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  1. LBM4

    Changing Color changed delivery date ?

    Yeah, I wish Tesla made this clear somewhere prominent on their website
  2. LBM4

    Are there any radar detector mounts for the Model Y?

    I just received this email from Blendmount this morning (16 Feb). Hi, We are currently designing a mount for the Model Y. Should be available soon. We are hoping around the end of the month/next month. Would be BV1-2040...
  3. LBM4

    EDD For Tesla MYP Jan. 2023 Orders

    This def confirms MYP takes priority over MYLR. You ordered 4 days after me and getting yours either before me or at the same time. Good on you though!
  4. LBM4

    EDD For Tesla MYP Jan. 2023 Orders

    Original Order Date: 1/29 at 5:29pm PST MYLR Grey paint with Black interior - No add ons OG EDD April-May 16 Updated on 2/14 to new EDD 3/26-3/31 (Hopefully I make it under the wire for the full $7500 tax credit now!) Central California Fresno area VIN NOT assigned yet
  5. LBM4

    Changing Color changed delivery date ?

    Unfortunately, nope. You're back of the line. It sucks, but the Model Y is in such high demand since the price drop, that Tesla has literally sold out all Model Y's, until likely June! I'd say you're lucky it even says Apr-June and not just June, since new Model Y's won't start being produced...
  6. LBM4

    Are there any radar detector mounts for the Model Y?

    Well, I have a V1 gen 2 and the blendmount for my M3. I don't have my MY yet, take delivery next month, so if there isn't a response by then, I'll let you know if the Blendmount works with the MY. I'm not sure why it wouldn't, since the clamp can increase and decrease in diameter to fit various...
  7. LBM4

    Is it ok to manually push down the charging port door?

    You can push it down, without any ill effects. You just don't want to put 10 tons of force into pushing it down. The second it feels a bit of force, it will close on its own. Basically, just tap on it and it will soft close by itself.
  8. LBM4

    Dan O'Dowd’s 2023 Super Bowl Dawn Project Commerical

    Well, I don't think he owns the company that developing the software, but I do believe he is attached to the company in some way. I'm too lazy to look up the exact relationship. Regardless, the fact that he's in bed with a competing company and slandered Tesla with these video's is just going to...
  9. LBM4

    Dan O'Dowd’s 2023 Super Bowl Dawn Project Commerical

    There is a difference between promoting your own product and someone else slandering it. Now, let's assume you own a business and I decide to call you a pedophile, advertising it to the public with billboards and TV commercials, even though you aren't. And lets just say I happen to own a...
  10. LBM4

    Dan O'Dowd’s 2023 Super Bowl Dawn Project Commerical

    It only played in 5 markets. And I do believe this will result in a nice lawsuit for slander. Hope this a55hat thought it was worth it to bash a beta product.
  11. LBM4

    Screen protector - Matte or Gloss ?

    That is the Speigen in matte. This is the only recommended screen protector to buy. Do not settle for anything else.
  12. LBM4

    Is now REALLY a good time to buy a new Tesla? [Jan 2023 / April 2023]

    You realize the 80% of households in America make less than $150,000 right? And that includes single households. The majority of Tesla owners are married, so that brings the cap to $275,000, which means less than 95% of American households. Needless to say, most people will get that tax incentive.
  13. LBM4

    First 2023 Model Y vin number?

    My understanding is that the 10th digit is a P in the VIN, if its a 2023, not based on the digits at the end. Link: https://cdn.motor1.com/pdf-files/tesla-my2023-vin-decoder.pdf
  14. LBM4

    MYLR / MSM exterior / BLACK interior - Waiting Room

    I ordered the exact same color and model as you, one week after you and mine is Apr 1- May 13.
  15. LBM4

    Is now REALLY a good time to buy a new Tesla? [Jan 2023 / April 2023]

    I'm guessing you didn't see the 'qualifier' in my post. You see, we use words like, "likely" or "possibly" to give an educated guess based on historical reference and data. If I could see the future, you think I would even be on this site, responding to you, and not on my private island in the...
  16. LBM4

    Is now REALLY a good time to buy a new Tesla? [Jan 2023 / April 2023]

    As we have seen, your prediction has been wrong. In fact, the price is likely to return to the low-mid $60k by March/April 2023 for the MYLR. Only the new 4680 battery standard range MY will remain in the mid-$50k range. In fact, anyone that waited until today, just lost $2000 from the low of...
  17. LBM4

    Wheel Covers Other Than Aero

    Good tip for people. The left and right side does make a difference!!! Thank you for that.
  18. LBM4

    Wheel Covers Other Than Aero

    These are bought directly from AliExpress and just rebranded as TSportsline. They also added about $80 to the cost. BTW, these come in gun grey, bright black and matte black for $174 on AliExpress, assuming you want to save money and get a different color?
  19. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Thanks for this info. That is good enough for me to keep my order! I thought is was going to be an all or nothing deal. And now that I am seeing the Model Y price already starting to go back up, I get the feeling that my locked in price of $54,000 is going to look mighty good in a month! My...
  20. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Some counties still have EV incentive rebates though, which could be good for those that live in those counties that are eligible. I believe there are central and south California counties that still have $3000 and $4000 rebate checks for eligible buyers? I don't know the requirements for these...
  21. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Is that a guarantee? Cause right now, nothing seems to be certain. It appears to just be a wait and see what the IRS/gov't does come March.
  22. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Normally, I would agree with you, but when I place an order and I'm told that I qualify for a tax incentive and that my delivery date is Feb-Mar, I expect that is what I will get. Now, my order is pushed AND I will likely not get the tax incentive. Do you not see the problem with that? Very...
  23. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Thank you for the response. Seems to be on par with what I was thinking. Just sucks that my EDD went from Feb-Mar (thinking I was safe) to April 1-May 17. I'll def cancel if the IRS screws us on this in March. It would be cool if Tesla gave us the $7500 tax incentive off the price of the car, if...
  24. LBM4

    Model Y (LR) tax incentive?

    Bringing this thread back to life, since we all know that the MYLR qualifies for the tax credit. Unfortunately, my research has not given me an answer to this: I ordered my MYLR in Jan (says that my order qualifies for the $7500 tax credit right on the order page.) But my delivery date is not...
  25. LBM4

    MYLR / MSM exterior / BLACK interior - Waiting Room

    INteresting. My delivery time just change to Apr 1 to May 17 from Feb-Mar. And the interest rate is 6.3% for me, which I thought was extremely high. Apparently not though???
  26. LBM4

    MYLR / MSM exterior / BLACK interior - Waiting Room

    Just ordered Jan 30th MYLR in order to qualify for the tax credit, and got it in silver. Says delivery will be Feb-Mar
  27. LBM4

    Tire Rotation [recommendations on where to get tires rotated?]

    Why not just do it yourself? I just passed 10k miles and still hadn't received a notification to rotate my tires, so just did it myself. Took my time, cleaned the inside of the rims, checked the calipers and pads, checked the tire pressures and filled to 42psi, and in all took me about 45 min...
  28. LBM4

    Supercharger - Visalia, CA (Valley Fuel Travel Center, LIVE 15 Oct 2022, 19 v3 stalls)

    Went there today. It's $.46 per kWh and most people seem to park in front of the Starbucks, instead of the Burger King. If you pull into the site and it looks like all the spots are taken in front of you, look to your left. Chances are, there is a spot open in front of Burger King. Very nice...
  29. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    I really hope this is the case, but knowing Elon, I'm not holding my breath. Fingers crossed though. 🤞
  30. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    I'm guessing since he just got it, it would be either July or August, but yeah, I would also like to know. Between last year and this year, it appears to be a summer issue (July-Sep) cars that aren't getting the CCS compatible ECU?
  31. LBM4

    UGH - The smell of it. [AC Smell]

    This has me very curious. Been watching this thread on and off since I bought my Model 3, 13 months ago. Could this issue be a couple of factors? Where I live, the humidity is nearly non-existent (desert climate) and it almost never rains. After owning my car for 13 months, I have not had this...
  32. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    Military? I was stationed in San Diego 3 times and Key West once. Still the same single lane 35mph b.s. driving through the Keys? Hated that drive between Miami and Key West.
  33. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    Well, I'm hoping I have more of a leg to stand on, as the CCS ECU was not installed when other cars of the same model year have it. I was just unlucky to buy mine in August of 2021. I only want the CCS adapter specifically for the occasional road trip, as a backup. For my fellow military...
  34. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    I'm curious if Tesla is going to install what should have been installed in the first place, without charging me for the part? Edit: Nevermind. I just went to ask for service for the CCS ECU in the Tesla App and this was already there:
  35. LBM4

    CCS1 Combo Adapter on Tesla USA Website

    Nope no bio def mode either.
  36. LBM4

    OEM CCS adapter now available to order in North America, Retrofit for older cars coming in 2023

    Bought my 2021 M3 in August of 2021 and it isn't CCS enabled? I thought all 2021-2022 models were?
  37. LBM4

    CCS1 Combo Adapter on Tesla USA Website

    You think that's bad? My July 2021 built Model 3 needs a retrofit! Talk about some bullshit!t. This is what I get when I went to order one. I then checked my car, and sure enough, not CCS enabled. I thought all 2021 and newer models were supposed to be compatible?
  38. LBM4

    TAPTES perforated, NAPA leather seat covers for M3 install (Pics)

    Still looks like new. Wiped them down the other day, and the bit of dirt that there was came right off. I don't really anticipate any wear issues for a couple of years. I'll take a couple pics tomorrow and post them up, if you'd like? I really got these seat covers to protect my investment, so...
  39. LBM4


    I think you are going to find that you are better off just using the Tesla app.
  40. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    For those interested. It's approx $30 if you use a site like "Print a Thing"
  41. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    Looks good. What's the plan for the cord? Make a 4-5mm hole for that connector and cord to fit through? Or maybe a square opening (roughly same size opening) at the bottom, back part of the display holder?
  42. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    If you end up 3d printing, can you tell me who you are going through to get it done?
  43. LBM4

    Discussion: Floor Mats in Model 3

    Maybe I'm not understanding the question clearly? "Push the sides of the mat back down"? Why would I need to? What would cause them not too?
  44. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    Yep. Enjoying it very much. And still no issue with the AC. 😂
  45. LBM4

    Snippiness 2.0

    Bro, I tried to tell him to look up the info or to even look under the dash for himself (takes 5 seconds to pull the dash up!), where he would see with his own eyes. He probably thinks the air is coming from directly behind the steering wheel and doesn't realize the air is generated from behind...
  46. LBM4

    Snippiness 2.0

    Cool. I guess you know everything then. Why aren't you running things at SpaceX? Jesus, we'd be to Mars already if you were there.
  47. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    Ok, bro. Not gonna argue with you about something I own and use, but if you ever want to know, there is a great video on YouTube that will show you how the AC works and why I am saying that it doesn't block the air. But to each his own. Enjoy.
  48. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    You will need to tell the place you are buying it from that it is for a U.S. or U.K. car and that you need MPH. Edit: Unless there is now a new version with a built in setting that you can adjust? Maybe I got an early version that was KPH only? Either way, I'd ask the sop you're buying from to...
  49. LBM4

    Small front display for Model 3/Y - Fits inside AC slot (pics, vid and info)

    Pull your entire front dash off and you will see exactly where the air comes out. Tell me where you see the openings. 😁 👍