dump.

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    I couldn’t stop for photos today, but Cabinets and Supercharger units have been delivered, while site work continues.

    BP Pulse Network

    Campbelltown/Macarthur, miraculously, is still operating ;), but the huge free period of 2 days is now over. Which I don't really have a problem with, as free DC chargers bring out the looney in people.

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    Yeah, waste the cops time with BS like this. Most fines are handed out by council parking rangers, also I'm pretty sure the new rules don't apply to private car parks unless the owners have an agreement with council for them to patrol it, and the finally, the spots have to be properly signposted.

    Referral Credits in Australia

    It looks like Tesla has updated the "Don't spam the internet with your referral" part of the terms and conditions. Yes, it's in the terms and conditions.

    BP Pulse Network

    Campbelltown/Macarthur is back online, and it only took them 44 days to fix it!

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    A little bit more progress has been made. Pipes and trenches to where the cabinets will be and trenching continues out towards the street.
  10. ARMARM

    Referral Credits in Australia

  11. ARMARM

    Referral Credits in Australia

    I recommend everyone read the Loot Box T & Cs before spamming the rest of the internet with your referrals. Especially taking note, of this part:
  12. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The second one ... sorry ... very bad attempt ... I thought the actual wording plus the little smirk emoji gave it away!
  13. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    2023.2.12 is currently installing on my Model X ;)
  14. ARMARM

    LFP battery - how often is too often to charge?

    Always Be Charging
  15. ARMARM

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    Here we go! Construction work has started!!!!! Also the guessed location was a bit off! It looks like it’s 8 on 1 side with 1 nose-in spot and 1 across the bay which will most likely cater for non-Tesla charge port locations.
  16. ARMARM

    Western Sydney University charging (Now restricted)

    They're still there, but the sites are now marked as Restricted, if you don't have that enabled in your filters then you won't see them. Interestingly, 2 people checked in at Campbelltown after COB, not likely they're staff or students. (1 seems to be very regular, almost Uber like) So hopefully...
  17. ARMARM

    Western Sydney University charging (Now restricted)

    It's probably for the best, I saw 1st hand how busy Campbelltown got and some of the abuse/arguments on Plugshare was crazy. Free stuff make people do stupid sh*t, slightly disappointed that they just didn't start charging for them, that alone probably would have gotten rid of most of the issues.
  18. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    Revesby, NSW is now live
  19. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

  20. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    I'm going to drive past there this morning and have a little look.
  21. ARMARM

    Superchargers in Australia

    In the app
  22. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Do you think there's just 1 person at Tesla who's being pulled from pillar to post on different parts of the software? One minute their working on farts, the next they're solving complex AI in the AP suite? Lol, you honestly can't be that naive!
  23. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I love the smarmy, smart-arse and ungrateful comments in this forum, just because Tesla try to have fun and, god forbid, put a fart button on the app. Do you honestly think they're not actively working hard to make these cars better?
  24. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    "Offline" or "Technical Fault" which is code for Tritium makes sh*tty products.
  25. ARMARM

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    I took this photo this morning, nothing's roped, fenced or cordoned off anywhere in any of the car parks in that general area.
  26. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    Took my wife's 3 to BP Macarthur this morning, no power to the unit. Switched off or just a typical Tritium feature? 🤔
  27. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    I was! Stalker! ;) I thought I'd try it out, I'll rarely use this one as it's a bit too far away from my place, as the uni chargers are way closer. I drove around that area this morning, but I hadn't seen the photo posted. Now I know where the roped off bit is exactly, I'll keep an eye on it.
  28. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    Looks like Campbelltown/Macarthur is live, I might have to go for a drive to confirm.
  29. ARMARM

    Superchargers in Australia

    Not every Tesla is a new 3 or Y with great range, what about the S60s or X75s or someone towing ... there's a lot of what if's there.
  30. ARMARM

    MCU2 Upgrade and no AM or FM radio

  31. ARMARM

    MCU2 Upgrade and no AM or FM radio

    For an extra $750 you can get the FM tuner, I had my MCU2 upgrade done in Dec 2020 and didn't get the tuner as I thought I would just use Tune-In to get most stations, but sometimes I'd get dropouts, so in October 2021 I had the FM tuner fitted.
  32. ARMARM

    Weird MCU2 Display Issue

    I had my service appointment done last week, they ended up replacing the whole MCU. Happy Days!
  33. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Gees ... well don't you just suck the fun out of everything. Maybe you should buy something German then. ;)
  34. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Wow, only 500m? ... you didn't even give it a fair chance to let it kill you! Just out of interest, where did you try it?
  35. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    No one in AU has, as it's currently a US feature only.
  36. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Same. If you don't have the option to change the temp in the car's settings, then the app COP temp doesn't work. Some cars got the option, while others didn't.
  37. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Zoom is currently for the US, and only the Ryzen MCU Looks like another update wave went out, currently installing on my 3 & X!
  38. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The holiday update (2022.44.25.1) has arrived for some here in Aus (not me I'm on the naughty list) Keen to see what legacy owners miss out on. ;) [update] Attached app release notes from an AU S75D
  39. ARMARM

    Weird MCU2 Display Issue

    Well, the issue has popped every now and then until 5 days ago and it now hasn't changed back to normal. I have a SC appointment booked to replace the touchscreen (1084333-00-C).
  40. ARMARM

    Supercharger - Tenterfield, NSW

    An Australian site with 4 V3's, that'd be a first here?
  41. ARMARM

    BP Pulse Network

    Leaf owners would disagree ... I bought, and still have, a CHAdeMO adapter for my Model X which i used a few times before the CCS2 adapter was available. Anyway BOT ... I drove past the BP at Campbelltown/Woodbine NSW and saw some fences up, Do you think there's one going here?
  42. ARMARM

    Evie EV charging networks

    Lawson is active!
  43. ARMARM

    Weird MCU2 Display Issue

    Has anyone else experienced this? Less than 2yo MCU2 with display issues regardless of brightness or light/dark mode. Can't see the camera feeds in reverse and the maps move like you're looking at something while on acid. Multiple DTR & power offs have made no difference. Service appointment...
  44. ARMARM

    Service Mode in Australia

    It's geofenced here to only allow activation at service centres.
  45. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    OMG! You're all an entitled pack of whingers, maybe your little group should start a class action against Tesla FFS!
  46. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Car models get replaced/upgraded all the time, just because you forked out $200k 2 years ago doesn't make you special or are entitled to new extra features, they are a bonus!!! You now, like me, have an outdated "legacy" car, deal with it and be grateful for the features that are still being...
  47. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    It seems to be more than the MCU or AP computer, I have a suspicion (pure speculation) that the subsystems (e.g. BCM) on legacy cars don't communicate as well, or at all, with each other the way the newer models do. One example is, how you can open and close the windows via the app for the 3 &...
  48. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Tesla forewarned us that "legacy" cars wouldn't get it ... Introducing Software V11.0
  49. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Welcome to the thing that is the random Tesla software update rollout! You contacted service about it? Seriously, practice patience grasshopper. :)
  50. ARMARM

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Car has to be on, and the “allow mobile control” setting has to be on in the audio settings.