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  1. Adopado

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    There is an update that includes some UK/European countries relevant comments It is acknowledged that if based in th UK the solar panels may add only 25% of the range that would be added in California. You would never get it comfortably parked in a UK supermarket parking space... it's the...
  2. Adopado

    What do other EVs do in terms of consumption, range and charging speed compared to Tesla?

    Another factor affecting cost of ownership is required servicing. Some brands of EV still impose servicing requirements which must be met to maintain warranty.
  3. Adopado

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I doubt that very much. It will end up like every other picked-out-of-the-air target. Warnings, time to improve, exceptional circumstances, agreements due to unachievable expectations etc etc. There will be pressure exerted, which is good, but the aim is to have more chargers online at any one...
  4. Adopado

    UK Charging

    Intelligent Octopus Go?
  5. Adopado

    [UK] Do I buy a 2016 model S

    The value for money is clearly with the Model 3 for a *much* younger vehicle ... the boot is not small ... but obviously it's a boot and not a hatch so only you can judge if it could work or not. When buying the 3 we really thought the lack of hatch could be an issue but in practice it hasn't...
  6. Adopado

    Rear Fore Toe Link Replacement

    That's interesting to be aware of. Did you do a DIY job on it or use a local garage? If DIY are there any pointers that might be helpful to pass on to others?
  7. Adopado

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    I’ll join your jinxing. Drove 25 miles with light on/off drizzle where wipers normally struggle. It was a situation where recent experiences would guarantee a requirement to compensate for inadequate wiping by pressing the button from time to time. I was passing through areas that were...
  8. Adopado

    Have to press the open door button a number of times to open the drivers door

    I love it! That can is worthy of a place in radio/TV museum! Non-flammable too… can’t claim that for modern switch/contact cleaner which would make a pretty handy flame thrower!
  9. Adopado

    Have to press the open door button a number of times to open the drivers door

    When I'm cleaning electrical switches I tend to use (surprise coming up) switch cleaner! ;)
  10. Adopado

    2ND Brand new M3LR Highland with vibration ! Anyone else with the same car?

    My theory is it's more likely to be related to the longer sea journey around Africa... so strapped down for longer.
  11. Adopado

    2ND Brand new M3LR Highland with vibration ! Anyone else with the same car?

    The higher the pressure in the tyre the less deformation will take place ... (though it obviously hasn't been working!)
  12. Adopado

    2ND Brand new M3LR Highland with vibration ! Anyone else with the same car?

    I would guess that it is an attempt to reduce the likelihood of flat spotting whilst being transported.
  13. Adopado

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    I suppose one man's CAF is another man's Naff! I'll get my coat.... ;)
  14. Adopado

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    ... and for all the China sniping that fills the internet ... top of the class according to this article is a Chinese manufactured vehicle (that I've never heard of before) ...
  15. Adopado

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    Yes, this idea of pre-authorising payment is an odd thing ... it's not like their customers are some unknown people who have just walked in off the street ... they already hold our details so we can hardly run off without paying. (Many many years ago I had an old banger that was assessed by a...
  16. Adopado

    why does dealing with Tesla service have to be such an obnoxious experience?

    This is obviously a very poor experience and you are entitled to be frustrated and annoyed. However, I can only say that my own experiences of communications with Service have been very positive. Clear comms including direct phone calls from a Tesla tech to clarify an issue. The experience at...
  17. Adopado

    Rear brake discs - 2020 model 3 performance

    Another vote for Cleevely for online parts ... I would think that if even they can't get suitable non Tesla replacements then they are simply not available (yet).
  18. Adopado

    Kwik Fit Kilmarnock / Glasgow for MOT?

    Good grief! There must be loads of options in a city the size of Glasgow. I get mine done in a local garage in Innerleithen (3,000 population and most people have never heard of it). Try calling into a couple of places. They have to do even less than they do for an ICE car yet get the same money...
  19. Adopado

    EMF Debate

    There's a motorbike that zips past our house most mornings and our TV briefly loses reception. No other vehicles have caused this as far as I have noticed. I presume the bike is modified and the owner didn't use the appropriate plug caps with suppressors on the HT leads when he "upgraded" ... do...
  20. Adopado

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I believe that Toyota Hybrids have been using NiMH batteries, not Lithium ion, so direct comparisons are not even possible ...
  21. Adopado

    How do you suggest a new Supercharger site to Tesla?

    I’m sure there are several factors that will override any voting choices, and data will be one of them… then there’s power availability and planning permission and physical space and contractual issues etc etc etc! I suppose it’s to help make us feel we are involved.
  22. Adopado

    Disc brake significant grooves - performance only?

    Earlier cars have two levels of regen that you can set… so I can set “low” to use a bit more braking… but I’ve done this for weeks and also done various mixes of firm to very firm braking but it doesn’t bring them back to an even shiny finish.
  23. Adopado

    How do you suggest a new Supercharger site to Tesla?

  24. Adopado

    Model 3 Highland Performance

    Someone in this thread might help: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/irish-delivery-and-collection-2024.320662/page-19
  25. Adopado

    Model 3 wheel covers full rim

    Yes ... it didn't used to be the case ... but it should be a good thing in terms of aero ... in fact I think I'm right in saying that the real Tesla alloys aren't properly "sided"!
  26. Adopado

    Disc brake significant grooves - performance only?

    Mine have passed 2 MOTs looking 'orrible! The main thing is they have to pass the actual brake test ... if they do then the cosmetic appearance doesn't seem to be result in anything more than it being pointed out to you when you collect your certificate. The guidance on this for MOT testers is...
  27. Adopado

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Yes, I was just being a tech pedant and not actually taking issue with the issues raised in your post. Think of it like the kW or kWh that trips us all up from time to time ... you've just got to point it out! :)
  28. Adopado

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    You may have noticed how I couched my comment ... and I do already understand where you're coming from! The world isn't going to stop turning. However, for those of us who are interested in what the car is doing to achieve its level of efficiency it's interesting to see the transition between...
  29. Adopado

    Damaged Model 3 - Advice for repair? (picture attached)

    Getting a quote doesn't mean you have to get the work done. I would have a good look under the car to ensure that there's no damage extending to the battery pack. If there is then obviously a proper assessment by Tesla authorised service is going to be needed. If it's clearly superficial...
  30. Adopado

    Model 3 wheel covers full rim

    As @Jason71 highlights, your rear cover should be on the other side of the car (I probably wouldn’t have spotted it on the picture if it hadn’t been pointed out)!
  31. Adopado

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I appreciate what you’re getting at but I can’t let this designation pass without comment… LFP batteries are lithium ion batteries. The other types are NCA and NCM. It’s not the “ion” that makes the difference, it’s the iron.
  32. Adopado

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I know that the new position for the energy use/regen line has already been mentioned by others … but despite, on the face of it, being a non-essential aspect of car information, I really miss being able to see it! It’s obscured by my hand on the steering wheel and even when I make a point of...
  33. Adopado

    If the rise in insurance is because of repair costs why isn’t third party cheap too?

    … which gives the lie to the whole notion of a free market! Markets are constrained, regulated… and inevitably distorted… throughout the world and most certainly within the good old US Of A! Not that I would argue for a free market anyway but some people seem to think that it actually exists.
  34. Adopado

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    No sign of anything happening in Moffat when I last drove through a few weeks ago. Planning permission for 8 Superchargers was approved by Dumfries and Galloway Council in July 2023. There are existing charging points already in the car park (ChargePlaceScotland) so there is power to the site...
  35. Adopado

    Rear towbar hitch cover missing

    Any outcome to report? There are a couple of aero panels underneath the car which are bolted in place ... those would be top candidates I would think.
  36. Adopado

    low pressure one tyre, no obvious damage

    What’s a normal jack? So long as you use a Model 3 jack pad and a compatible jack e.g. most trolley jacks you will be ok. The problem may be a slow puncture or a leaking valve … it could be the wheel but that wouldn’t be my first guess.
  37. Adopado

    New (to me) MX+ - Day 1 Puncture - Can it be repaired in the UK

    Lots of people have non Tesla T0 tyres. If the size and weight and speed ratings are ok there’s no problem. And no warranty quibbles. My car has been into the Tesla Service Centre with non standard non foam winter tyres and nobody says a thing. Many independent tyre places will repair foam lined...
  38. Adopado

    a249 and a210 errors and potential leak from rear

    I have no helpful info to add I’m afraid … but as I have a 2019 car I’m now keeping an eye out!
  39. Adopado

    Phantom braking

    You did have the dashcam running. You are confusing it with the function of Sentry Mode perhaps. You can save it for a good while after the event.
  40. Adopado

    a249 and a210 errors and potential leak from rear

    In case you haven't found this thread already it may be of some value: VCFRONT a210 coolant Valve Calib
  41. Adopado

    Phantom braking

    I suggest you keep a dashcam recording of any incident like this. Of course you need to remember to actively press the record button (or press the horn if that setting is active).
  42. Adopado

    Whistling sounds whilst driving - windscreen wiper alignment?

    @HCassidy (this format should give him a notification)
  43. Adopado

    Rear towbar hitch cover missing

    Cardboard and gaffer tape would enable you to test your theory. (It doesn't seem to add noises when open and towing so this may not be your noise causing issue ... but definitely worth testing out.)
  44. Adopado

    LFP range in decent weather

    ... just to comment, regen setting (for cars that allow it) makes a trivial difference to range. (And the "hold" reference made by OP isn't a regen setting anyway and would have no detectable effect on your range reporting issue.)
  45. Adopado

    Model 3 wheel covers full rim

    Thought that may be the case!
  46. Adopado

    Model 3 wheel covers full rim

    That was a surprise .. not quite the wording I would have chosen ... 🤷‍♂️
  47. Adopado

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    My answer would be "You're quite right, they're not the future ... they're the present!"
  48. Adopado

    LFP range in decent weather

    Separate to the consumption/range issue ... Google "Co Charger" ... could that be an option for your charging?
  49. Adopado

    Model 3 wheel covers full rim

    You need to link to the actual covers ... lots look similar. People who have bought from the same source and brand may be able to give you some feedback.