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  1. GalacticHero

    Supercharger - Wheat Ridge, CO

    The Tesla Supercharger map target dates on Wheat Ridge and the rest of the CO SCs have all been rolled forward to 2020. I presume all the dates rolled forward, but I only looked at the CO locations.
  2. GalacticHero

    No premium connectivity even though I’ve paid.... anyone else?

    Same situation as several others reported. I had upgraded my original free Premium, but did not get charged on Jan 1. Website now shows Standard. Car shows Premium but with 12/31/19 expiration date. Streaming and map functions all working. I have the .7 software as of yesterday, but due to...
  3. GalacticHero

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    Yep, I drive almost the entire length of C470 . Let's hope CDOT finishes the construction and Tesla fixes TACC. BTW I just installed the .7 bug fix update and it does not fix this.
  4. GalacticHero

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    Alas, one gets the bad with the good.
  5. GalacticHero

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    Since the update that gave us the adjacent lane speed monitoring, TACC no longer works properly when resuming speed following an automated speed reduction. It is supposed to (and used to) return to the last set speed after doing a temporary speed reduction that it did due to road condition...
  6. GalacticHero

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    I have 40.2.1 and it definitely still has the problem with staying in the passing lane.
  7. GalacticHero

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.40.2 - FSD AutoSteer Stop Sign Warning and Adjacent Lane Speeds

    Got this update in my AWD LR M3 yesterday. I like the less tentative lane changes, but now it gets in the left lane to go around traffic and never goes back. The right lane will be clear and we're going at target speed, but it just stays there. And speaking of target speeds, 95% of my daily...
  8. GalacticHero

    For AWD owners wanting a P3D-

    I'd definitely pay for a software upgrade to take my AWD to P3D-. One huge reason I didn't go for performance was that I didn't want the lower suspension and 20" wheels, but would have likely paid more for the extra performance without the extra decorative bric-a-brac that would only be useful...
  9. GalacticHero

    Model 3 Glass Roof Sunshade

    I have to park mine outside in the sun quite a lot so I did get the front shade. I think it keeps it cooler. I also using aftermarket shades on the windshield. I have not got the rear shade since it seems like to much fuss to deploy and fold back up.
  10. GalacticHero

    Do you regret your color choice?

    I got the black because it was free and I felt I was already spending enough. I wish I had researched the paint a bit more though and discovered that the Tesla paint is a bit weak/thin. I would have gone with the Pearl White to get the multicoat and a cooler (temperature) car.
  11. GalacticHero

    Model 3 Scratches All Over And What Tesla's Tech Said

    Think of ceramic coating as a very durable wax. It will fill in light surface irregularities and provide some protection from corrosion and the like. It will not stop paint chips or anything but the lightest scratching. [Arguably it doesn't even stop light scratching, but you end up scratching...
  12. GalacticHero

    Model 3 Scratches All Over And What Tesla's Tech Said

    I bought my black M3 in November 2018 and the front surfaces are already pitting badly from the 25 mile commute to work. If I'd known about the softness of the black paint I would have went with one of the two coat paints. As it is, I have it scheduled for paint correction, film wrap on the...
  13. GalacticHero

    Truckla - Model 3 Pickup

    Simone is Amazeballs!
  14. GalacticHero

    Wipers stopped working, then headlights and Lane Avoidance

    Thanks for the suggestion. At the risk of seeming dense, what is the "Power Off" button?
  15. GalacticHero

    Wipers stopped working, then headlights and Lane Avoidance

    BTW the Sentry drive was indeed corrupt again today <smh>
  16. GalacticHero

    Wipers stopped working, then headlights and Lane Avoidance

    It is often corrupted as evidenced by its icon displaying a red X. It has not done that this time, but it sounds like a good idea to check it anyway.
  17. GalacticHero

    Wipers stopped working, then headlights and Lane Avoidance

    I have an M3 AWD with f/w 2019.20.1. This morning the wipers wouldn't activate via the screen or the turn signal button. They also wouldn't move into the Service Mode position. When I got to work I discovered the headlights weren't coming on. I leave them in Auto and they turn on when going into...
  18. GalacticHero

    What Kind of Car Did The Model 3 Replace?

    1996 Mercury Sable LS with a quarter million miles and a slew of modifications.
  19. GalacticHero

    Supercharger - Wheat Ridge, CO

    Glad I saw this post. I hadn't realized that the pins for the future SC locations were just in the general location. It will be nice to have an SC on my side of the city and just in general to take up some of the load off the airport SC further east on I-70. Note that there is a large TA truck...
  20. GalacticHero

    Blind spot detection limited. Camera visibility reduced.

    Glad I checked here, it's not just me! It just started recently and happens regularly when I'm leaving the underground parking garage at my work. The first time it happened I wiped off the camera, but that was not it. I currently have 12.1.2 in my M3. The problem goes away once I'm out of the...
  21. GalacticHero

    Is NOA respecting solid white lines?

    Yes, I've been driving down the freeway several times when it signaled an auto lane change while the lanes were striped then it canceled when they went solid. The freeway on my work route is under massive construction so there are lots of transitions to sold stripe for construction zones. In...
  22. GalacticHero

    Black screen while driving

    Black Screen of Death again this weekend. Now on 8.5. Curiously a pattern is emerging. It happens when I go under an overpass. I wonder if it's related to either sudden loss of online signal, or sudden change in brightness (and the effect on the camera systems.) In any case, it's kind of annoying.
  23. GalacticHero

    Model 3 come with Flat Repair Kit?

    I'm pretty sure the flat repair kit is only an option. You may well be correct that it is required in some states. Definitely did not get one in CO last November.
  24. GalacticHero

    Black screen while driving

    Could be, but I wouldn't think T would want to rely on such a critical portion of their code being under Google's thumb.
  25. GalacticHero

    Black screen while driving

    Well, yesterday while driving I got the dreaded Black Screen while driving my MC LR-AWD on the freeway. This is the first time for me. All the systerms (music, AP, etc.) seemed to continue working w/o interruption. After doing the reboot via both adjust wheels it came back up. The biggest...
  26. GalacticHero

    Software Update 2019.5.x

    Update: Sentry Mode is not in the release notes, but it actually there in the security settings and app.
  27. GalacticHero

    Does 2019.5.15 update have 5% power boost?

    Just got 5.15 on my M3 AWD-LR. No 5% power boost (and of course, no range increase since AWD.)
  28. GalacticHero

    Software Update 2019.5.x

    Just got 5.15 in my M3 AWD LR last night. It had dog mode, location based mirror fold and "minor bug fixes and updates." No sentry mode or blind spot warning.
  29. GalacticHero

    $2,000 Full Self Driving upgrade now available

    Addition: I pulled the trigger: