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  1. R

    Asking Elon Questions

    I don't have the details on this, but in Europe it used to be the case that only Ford dealers could services Fords. A couple of years ago - I think it was a EU-wide requirement - car manufacturers had to publish maintenance data so that no-brand dealers and service stations could service every...
  2. R

    Swapping is Coming [Discuss how it will be accomplished]

    Are there perhaps commercial clients that could buy a semi-automated battery swapper for their fleet of S-es?
  3. R

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Sterk punt. Ik heb ook een hekel aan oplossingen die gebonden zijn aan natuurwetten! :biggrin:
  4. R

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Tennet heeft genoeg capaciteit om 50% van alle auto's 's nachts op te laden Heb je daar een berekening en/of referentie voor? Als ik op de site van Tennet kijk zie ik 's nachts een overcapaciteit van ongeveer 5 GW voor een periode van ongeveer 6 uur. Dus zo'n 30 GWh aan overcapaciteit per...
  5. R

    Is kWh a good measure for battery capacity?

    I want to win the meter vs. yard/feet/mile-debate first. Then I want to bury mr. Fahrenheit, and only *then* might we go after the kWh. Funny thing: even in the Netherlands most everybody still speaks in horsepower even though ICE power is advertised in kW. In short: this is not going to happen...
  6. R

    Tesla's new core business? CES Grid Storage Device For SuperCharger/SuperSwapper

    Knowing that these cells can be bought at a 7% discount with 8% higher capacity next year? That sounds like a terribly bad idea to me. - - - Updated - - - I understand that Tesla is having automotive cells manufactured by Panasonic. Tesla has been doing extensive testing with modified Li+...
  7. R

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Even Googlen (ik was nieuwgierig): er zijn boten waar ruim 7,000 auto's tegelijk op meegaan.
  8. R

    Swapping is Coming [Discuss how it will be accomplished]

    Ten batteries in stock and 6-minute swapping would mean that the station will never run out of fully charged batteries. The first empty battery will be fully charged (charging at 1C) after the tenth has been swapped. This will most likely also work with 4-minute swapping as nobody coasts into...
  9. R

    Belgium and the Netherlands: Tesla aandelen

    Volgens mij doen ze dat wel (Bij Binck krijgt u alle tools en koersinformatie om zo goed mogelijk in opties te beleggen.), maar dat vereist bij alle banken waar ik ervaring mee heb wel extra contracten. Het risico op opties is vele malen groter dan op aandelen en de bank wil er zeker van zijn...
  10. R

    Breaking News: Pro-Tesla Motors bill dies in Texas House (Austin Business Journal)

    Whenever a politician uses the word "free" be very skeptical. In fact, whenever you hear a politician say anything at all, be very skeptical. Also, the United States of America is still pretty much just that: a union of states. From where I live (Europe) we often think of the USA as a single...
  11. R

    Swapping is Coming [Discuss how it will be accomplished]

    I've been looking at the Red Bull team swapping four tires in 2.05 seconds and as hard as I try I can't see any (un)screwing of bolts. I'm guess the driver can pop a lever and almost eject the wheels (or something). (YouTube) More to the point: unscrewing 30 bolts need not take any more time...
  12. R

    Swapping is Coming [Discuss how it will be accomplished]

    Also, all EU cars are shipped without the battery. The battery (and some other parts I believe) are installed upon arrival in The Netherlands. (I still wonder how they get the cars to EU without a battery. Towed? Tiny battery so the S can drive a few miles on its own?)
  13. R

    What is the fastes way to charge the Roadster on the road?

    Towed behind a truck using regen.
  14. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Charging smaller packs is easier than charging larger packs. I can easily supercharge a single cell at home. Charging 85 kWh is a lot harder. It's a matter of want, not can.
  15. R

    Swapping is Coming [Discuss how it will be accomplished]

    Wouldn't it be logical that the pack itself knows it's own condition? - - - Updated - - - I would not call a temporary Li-air insert "battery swapping", but perhaps that's just my definition. Implementing swapping for a small number of cars (50,000) with different capacity packs (60 and 85...
  16. R

    Elon confirms new supercharger capabilities

    I have come to understand that Tesla uses its own cell chemistry co-developed with Panasonic. It would come as no surprise to me that they have tweaked the chemistry in such ways that it can deal with even 4C-charging. Some Li-ion chemistries go up to 20C, so 4C isn't all that spectacular...
  17. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    Perhaps a bit off-topic, but whereas sometimes 1% is "just 1%" (e.g. a 297 mile range instead of 300 miles) other times 1% is a lot (when 1% of patients in a hospital die). Sometimes a reliability of 99% really sucks. And some people might view this as a reliability thing.
  18. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    16.5 lbs and you still need to fill up on water. But I do understand how this is something for Tesla to keep its eyes on. Thanks deonb for the clarification. - - - Updated - - - I think I like that, a 1000 mile cushion. That would surely solve range anxiety until a) Li-batteries offer a...
  19. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    Very much OT (sorry for that), but apparently they got back together again. At least they are often seen in close company. But I really don't want to be People Magazine. Yuck.
  20. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    1. No fundamental problem with shorting a company; just with shorting TSLA 2. I may have problems with ill-informed or dumb people (yes, even though I sometimes am myself) 3. There's no hatred. I just want their names to er... inform them! :redface: Of course I will soon have to learn to...
  21. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Names! We need names! :cursing: The highest tree, I say!
  22. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    So you're thinking rear-view mirror vanity lights? In that case I hope Talulah is doing the demo, not Elon. :wink:
  23. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    Wikipedia says practical density for Aluminum-air is 1300 Wh/kg so "recharging" 60 kWh means removing 45 kg (100 lbs) and installing 45 kg. Lifting more than 5 kg is impractical so that's removing and inserting = lifting 5 kg (11 lbs) 18 times. Assuming 45 kg Aluminum, you also need 53 kg (53...
  24. R

    Elon confirms new supercharger capabilities

    Yet Tesla is spending serious time, money and effort into setting up SC infrastructure. And all the while they have a better alternative around the corner. Naaaah.
  25. R

    Model S can be recharged faster than filling a gas tank.

    Same question for the metal-air batteries. How big? How heavy? If I understand Metal-air electrochemical cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia correctly, it may only be 8 kgs (17 lbs) for 85kWh (theoretical limit). Does anybody have any ballpark numbers on the price of metal-air batteries...
  26. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    A metal-air battery doesn't warrant a demonstration. Elon: Look, here is an empty S, and look now it's super full again! Crowd: (walks away disappointed)
  27. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    At today's volume it's less than 1.5 days!
  28. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    Battery swapping is not a cool demo. Lightning charging is! :smile: It's hypercharging; to be announced in combination with the hyperloop of course. Elon does use the word recharged. Does battery swapping count as recharging? Hmmm. 85kWh in 5 minutes (20C) is possible for some Li+ cells...
  29. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Looking at Google Finance and Yahoo Finance, Yahoo consistently (at least today) shows 1M additional volume. How comes? Is it 5.3M (Google) or 6.3M (Yahoo) right now?
  30. R

    Adaptive Cruise Control

    So is there any possibility at all that hardware for these features is already present in all S-es? ACC, LDWS could be done using camera's, which would incidentally jive with Elon's recent comments about using camera's for self-driving cars. One or more camera's could already be installed in the...
  31. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    A real squeeze like VW/Porsche will always have a return to "reasonable" levels. When VW rose from $200 to $1000 it returned to $400 four days later and $300 three weeks later. Not selling TSLA at e.g. $300 would imho be silly. On the other hand selling at $80 hoping to buy the stock back at a...
  32. R

    2013 Q1 Earnings Report thread

    Nobody knows. But we do know that there are ~30.000.000 shorts that just lost $15/share, so that's roughly US$0.5B down the drain for the shorts. And some of these shorts will be forced to sell and that certainly won't drive the price down. My guess: open at $70, up to $75 in early hours, close...
  33. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    Defectors amongst TMC members will be banned. PS: Mods, where can I apply? I promise I will only use my powers for Good. Really!
  34. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    OK, it's almost midnight here - I can finally go to bed... AT $70.00!!! YAY!
  35. R

    2013 Q1 Earnings Report thread

    $68 million ~= 12% of revenues. A 17% gross margin is nice, but do I understand that 12% is from ZEV credits so the real margin is 5%? If so, it's a long way up to 25%! Could somebody tell me that I'm wrong (please)?
  36. R

    2013 Q1 Earnings Report thread

    Made me LOL.
  37. R


    I'm saying this won't happen. NASA is much too important to SpaceX to do this. Me thinks SpaceX will never put NASA in such an awkward position.
  38. R

    Thinking about Q1 2013 earnings

    Is that a Tesla guarantee or an Elon guarantee?
  39. R

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

    If no one is selling, no one will make money. While a squeeze to $100+ is possible, TSLA won't stay at those levels. To maximize our profits we should all decide to sell at the same price. I would be OK with $100. :smile: Oh, and we should decide on the type of corporal punishment for those...
  40. R

    Thinking about Q1 2013 earnings

    I couldn't have put it better myseld. :smile: - - - Updated - - - Am I the only one thinking this is funny as this post is less than a day old?
  41. R

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Zomaar een gedachte: vooral voor de medeweggebruikers (incl. overstekende voetgangers) is dat heel erg fijn. Als ik zie wat een S 1-op-1 met een Honda Accord kan doen (Poef! Weg Honda!) dan is een kortere remweg - ook bijv. bij overstekende kinderen - wat mij betreft onbetaalbaar. - - - Updated...
  42. R

    What is Tesla's upcoming 'under your nose' announcement?

    I actually came here to read reactions to Elon's tweet: Earnings call next week, then Supercharger week after and then... the mystery announcement/demonstration :) What is going to be demonstrated?
  43. R

    Cost to Borrow Tesla Shares for Shorting Hits 85%

    In other words: positive investors in Tesla have made an additional $1bn, strengthening their positive feelings towards Tesla.
  44. R

    German Manager Magazine test drives Model S for 1300 KM

    I wonder how much this is going to hurt the German car industry. It seems like the German engineers simply can't understand that the market *outside* Germany is so much different (and much bigger!) than their local market. Will VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audio, ... all have to play catch-up in five...
  45. R


    About needing less fuel to slow down: that's true. And aerobraking *only* is certainly not an option! But even aircraft with thrust reversers use aerobraking as an additional (cheap) way of reducing speed. I am not a rocket scientist, but there must be some around here?! Air brakes yes or no?
  46. R


    Not using aerodynamics (drogues, air brakes or even rotating the rocket for optimal resistance) the delta-V for returning to earth is almost just as much as the delta-V for leaving. That would imply 50% fuel to get up and 50% to get back - clearly NOT a viable solution.
  47. R

    Wow! Temperature Really Does Matter!

    I always thought that it was the difference in chemistry of winter and summer fuel. Must be the same for electrons. :rolleyes:
  48. R


    Atmospheric drag does wonders. If you jump off of a sky scraper you will not fall faster than 55 m/s because the air resistance increases as your speed increases. I *think* that if you jump out off the ISS the same rules apply and you also end up at 55 m/s (and dead, but that's not the point)...
  49. R


    I don't believe the video. :smile: More accurately worded: I don't believe the video shows us all the details involved in getting the rockets back to earth. It's a promo vid (and a very nice one at that!). Could somebody here do the math on how much fuel [kg] it would take to get the speed from...
  50. R


    What will be the reentry speed (probably not the right term) of the first and second phases of a real to-space launch? How much of that can you get rid off with air brakes? Air brakes (slowly deploying?) are a cheap way to reduce the required fuel for the final delta-v. Throttling the Merlin...