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  1. D

    Jeda wireless charger and Samsung S20 Ultra not charging

    Ugh. Super annoying. I was hoping something might have been figured out by now. Best I've seen elsewhere here is that apparently someone took it apart and put something in to wedge the coils further up into the frame. If I get a bit more free time and ambition, perhaps I'll mess w/ that...
  2. D

    Iphone issues [issues with phone as key]

    I shipped mine across an ocean, so was away from it for a month. When it finally got back to me, my wife's Galaxy S20 still worked on it fine, my iPhone 7 still worked fine, but the iPhone 13 Pro phone key would not work at all. Reboots, BT toggling, all the things. I finally just had to set...
  3. D

    Jeda wireless charger and Samsung S20 Ultra not charging

    Yeah, kind of my current feeling. IDC really if the latest one works, this one should work and I refuse to buy the same thing again that should already work for what I need (at least from the same company that sold me the thing that's not working as it should). I bought both that and the USB...
  4. D

    Jeda wireless charger and Samsung S20 Ultra not charging

    Ordered a Jeda wireless pad during Black Friday 2019 (awhile back), but I didn't get it in right away, then pandemic issues happened and I ended up separated from my TM3 for about a year, didn't get it installed right away after that, finally got it put in back in March (2022). IDK what...
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    Crazy if it did, it's not even 2 years old at this point.
  6. D


    This update kill anyone's vehicle? 2018 Model 3 AWD here. I'm away, clicked the buttons on the app for the update and noticed it never reconnected. Had my wife go and take a look and it's just dead. Doesn't appear to be charging, key won't let her in, it's not responding on the display when...
  7. D

    Installing 2020.24.6.9

    That's always been a thing AFAIK. Mine did that awhile ago. You CAN force them on w/ one of the options in the climate control panel as I recall.
  8. D

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I can't speak to HW3, still sitting on 2.5 - but the back up camera on the TM3 is one of the best I've seen on anything I've been in yet.
  9. D

    Sentry mode not triggering

    This is not the case. Something is wrong with Sentry mode currently. I'm on 28.2 and seeing this same behavior. Tested with BT on phone off, phone not near me as well. Also did a full power down. Sentry has just stopped working for me. Was going to try without the USB stick and...
  10. D

    Autopilot not available/ auto headlights won’t turn off

    Happening to me now that I just got it back from other service. Another appointment scheduled. I'm getting rather tired of taking this thing in for service at this point (between misc. Tesla things and being backed into).
  11. D

    Why isn't my model 3 charging sometimes when scheduled charging is on?

    Looks to me like the pattern seems to be Sentry mode enabled. On the first day it charges, does not on subsequent days. I also noticed on TeslaFi the charge % in the Parked segment stays at 90% even though available mileage is down. Makes me wonder if there is a bug where when plugged in and...
  12. D

    [Updated] Model 3 CCS / CHAdeMO adapter

    This needs to have happened by now. There are places with 0 SCs. That means if you have a 3, you're only option in those areas are L2 or worse. That's super crappy to let that situation stand.
  13. D

    Why isn't my model 3 charging sometimes when scheduled charging is on?

    That doesn't seem to matter. I'm running into this issue now, charge never started on my schedule, within 6 hours of the start time, and hitting "start charging" on the app does nothing.
  14. D

    [Updated] Model 3 CCS / CHAdeMO adapter

    Everything I've seen, it feels like I'm the only one actually bothering Elon on Twitter for this stuff. I seriously want this too. I plan a migration out to Hawaii at some point, and there is zero supercharging out there, but the local electric companies support a decent network of DC fast...
  15. D

    Model 3 CHAdeMO adapter is coming soon-part number already assigned

    I thinknitthwell established already that the Model 3 is not helped by the basence of the adapter. I'm tired of hearing coming soon via 3rd parties who can't share any direct evidence. Tesla just needs to make this happen. This is annoying at this point and comes across as will full at this...
  16. D

    Charging amps do not return to full 30 on Chargepoint shared charger after other vehicle unplugs

    Screenshot_20181220-114631 by dfjkl posted Dec 20, 2018 at 11:53 AMHm. Seems to be an issue again.
  17. Screenshot_20181220-114631


  18. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    No. That has nothing to do w/ what Tesla was charging. Now if when they changed statuses on my car, it went from CA then back to AZ taxes or something, that's a different story. It all came out right when they finally delivered it. But Tesla invoice and bank loan were completely separate.
  19. D

    Model 3 CHAdeMO adapter is coming soon-part number already assigned

    Faster than most level 2 stations still.
  20. D

    Help me understand battery consumption

    Far cry from 1/4 of a tank, which is what the OP is essentially talking about. I've done math based in fuel capacity quite a few times (prepping me for an EV apparently) to ensure I've had enough fuel for trips. Tank capacity really doesn't lie in an ICE. Depending on how the fuel pick-up is...
  21. D

    Charging amps do not return to full 30 on Chargepoint shared charger after other vehicle unplugs

    I've never reduced ii manually in the past. It's just acting weird at this point.
  22. D

    Help me understand battery consumption

    I've never had that be the case on an ICE. If they say the tank is 17 gallons and you run out of gas, you're putting 17 gallons in, or damn close to it. Now yes, sometimes the gauge goes to E prior to it being empty, but that doesn't mean you don't have usage of the fuel capacity that is...
  23. D

    Charging amps do not return to full 30 on Chargepoint shared charger after other vehicle unplugs

    So I'm fortunate that my workplace has Chargepoint stations installed. They've recently gone to shared, but these are not the first shared chargers I've plugged into. Normally if another vehicle plugs in, the amperage will be cut to 12A and my rate will go from 20-23mph to 12mph. Usually when...
  24. D

    Model 3 CHAdeMO adapter is coming soon-part number already assigned

    Doesn't make much sense though unless what they're attempting to do is turn the Supercharger network into a profit center. But the whole west coast is littered with state sponsored CHAdeMO locations and for the state of Hawaii that's really the only fast charging option currently available...
  25. D

    Are we ever going to get ChadeMO?

    Except that's not the reality of what's available. CHAdeMO is fairly well deployed in quite a few areas and it's extremely limiting in some markets to not have that capability on the Model 3. Why would I prefer to charge slow when the ability to charge fast is there and the only thing stopping...
  26. D

    Model 3 CHAdeMO adapter is coming soon-part number already assigned

    I can when there are places w/ CHAdeMO and no Superchargers.
  27. D

    Are we ever going to get ChadeMO?

    They're there but I'm not permanently yet with mine. It's irrelevant. Point is, there are fast chargers there, just not superchargers, and it doesn't appear Tesla is making that happen fast out there. But if owners had access to the ChaDeMo adapter, that issue is solved.
  28. D

    Are we ever going to get ChadeMO?

    It will be a priority for me and other owners in Hawaii. The Big Island's only fast charge option available is ChadeMO.
  29. D

    Model 3 crazy vampire drain

    My vampire drain seems to be getting worse over time. Only seemed to be a 2 - 3 or so in the beginning, but I'm approaching up to 10 miles now on some days and seem to be averaging around 5/day now. This seems excessive.....
  30. D

    AWD delivery thread

    You still will want to reach out and follow up if you don't hear anything. I think I waited too long to do it. Their system didn't register any of the options even though I clicked all the buttons on my end. Their operation for the whole delivery, including finalizing the order really seems...
  31. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    Yeah, thus far, no new purchase contract yet and another round of texts and email to my IDA ignored again. I don't understand the point of them if they don't actually do anything but blow you off and ignore you......
  32. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    I'm dying on the hill of the extra charge. If that doesn't go away, I'm done. You don't just add a charge that's more than my last car payment was and expect me to just pay up. Still waiting on them to return a new contract so I can get a check from the new lender. New lender has been great...
  33. D

    AWD delivery thread

    Hopefully that continues for you. My IDA is great at ignoring me.
  34. D

    AWD delivery thread

    She's not wrong. You should not believe it until day of and you've not received a cancellation call. I've had multiple scheduled appointments in my account all cancelled the night before because "we can't find your car" "oh, it's still in CA" "oh, it's still in transit" and now, "oh, we got...
  35. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    *sigh* I'm just going to copypasta what I pasted elsewhere at this point: SO, the car actually was there for me on Saturday. But alas, I had another surprise waiting for me. Tesla indicated they didn't have the money from the bank, which had me confused as it was marked financed in their...
  36. D

    AWD delivery thread

    So I got to touch my car. It's at the Tempe delivery center. But now my bank screwed up and I'm in the process of getting another loan. Should hopefully be finished up tomorrow.....at least if Tesla gets me the new purchase order in a reasonable amount of time.
  37. D

    Front License Plate - reborn...

    I'm probably going to go with this guys solution when I need to have front plate (and just not run with it consistently). Home made license Bracket under $10
  38. D

    AWD delivery thread

    Whelp, had a delivery rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Just got a call though saying that wasn't going to happen, that they still don't have the car, but assured me it's in transit and that they've contacted the driver for an ETA. Apparently it won't be in until tomorrow night sometime so...
  39. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    Another thing they could do would be yes, COMMUNICATE! That's the biggest annoyance thus far with them is they just go radio silent, and that's annoying. Next, offer something for inconvenience! I mean, they already have fleets of vehicles doing "free" Supercharging. How about offering those...
  40. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    ...became a standard American company? ;) On cancellation #2, but they assure me my vehicle is in transit and it should be there hopefully Friday or Sat. morning for a rescheduled Sat. afternoon pick-up. We'll see....
  41. D

    AWD delivery thread

    In AZ they can't sell direct apparently, or at least run it as a dealership, so I had to have all the finances worked out prior. So they have the bank loan and my downpayment. Only thing outstanding is my trade-in (so at least I still have a vehicle to drive, just not the one I really want...
  42. D

    AWD delivery thread

    Was supposed to take delivery in the morning, but it was cancelled. :(
  43. D

    Frustrated with repeated reschedule, need to take action.. Please suggest

    Just joined the cancellation club, no reschedule yet, supposedly get to hear about that tomorrow. VIN assigned, monies paid....car still in CA and not AZ where it's supposed to be.