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  1. bobw

    "Burn rubber, not gasoline!" - Deutschlandpremiere des Tesla Elektro-Sportwagens

    Chris H: The point of the quote is that criticising people is risky. You want distance and some way to handicap the pursuit, before you begin. I enjoyed the "Is it running? It beeped!" at the beginning of the test-drive segment. Regards, Bob W
  2. bobw

    "Burn rubber, not gasoline!" - Deutschlandpremiere des Tesla Elektro-Sportwagens

    Could it be that you might be mistaken? Surely you mean some other fellow?
  3. bobw

    "Burn rubber, not gasoline!" - Deutschlandpremiere des Tesla Elektro-Sportwagens

    That's what I get for trying to show off or be funny. I apologise to all and sundry.
  4. bobw

    "Burn rubber, not gasoline!" - Deutschlandpremiere des Tesla Elektro-Sportwagens

    With all due respect. German is my second language. I learned to speak while my father was stationed in Germany for three years starting in 1959. I have 4 1/2 years formal instruction. That instruction ended in 1980. I have not had much chance to use it since. My German is indeed rusty. That...
  5. bobw

    "Burn rubber, not gasoline!" - Deutschlandpremiere des Tesla Elektro-Sportwagens

    Mein Deutsch is sehr rustig! Vieleicht Finkenbusch will uns hilfen? During the drive I wanted her to floor it. I wanted to hear what a passenger would say in German. He asked the lady if she will get one. I think she said "at once!". Perhaps she was being sarcastic. It is kinda spendy...
  6. bobw


    I Thought it was a Language Difference We call those things traffic circles in the states. Many older small towns have them in the center, if they didn't put the courthouse or city hall there. Belleville, IL has a fountain in the center of town. Belleville, IL - Google Maps Savannah...
  7. bobw

    Conservative take on Oil

    Youtube Links to Anne Korin's Oil Solution YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution 1of7 YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution 2of7 YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution 3of7 YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution 4of7 YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution 5of7 YouTube - Anne Korin's Oil Solution...
  8. bobw

    Martin's Roadster is finally delivered!!!!

    Aha! I see it! I guess I'm just not obsessive enough in hunting down pictures. Thanks! Bob
  9. bobw

    Martin's Roadster is finally delivered!!!!

    Once Upon a Time there was a Retractable Cup Holder http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/tesla-roadster/103-cup-holder.html Did they delete it?
  10. bobw

    Martin's Roadster is finally delivered!!!!

    Picture Request Please post a picture of the cupholder, showing its location. Have a cup in it to make it obvious to dummies like me. This should obviously be a low priority, long after sequences showing proper entry and exit technique, with and without a skirt. I'm just curious. Enjoy...
  11. bobw

    Lightning GT

    I think it's to answer the Road Trip objection As in: "I don't want to have to wait 6 hours every 200 miles to recharge the battery on a road trip." I bet the car makers hear this objection in focus groups all the time. I think a reasonably priced, freeway capable electric car that seats...
  12. bobw

    TCS Daily - Elon Musk: From Paypal to Outerspace

    TCS Daily - Elon Musk: From Paypal to Outerspace fyi
  13. bobw


    And the white stripey things crossing the roadway from sidewalk to sidewalk are called Zebra Crossings.
  14. bobw

    Th!nk Ox

    Cobos: 4.6 Million Norski can agree (roughly) on what they want. It helps that Norway is still a net oil exporter. Three Americans can't agree on where to go for lunch. It's better to let each of us get his own. About the Ox: It looks nice, but computer modeling and animation are...
  15. bobw

    Visiting Tesla Motors?

    I suggest you call and ask them. It's only polite. Tesla Motors - contact us During business hours it's at least possible that one of their PR people might have a free moment.
  16. bobw

    Tesla car code names

    BlueStar Do-Wah! Inane Galaxina reference.
  17. bobw

    Motor trend video

    "It just goes!" Tesla's new slogan: "It just goes!"
  18. bobw

    Forum under Construction

    Please don't overdo it. It's pretty, but I often read this from my PDA. More and fancier graphics could take some of the fun out of that. Do you have an easy way to make a mobile.teslamotorsclub.com?
  19. bobw

    Electric Green Showroom (near Tesla HQ)

    What Competition? Pro: They're cheap. They don't burn gasoline Con: No air conditioning (necessary in Dallas, TX). Short range. *NOT* freeway capable. They're both two seaters. Is that how they compete?
  20. bobw

    Entrepreneur of the Year: Elon Musk

    Martin and Elon Have Much Experience with the Media Martin Eberhard and Elon Musk have both shown their skill with the media. Foul language doesn't play well. It's best not to develop the habit.
  21. bobw

    Exxon Mobil to make Li-ion Batteries

    At Some Point Oil Will be Too Expensive to Burn There will be too many players trying for shares of a smaller and smaller pie. At that point a company wants another line of business. The oil companies will *not* go gentle into that good night. They're hedging their bets. If you want to drive an...
  22. bobw

    Entrepreneur of the Year: Elon Musk

    Martin and Elon Have Small Children You have to watch what you say, because they'll repeat it when you least expect it. I say "flaming", myself.
  23. bobw

    Taking a Whack at Making a Car

    Other vehicles with transmission problems. The M1 Abrams tank has an exotic powerplant: a gas turbine derived from a helicopter engine. It also has an electronicly controlled transmission. During development the tank crews found that it would shift into reverse while the tank was still moving...
  24. bobw

    Taking a Whack at Making a Car

    Rumor Mongers and Scalp Hunters I'm afraid many reporters these days seem to be either rumor mongers or scalp hunters. They don't check their facts. They often complain that they don't have *time* to check the facts. I thought that was their job. We pay them to do the equivalent of a weekly...
  25. bobw

    Tesla Thinks the battery should wait

    And the motor. Martin Eberhard said that a new way to manufacture it is part of their "secret sauce."
  26. bobw

    Gen3 "BlueStar" 2-door coupe styling ideas

    Maybe the Tesla Motors HyperLight? In 1992 GM designed the Ultralite show car. They subcontracted fabrication of two examples to Scaled Composites Scaled Composites: Ultralight GM show car. From AutoSpeed.com: Browser Warning From flickr: GM Ultralite on Flickr - Photo Sharing! The...
  27. bobw

    Chris Paine's "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

    re: Chris Paine's "Who Killed the Electric Car?" The Tesla Roadster with all the trimmings costs $100,000.00. The manufacturing cost must be some large fraction of that. The EV1 manufacturing cost would have been similar. Yes, the EV1 had lead-acid batteries at first, but even then the...
  28. bobw

    What color would you pick?

    That's silicon valley. Silicone valley is about 380 miles south...
  29. bobw

    Cup Holder?

    I'm curious, too, but I've been too embarrased to ask....
  30. bobw

    How do you guys feel about the sound or lack of that the roadster will make?

    Try     http://news.com.com/1606-2-6102127.html search google keywords     Tesla Roadster Video
  31. bobw

    How do you guys feel about the sound or lack of that the roadster will make?

    Martin Eberhardt commented in the MSN interview     http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=ed407edf-b1c5-4fc6-a130-af7228847243&f=msnhome&fg=copy that it has "its own sound." It would be nice if the Youtube video recorded it instead of cheesy music.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhgctsVIrWc...
  32. bobw

    I wonder how the market will react to the reemergence of the electric car?

    Better Reasons I'm still not convinced about global warming being of human origin. Even so, I agree that it would be good to stop burning oil. 1) It's only going to get more expensive as China and India industrialize. 2) It's a base for all sorts of nifty industrial products, like plastic...