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  1. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Sorry that I wasn't clear, I meant margin. At the moment, I'm paying $100/month for 24k margin and it's been good to me for the last few months. I can up that to 30k now, and then again to 50k a few months from now. The dilemma is, if I up my shares and it dips, that would suck for all the...
  2. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    To anyone with more than 100% into TSLA, at what point would you borrower more to invest into TSLA? I just realized that I have that option open to me.
  3. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    He probably meant from the edge of LA county to the edge of San Francisco county, which is 320 miles.
  4. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Is it just a coincidence that it jumped almost immediately after austinEV posted this? I think not.
  5. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Well let him know that somewhere out there, there's a guy with 160% of his life's savings in TSLA. I really do need to figure out an endgame for myself eventually. While days like this are excellent (up 9+% today), dips (like going back to 242 a few weeks ago) also really hurt.
  6. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    "Due in just three months in July" Elon Musk Adds Details On What To Expect From Model 3 - HybridCars.com We're several months pass this information and even now, some people who aren't even bears still believe the model 3 is due out in July. I'm wondering if we're going to get a slew of...
  7. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Days like today make me glad I got out of the day trading game. I would have been eviscerated today. All this on top of today being a negative macro day for the most part.
  8. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Well today hurt, especially for people on a margin cough. It'll be interesting to see if it's going to be straight down and straight up, or will it tumble until it finds a bottom, then go back up.
  9. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I'm already more than overwhelmed that it's as high as it is, to be honest. Nearly as 20 point jump in one week is just nuts.
  10. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I'd hate to see that too, considering how I still have double my life's savings in this stock and I just turned green for the first time in 6 months. So it doesn't bother you at all that you've been selling TSLA since 230 and now it just hit 263?
  11. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Well, to play devil's advocate, this has happened before, back in January 10. We had two down days, followed by a missed delivery number, followed by a huge jump for reasons that are still a mystery to me. I think if we have a large down day tomorrow, or an even day both tomorrow and Monday...
  12. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I think a good comparison here would be me coming back and sleeping in the barracks after spending a year in Iraq. Sure it wasn't comfortable, but it was a heck of a lot better than sleeping on a fold-out cot in a small prison cell-turned-room with 7 other guys. I was sleeping way, way better...
  13. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    No offense taken. I've also spent more time than I'd care to admit beating myself over the head over how bad I am at timing this stock. I got lucky and made a few good trades a few months ago and got super excited, but that turned out to just be luck. I'm going to harden up a bit more and...
  14. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Thanks. In the months prior to my chickening out, I often threw the month's leftover income into the stock, only to see it disappear within a week. Doing that for half a year really chewed away at me. But, my god, I wish I had only held on because I would be up so much right now. I hopped...
  15. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Can I get some advice please. I don't know what happened to my nerve, but I've been frozen in paralysis for the last month or so. I don't exactly make a lot of money at my job, but I do make a decent amount more than my expenses every month. In the last 1.5 years, I've saved up a good deal...
  16. J

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Up, up and away. We just blasted through yesterday's peak.
  17. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    It completely confuses me how Nvidia is now in the green and TSLA is still down where it was this morning.
  18. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    A lot of stock that were looking to blast off at opening are red right now, and it seems to be getting worst. On the other hand, if you wanted to get into nvidia, now's the day to do it.
  19. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Man you can really see those hard pushes down.
  20. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Into the red we go. Rather unusual SP movement today. They're a multi-billion dollar company that fought back against NYC and won. Call it arrogance.
  21. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    So the rate hike dive was real after all.
  22. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Fed rate hike. Fed raises rates, sees faster pace of increases in 2017 SP dropped but is currently recovering. Aren't these things supposed to be really bad?
  23. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    My buy order didn't trigger. It's actually never triggers during those huge AH drops.
  24. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    It'll be interesting if it breaks below 180. It's been bouncing off 180.00-180.1 all day.
  25. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Well, the SP sure went no where today. If you look at TSLA, FB, google and amazon, they all share an oddly similar pattern today, other than a harder dip in the morning for TSLA that's probably due to short selling. Personally, I feel that a day of horizontal trading is good for a stock after...
  26. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Got my paycheck last week, starting to regret holding out for 180 when 184 was staring at me right in the face. Shorts letting me down.
  27. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I made basically the same post on Saturday. Now let's see if people will come in and respond to you the same way they responded to me.
  28. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Yes, knowing the model 3 is roughly a year away, and knowing what that will do to the SP is sometimes the only thing holding my sanity together. Some of you guys come off as pretty well off, while I'm renting a room out of some guy's condo, and losing a whole paycheck before I even get to work...
  29. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Annoyed, frustrated, pessimistic, yeah. But you're talking to someone who has 150% of his lifes savings in this stock at the average buy price of 217, so yeah.
  30. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Good morning. So I was thinking last night about the SP on Friday. On Friday, it was mostly flat throughout the day and a drop near the end. We've seen this before, haven't we. After the Q3 delivery numbers, it shot up, and in the next day, it was flat for most of the day, then it dropped...
  31. J

    Papafox's Daily TSLA Trading Charts

    So, how many events this month were identified by us as positive catalysts but ended up dropping the SP? All of them? I still think it has room to drop. Maybe dip to around 180.x, then stabilize around 182-183 before it moves up again. Calling 185 a support level is silly. It only stopped...
  32. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Maybe they should try a little harder *cough*
  33. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    It's more a matter of perspective than you think. For instance, in one of my better weeks, I was able to sell and buy back in and make a gain of $5.50. The total gain to myself from those trades, compared to just sitting on the stock, is the number of stocks x 5.5. Doing this also brings down...
  34. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    It's fine, everything's fine. It's not the selling part that loses me money. It's when I buy back in. Just stay calm and wait for December rate hike.
  35. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    We've already covered why it's shooting up. You're welcome, by the way.
  36. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I dumped all my shares at 184 today. Looking forward to tomorrow's volatility. I hope we run into our good friend 'sub-180' again for a brief moment. I'm counting on you, bears. Anyways, what are people's thoughts on what will happen to the SP post-merger? Bumps and dips aside, it's been...
  37. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Just wait until he's down 17% of his net worth like I am, and the stock continues to drop even though almost every tech stock is in the green today.
  38. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    What a lousy day for tech stocks. Should have throw my money into DryShip when I saw it at 22 earlier today.
  39. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    It's the entire tech sector. Apple down 3%, Facebook 2.8%, Amazon 2.7%, Tesla 3%, nVidia 4.5%, Google 2%, etc. Tesla was down 5% earlier, but that was due to extra effort pushing TSLA down below 180. That's pretty much gone away now.
  40. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I think the horizontal trading in the last few years was just the company catching up to the stock price. If we haven't gotten there already (the current slump could be due to the SC deal and the uncertainty over the Trump administration and nothing more), I'm sure we'll get it by the time the...
  41. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Well, Elon did say TSLA was overvalued back then.
  42. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Farewell sub-180, but I'm sure we'll meet again.
  43. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    TSLA was down about as much as the other tech stocks earlier this morning, but it's down noticeably lower now. Shows there's extra effort to push it down
  44. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Tech stocks are down this morning, but the sp500 is about even. I think people are shifting their stock rather then taking it out of the market
  45. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Thanks, I really needed to hear that this week.
  46. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Anyone know why TSLA is taking a dive right now?
  47. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Trump's a simple headed man. He just needs to take a tour of the gigafactory, get a test drive and he'll be hooked.
  48. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    What nice, flowery language in the face of the revival of the keystone pipeline.
  49. J

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Today, SCTY got hit harder than most, and dragged TSLA down with it, which allows a good opportunity to jump from TSLA to SCTY.