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  1. HenryFarkas

    Automatic Emergency Braking

    It might be caused by shadows across the road. On my local street, where there are no lane lines, I sometimes get phantom braking when I'm passing a parked car. I've stopped using AP on roads without painted lane markings. It usually works pretty well on roads with clear lane markings.
  2. HenryFarkas

    Automatic Emergency Braking

    While we're writing about smoothness of lane-keeping, which, I agree, is improving, we should mention smoothness of stopping for red lights and stop signs. Smoothness of slowing down and stopping was terrible in June (of this year) when I bought my M3. It has improved lately, although that might...
  3. HenryFarkas

    Automatic Emergency Braking

    On the other side of the same issue, when I'm in Autopilot, the M3 sometimes brakes for no apparent reason. This has been referred to in the forum as phantom braking, and I, too can attest that it happens.
  4. HenryFarkas

    It's the Batteries, Stupid!

    I am not a physicist or a chemist, merely an old retired country doctor, so take my comment with the requisite grain of salt. The claim is that they combine the decay of carbon 14 to nitrogen and an electron. Apparently this actually happens, and the nitrogen isn't a radioactive isotope so it's...
  5. HenryFarkas

    Tax payer funded ABC TV now advertising Tesla cars.

    Good thing about that since making jokes about the government is the only way we can stay sane here in the US these days,
  6. HenryFarkas

    Tax payer funded ABC TV now advertising Tesla cars.

    Sorry, I was thinking ABC in the US
  7. HenryFarkas

    Tax payer funded ABC TV now advertising Tesla cars.

    Please enlighten me why you think ABC TV is taxpayer funded. It's not PBS.
  8. HenryFarkas

    Damp cloth on super charger handle to reduce ramp down?

    If you know you're going the supercharge in a humid environment, bring a picnic chest with ice cubes. Then, put the ice cubes in a plastic bag and rest it on top of the charge handle during charging if you see the charge rate slowing down due to heat in the charge handle.
  9. HenryFarkas

    Extension cord for 110v on UMC

    Thank you. The extension cord I'm currently using is fifteen amps but much longer than it needs to be so it's coiled. I'll get a shorter one that won't need to be coiled.
  10. HenryFarkas

    Interior temperature at 135

    There's a setting on your app You can turn on climate remotely if you want to cool off the car during the heat of the day.
  11. HenryFarkas

    Poll: how do you feel about the traffic indication lines in the nav?

    I'm not even seeing traffic. My car is new, 2 months, so it should have premium connectivity, but I never see any indication of traffic
  12. HenryFarkas

    Is autopilot now a "forced" option for all MY orders?

    Autopilot is the reason I bought my M3. If it weren't for that, I could have saved lots of money by getting a dumb electric car.
  13. HenryFarkas

    Will the Model Y avoid or stop for an open door on parked car?

    Taking over was the smart thing to do. I've tried AP on my local street, but there's too much fantom braking, and sometimes, my car doesn't; see things in the street. I no longer use AP on local roads. After the bit update that Elo has promised, I'll try it again.
  14. HenryFarkas

    Buying a Used 2018 Model 3 vs 2020

    You should find out if the car has HW 2.5 or HW 3. 3 is the latest iteration of the self-driving computer.
  15. HenryFarkas

    Extension cord for 110v on UMC

    I'm mot an electrician so take what I say with a grain of salt, but here's my take. If you're charging at 110 volts, you're putting no more then 12 amps through the wire. That's no more than you'd need for a portable drill. I'd suggest that any heavy-duty extension cord such as one that you...
  16. HenryFarkas

    Recommendation for portable (12v) tire pump

    ZUKKA Foot Pump,Portable Air Bike Floor Pump,Double Cylinder 160PSI Accurate Pressure Tire Pump for Bike Car and Motorcycle,Fits Presta Schrader and Deutschland Valve
  17. HenryFarkas

    Recommendation for portable (12v) tire pump

    Those 12-volt pumps are unreliable. They burn out when you need them the most I recommend a foot powered air pump available at any auto parts store or on line.
  18. HenryFarkas

    Damp cloth on super charger handle to reduce ramp down?

    If it's the handle where the sensor resides, but if the entire cable gets hot during the supercharging process, then artificially keeping the handle cool with a damp cloth could cause the rest of the cable to become too hot.
  19. HenryFarkas

    Damp cloth on super charger handle to reduce ramp down?

    My M3 is new so I haven't had the opportunity to Supercharge yet. Is it just the handle that gets hot or is it the entire cable?
  20. HenryFarkas


    Is there a way for the M3 navigation app to remember my preferred routes to places? The best route, even the shortest route, is not always the one picked by the navigation app when I plug in a destination. If it sees me going a different way every time I go to a place, it ought to remember that...
  21. HenryFarkas

    Free Unlimited Supercharging

    Limited Supercharging: I bought my M3 in mid-June. I used a referral code so I got free 1,000 miles of supercharging, but it expires in December. There's a pandemic. Not sure I'll even get to drive it 1,000 miles in six months, much less get supercharging for any part of my few local drives...
  22. HenryFarkas

    How does Autopilot leverage Continental radar for Autopilot?

    When we're driving the car ourselves, we pay attention to what's going on beyond the car right in front of us, and we do it with our eyes. We don't need radar. Presumably, our car's neural network can be trained to do the same thing our parents taught us to do when we were learning to drive.
  23. HenryFarkas

    How does Autopilot leverage Continental radar for Autopilot?

    If Tesla wants a 3D rendering, why doesn't it install two forward-facing cameras? That would help it with the 3D part just like our two eyes help our brains give us a 3D concept of our surroundings.
  24. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    In theory, the camera should be able to recognize a deer or other animal and a person. A person by the side of the road could be counted on to stay out of the way of the car if they''re not at a crosswalk, and the car could slam on the brakes if the pedestrian decides to commit suicide at the...
  25. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    It's certainly true that without a human driver, the Tesla would crash nearly every time. At least, that's been my experience in the month and a half that I've owned my M3. And that's during a pandemic when I'm not driving much, and there's not much traffic. It's the exception rather than the...
  26. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    But not without an effective sensor suite. Apparently, that means lidar, and Musk has repeatedly claimed that lidar is too expensive and is not needed for FSD. That's the lie. His claim is that he's going to achieve FSD without lidar.
  27. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    So basically, Elon Musk was lying to us when he said that his neural network would lead to FSD, and that we'd be able to send our cars out to work as taxis when we didn't need them ourselves.
  28. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    But there's also radar in front of the Tesla. That should be able to distinguish between a stopped object not in the travel lane from a stopped object in the travel lane. If it can't then a higher definition radar should be installed. This is a "can't do without" issue. Another issue that a...
  29. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    I understand that the neural network has to distinguish between truck effectively stopped in the travel lane and a shadow across the road or a change in the color of the pavement. If the sensors can't distinguish between a three dimensional object and a change in the color of the pavement, then...
  30. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    I'm not a computer guy. I'm just a very old guy. But if I were a computer programmer, and if I were designing something that deserved the name, neural network, I'd design it so that if a particular picture appears, in this case, a solid object on the road in the travel lane that's not moving...
  31. HenryFarkas


    Oddly, people seem to be buying Teslas even though they can't go anywhere. I did.
  32. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    I thought FSD would handle it because there was a fatality that made the national news of just this kind of thing over a year ago, and recently, there was a Tesla that crashed into an overturned trailer in the left lane of a limited-access highway that got lots of views on YouTube. I thought the...
  33. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    I gotta say that with update 2020.24.6.9, my car in FSD on a city street didn't notice a white semi with no painted signs on the truck or on the trailer that came out of a parking lot perpendicular to the traffic flow. I had to apply the brakes myself. The truck didn't show up on my center...
  34. HenryFarkas

    Is the current NoA helpful or harmful?

    I had a similar experience with my new M3. I engaged FSD on the on-ramp, and the car stayed on the on-ramp despite no traffic in the travel lane until the on-ramp disappeared. Then it followed the solid white line into the travel lane.
  35. HenryFarkas

    Walk away lock: Is there a way to leave a person in the car?

    I always buckle in groceries so they won't fly off the seat if I stop short. Is there a camp mode for the M3?
  36. HenryFarkas

    Is the current NoA helpful or harmful?

    NoA,, navigate on autopilot, is still a level 2 driver assist feature. It requires significant driver intervention, and it doesn't drive as smoothly as a normal human driver would normally drive. It certainly doesn't drive as smoothly as my wife wants it, and me, to drive. That doesn't mean it's...
  37. HenryFarkas

    Walk away lock: Is there a way to leave a person in the car?

    Dog mode will keep them temperature controlled, but if they open the door, something an unattended dog is not expected to do, the alarm might still sound.
  38. HenryFarkas

    Anyone regret not opting for performance?

    I got the M3 SR+. I have no regrets. I'm sure I'll regret not getting the long-range the fi. rst time I go on a road trip, but who knows when that will be safe for an old guy like me. My single electric motor gives me more pickup than any of the ICE cars that I've owned over the past...
  39. HenryFarkas

    I'm new to Tesla but I have this one question

    I'm a new Tesla owner, too. Every time I walk to my car, the fan is on. I just figured that the car sensed my phone and turned itself on.
  40. HenryFarkas

    Review of FSD after software update June '20

    Speaking of FSD behavior, it's movements are abrupt. Lane changes are abrupt. Lane centering when I turn on FSD is abrupt. Accelerations and decelerations are abrupt when they don't have to be abrupt. I'm new to my M3, but I have to say, if this is the way FSD behaves now, after all the software...
  41. HenryFarkas

    Review of FSD after software update June '20

    Review of FSD after software update end of July 2020.24.6.9 There has been an improvement. FSD isn't accelerating when it sees a red light or a stop sign before it stops. The car isn't swerving as abruptly to center itself in the lane when I turn on the FSD. It's coming to a stop at a red light...
  42. HenryFarkas

    Phantom Superchargers

    The Blossom Hill Supercharger shows up on Plugshare. 7/26/20
  43. HenryFarkas

    Phantom Superchargers

    If so, where can I buy one?
  44. HenryFarkas

    Phantom Superchargers

    I have a question about charging while on a long trip. I imagine that every so often, all the Supercharger slots are in use. Is there an adapter that would allow me to charge my M3 at a CCS fast charger?
  45. HenryFarkas

    Nannypilot Killed the Autopilot Star

    This afternoon, I had a strange AP issue. I was in the right lane of an Interstate highway. There was no reason for me to switch to the left lane, but AP kept asking me to confirm a lane change to the left lane. Traffic in the right lane was not slowing me down. I was eventually going to take a...
  46. HenryFarkas

    Elon Musk Says Tesla Is 'Very Close' To Level 5 Self-Driving Technology

    Today, I had an experience with autopilot reminiscent of a fatality I read about some time ago where a white semi pulled out onto a road in front of a Tesla on AP, and AP didn't recognize it. The driver wasn't paying attention, and he died. In my own case, I had AP turned on while on a local...
  47. HenryFarkas

    AutoPilot and Animals

    During my career as an emergency physician, I had the opportunity to meet lots of drivers who swerved to avoid a deer and hit a tree instead.
  48. HenryFarkas

    Profound progress towards FSD

    si Had two interesting STOP sign experiences in my M3 today. There was a flagman on the left side of the road holding up a STOP sign.. My M3 didn't see him or the STOP sign even though it looked like a regulation STOP sign with octagonal shape, white letters on red background in the regulation...