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  1. G

    Firmware 6.0 (beta version discussion)

    I'm away from my car at the moment, but I suspect it says that anytime you bring up the info screen, no?
  2. G

    Firmware 6.0 (beta version discussion)

    I wish they'd provide some support for Windows Phone at all.
  3. G

    New IOS Supercharger App For Model S

    Awesome! If there were something available for Windows Phone I'd use it for sure!
  4. G

    Firmware 5.11

    I've had the same problem a few times.
  5. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Not really relevant. Like Cottonwood said, there's projected to be 200 in North America by the end of this year. They have a lot to do in not much time.
  6. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    It looks like the listings are still there to me.
  7. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    Yes, that's been pretty common knowledge that they use contractors. They've still been using many of the same crews. It benefits them to have people who know the process as it makes things (generally) go faster.
  8. G

    San Diego Area Superchargers (location speculation)

    I could use it when I do business in San Diego, but not if it's at Horton Plaza. It'd be nice not to have to take the relatively long detour through SJC. It's only 10-15 miles extra, but it's always packed with traffic. Somewhere near Miramar might be a good catch-all place. Locals using...
  9. G

    San Diego Area Superchargers (location speculation)

    Care to elaborate? Seems like it's quite far into the city and out of the way for many people, especially those leaving LA and needing to head west on the 8. It also seems like it'd make people want to go see a movie or go shopping while their car is charging, instead of just grabbing a coffee...
  10. G

    Tesla P85 or 2013 Civic SI with forced induction?

    True. The only thing I keep telling people is that it's not as expensive as it looks. It costs me the same every month after factoring in insurance and fuel costs as my 2012 STi used to cost me. There's more to a car than sticker price.
  11. G

    Tesla P85 or 2013 Civic SI with forced induction?

    Yes, actually. Not debatable at all.
  12. G

    Decreasing rated range.

    I'm getting 200-201 on full charges after 18k miles in my 60.
  13. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Thanks, magneto! You too! I recently had a conversation with somebody who had a similar driving requirement for his job. I told him the same thing, that it would not be the ideal car for him. Hopefully that changes in the near future and electric vehicles make more sense for more people. I...
  14. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Sure, the stickers are easier, but it's less elegant and not a huge improvement over the current system, and if you're familiar with the current system, then it's really not an improvement at all. The stickers wouldn't tell you which spot is best if, say, you go to a SC with 5 of 8 spots in...
  15. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I've actually driven more with the Model S than with my previous BMW 335d or anything I've owned before it. I've done about 18k miles in less than a year, where I put about 13k/year on my BMW. You feel less bad about packing on the miles knowing that you don't have an upcoming oil change and...
  16. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Most of the ones I've used here in CA have pairs next to each other. Tejon Ranch, Atascadero, and SJC are all like this. I can't remember if Hawthorne is. Yuma is paired like this as well.
  17. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I don't think they can be mad at Cadillac. They, the individuals who purchased one, felt it was worth it at the time, but not enough other people did. Cadillac had to do something to move the product. The value just wasn't there at the initial price and Cadillac would have been stupid to do...
  18. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Sounds like the logic people use for having SUV's. They'd rather suffer the 15mpg all year than rent one for the annual family trip when they actually "need" it.
  19. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Are you going to have your Model X retrofitted with Regen Paddles?
  20. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I assume it's his. :P
  21. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    The bad news about your good news is that it's been that way for over a month now. :)
  22. G

    Supercharger - El Centro, CA (8 V2 stalls)

    Yeah, I think you can. You just can't do 75, and as you said, it'll depend on the headwind.
  23. G

    Supercharger - El Centro, CA (8 V2 stalls)

    You should be able to make it from Yuma to SD alright if you slow down a little. If you get to El Centro and feel like you need a charge, Sunbeam RV Resort is very EV friendly. They'll charge you $10, but it's worth it. They have bathrooms, a swimming pool, and some other facilities to use.
  24. G

    Drafting big rigs saves a minimum of 10 percent range

    You'd rather risk damaging your $100k car than slow down? No thanks!
  25. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I propose that we talk about whatever we want to. :)
  26. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    I ended up going to that theater you posted. I was going to just walk there (it was 105+ degrees outside) but they offered to drive me there, so that was helpful. They probably would have picked me up as well if the movie had finished during business hours.
  27. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    Driving through again today. I'm preparing for further disappointment and a very long charge in Cathedral City.
  28. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    I wish I'd known there was a theater nearby last time I went through. I'll be heading through again Thursday and I doubt the Indio SC will be online by then, so I may have to follow your lead on the movie plans.
  29. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    Just stopped by and there has been absolutely zero progress in the last week and a half.
  30. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    It seems like nobody has gone by to check it out all week. I have to go to Yuma again and will check it out tomorrow if nobody has reported by then. Hopefully it's already online. The guy at the Palm Springs service center said he thought it was only days away, and that was a little over a...
  31. G

    Firmware 5.9

    Yeah, I think it was removed for 5.x. It was there in the about screen in 4.5.
  32. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    I drove through Tuesday and Friday and there didn't seem to be any progress and nobody working either time. The pictures Tyl showed seem to still hold true. You can't see it in his pictures, but everything of Tesla's seems to be installed. The charge pedestals, charging stations, etc. are all...
  33. G

    Model S Owner Age

    No, that's why I take Demetri Martin's advice and LQTM.
  34. G

    Model S Owner Age

    I think you blew his comment way out of proportion, honestly. He simply said that the people he knows in that age range are technologically illiterate, not that everybody in that age group is. He even followed it up by saying "but that's just my family and friends" making it clear that he...
  35. G

    Firmware 5.11

    Yeah, sometimes my car is sitting in the 100+ desert heat for several hours, so it's nice that it now does this. Does I override range mode as well? It'd be nice if it does, especially while plugged in.
  36. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    FYI, the Cathedral City HPWC's seem to be on 208v power instead of 240v, so you only get 8kW charge rate instead of 9.6kW. If you have twin chargers, it's obviously still much better than stopping for 208v/30a somewhere else, but for us single charger guys, it's not a ton better and maybe not...
  37. G

    Supercharger - San Juan Capistrano, CA (7 V2 stalls)

    There's a label on each one. On that note, I was there Wednesday and Thursday, around 4PM both times, and didn't have trouble getting an unused pairing either time. Wednesday there was one other car, and Thursday there were 3 others. Each time, a few more showed up while I was charging (with...
  38. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    I'm driving to Yuma Sunday and was really hoping this would be done in time. I guess I'll be driving slowly to the Quartzsite station to be able to make it. EVtripper says it'd take 219 miles at normal speeds to get to Quartzsite from my house. Unfortunately. the return trip is expected to...
  39. G

    Decreasing rated range.

    You were only 10 miles below 90% when you plugged in. If it's already really close, it usually won't bother charging. Also, if you're really close, you usually don't get the same charge level. I assume it's because the pack never gets warmed up. For instance, my 80% is usually 160-162 miles...
  40. G

    Firmware 5.9

    Was your range remaining the same both times you started the charge?
  41. G

    Decreasing rated range.

    I'd say that likely it either didn't start the charge at all or it just charged a small amount, due to being so close to the selected charge limit already.
  42. G

    Supercharger - Indio, CA (LIVE, 36 V3 + 8 V2 + 2 Urban stalls)

    I think I'm going to be disappointed. I have to go to Yuma around the 24th of this month and was hoping this would be done by now. I can't imagine it being online in 9 days... The only two SC's I've really looked forward to are this one and SJC. This one isn't exactly moving at a blistering...
  43. G

    Things you may not have discovered about your Model S?!

    I used the button on the touch screen. Maybe there's a speed lockout? I was creeping out of the garage when I did it, otherwise the trunk lid would hit on the garage door. Are you sure it's not just the camera's wide-angle view fooling you? I've had mine on with the trunk open before, and...
  44. G

    Things you may not have discovered about your Model S?!

    I've closed mine while moving several times.
  45. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    The term "exclusive" is typically reserved for something not many people can have, rather than something not many people want.
  46. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Why is everybody so skeptical? What makes you think they're not all black? Surely white and black are the two most common colors by a good margin.
  47. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Yeah, pretty cool! Somebody in the comments made a stupid joke about it happening because they're coal-powered. :rolleyes:
  48. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    I'm glad you said $20,000 of new technology. What's $35,000 (price of a volt) plus $20,000? It's a $50k-$55k car (before tax credits) tops. PS, Tesla hasn't done any meaningful advertising either.
  49. G

    Model S - Window Tinting

    I leave mine in range mode almost always, and have been comfortable even in the desert heat with the A/C running in Eco.
  50. G

    Model S - Window Tinting

    I'm good knowing that many here, myself included, have seen huge reductions in cabin heat and A/C workload. That's all I wanted. I haven't seen anybody yet report being unhappy with the Photosync.