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  1. N

    Got my new 85D today

    Your ferry boat was probably the kind with a steel structure above the car deck...? Your Tesla GPS then lost all comm with satellites and had no idea where it was. Takes a while to tune in again. I am sure the Tesla GPS system is WAAS? (Wide area augmentation system)
  2. N

    Lease vs finance

    hmm, okay. I only use the car for 1/2 business and half personal, and at 8k miles a year, I claim 4k for business @ $0,55 so roughly $2k per year. (got a Chevy Volt, $196 lease payment per month..trade-in was too much of a down-payment, my bad) Soo, If I lease a Tesla @ $1k per month and tell...
  3. N

    Lease vs finance

    I own a business too and write off 50% of the miles driven using the IRA's $0,55 per mile or whatever it is this year. Am I missing something? Is there better deals leasing cars?
  4. N

    What do you do for work? Just passing time waiting for updates from Tesla :)

    My resume looks like a disaster: Ex taxi and truck driver in Northern Europe. Ex Merchant Marine Sailor world wide, chemical tankers, super tankers and bulk cargo. Engine room, galley and deck. Ex Yacht Captain, Ex Air Force Fire Fighter, Ex Alaska Bush Pilot, Ex flight Instructor in Kentucky...
  5. N

    Open letter to Mr Elon Musk regarding showing prices "After incentives and gas saving

    Agree with the Swedes: That kind of "pricing" belongs in the gutter, not on a website selling high end cars :crying:
  6. N

    Another shining example of how car dealers look out for consumers

    Why does the Feds give a sh!t about crooked car dealers all of a sudden? It has been going on for years, no changes and they should have more important stuff to do: Catching terrorists and corrupt politicians among other things:((
  7. N

    Building new garage in Fort Lauderdale.....

    That be great. I will need severeal estimates and good recommendations. (Preferably a fast contractor/builder who knows the Permit Game) Yeah, simple garage, but need to add spaces for washer/dryer and a 1/2 bath. Also need work benches and stuff. Pretty much a 2.5 car garage with some goodies...
  8. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    Yeah, but we already have 2 Volts and can't go back to ICE cars and saving $15k in tax credits "feels" better than paying it to the Tax Man. Doubt we will end up with 2 Teslas, got to build a garage first, then Tesla # 1, then next April when the last Volt lease is over, purchase another EV...
  9. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Cool. I got nothing lined up today. Want to go for the boat ride as well?
  10. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Ok, will take you up on it. thx.
  11. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Roger that Mr. Lol Rick. Unfortunately you are 3:30 hrs away, that would be a 7 hr round trip for Fort Lauderdale guys like me, and perhaps less for the good Doctor K. I was rather hoping to meet local Tesla dudes here in Fort Lauderdale, pick their brains, and hoping they would bring bikini...
  12. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Yup, been to the Dania Beach location. All good and friendly people. I kinda off would like to sit down and chat with a Tesla owner for an hour or so, not feeling rushed with the sales departments who would rather be in the office making money rather than hanging out and talking little details...
  13. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Hmm, no replies, 65 views. Could be a classic carjacking/internet scam, come and meet me with your expensive car and we will talk..:love: I better post a picture of the electric boat, with the registration numbers clearly visible: The boat was docked at Shirttail Charlie's in Fort Lauderdale...
  14. N

    Building new garage in Fort Lauderdale.....

    Any leads on good contractors and architects? Right now We have a 1,5 car garage. Been that way for 16 years since we bought the house. Now toying with the idea of buying a Tesla Model S, perfect time to put up a new garage. A guy on the next street over are doing the same and it turned into a...
  15. N

    Fort Lauderdale: Electric boat ride on the New River...?

    Need to check out a Tesla Model S and pick owners brain before I order. Will trade for a ride in my electric boat on the river, refreshments included. The boat is on a private dock in the Citrus Isles, zip code 33315. Close to SR 84 and the Old Heidelberg Deli.
  16. N

    Flew a 737 flight simulator

    Aye, I hate flight simulators. Probably have 500-600 hours in those things. Ususally intense workouts followed by check rides where your job is on line. Got time in Boeing 727 sims, 737, 747, 757, 767, DC-8 and probably some others. if I never see another simulator again, it will be too soon...
  17. N

    Around the Baltic - How many Teslas I saw

    I was in Bodø (Northern Norway) a few weeks ago and counted 5 Model S in one day. More than I see in Fort Lauserdale in 2 weeks...
  18. N

    The Tesla Factory is building your Model S (P85D RHD)

    Why the long wait....? for some reason I thought 2 months was the usual waiting time for a model S from ordering to delivery...:confused: Wait, I just now saw the Hong Kong address..shipping obviously (I like Hong Komg, been kicked out of some rather nice bars there:)
  19. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    Good, I need the standard seats. Where in Fort Lauderdale? I am in the Citrus Isles, within walking distance of the Old Heiedelbelrg German Restaurant. Since I started this thread about buying a used Model S, I heard from my accountant. Going to have huge tax liabilities as I am putting a...
  20. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    Cool, will consider all of the above. Don't have much need for 4-wheel drive in flat Florida, not sure I need autopilot either. How is the standard seats? Everybody happy with them on long trips? Test drove a 70 with the new seats, they felt rather claustrophobic. Guess they are for "sporty"...
  21. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    Wow, good info here. thx gents. (And Ladies) Tax credit is important. Had to pay the taxman $6k this year. More next year:(
  22. N

    2013 Tesla Model S 85 kW 17,500 Miles - No Longer Available

    Did you get any PMs Andrew?
  23. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    yeah, but got the itch for a Tesla now. the difference between a CPO and a cash deal on this forum seems to be $15k. would rather get the cheaper car than paying $15k for 50k miles of extended warranty.
  24. N

    Used Tesla Model S

    On the fence between new MS 70D, or used 85. My Volt lease is running out in 4-5 months. Got the itch for something new, even if it is a bit early. For the right deal I will turn it in early and pay off the Volt lease. Been surfing eBay and cars.com, Autotrader, etc for a few days. Prices on...
  25. N

    2013 Tesla Model S 85 kW 17,500 Miles - No Longer Available

    PM sent. Not sure you will get it. Signed up today, delay or waiting time before I can post or PM? My dash says I have a message stored.? Jumped over here for the Volt Forum, getaway drug for Tesla. I am being sucked in...