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  1. Mookuh

    Solar Powered Car Produces More Energy than it Consumes

    Looks very interesting. However the statement "procudes more energy than it consumes" doesn't seem to add up with the range limitations they cite in the article. Unless they are factoring in night-time driving in their range OR they can run 1000km on 15 kWh, which would be rather impressive...
  2. Mookuh

    3D Printed Car Manufacturer Makes Questionable Claims?

    85 kWh... per car? per 100 miles? Anyway, I'm sure they will find plenty of people to drive their "ultra light weight, 0-60 in 2 seconds" Leaving aside the fact that this is most definately vaporware, with "up to 90% lighter" and the speeds they advertise, the car actually taking off into the...
  3. Mookuh

    Tesla Sailboat

    Maybe he was thinking icebergs? Also this has to be the first time batteries being too light being an issue :P
  4. Mookuh

    Charged my Model S with cow manure today

    Right, for more-or-less obvious reasons (my alias translates to "Moocow") this thread is both amusing and highly interesting to me. I'm curious about their numbers: 50 cows generate 12 kW-hr - does that mean they provide a continous power output of 12 kW? If so, we're looking at 5,76 kWh/day...
  5. Mookuh

    ICE cars are dangerous.

    One does wonder if Tesla could quote this in the ongoing battle against Car dealership monopoly :wink:
  6. Mookuh

    Car and Driver-2015 Tesla Model S 70D is The car of the century

    There's your argument, then :D
  7. Mookuh

    Car and Driver-2015 Tesla Model S 70D is The car of the century

    Another interesting experiment would be to offer people driving gas cars the option to wait 40 minutes and recieve their fuel for free afterwards (or really, more like 15-25 minutes, if you don't need the 80% charge) opposed to the option of filling up in 5 minutes at the usual cost. My gut...
  8. Mookuh

    By 2022 all BMW's will be AWD range-extender electric cars | Electric Vehicle...

    This is certainly true, however people e.g. in Europe put significantly less km on their car than people in the US, on average. (The number usually cited for Europe is 12.000km/year (about 7500 miles), US is around 13k *miles*, according to this How Many Miles Do Americans Drive Per Year?)...
  9. Mookuh

    Pics of three OTHER wonderful EVs

    Haha, love that, thanks for posting it. I especially like the redundancy in every other point.
  10. Mookuh

    Increasingly difficult not to harbor INTENSE resentment.....

    Unsure about the effects, but there are ways we can (and should) go to actively reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, not just reduce the amount we add. Most obvious to me seems to be "planting trees"
  11. Mookuh

    Mercedes-Benz GLE 550e Plug-In Hybrid SUV

    According to the article, it's 18 mile NEDC, which means around 12 miles real life, if even that. Makes you think they could've just skipped the "All electric" portion of that...
  12. Mookuh

    Play Blastar by Elon Musk

    Thanks for posting this, I was kinda hoping to find it somewhere... Now to figure out how to avoid "Status Beam"... D:
  13. Mookuh

    Another Dealer EV Horror Story

    Assuming you talk about the "Smart ED"-thing: That stands for "electric drive". Edit: Otherwise, I'm on board of the "probably a typo" crowd. Model year 2016 done with Testing by July '16 seems a tad late. And emission testing an EV... :rolleyes: Maybe they really mean 'range testing'?
  14. Mookuh

    Solar Dashcam

    There is, the relays that connect/disconnect the main battery work via 12V. And it's a good thing, too, as it's a safety feature. You don't really want the car sitting around idle for longer periods with an "armed" battery.
  15. Mookuh

    LG Chem 120kWh battery packs for sale to manufacturers "looking to exceed MS range"

    Not sure why people are so negative about a bigger battery? Building a battery of this size that can be fit into an automobile is an impressive feat of engineering. Also, people seem to jump on the "Yeah, you got a battery. Woohoo. Go build a car, then we'll talk!" - this is a battery...
  16. Mookuh

    Can 70D use 85D battery?

    Oh there is little research and mostly opinion going on from my side. Unless they do something else with the batteries, having thousands of them lying around is a huge money sink for the rare useage they would likely get. Superchargers are evolving to become more-and-more powerful, reducing the...
  17. Mookuh

    Can 70D use 85D battery?

    Seconded. An inventory of 50 batteries per station was mentioned a while ago, which, at 200$/kWh(This number is a ballpark guess), adds 850.000$ per charging station (Assuming all are 85 kWh). Just for the batteries, swapping hardware isn't free either, so let's call it a million for now. Do...
  18. Mookuh

    EPA Model S Charging Efficiency

    Doing this, you assume that the Model S uses its entire battery capacity - while I don't have a source to quote, it's unlikely they would do that. All manufacturers build in a cushion of sorts to increase battery longevity, usually both at the high end and the low end (though I believe you can...
  19. Mookuh

    Vortex bladeless wind generator

    This looks like a really interesting and promising approach. Though one does wonder how demanding the anchoring of these is going to be compared to traditional wind turbines. As an aside, if we want to save the birds from our electricity grid, we should start with the distribution lines. They...
  20. Mookuh

    Porsche 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid

    Alright, here goes: That should be close enough... Seems like they're not too biased after all on this vid, they clearly state that it would've been ridiculous if a Sedan could beat a hybrid sports car such as this.
  21. Mookuh

    Porsche 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid

    If noone else has gotten around to it by then, I'll see what I can do when I'm home later today. As a word of warning, though, German media is usually biased towards domestic products, especially cars. And BILD is the worst of the worst the German press has to offer.
  22. Mookuh

    Access to Front Camera

    You're not mistaken, at least in Germany they're still considered illegal because it's an "unwarranted collection of mass data". The cynism here in the light recent affairs around our intelligence service makes me cringe.
  23. Mookuh

    Tesla cuts 60kWh Model S, entry-level Model S is now 70D.

    There was talk about adding ballast to the Model S variants with smaller batteries, such as to keep the total weight and distribution similar and not requiring additional crash tests. It might be that there is extra weight in an S60, too? Has anyone actually checked that at some point? I have...
  24. Mookuh

    Street Scooter

    Only learned about that today, the Deutsche Post/DHL group bought the Streetscooter GmbH last december, a small producer of "bare necessities" street-legal, affordable electric cars. Deutsche Post DHL Group Deutsche Post DHL acquires StreetScooter GmbH The plan is now to ramp up...
  25. Mookuh

    Toroidion 1MW electric supercar

    Sarcasm aside, in theory you could concieve a powerstrip that you can connect the cells to (if you construct them right), and it only starts running/charging when all are present, and it has all the BMS functions you'd want. However, a battery to move such a vehicle over a respectable distance...
  26. Mookuh

    Toroidion 1MW electric supercar

    Battery that you can carry indoors... that's a good one. Maybe you can take the individual cells out, meaning you only have to do +-50 trips to get the whole thing inside and charging. Practicality spelled with a capital P right there.
  27. Mookuh

    List of current BEVs and plug ins and other hybrids

    I'm not 100% sure what 'current' means in this case? Cars that can still be bought new from the manufacturer? Cars that have a new model coming out in 2015/2016? Renaults line-up might be worth adding either way: ZOE, Fluence, Kangoo ZE and Twizzy. Though I don't know whether they are available...
  28. Mookuh

    GM Chevy Volt

    Well, that sucks. Though I'm guessing the Volt didn't sell well here at all, and now that the BMW i3 is out and about, it's unlikely to pick up steam any time soon. Myself, as a proud German, I'd rather drive a Chevy than a Bavarian car :biggrin: Thanks for the heads up. Wikipedia cites this...
  29. Mookuh

    GM Chevy Volt

    After checking this thread, I went to Wikipedia to read up a bit on the sceond generation Volt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Volt_(second_generation) If even half of those things are true, it's going to be a massive leap forward, and a very attractive car for anyone who might not be...
  30. Mookuh

    2013 Model S 85 kW $58,000 Loaded--Great Price!! - No Longer Available

    Not sure if is a bug on my end, but in the classifieds section this shows up as costing 63.20$, or 99.93% off. TMC Marketplace If that's the asking price I'd be interested in buying :D
  31. Mookuh

    Toroidion 1MW electric supercar

    Just the articles on this, looked for the post, and thought it might be worth updating: There is a car now, it seems. Toroidion electric supercar concept | News, pictures, specs | Digital Trends Time will tell if it survives. Speaking of survival, what's with everything being "Tesla killers"...
  32. Mookuh

    An alternative to shifting in a Tesla...

    That's what the dual motor variants are doing, and the reason why they can get more range, because they can use the motor closer to it's optimum power band.
  33. Mookuh

    An alternative to shifting in a Tesla...

    The reason the Tesla loses at higher speeds is not because the motors are outside their optimum curve - it plays a role, yes, but the drop in available power is not that drastic. From my (still somewhat limited) understanding, the Model S cannot keep up with e.g. a McLaren F1 at higher speeds...
  34. Mookuh

    ICE cars are dangerous.

    Handling oil is dangerous, too. (This goes in here, right?) State of emergency declared in West Virginia after train derails, explodes - LA Times I sincerely hope noone was hurt, but the environmental damage is gonna be disastrous.
  35. Mookuh

    BMW i3

    We've gotten in a new BWM i3 (without REX) at work this month, and we're in the process of conducting various measurements and tests, while also trying to decipher the CAN-matrix of the beast. As part of this, the plan is to put it onto a roller dynamometer test stand in order to be able to...
  36. Mookuh

    Where will the gigafactory get all the lithium?

    Ideally, from geothermic powerplants: Lithium Producer Chases Tesla’s Bold Battery Plan - The New York Times This was on these forums linked some time ago. Are there any more recent news? I tried to find some, but my Google-Fu was too weak.
  37. Mookuh

    Pollution by brake pads

    The Model S is (presumeably) much heavier than the Prius, which translates into more wear on the brakepads. That and the S is a much stronger performing car which might be driven somewhat harder than a Prius. This is an assumption, of course, but could definately be influencing factors for the...
  38. Mookuh

    EU Market Situation and Outlook

    Did you possibly forget a 0 here in the revenue figure? I was under the impression Tesla would make around 20,000$ revenue per car sold. 2k seems very low. That and I'm gonna vneture a guess that on the pre-purchased maintenance plans, there is some money to be gained for them aswell.
  39. Mookuh

    NanoFlowcell Quant, Quantino

    The way these storage systems work is that you have 2 seperate items: The storage tanks for the liquid, and the electrodes where the liquid is pumped by. (Random picture from google for Redox Flow Battery: http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2011/ph240/xie2/images/f1big.png) The size of the...
  40. Mookuh

    Solar Roadways - Working prototype and pictures!

    Thank you for the very informative responses, c041v! There's a lot more to roads than meets the eye it seems :) It might be worth installing Solar Roadways (or walkways) in places where you want the reconfigurable LED interface for show etc., but I don't think it would be a good idea to put...
  41. Mookuh

    Coal and Solar Power

    The largest of their factories has between 230.000 and 450.000 employees and is basically a city (with 12 hour shifts 6 days a week). I'm not sure if these people cannot afford bikes, if it takes that long to get there even with the bikes or if the source I was quoting (which is in German) was...
  42. Mookuh

    Coal and Solar Power

    It depends on the actual definition of the word "slave", but there is a large number of workers pushing 12 hour shifts (while being forbidden to speak), get a 30 minute break and have to walk 1 hour to and from their workplace (they live on the factory grounds) for a rather small wage. And those...
  43. Mookuh

    Solar Roadways - Working prototype and pictures!

    But that's just spot checks. A solar roadway would be able to track the movement of everything on top of it in real time. If you combine the info with some sort of identification (like cameras on every entry point), you would very easily have a system to track everything that moves on it. Given...
  44. Mookuh

    Solar Roadways - Working prototype and pictures!

    On a slightly more serious note than the last few posters, it occured to me that one way or another, these roadways will be able to tell if there is a car on top of them, and how fast it's going. Now, the current state of technology permits pretty good localisation of specific cars already. With...
  45. Mookuh

    Solar Roadways - Working prototype and pictures!

    The latest XKCD What-if blog mentions the Solar Roadways, too. (Image by XKCD) Tho by reading, it seems the author isn't convinced either. Keyboard Power
  46. Mookuh

    Toyota FCV: Japan sales in April 2015, $69,000, US to follow

    Sorry if I missed this in another thread, but what's the reasoning again for Fuel Cell vehicles earning 9 credits each and BEVs earning 3 credits each in CA? Also, one has to wonder why people insist on opposing fuel cell vehicles to electric vehicles, given that in both cases, the motor is...
  47. Mookuh

    Posts in different languages

    Gern geschehen!
  48. Mookuh

    Today: AC, Tomorrow: DC?

    A professor at my university (who is also an avid proponent of EVs) keeps preaching the same message: a DC grid would be more efficient with our current technology. He envisions us going to a full DC grid eventually.. The amount of power you can transfer with a given diameter of cable is also...