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  1. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    looks like they took away a bunch more inventory. I see 37 cars now.
  2. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    That it didn't say 0 like a new car would
  3. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    I think he is saying something along the lines of you putting out a 'Make me move' price on Zillow. You aren't actively selling the house but if someone comes and offers you $x (usually more than the house is really worth) then you'll sell. At this point I would just ignore it/him. Good luck...
  4. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Then don't buy it. He listed it at a price he thinks it is worth, you disagree. I'm betting no matter what you say neither of you changed your mind
  5. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    I don't know about sales slumping per say. I think they are still selling a few of them, what is slumping is their additions to the site.
  6. W

    what are your thoughts on insurance costs

    I have an '11 Infiniti G37x and inquired about replacing it with a 2013 or 2014 model S and my agent said it was like $6/month more. Granted I didn't give him a VIN or anything but I don't think it will be a big increase.
  7. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Still there 14 mins later :) I'm super tempted by it though.
  8. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    The inventory went down a bit so I'm assuming someone bought a car.
  9. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Ah, just hadn't shown up on the site for me yet (since I don't pay probably :) ). I have a weekly email check-in with a CPO advisor. When I first emailed he sent an S60 with AP but it wasn't AWD obviously. Pretty much nothing has popped up since.
  10. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    This must be gone? I don't see any. I want to sign up for alerts but the frequency of AP CPO is so rare it seems not worth it.
  11. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Model 3 reservation holder here been keeping an eye out for CPOs and man some of these are getting pretty tempting. The only thing stopping me is I want AWD. Why couldn't they have come out with the D sooner? :)
  12. W

    Buy a Model S today to get higher up the Model 3 reservation list?

    Elon replied to someone on Twitter that asked this after the reveal and he said yes it would help your position in line. Not sure how long that would be good for. Like say M3 starts shipping Nov '17 and you buy a model S in July '17. Also he didn't answer (bc he wasn't asked) if having a used S...
  13. W

    Anyone else get a call today about the Model 3?

    Once I finally got a model S test drive done (tried online and in store but nobody called me back) I got some emails from one of the sales people and he said something along the lines of I might want to look at the S60 as model 3 reservation holders might not get the tax credits. It wasn't what...
  14. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    I have had 2 come over and neither said anything about the permitting or inspection. In fact, one said he wouldn't do it and his 'day job' was an inspector. However, just throwing it out there that you MAY want to do the permit and inspection just in case something happens. Everyone makes...
  15. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    You can always wrap it or plasti dip it to a different color
  16. W

    This Is The Model 3 Pre-Order Gift

    Got mine today. Line waiter in Denver.
  17. W

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    I'm 37, I guess that is old enough to put me in the category to change my posts to say whipper snappers. My point still remains, I waited in line for 4 hours in the snow to reserve the car, and will be thrilled if this is 'all' I get.
  18. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    My apologies, it appears I either missed a letter or copied it from someone that was missing a letter. I sent it to the right email now, thanks
  19. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Is the new process to call the CPO number first? I tried emailing the address for Brent from up-thread and got a bounceback
  20. W

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    Seems like millennials in action. I'll be thrilled if this is 'all' we get. I was expecting nothing (except the ability to pre-order an awesome car). Probably my biggest pet peeve is people that complain about free stuff.
  21. W

    mytesla page updated

    I vote go along. Not to be mean but they probably don't care about your opinion no matter how loud it is. Not unless somehow multiple opinions are the same. Either change em out yourself or just go with it.
  22. W

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    Is it a RWD car? I'd be very interested in a D with AP for less than $65k. How can I get ahold of the infamous Brent?
  23. W

    Continuing update on Tesla vehicles

    I doubt the AP hardware will be upgradeable. The software for sure will be (to a point). I just don't see them offering to retrofit 100s of thousands of vehicles. If they do it will likely be very expensive. I'm still going to purchase vs lease and if something mind blowing comes out I will sell...
  24. W

    Tesla says 12,200 Model 3 orders canceled

    They've always said approaching or almost 400k. I don't think anyone at Tesla ever said it was 400k+ (could be wrong). I think it's close to 400k but really the fact that they are over even 100k is pretty crazy for something that won't be here for 2 years.
  25. W

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    Nope and I would say be patient. I mean you're waiting for a car that won't be here for a while why not wait on this token?
  26. W

    NJ Supercharger Offline

    I haven't and I wasn't really serious just saying that it would be good to get a charge and block in these inconsiderate aholes at the same time.
  27. W

    Where are all the hats?

    Yes that is the link I'm asking about. All of them are out of stock besides the visor and the model X hat. Neither of which are the ones I want. Actually they used to have a blue hat with a white T logo, that would be the one I want but its not on the website at all anymore
  28. W

    Where are all the hats?

    They are normally $24.99 I believe. There are some cheap knockoffs on eBay but they appear to be the straight bill kind and I'm not young or cool enough to wear that :)
  29. W

    Where are all the hats?

    I have a Tesla hat that I bought a few years ago and its really showing its age but pretty much every style hat at the store is sold out and in my local showroom only the S/M size was available last I checked. It has been well over a month since any hat has been in stock online. I realize they...
  30. W

    NJ Supercharger Offline

    There should be an extension cord you can plug in so you park in front of the aholes and charge your car and as an added bonus block them in. When they get pissed off bc you blocked them in maybe next time they'll think before ICEing a spot... probably not though, thats not what an ahole does.
  31. W

    Design Studio - model3config.com (unofficial)

    I just don't see sig red being an option since there are no sig cars. Maybe I'll be wrong. I was all set on blue but that midnight silver metallic is beautiful
  32. W

    Would you consider a Bolt?

    It's a good thing Teslas are such good reliability /sarcasm I mean I hope they fix it by model 3 time but you can't just ignore their previous problems.
  33. W

    Roadster Owners Excluded from Model 3 Priority?

    Do we know this for sure? I don't see why a used S purchaser wouldn't be included. Yes their $ didn't directly go to the company but the original owners $ did. Let's say someone bought an S and then sold it and bought an ICE. I'd be fine with whosever bought the used S getting priority.
  34. W

    Would you consider a Bolt?

    I would consider another compelling EV, the Bolt IMO is not that EV. If there was say a BMW 3 series or Audi BEV with good range and a decent charging infrastructure I would look into it. Unfortunately it seems they don't much care to make a long range BEV that has a decent charging...
  35. W

    Cost Per Month? Car Note, Insurance, Taxes, Stickers, Plates.....

    A fully optioned model 3 will likely be more than $60k. Just gonna throw that out there.
  36. W

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    So long as you know it won't be happening.
  37. W

    TESLA MODEL 3 vs BMW I3 vs CHEVY BOLT - Comparison

    I read an article today in wired about how GM beat Tesla with the Bolt. I'm not sure what exactly they beat them at. I guess it was time to market with a 200+ mile 'affordable' EV but if I'm not mistaken the bolt hasn't rolled off the production line to consumers yet. Talk to me when they've...
  38. W

    Model 3's To Test Drive Before We Buy?

    I would expect a meet the Model 3 event before taking delivery. However I'll probably still buy one even if there isn't. It would also be awesome if there were some events where early model 3 owners in each bigger city kind of showed off the car. Maybe not test drives but at least be able to...
  39. W

    Lease ending before Model 3 arrives, what to do?

    Good luck. We tried negotiating the buyout of our small ford SUV and they refused to budge at all. Even after I explained to them that I could go down the street and buy the same vehicle for a few thousand less and that they would need to discount it on the lot to sell it anyway (or worse send...
  40. W

    We will need a lot more Service Centers

    Not only is it not enough for Denver there were a lot of people from other parts of the state there and even some people in from Wyoming. As far as I know there is no other service centers in Colorado or Wyoming and only one store in Colorado (by law). It will not be enough.
  41. W

    Max range of the model 3 poll

    I'm in CO too, there is a bill that passed the house and sitting in Senate that will change the state rebate. It will likely be $5k by the time we see a model 3 and only $2500 if you do a lease. HB16-1332 - Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Income Tax Credits - 2016 Colorado Legislation | LegisPeak
  42. W

    Model 3 savings account option in addition to $1000 deposit..

    Werent some of the Sig models a very substantial reservation? I know the production reservations were $5k but I thought the Sigs were like $40k. They opted not to do a sig series for model 3. Obviously they didn't send a bad message with the sig series model s.
  43. W

    Model 3 savings account option in addition to $1000 deposit..

    So is this $ you are putting into Tesla 100% refundable like the deposit? If so, they wouldn't really benefit much on it as you can pull it out at any time. Much like the $1000 deposits they can't go crazy with them as they could be called at any time and I'm sure a % of them will
  44. W

    Model 3 Margins

    It's obviously a conspiracy put forth by the ICE industry
  45. W

    Post Warranty Ownership, Repair Parts, Parts Costs, DIY?

    My thoughts are I wouldn't be buying a new to market car of any kind during the first model year if I didn't have a service center nearby. I wish you good luck.
  46. W

    Model 3 Margins

    I'll be surprised if anything more than the pre-orders actually ship for close to $35k. They have shown it with the Roadster (raised the price during production), Model S (killed the 40kWh car and have raised the price of the base model a few times) and Model X (70kWh car became 75kWh and the...
  47. W

    Post Warranty Ownership, Repair Parts, Parts Costs, DIY?

    This part scares me a little. I don't work on cars so I'm not worried about losing that but I also hate going to dealership for out of warranty repairs and generally go to local mechanics or friends. I can see a situation where as the car gets older the costs of having to take it to the Tesla SC...
  48. W

    Tempus doesn't Fugit while awaiting Model 3--what to do?

    Lol. I own an Infiniti G37x. Fun little car, terrible gas mileage. I'll just kill the environment in that for 2-3 more years