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  1. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone picking up their Y at Southampton tomorrow? A favour if so…

    Glad you're sorted and that there's a happy outcome from it.
  2. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone picking up their Y at Southampton tomorrow? A favour if so…

    Strange one this... I was talking to the staff and technicians about the weather and the impact it had had on the deliveries and multiple Tesla peeps told me that there wasn't a single car that was damaged. I even mentioned @Lizarbouy's comment and was fervently told that there was nothing...
  3. drivingmrte5la

    Model Y motorway feedback?

    Same as above. Model Y LR with 19” Gemini wheels. One thing I’ve noticed is the car feels much more refined than my 2019 3P. Road noise is noticeably less intrusive. The quality of materials is improved. Ride height is great. Same with the rear window - it’s tiny!!
  4. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone picking up their Y at Southampton tomorrow? A favour if so…

    Oh that’s so kind FrankieJr thanks. I’ve managed to speak to Tesla this evening. They’ve said that they can’t shift the collection but they can shift the time so they’ve made me the last appointment for the day and I’m going to chance it on the train. If you’re there tomorrow and you see a...
  5. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone picking up their Y at Southampton tomorrow? A favour if so…

    I had strongly considered it, but it’s a six hour multi-connection train ride, some operators are running service, some aren’t, and I don’t like my odds in chancing it.
  6. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone picking up their Y at Southampton tomorrow? A favour if so…

    Hi all, I am scheduled to pick my Model Y up tomorrow at Southampton. Unfortunately, due to the weather the trains have been cancelled so I can’t make it. I’ve tried calling and emailing Tesla to no avail. Would someone from the community who is collecting tomorrow please be kind enough to...
  7. drivingmrte5la

    Anyone buy there's through their own company? [In the UK]

    I’m doing this too. Had the car since August ‘19 and renewed insurance a couple of times with different providers - all personal policies, all aware of situation, all fine.
  8. drivingmrte5la

    UK Model Y Order Book Open

    Pretty much exactly this from my end too. Drive the same current car (my wife loves it though), test driven e-tron grown up version and the baby Q4. Was woefully underwhelmed by the Q4 especially as I'd been tracking it for so long as my wife loved the look of it and it was really the only car...
  9. drivingmrte5la

    UK Model Y Order Book Open

    Ordered a blue LR here!
  10. drivingmrte5la

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    I’ve not seen Come To Me before??
  11. drivingmrte5la

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    Same release notes as previous version: Cold weather improvements and bug fixes.
  12. drivingmrte5la

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    4.12.2 installing here.
  13. drivingmrte5la

    Starlink UK

    Agreed. It’s an OR/Sky line, and I’ve had them both out to the house multiple times trying to fix dropouts, lower than promised line speeds, high latency. I got an extra 8Mb out of OR the last time they were here but the nice guy who helped us said there was nothing else that could be done...
  14. drivingmrte5la

    Starlink UK

    Ordered the beta myself last week (on the business), then a few days later got an invite to order email (presumably the same invite anyone who registered for updates in applicable areas received as there were no special referral links in it). I’m currently on FTTC and while my advertised speeds...
  15. drivingmrte5la

    [UK] 2021.4.x

    I was on 4.3 and I got an update notification for 4.6 just after midnight this morning. My wifi router went ‘pop’ this week so the car only had LTE and the cars OS wouldn’t download it for me over that connection. I had to give it WiFi first. EDIT: The LTE signal the car receives is only one...
  16. drivingmrte5la

    Heated rear screen failed? (Model 3)

    August 19 - Same here! edit: No tints.
  17. drivingmrte5la

    Heated rear screen failed? (Model 3)

    Same here. It’s never worked but only got round to reporting it yesterday.
  18. drivingmrte5la

    EAP [enhanced autopilot] is back

    When you folks talking about phantom braking, are you talking about a noticeable ‘stomp’ on the brake pedal? I have had that a fair few times on regular roads but never on the motorway. HOWEVER... What I do notice on nearly every trip where I’m on the motorway is that the car sometimes refuses...
  19. drivingmrte5la

    Model S refresh!

    A friend of mine was supposed to be picking their Model X up but it got pushed back due to a fault with the car pre-delivery and then lockdown. They just had this text from Tesla today: Tesla Update - We'd like to extend you the opportunity to update your order to the all-new Model X and honour...
  20. drivingmrte5la

    Battery heater icon

    Immediately remembered what nomophobia was after opening the image Edit: typo.
  21. drivingmrte5la

    New Assisted Driver Grading

    I’ve had my Model 3 since Aug ‘19 and I only realised last month that you can push the right stalk up to deactivate AP. ‍♂️
  22. drivingmrte5la

    The UK police, the YouTuber and FSD...

    Well, no. FSD won’t be hamstrung by regulations. Autopilot is just LKAS in the UK - which, is at approximately level 2 autonomy. This guy is posting videos as though “Autopilot” is at a higher level than it is currently programmed to be. I’m in the charlatan brigade with this one. The guy...
  23. drivingmrte5la

    Charging In Yorkshire

    No local recommendations here. But check the local council websites, or search on the PlugShare app. The latter unearthed a free 50kw charger darn sarf for me.
  24. drivingmrte5la

    UK Government Calls for Automated Lane Keeping Technology

    There was a phone-in about this last night on LBC and one of the few positive callers was a Tesla driver who said he was on forums where there’s a lot of conversation about this. One of our lot?
  25. drivingmrte5la

    Jail time for adjusting wipers? (software dreams inside)

    Respectfully, saying that isn’t helpful. We don’t *have* the particular physical interface you want. These cars have passed inspection and been deemed fit for the roads by - I’m sure - every jurisdiction where they’ve been entered for sale. What we have is a limited set of controls and a...
  26. drivingmrte5la

    Jail time for adjusting wipers? (software dreams inside)

    This. It would make sense to me to have the steering wheel volume scroller be context-aware. For example, if you arm the wipers by pressing the stalk button it brings up the wipers menu, the safety would be in controlling the speed with said volume scroller.
  27. drivingmrte5la

    iPhone/Apple Watch & Tesla

    I use Tesla Remote and often utter Siri phrases to my watch to lock/unlock the car, pop the frunk/trunk and it seems to work pretty well. Whether it’s quick enough is a matter of how long it takes to get to your car. If I’m about 10 metres from the car and using my watch ask Siri to pop the...
  28. drivingmrte5la

    UK Black M3P with tints and chrome delete

    That’s my friends car (not a member on here). It was a vinyl covering and cost 300. I’ve got it on mine too (silver wheels). Edit: Done in South Yorkshire
  29. drivingmrte5la

    UK Black M3P with tints and chrome delete

    Daammmn that looks gooooood
  30. drivingmrte5la

    Charging - anyone else having issues?

    I’ve had the exact same issue with my PodPoint charger on my 3. If my pre-charge SoC is ~60% the car will only charge up to about 65/67. I can get around it by disconnecting and reconnecting the cable, and yesterday the car was at 73% before plugging in and charged up to 80 fine.
  31. drivingmrte5la

    Lost free super charger miles

    I hear you. I don’t think there is a separation between the two. Also, the wording has changed now to remove any reference to extension - if you’ve got free SuperCharger miles, they’re on account for 6 months from when they were added. Honestly, my brain must have been caffeine deprived and...
  32. drivingmrte5la

    Lost free super charger miles

    I think it’s correct that your 5K have gone. The T’s & C’s say that your extension starts when the cars are delivered (which makes sense as you can cancel an order until the car is linked to your account). So in your case: 1 x 5K granted until March 20 1 x 1K granted until Feb 21 1 x 1K...
  33. drivingmrte5la

    What brand/car did your Tesla replace?

    Jaaaaaaaguar X Type. 2.5v6 or the Mondeo as I liked to call it. Still have it gathering dust down the side of the house.
  34. drivingmrte5la

    Dechrome M3 Suggestions

    He did! not fussed about that myself.
  35. drivingmrte5la

    Dechrome M3 Suggestions

    Just had mine done with vinyl. It looks really well. I’m just waiting for a machine polish and ceramic coating doing next week before I post pics, but for now here’s a couple of my friends done at the same place with the same material - but on the darker alloys. Who is also getting the polish...
  36. drivingmrte5la

    Rear passenger side window opening/venting slightly?

    I have had this happen lots but it’s seemingly random windows. I reported it to Tesla and they told me that it was me activating the switch. It kept happening and I kept reporting to be told the same until I suggested that if there is a fault then it could be with the fact that the switch is...
  37. drivingmrte5la

    Lost free super charger miles

    Only got one thousand back here. Original 5K would’ve run out end of Feb so no extension for moi
  38. drivingmrte5la

    Keeping your Tesla clean

    Or is it some sort of ruse?!!? ;)
  39. drivingmrte5la

    Lost free super charger miles

    Same here. Started an earlier thread on this as I had ~2.5k left over referrals from the 5k and then 1k referral miles that were one week old go missing. Yeah - one week old! I have to believe it's a bug given my week old miles have gone and it explicitly says in the loot box section T's &...
  40. drivingmrte5la

    iPhone Tesla shortcut icons

    Love those - thank you!!
  41. drivingmrte5la

    Supercharger referral miles gone?

    No diggity, no doubt. I was just wondering if the community had had anything like that happen before as I don't like my chances of getting through to anyone at Tesla support at present.
  42. drivingmrte5la

    Supercharger referral miles gone?

    Right, but that doesn’t explain why the 1000 miles that were added on 25th March are now gone?
  43. drivingmrte5la

    Supercharger referral miles gone?

    I’ve seen some posts about referral / free miles disappearing from account after a set period of time, but has anyone had their referral / free miles disappear after just a couple of weeks? Full story: I got 5000 miles when I reserved the car in May (last day of 5K, phew!). I took delivery of...
  44. drivingmrte5la

    Which Phone Do You Use As A Key?

    I voted IPhone - most of time, even though 100% of the time I’ve been able to unlock the car without resorting to the key card. The reason I voted most of time is because nowadays I have to get the phone AAALLLL the way out of my pocket to wake it such that the screen turns on (though I don’t...
  45. drivingmrte5la

    Feature Complete

    I too think that FSD without lidar is gonna be hard. But not insurmountable. Tesla’s newest onboard hardware and ML models do a PHENOMENAL job of recreating a 3D world from a suite of sensors (including radar, not just flat images). re the logic, that’s what their models do through supervised...
  46. drivingmrte5la

    The Tesla Spotted Thread

    Just parked opposite a nice 69 plate black M3P+ in Sheffield with the dark wheels on. Hello, friend!
  47. drivingmrte5la

    2019.40.2.1 now available in UK

    I can't for the life of me remember what I installed last week, but I thought it was 2019.40.2. I definitely had the release notes about the wipes and lane changes. BUT, I got another update last night, apparently to 2019.40.2.1 and my car is totally wiped out today. Since I set off this...