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  1. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Per the moderator - back to climate. La Niña pattern is shaping up for the Fall and Winter. This occurs when sea surface temperatures are below normal in the Tropical Pacific. https://www.nbc4i.com/weather/la-nina-pattern-shaping-up-for-the-fall-and-winter-across-the-u-s/amp/
  2. T

    Climate Change Denial

    The complete phase out date of leaded gasoline was Jan 1, 1996. Do you not trust the EIA?
  3. T

    Climate Change Denial

    This is from the Energy Information Administration. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/history-of-gasoline.php The 1970s was when action was taken to remove lead from gasoline.
  4. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Since you like analogies with things unrelated, I would say for the same reason Fish and Wildlife regulation is supported by hunters and fishermen.
  5. T

    Climate Change Denial

    You are linking two unrelated issues. I have no idea what was going through Kehoe’s mind. Neither do you. You are simple-mindedly substituting what you think was going on between Kehoe’s ears. You are also judging somebody based on 1924 technology from today’s standard. You are taking the work...
  6. T

    Climate Change Denial

    After Richard Nixon launched the EPA, they hit the ground running on cleaning up the environment in the 1970s.
  7. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Calling somebody a villain doesn’t make them a villain. You are judging somebody from your comfy position of 20-20 hindsight.
  8. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Robert Kehoe was not a petroleum engineer. He was a toxicologist who was hired to develop protocols for handling tetra ethyl lead (TEL) after workers fell ill from lead poisoning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Kehoe
  9. T

    Climate Change Denial

    The EIA has a good brief rundown of leaded gasoline. It was not until the 1970s that it became apparent leaded gasoline was harmful. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/history-of-gasoline.php
  10. T

    Climate Change Denial

    What you fail to accept is that the petroleum engineers live on this planet too. They have every bit the incentive to clean up emissions as anybody else. Government and private sector scientists have a long history of working together on improving environmental conditions.
  11. T

    Climate Change Denial

    There was nothing random about it. Leaded gasoline served its purpose for a relatively short period of time before a better alternative was developed. That was my point.
  12. T

    Climate Change Denial

    I didn’t say that. I said I learned that from my high school chemistry teacher in 1974.
  13. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Well, wouldn’t we all want to drive a car without having to “fill up” - gasoline or electrons?
  14. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Now you are comparing atom bombs to leaded gasoline? The anti-pollution exhaust devices were factory installed on automobiles in the mid 1970s. The muscle cars of the late 1960s and early 1970s that burned “ethyl” gasoline were being phased out. When the vast majority of the public owned...
  15. T

    Climate Change Denial

    You are putting the cart before the horse. My high school chemistry teacher taught us that all lead compounds are poisonous back in 1974. And that the petrochemical industry was busy eliminating lead from gasoline. Once the oil industry was ready to produce high octane gasoline on a mass scale...
  16. T

    Climate Change Denial

    That’s a silly argument if there ever was one. You are comparing heroin to aviation fuel - you know the fuel that is necessary for aircraft to fly? And need I mention diesel fuel for the marine traffic that transports our goods to trade with worldwide? Yes indeed, the petroleum industry is...
  17. T

    Climate Change Denial

    A friend and colleague of mine told me his dad was involved with producing leaded gasoline during WWII. The leaded gas allowed fighter plane engines to operate much longer without maintenance. We were at war. The environment was not high on the list of concerns back then. After the war ended, we...
  18. T

    Climate Change Denial

    You hate fossil fuels. Not the entire world. You are substituting the world for your own hatred of those involved with producing petroleum products. Spouting off vitriol against a vitally important industry is destructive, not constructive.
  19. T

    Climate Change Denial

    That was an inadvertent double post.
  20. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Well now you are getting personal. If you can take the emotion out, you will be able to think rationally. Yes there are better alternatives to fossil fuels. And they are being developed. In fact, the fossil fuel industry is involved with it. And they, more than anybody wants a piece of the...
  21. T

    Climate Change Denial

    I don’t know what “battery parents” are, but I am sure it is only an unfounded accusation. If the oil companies bought such a thing, they would want to profit from it - not just sit on it. By the way, who sold the “battery parents?”
  22. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Baron investments were early big-time investors in Tesla. Ron Baron said battery technology was around in the earliest days of the automobile. However, the cost of electricity was considerably higher than gasoline back then. So the internal combustion engine became the favored motor. Nowadays...
  23. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Baron investments were early big-time investors in Tesla. Ron Baron said battery technology was around in the earliest days of the automobile. However, the cost of electricity was considerably higher than gasoline back then. So the internal combustion engine became the favored motor. Nowadays...
  24. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Because you are more willing to blame the producers of fossil fuels than the users. The entire world demands fossil fuels. It is much easier to castigate the few who produce fossil fuels than the hundreds of millions who use fossil fuels. My point is we are all to blame. But we are...
  25. T

    Climate Change Denial

    My late father told me the old story about oil companies buying up patents has been around since he was a teenager - the 1930s! Back then, it was the miracle carburetor that could produce a 100 mpg car. The oil companies bought it and prevented its manufacture. Of course this was all hogwash...
  26. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Well, that is all hearsay. A letter here, and a rumor there. I do agree that the green energy push by the major oil companies is a public relations maneuver. They know more than anybody that wind and solar will not replace fossil fuels soon. So, they are just playing the game to appease the...
  27. T

    Climate Change Denial

    Our very own existence makes us culpable in some way. We are evolving. We will advance. Saying somebody is more culpable than others does nothing. Do you consider John Kerry to be culpable with his private jetting all around the earth? Or do you just look the other way because he has a “D” by...
  28. T

    Climate Change Denial

    The tobacco industry is a really bad example. That is basically a drug problem like alcohol. The campaign against the tobacco industry did nothing more than drastically raise the price of cigarettes for the consumer while enriching lawyers involved with the litigation. The tobacco industry is...
  29. T

    Climate Change Denial

    What are you talking about? The big major oil companies are all in renewable energy and the climate change agenda. The demand for oil and natural gas is so high worldwide, it is impossible for them to just shut it off. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause if they did? I can’t help but...
  30. T

    Climate Change Denial

    If you are going to blame somebody, you can just as easily blame George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla for bringing electricity to almost the entire human population. That required a tremendous amount of power generation to meet the demand. No, the providers of energy are not the villain. We are...
  31. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I suppose he won’t mind the advertising of his services in the TMC. Chams Electrical Services - electrician’s name is Cheikh (pronounced Shek). Goggle search Chams and it comes right up. I don’t think I should post phone numbers and email addresses in a public forum. Let it suffice to say it was...
  32. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Hurricane Nicholas came right across the Greater Houston area yesterday. Thanking my lucky stars it weakened before it made its way across. At my new home in Katy, got some twigs and leaves in my yard and that’s it. Did not get that much rain either. I’m really happy about that because a bayou...
  33. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Home cooling efficiency is in the mix.
  34. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Went by my new home Monday. Electricity service was started. Very cool inside - previous owner kept it 70 all the time and her electric bills were cheaper than mine - and I keep my thermostat at 77! Since I won’t be moving in just yet, I set the thermostat at 82. No point in cooling a vacant...
  35. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Maybe in the sun belt. I don’t think the northern tier states really need it. And of course, like everything else, how much extra will that add to housing construction costs?
  36. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Closed on my house Friday. It has a radiant barrier in the attic. The power hasn’t come on yet after I went by there to check it out Saturday. The house was still relatively cool inside although the power was out for over 24 hours. That will certainly help with the electric bill. I’m selling my...
  37. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    That is something that makes me wonder because the flow of electrons is generated by many different sources. How in the heck would you know which electrons you are getting? I think the green energy plans in Texas might be a way to determine how much demand there is for wind and solar from the...
  38. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll check it out. I’m just a few days from closing. The lender is requiring flood insurance so I had to get that paid for today and set for closing. I guess after Harvey, the mortgage companies are requiring it. I had to chase down an elevation certificate.
  39. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Thanks for the info. I’ve had the same water heater at my current home for 20 years - no accidents no incidents. The tank is in the attic, and it takes about 20 seconds for the hot water to make it down to the kitchen in our two story house.
  40. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    The home inspector of my new home told me to get a tankless water heater.
  41. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    $0.00 electric bill sounds like a good plan to me.
  42. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    We already have 100% green energy options for our electricity plans.
  43. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I was looking at my previous bills. I had 1009 kWh one month with a total charge of $121.80. But I am under the 2000 kWh plan because I average well above 1000 kWh per month, so I pay a higher rate. I think that is the way Texas lowers electricity costs for lower income folks living in smaller...
  44. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Another one of the categories we had was the small-home 1,000 kWh plans and the 2,000 kWh plans. The small home plans ranged from 6.9 cents to 8.0 cents per kWh. I suppose that is kind of a carbon footprint tax we have in Texas. If you buy big house, then you pay a higher rate for electricity.
  45. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    My last electric bill was $212.25 for using 1,794 kWh. Including fees, that is an average price of 11.8 cents per kWh. The actual energy charge is 9.3273 cents per kWh. Seems like a reasonable plan, so I’ll continue it for the new house. It is a 12-month term. When I renew, I’ll sign up for the...
  46. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I just did the simplest thing. I transferred service and set the dates to end at my house and when to begin at the new house. There are myriads of plans due to different electric companies and different terms. Some are short, some are long. Some are 100% green energy, some as little as 6% green...
  47. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    I think so. One of the ironic things that happened was that some of our power plants lost power which screwed up the firing up process to meet the high demand.
  48. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Guess what everybody. I am moving soon to a house in Katy, TX. I plugged in the zip code and I have a choice of 77 electric plans for the zip. The green energy plans used to be more expensive. Not any more! There are green energy plans that are priced the same as the mixed energy plans - around...
  49. T

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    We have options in Texas. In fact, we have electricity plans that use all green energy. They’re more expensive, but available for those who are willing to pay extra.