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  1. Fraank

    LR AWD M3 About to be Delivered

    I haven't heard of this unless it's a newer circumstance? My car through Frontier/Leaseplan, shows just fine - and showed as soon as the order was placed by Leaseplan. Enjoy the car AYYC! I had a wisdom tooth out today, but worth it for an excuse for a drive... ;)
  2. Fraank

    Phantom drain

    The car won't go into deep sleep until after it's finished charging, so that situation wouldn't occur in my understanding.
  3. Fraank

    Phantom drain

    May just be your phone Bluetooth talking to the car? Try disabling Bluetooth on any connected devices. I use default Teslafi sleeps settings. When the car is asleep Teslafi can't see battery charge, just the vehicle sleep state. This means when you wake the car up you'll then see what the drain...
  4. Fraank

    Phantom drain

    Teslafi doesn't cause phantom drain in my experience. I currently have both Teslafi AND Teslamate running their polling and my typical day is like below. You just need to ensure the car isn't woken up once sleeping, for me that means turning my Bluetooth off and don't touch the door handles :)
  5. Fraank

    M3 LR Battery Drain on Lockdown?

    Do you have your phone in Bluetooth range of the car? Perhaps it's not going to deep sleep very often. Parts of my house see my phone connect to the car (and of course my daily walk past it each day ). I get a few miles lost because of it. If I turn Bluetooth off, I get zero phantom drain. 0...
  6. Fraank

    Sentry Mode...

    Same experience. I had to park away from my house on street this week, so left sentry mode on. Usually it has over a 100 reports in the morning. I know there is less traffic at the moment, but arriving to find just 4 events did raise an eyebrow!
  7. Fraank

    TM3 Weak WiFi Signal

    Thinking about it, it's totally logical placement as it's the same side for charging. The source of your charging will normally be the source of your WiFi!
  8. Fraank

    TM3 Weak WiFi Signal

    It's definitely in passenger side. I parallel park and can put a WiFi extender within 5 metres of driver side and not get a signal, works fine when I park the other way (WiFi to passenger side mirror).
  9. Fraank

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Set up Teslamate on my Windows 10 server, with Docker. Had a slight delay whilst ordering a long hdmi so I could connect to the TV to enter BIOS and enable virtualization! Also initially had a lot of config trouble, but it's because I googled the Teslamate documentation instead of using Roy's...
  10. Fraank

    April 20 UK New Car Registrations

    150 is respectable ;) Teslamate tells the story well for me:
  11. Fraank

    UK Model 3 and Dog Owners

    I've bought some Scottish ancestry to South Wales also - she is a great model 3 passenger too - a Scottish terrier! A smaller dog would certainly save you some logistical hurdles.
  12. Fraank

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    I think we are all agreeing neither option is entirely secure, and we have to make our own decisions on what is an appropriate level of risk to us individually. I would much rather Teslafi used end to end encryption, i.e. they could not access any data themselves (they clearly can currently). A...
  13. Fraank

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    It may be more vulnerable but it's no longer a worthwhile target. There's little value in someone spending time trying to compromise my own hosting, and infact how would they even know I have it? The more data available the more valuable, and therefore worthwhile target for a "hacker". Doesn't...
  14. Fraank

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Same!!! Thanks for posting this, Roy. I often find myself pondering when my Teslafi data will be hacked, if not already.
  15. Fraank

    Regular forum member out of ICU and recovering!

    That's so great to hear, and all the best to them. They must be very relieved indeed. Wife and I both had it (we believe, untested), very fortunate not to need medical care. But it sure floored us and was a scary experience. We still tire very quickly over a week later. Stay safe and rest rest...
  16. Fraank

    In Car Dashcam viewer coming soon!

    Woah, that fisheye lens makes it look really fast doesn't it, officer.
  17. Fraank

    Problem with the SOS dialing - bit worrying!

    My 3 year old pressed this whilst I was sorting her stuff. Needless to say that was the time we couldn't cancel - and had to apologise profusely to the operator. I don't think she'll do it again, she doesn't want "the police to come and arrest her" (her words).
  18. Fraank

    New M3P Owner - Washing Advice

    I would just find a detailer near you with good reviews, they will wash it without causing swirls etc. Mine charges 15 quid a wash, I'll probably use them every 1 or 2 months and top up wash at home.
  19. Fraank

    The M3 Photo Thread

    And today's weather is sunny with some clouds. (And today's self isolating activity is taking photos from the window)
  20. Fraank

    New M3P Owner - Washing Advice

    I dug out my cleaning gear today as I usually have the detailers clean it. But similar to Roy - 2 bucket with a lamb wools mitt. Recommend a grit guard in your rinse bucket to keep the grit at the bottom. Dry with a folded car drying towel (use it like a squeegy). If I was washing at home more...
  21. Fraank

    Leasing mileage adjustment

    Awesome, hope you have similar success.
  22. Fraank

    Sharing my no driveway/on street parking setup

    Sure, found this old one:
  23. Fraank

    Sharing my no driveway/on street parking setup

    I have a similar setup, albeit: -10M tethered Rolec -Ring doorbell -Same style cable cover, but covers entire width I also leave sentry mode on. I personally feel I'm complying with the highways code (making best effort, and not doing anything restricted). Council offered me no other...
  24. Fraank

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Lovely car for the weekends! ...and the V8 must be handy for the week. ;)
  25. Fraank

    Leasing mileage adjustment

    2p a month - i.e. no real change in price. Hmm, not sure? I had a pretty good deal at the time, £443 +VAT (23+6) for LR AWD and metallic. Definitely seems a good price for 18k a year!
  26. Fraank

    Leasing mileage adjustment

    I've been leasing for 6 months now, through Frontier vehicle leasing (brilliant service), and fulfilled by Leaseplan. Just had an amazing turn of events with adjusting my mileage, so wanted to share in the hope someone else on Leaseplan (maybe others) can benefit also. I took my lease out at...
  27. Fraank


    Thanks so much for your work. It's an awful situation and we are going to ask a lot from a medical workforce these coming weeks. Totally agree about the lock down needing to come much sooner. Instead it was very mixed messaging. I didn't know about the reliability of the swab testing. Schools...
  28. Fraank


    On a lighter note, after a 5 month wait, tomorrow is the day the Tesla mobile service was booked to replace some Chrome trim. I presume they won't be turning up! (And will be talking to them through the doorbell if they do!)
  29. Fraank


    It's scary stuff. Also the folk who caught it in crowded public areas may have a very high viral load - breath in droplets from 5 people, and your body has a lot less time to respond. May explain why London seemingly has many younger patients also. My wife and kid have it (99% certain - she is...
  30. Fraank

    Long Range... Well not really

    I leave my fan on speed 1, and it helps a lot. If you did that and sat at 65-70 on the motorway you should be at or below 300. Sit at 60 and you should be 260 or below (in cold weather). Rain and head winds can have a big impact. Motorways just aren't good, unless they have a lot of speed...
  31. Fraank

    Question for UK Model 3 LR AWD Owners

    Similar reasoning as everyone for me. If I was just buying the car for me I would have got performance, but I bought it wanting the most comfort (ride and noise levels) for wife and daughter also. Don't regret decision at all, but would have been cool to catch a stealth. If they do air...
  32. Fraank

    Driving with the trunk open

    I don't see why not, the car just beeps at you. I did it by accident in Tesco carpark whilst manouvering. I couldn't figure out why my camera was showing me the sky o_O
  33. Fraank

    Joined the locked out of car club (model 3)

    Well that would explain the jumping out the window without your phone and wallet I guess. I've been in the same situation (minus mistress), my phone loves to die on me if I take a photo when the battery is 20% or less, so of course that absolutely happened when I jumped out the car in an...
  34. Fraank

    Whoopee! My VIN has appeared!!!

    Great to hear. But my VIN has actually disappeared from my account, anyone know what this means? Will I wake up tomorrow and my car will be gone?
  35. Fraank

    Zap-Map or PlugShare

    I agree that Plugshare is nicer to use, but I find it misses some locations that zapmap includes.
  36. Fraank

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    I really think Bulb E7 could work out better for me too. Do you know if Bulb will install an economy 7 meter?
  37. Fraank

    New Octopus Go tariff and off peak options?

    I haven't read all of this thread, but I'm 5 months into waiting for Octopus to install my smart meter. Process has been absolutely awful. At this point I'm tempted to find another supplier, even if not quite as good I would probably prefer a wider off peak window. Only plus is I was at least...
  38. Fraank

    Acceleration Boost £1.5k

    I haven't, as I'm leasing (and between jobs!), but there's a big thread in main forum and 90% of people say it's a huge improvement. The pull from 40mph isn't far off the M3P. There is a 48hr refund window in the US, not sure if that also exists in the UK.
  39. Fraank

    Range at Motorway Speeds

    I'm just going by various threads and videos. But maybe it would be fairer to say from -6% as there are a fair few results showing that, and that's what's ABRP shows, in which case not a huge amount more than aero free 18's. The extra loss comes from any combination of drag/weight/rolling...
  40. Fraank

    Range at Motorway Speeds

    As a comparison, my return journey 2 days later in Storm Ciara - rain and at times 30mph headwind.
  41. Fraank

    Range at Motorway Speeds

    Hey Jim. Here's some data from a 180mile journey at the weekend (Swansea to London). You can see the second half of the journey had better efficiency - for a few reasons. I had the Reading roadworks (30miles at 50mph), London traffic (amazing how slow battery goes down in a city), it was...
  42. Fraank

    Window Damaged the Chrome :o(

    I would raise this as a fault with Tesla. Had the same thing happen to my rear passenger window, for the first 2 weeks of ownership. It fixed itself somehow, but at first the window would always pop up before the door closed unless you held the handle open! Made me think it was a sensor issue...
  43. Fraank

    Honda e, what does everyone think?

    I really love the look, but if we replace our polo the competition will be stiff from the e208 etc. The perfect market for this car all currently drive range rovers instead of model X's, so hopefully the styling encourages more people to give EVs a go.
  44. Fraank

    Additional door seal kit - recommendations?

    Does it improve wind noise at motorway speeds also?
  45. Fraank

    My ongoing Model 3 troubles since day one!

    I had a loud whistle from 45mph also. For me it was the plastic trim under the frunk not fully clipped down. Try removing the plastic that gives you access to the brake fluid, and then push down all the edges of the plastic surround.
  46. Fraank

    Model 3 Seats Comfort?

    I find the front very comfortable. Not much bolster support as said, but I drove 9 hours yesterday and didn't have the aches I absolutely would have in my MK7 golf.
  47. Fraank

    Acceleration Boost Upgrade/option inbound?

    And the people who bought a P- can have a P-+... This upgrade sounds intriguing, but as a leaser I will have to remain at the window, peering in at the Elon Christmas Tree and it's pleasing delights.
  48. Fraank

    EU directive reducing max charge rate to 60kw?

    It does sound like a case of straight bananas, so to speak.
  49. Fraank

    Ceramic Coating Advice

    Boreholes and single tracks, you can take the prize for the most remote, but you probably won't best my local council on how many gritters they love to send past my house. It seems their equation is 2 tonnes of grit per house per degree under zero.
  50. Fraank

    Ceramic Coating Advice

    As others have said, ceramic coating makes cleaning dead easy and as we all live in the UK, nature will keep the car mostly clean for you (rain doesn't get lower part so well). I live in Wales. In a valley. So yeah, car is "washed" a lot. I'm being a bit lazy with this car, as much as I do...