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  1. djplong

    Renting a Tesla Model S

    Hmmm. Renting a Tesla, which starts in the $70s costs $500 to rent? I was in Germany 2 months ago and renting a $70,000+ Mercedes cost me around $250/week.
  2. djplong

    New Englanders -- check in!

    Hi Zac. I live just a couple towns north of you and am considering solar next year. Did you lease or buy the system? If you bought (and if you don't mind me being nosy as I'm looking to see how much I'll need to spend), how much was the cost?
  3. djplong

    I would strongly recommend against trying out SiriusXM

    Something under 7,000 complaints for a company with 26 million subscribers. Not bad if you ask me. However, the OP lost me at "the service is as bad as they said" when followed up by "I tried it for a day". There is no other place I'm going to get all that commercial-free music REGARDLESS of...
  4. djplong

    WSJ article on EV subsidies as a drag on the California economy.

    Also, how much money comes back to state coffers in the form of income taxes on the employees? (To say nothing of all the other taxes that a well-paid manufacturing employee would pay versus someone on unemployment or slinging burgers)
  5. djplong

    A silenced critic at last - almost ;-)

    Oh, there'll be a market for my 2002 Camry with 226K (+ 3 years) miles on it. It won't pay much (I paid $11K+ for it in '06) but there'll be someone out there who wants a well-maintained car, even with all those miles.
  6. djplong

    Fantastic Article: Model S vs. Model T

    Well, going by inflation calculators, as opposed to a multiple of the price of gas, that $500 in 1913 is worth about $11,800 today.
  7. djplong

    Model S at Hertz

    Hertz is so full of crap. $375/day? I just got back from Germany and Sixt rented me a $70,000 Mercedes E-Class diesel wagon for just over 200 Euros for the week. My total cost was about $280 (I had private insurance). Caveat - I'd reserved a Passat wagon and they gave me a complimentary...
  8. djplong

    Gen3 @ $35k without any government voodoo

    No, but they DO have exhaust system humps (I know my Camry does).
  9. djplong

    Model E

    I vote for (E)veryone - that's what the BlueStar/GenIII is supposed to be - the car for "everyone".
  10. djplong

    Is Tesla going to end up like Tucker Motors?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Tucker also have disc brakes and seat belts as standard? I seem to recall that there was a lot of opposition to including seat belts in the industry because they thought that just having seat belts in the car would remind customers that cars ARE dangerous...
  11. djplong

    Ridiculous Forbes Article - Tesla Model S A Nice Fossil Fuel Car

    I notice that he quoted coal as producing 67% of the *world's* electricity. And that includes all those countries where Tesla does not yet sell. Domestically, we have gone from just over 50% coal-generated electricity to about 40% in *just the last few years*. Notice he did NOT say THAT...
  12. djplong

    Model S at Hertz

    Wow... At $4k/week, you could BUY a Model S in a few months. I was in Germany on vacation, getting back last week, and renting a $70,000 Mercedes E-Class diesel wagon set me back 220 Euros for a week. (I'd reserved a Passat but they gave me an E220 for no extra charge) ...and that 220 Euros...
  13. djplong

    chimpanzee's big project

    I don't know WHERE he got the 'solar is failing in Germany' bit. I just got back from Germany on Friday and the most surprising thing we noticed is how much solar is there. Talking to the people, solar has hit a price point that has made it VERY attractive. Some towns we went through looked like...
  14. djplong

    My First Tesla Article! Why college students should buy Gen III.

    Also, the ~200 mile range has been talked about with no indication that it's the "optional" range. Personally, I want around 300 miles, like the "S". I have no problem with the idea of paying extra for a bigger battery, like the "S". While I'm hoping that the base price DOES come in at...
  15. djplong

    Gen3 @ $35k without any government voodoo

    Why do little Subarus get tricked out into rally cars? If you want a performance car, maybe you don't want to start with something the size of a small limousine!
  16. djplong

    Tesla Motors & Musk, a Retrospective from 2025

    Everything except the "auto-pilot" is feasible. Not a bad read at all :) ...and by 'feasible', I mean within the 2025 time frame. It will be cost and politics that prevent us from having full auto-pilot by then, not Tesla and Google (who are working to enable it).
  17. djplong

    Anti-Tesla Gibberish

    I can easily see GM building a larger body on their Volt powertrain and having something that beats the pants off this BMW. But the Tesla? It's no competition. I mean, come one.. What are the BMW dealers going to say? "It has half the range of a Tesla and can't go as far as the Volt can on...
  18. djplong

    The moment my life changed!

    It's not just 'Vegans'. As a rule, I don't like leather interiors. I *much* prefer cloth. I hate the fact that the other manufacturers bundle leather (which I DON'T want) with the high-tech options (that I *do* want) so they can justify a higher price (making 1+1=3).
  19. djplong

    Akerson Demands GM Innovation to Blunt Tesla Threat

    I think your math is off. It's not in the ballpark of Tesla battery prices. Triple the cost of the battery for a 60KWh battery and now you're up over $35,000 for the battery. Near $50,000 for an 85KWh. I mean, by that math, the Spark is over $550/KWh - and Elon said that Tesla's battery was...
  20. djplong

    New New England Supercharger Locations

    Yes - they're getting a HUGE upgrade. Instead of just a liquor store there'll be restaurants from fast food to diners/sit-down establishments (I hear one of the diners will be '50s-style). I read that they're also putting in a gas station - which would be kind of neat to have a Supercharger...
  21. djplong

    Akerson Demands GM Innovation to Blunt Tesla Threat

    I was sold on trying to get a Volt as soon as I could. Then, because I followed SpaceX closely, I learned more and more about Tesla. Now I'm sold on waiting for a Gen III - hoping my Camry with 226K mile on it holds out that long. It's as simple as that. Let them put THAT in their study.
  22. djplong

    Tesla to charge vehicles in 5 minutes?

    That would be so cool if that was the "and some technology we can't talk about yet" that Elon mentioned when asked what the Gen III will be like. If you could do such a 5-minute charge you'd be able to increase the capacity of Supercharger stations to handle the expected increase in usage...
  23. djplong

    Steal from the Best - Can the Auto Companies sell directly?

    The franchise laws are there to protect the dealers. I honestly DO believe that they serve a purpose in an existing market. I'd hate to think if I was a Chevy dealer for decades and, suddenly, *GM* opens a store next door. Now a *Tesla* store is a different story. There's no franchised...
  24. djplong

    Real cost to drive a Model S per month vs what you would have bought

    Doing the math, I would be replacing ~$200/month in gas with ~$65/mo in electricity. Does make an argument for "splurging" on solar panels.
  25. djplong

    Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla!

    When I get my Tesla Gen III, I plan on keeping my "WIZARD" license plate. I hope I don't get confused for endorsing the "Wizard of Menlo Park"....
  26. djplong

    Devils advocating...from someone who shorted TSLA

    That's a little more that the cost of adding ONE lane to each barrel of I-93, here in NH, from Salem to Manchester. One, comparatively small, highway construction project that costs the same as a complete rollout of electric charge stations. I just wanted to put that out there for a sense of...
  27. djplong

    The Times has a Stick Up Its... When it Comes to Tesla.

    Maybe they should add "Sunroof" "Open Full", "Open crack" and "Close" voice commands :)
  28. djplong

    Gasland II

    I was skeptical of some of the problems and figured that they were rare, isolated cases. (No, I haven't watched Gasland or the sequel - got my info from reading articles). But now, the more I read, the more common these problems seem to be. The older these wells get, the higher the percetage...
  29. djplong

    Sourcing materials and sustainability of the Model S

    While I could never go vegetarian, I certainly WOULD like a Tesla WITHOUT leather seats. I'm hoping leather is truly optional in the Gen III and not something that boosts the price of an option that I want. That's something I hated in so many other cars. In order to get some options that I...
  30. djplong

    Devils advocating...from someone who shorted TSLA

    My average consumption is from 28-50KWh per day. Scanning around the web, I find the EIA saying the average was 31/day in 2007, a 2004 California study said it's 32.8/day nationwide and 22/day in CA. According to a Wikipedia article breaking things down further, if you use electricity for heat...
  31. djplong

    Thoughts on Self-Driving Cars...From a Car Enthusiast's Perspective.

    We already have that resistance. Technology advanced, long ago, to allow "driverless" subway trains but unions and public safety perceptions prevent that from happening, for the most part. The only exception I can think of are airport shuttles (like in Orlando).
  32. djplong

    Gas v. Electric Justification --- Accounting for road taxes

    I did the math. For the record, I have a Toyota Camry that gets 30mpg. Thanks to a smatphone app, I can detail EXACTLY how much I've spent on gas since April of last year. I can tell you how many gallons I've gone through. Now, of the $3-$4/gallon I've paid, a piddling *38 CENTS* of that is...
  33. djplong

    SolarCity is testing 8 kilowatt-hour battery (by Tesla)

    According to my electric company, the worst month I ever had was an average of 50 KWh/day. My best averages were in the 27-29 KWh/day. Not hard to figure where the 8 KWh batteries would fit into that equation.
  34. djplong

    Pulled over driving Model S

    We have a case locally that looks like that but it's never happened. A bridge from Nashua to Hudson NH - over the Merrimack River. Built in the 1970s. The approach roads and bridge were flagged for 55MPH speed limits. Two lanes - one on either side. In 1997, construction starts on the US-3...
  35. djplong

    Thoughts on Self-Driving Cars...From a Car Enthusiast's Perspective.

    I have dreams of being able to get in the car after a long and stressful work day and NOT have to stress about the traffic on the way home. The idea of being able to relax *if I so choose* is quite a siren song. I mean, I love to drive - but the OPTION of letting the car do the work sometimes...
  36. djplong

    New Battery Tech - Sulfur Based...

    I like how the article acknowledges the fact that we keep hearing about these breakthroughs all the time - and have been for years - but we're not seeing these come to market. I still keep my hopes up because we only need ONE of these stories to make it to the store aisles.
  37. djplong

    888 Mile Road Trip: NY -> Richmond, VA -> VA Beach -> Ocean City, MD -> NY

    By my calculations, that much power usage would have cost me $38 if I were to use my price per KWh at home. The mileage in an ICE would have cost in the neighborhood of $112 - using my Camry's average of 30mpg and a $3.65/gal cost. Now, you managed to get many electrons for free, reducing the...
  38. djplong

    Please don't do (better place method) battery swap stations, it's a stupid idea

    What if the swapping stations DO solve a problem? The problem that people in APARTMENTS have. The people that don't own their houses and have to park on the street and have NO place for an overnight recharge while sleeping! This could be more about expanding the prospective customer base than...
  39. djplong

    Elon Musk:"Copy us, or join us". This is important for the global revolution of EV's.

    Speaking as someone who pays over $200/mo in gas (at 30mpg) I have *no* problem with paying a one-time $2000 fee, buried in the cost of my car, for lifetime SuperCharger access for free. Of course I'll be charging my hypothetical Gen III at home almost all the time but driving NH to Philly to...
  40. djplong

    Supercharger Announcement 2013/05/30

    Well, I certainly noticed the changes to the long-term map in my neck of the woods (I live an hour northwest of Boston). For one, it appears that they're going to put an SC in the Hooksett NH rest area on I-93 (between Manchester and Concord NH) that's being totally re-done (new contracts were...
  41. djplong

    Tesla competition: The problem of cannibalism

    It reminds me when Chrysler came out of nowhere to blow everyone into the weeds when the Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyagers were introduced. Suddenly, you had "the minivan" defined. This was no underpowered VW Microbus. This was something real. It took the market by storm. Naturally Ford...
  42. djplong

    Enthusiast Non-buyers (gen3 waiters)

    I learned of Tesla from following SpaceX. Nowadays I'm hoping my 2002 Camry will hold out long enough for me to buy a Gen III. The Model S is too much car AND too much money. Before the Camry I had an Intrepid and, once the kids left, that size car just couldn't be justified.
  43. djplong

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    That's exactly what I'm doing. I sold about 2/3 of my shares at 85 (avg buy price of 30). I still have shares but, if TSLA went bankrupt tomorrow, I'd still be on the plus side with the cash I took out. When all this calms down a bit, I'll look at going back in and buying more.
  44. djplong

    21 inch tires and replacement after 12-15,000 miles

    Unreal... I get at least 40K miles out of my tires on my Camry (plenty more if I rotate regularly). I hope to God the Gen III doesn't work like that - because I'd hate to have to spend $800-$1000 up to twice a year after figuring all the expenses I *wouldn't* have converting from an ICE to an EV.
  45. djplong

    Anti-Tesla Gibberish

    That (the reduced service) is exactly what I started thinking of when I learned of the Gen III plans. Before that, my thought process was "Oh, it's a $100K car - I'll never afford something like that". Suddenly - when the price was closer to other new cars I'd been thinking about eventually...
  46. djplong

    Electric Lawnmowers

    This is the snowblower I bought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0030BG1L8/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It works for the driveway and handles the "snow dam" that the plow leaves behind *if* you tackle it properly (in slices). I think the motor was too strong for the chute as I *have*...
  47. djplong

    Electric Lawnmowers

    While I can't get away with a battery operated snowblower (mine's electric and is sufficient for MOST of the snowstorms we have), all my other tools are battery-electric. Chainsaw, lawnmower, drills, weed-whacker, hedge trimmer, power hammer, sander, jigsaw, etc. With the battery, I don't...
  48. djplong

    N.J. bill will start taxing electric cars per mile driven.

    I'm thinking, eventually, it's going to have to shift. You're not going to be able to tax liquid fuels and expect them to "pay the freight" for the roads. Right now, I pay 38 cent per gallon in total taxes (as I'm in NH). I drove about 20K miles in the past year and average a little over...
  49. djplong

    ....and from The Granite State (NH)

    Hi all. Been lurking here a bit to get a 'feel' for things... I don't remember when I first heard of Tesla but I've been following the saga for some time. Although I can't afford a Model S (two divorces will do that) I have high hopes for a Gen III. Having just turned 50, it's been a LONG...
  50. djplong

    Electric Lawnmowers

    I have one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Earthwise-60120-20-Inch-Cordless-Electric/dp/B001DZJYJO/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1366293058&sr=1-1&keywords=eathwise+lawn+mower Fortunately the battery is replaceable. This has worked VERY well for me as it'll do the front and side yards...