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  1. A

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    What is going on with the production with Model 3? Any near assumptions? Model 3 calculator from Bloomberg is saying around 4'500 - but shouldn't they be closer to 6'000 models at this time around the year? This is the only thing that I am worrying for Q4 results is that they're stuck with...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Just made 1'500$ profit (initial investment: 3'000$ yesterday at closing) from DGAZ. Will wait an buy call Options with that 4'500$.
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    Manual v Auto transmission (out of MA)

    True that. In Switzerland for example, there are still plenty of manual cars on the road but all newly sold vehicles are mostly automatic. But for the automatic transmission you have to pay an additional 10-15% of the total car value. Furthermore, politicians are talking about opening the...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    There does not have to be a reason for a drop, my friend. Market is volatile and Tesla is even more volatile from a historic perspective. Tesla can go from 300 to 400 dollars without any reason/news.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I am guessing today we will see a huge market drop...I hold lots of TSLA shares but I actually hope that we will end this correction with a big boom. So the whole market can be bulish again. I could see TSLA going down to 315/320$ this week and at that point I am going to buy call options like...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Yes, a short-term drop to the 305-320$ range is absolutely possible. I am waiting on the sideline.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    IMHO 370 confirmed today in the short term. edit: My assumption is based on the fact that today showed that strong buying power does still exist. Further, short term = 4-6 weeks.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I am invested in TESLA for the second type of probability that I've explained to you - the probability that the stock might be ONCE (on ONE SINGLE DAY) go up to 400$. Then I will sell my shares. I agree with you that the probability is quite high that there is a second profitable quarter...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I guess you do not understand the concept of probabilities. We are speaking about February 2019 expiry. What happens between February and today - the stock could easily go above 400$ but then come back. If you want to calculate the probability that the stock might be ONCE above 400$ - that is a...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    "rather pessimistic" and you are allocating half probabilities at 465$ and 325$? The current SP sits at 330$. I would call that scenario rather optimistic, even very optimistic. I would allocate the probability for expiry in February like follows: 7.5% probability 250$ 12.5% probability 290$...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I do not see any reason, if there is no negative news about TSLA, why it should go below 300 USD again. Therefore, I currently see the zone 300 - 320$ as an optimal buying zone. 320-350$ is unsure about the further direction (depending on market) and above 350$ I see a good selling zone, but it...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I did already reply to that question. I am currenty helping out Elon in the factory to ramp up production to 7K. After that, I'll go on holiday with him in Switzerland skiing. I was also the one who convinced him buying some more shares @ 351. Currently, he does even consider buying more and...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Quite ****ed up currently my positions.... Lets hope for a rebounce to 360 area
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I currenty work from home - I do not have any bloomberg data currenty - is there any free website to get option prices not delayed by 15 min?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Can someone tell me where I can find live option prices? bought 4 of these @ 5.20 USD
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Bought 4x 342.50 16.11.2018 Call Options @ 5.25, good deal? well lets see
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    i wanted to sell Puts and buy call for 1'000 USD but unfortunately I have invested all money in TSLA which I cannot have as collateral.
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    Global EV Outlook [2018 - 2030]

    Global EV Outlook 2018 The global stock of electric passenger cars reached 3.1 million in 2017 (Figure 2.1) an increase of 57% from the previous year. 1 This is similar to the growth rate of 60% 2015 and 2016. There were more than 3 million electric passenger cars on the road worldwide in...
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    StrangeCosmos valuations out of MA

    Why don't you make public the exactly same model but including growth estimates? A real discounted cash flow methodology taking into account the industry growth rates for EV's and assuming that Tesla will take around 50% of the market going forward? Thank you.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    "20 SMA just crossed above 200 MA" You should aim to buy when the shorter MA (i.e. 50-MA) crosses over the longer MA (i.e. 200-MA) from bottom-up, and sell when the shorter MA crosse over the longer MA from top-down. The crossover indicates that the trend has changed and switched direction.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Electric cars on Switzerland’s roads will be required by mid-2019 to make an artificial noise as a safety measure for the blind, reports the Sunday newspaper NZZ am Sonntag. Out of the 4.5 million cars on Switzerland’s roads in 2017 only 15,000 were electric and 67,000 hybrid. However, the...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I understand the concept of "Max Pain" in terms of Put/Call Options and where they meet each other (where the lowest possible income is generated for both Call and Put Holders combined) - But - how does this affect share price? Can someone scientifically explain the concept of Max Pain? If you...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    @ Fact Checking: What do you think of the competition coming from VW (in coooperation with Ford) currently? They are planning to prodcure mass-market EV's for below 22'000 USD in Germany. What do you think about that possible competition (timing-wise, quality-wise?) My question is based on...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    What the hell was that? Price jumped back and forward between 352 to 348 3 times in a row. Seems like 3 short attacks in a short time period that brought it back down 4 USD immediately? Someone can confirm?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    A woman as president of the Board of Directors? Adjusting mid-term price target of 480$ to 479.50$.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Yeap, probably someone sold short around 100'000 shares @ 348 - 352 and is betting on a correction.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    But the way that they were sold, someone needed to hold these shares? So it cannot be short sellers? I thought short sellers can only sell shares with a limit price order and cannot sell @ open market price?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    You were the one causing the drop back to 348.50? DAMN BOY.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    She represents the melting Cheese in the Sandwich.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I am sleeping together with Elon on the factory ground to help him ramping up the production to 7'000 Model 3's. But I guess that goal will be achieved within the next 4 weeks, so I'll might go on some ski holidays with him in Switzerland. Of course we'll be using Model X to drive through the...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Jep, USD is weaker. Net gain with +1% in TESLA is 0 for me too.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Today the broad might drop hard... How good can Tesla hold up with this pressure? Hmm.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I guess today is going to be a fight along the 340$ mark. I guess Fact Checking is Elon Musk as when his first posts come out it is Elon sitting in his Tesla in the early morning driving to the factory.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    If you were Elon, (obviously) you wouldn't tell that here publicly as you would have even further problems with SEC. To me, you are still Elon Musk and you provide us with insider knowledge ;) It is better for me, as a shareholder, to believe that you are Elon Musk than to not believe it. It...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Haha - to me from now on Fact Checking is Elon Musk and I believe in him as like he were Elon Musk himself.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    From a bear perspective, what do you think about the possibility of a pull-down of TESLA stock to the 300$ mark level? I think this is entirely possible in the shortterm as we might see the market pulling back more. I do of course not hope that this will be the case, but its possible. I am also...
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    Near-future quarterly financial projections

    Is there already a new model from luvbb for Q4? Would be interesting to see the assumptions. I would agree on a similar conservative approach for estimating cost and income. So there is more room for positive surprises ;) I guess we should estimate that margins for Model 3 stay more or less the...
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    less value, why? The bond holders get shares at 360$ for their 920M while share price is at 400$, so they get 40$ per share for these 920M more?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Do the bond holders not have the right to convert their debt into shares when the pice is over 360$?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Well if they are converting the bonds into shares, then TESLA would need to pay more money?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Why is it bad if the bond holders get ownership below the market value? They would just sell these shares in the open market... and if there are enough buyers nothing would happen.
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    How are the macros looking? Are we ready for a rally to the 370-400 range?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Why are we down 5% in pre market?
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    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Dear together, I am an Analyst working at Deloitte and I am a little bit disappointed by the fact that TSLA only reacted by a mere 20% upward when taking into consideration that they've completely vanished the bear thesis. I am planning to sell at 400 USD but I am not quite sure if we get to...