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    Powerwall 2 and Central Air question

    What is your compressors' LRA rating? And are you considering Powerwalls? I forget the specs but I believe the Powerwall 3 can start just about any AC compressor. Even a single Powerwall 2 can now handle something like 110 LRA, if you're getting 2 or more it shouldn't be a problem.

    Netzero App

    This may sound like a strange request (and admittedly one that not many people would use) but is there a way to subtract out the Enphase microinverter output from the total CT output and display it separately? I have two seperate solar systems, an old string system and a newer Enphase system...

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    It wouldn't surprise me if you aren't allowed to use any of the monthly fees to offset NBCs. The object of the fixed monthly fees is to make it "fairer" for people without solar and low income groups, neither of which are likely to be accruing NBCs.

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    So, has it been disclosed yet whether or not some or all of the monthly fee can be used to offset NBCs like the current MDCs can be used?

    Discussion: Powerwall 3 [Speculation / Discussion etc]

    I had a similar problem with my system when I was running off the Powerwalls when the grid was down. The numbers were impossible. Tesla had to come out and move the CTs around.

    Help me understand my true-up and strategy for next year

    If you are referring to the buy/sell pricing in the Tesla app, yes, I incorporated the NBCs (and then some) into the buy/sell prices. I was always trying to fool the app into working correctly for my situation and if I did get it to work correctly for one thing it would break something else. I...

    Help me understand my true-up and strategy for next year

    I'm barely a net producer. Sometimes I'm a net consumer in kWh but a net producer in dollars. I was using TBC and getting hammered with NBCs. Part of the problem with TBC is it will prioritize sending solar to the grid during peak hours instead of self-consuming it. I switched to...

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    According to the article in post #3595 it will go down about $0.05/kWh.

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    The author didn't even discuss how big of an impact the new rate structure will be for solar customers. And he said the fixed monthly fee is similar to that for SMUD customers but didn't mention that SMUD's energy fees are muuuch lower.
  10. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I'm actually OK with having a monthly fee to support the infrastructure and a seperate energy fee, I just think people with NEM contracts should be grandfathered into the original price structure until the contract runs out. That was the deal. However the fees should be representative of the...
  11. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    So, at that point, you would be better off sending the power back to the utilities even during off-peak than having the 10% round trip efficiency loss when using the Powerwall if you are in NEM2.
  12. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    I wonder why all NBCs weren't included in the fixed fee. And I wonder if the NBCs will actually go down.
  13. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Yep...that is the intent. It is the utility's way of sidestepping the NEM contract. Get money even if you don't get the energy from them and devalue what energy you send to them.
  14. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    Currently the monthly MDC charges can be used to offset NBCs. I still haven't seen an answer on whether MDCs are part of this fee, all of this fee, or none of this fee. I.e., can this fee be used to offset NBCs. The answer to this could have a big impact on my bill. If the reason for the...
  15. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Currently the monthly MDC charges can be used to offset NBCs. I still haven't seen an answer on whether MDCs are part of this fee, all of this fee, or none of this fee. I.e., can this fee be used to offset NBCs. The answer to this could have a big impact on my bill.
  16. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    One of the main questions if have that I haven't seen answered is if the new monthly fee is like the current MDC where it can be used to offset NBCs, a mixture where the MDCs are a smaller portion of the monthly fee, or if there are no longer MDCs.
  17. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    Upgraded to and it still looks the same. I have store energy capacity in the cloud enabled.
  18. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    It initially looked like the post above (as I remember) but now it looks like this:
  19. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    How is the battery degradation graph supposed to look in the new version? I have 3 powerwalls and there is a percentage of degradation shown for all 3 in the table. However there is nothing showing in the graph (other than dashed lines at 13.5 and 9.5 kWh) and the dates are all 12/30/1899. I...
  20. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    FYI, I used to have a sluggishness problem but it cleared itself up several months back (perhaps with one of the updates) but now it has returned.
  21. RKCRLR

    Why am I not 100% self-powered? App doesn't take into account exports?

    The percent self-powered is the amount you draw from your solar and Powerwalls vs the grid. Drawing from the grid will lower the percentage even if you put more into the grid than you take out. If you don't draw anything from the grid it will show 100% self-powered.
  22. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    Thanks, I had a brain fart on the message.
  23. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    I'm having some problems with changing the operational mode in Automation. Initially I was getting an error when I tested an automation that switches to Time-Based Control. I logged out/in again and tried again. It now says the test was successful but the message says it is in Self-Powered...
  24. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Yea, the story says $24.15 is the latest proposed monthly fixed charge. The $51 and $73 rates were turned down. Personally, I could live with $24.15 but it would be interesting to see is treated like a minimum delivery charge or if any energy use gets tacked on to the fixed fee.
  25. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    There was also a question answered about how they are going to determine income level. For CARE and FERA customers they stated it wasn't necessary because that was already established. They stated for the 3rd bracket it wasn't necessary but there are 4 brackets in the tables. I don't...
  26. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Are the fixed monthly charges they are proposing completely separate from the additional energy fees? Or are they like the current minimum delivery charges (MDCs) and can they be used to offset energy charges and non-bypassable charges (NBCs)? Or perhaps MDCs remain a small component of the...
  27. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    With regards to Minimum Delivery Charges (MDCs) and being a Net Generator, my MDCs appear to be a little less than $12/month or about $140/year. These accrue over the year and can be used to offset Non-Bypassable Charges (NBCs) at true-up. So if the NBCs are about $0.03/kWh then I should...
  28. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Yea, my gut was telling me that but I hadn't run the numbers. Thanks for the confirmation.
  29. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    One thing I haven't wrapped my head around is whether you better off running off the Powerwalls at night or drawing from the grid as soon as peak rates end. If you run off the Powerwalls then you avoid NBCs for that period. But then you have the 10% round trip loss that needs to be made up...
  30. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    There is a long post somewhere on this forum of all the things I tried to get it to work the way I wanted. At one point I gave it a week to settle in and it never did. And some of the settings resulted in things I definitely didn't want, like pulling from the grid during peak. With SP and...
  31. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    I had tried setting my sell price to something like 50% lower than my buy price during peak per recommendations from people on this forum. It would continue to sell power to the grid during peak even after my Powerwalls were drawn down well below fully charged. And then it started doing...
  32. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    I have the options to export Solar only, Everything (solar and battery), or No exports. I want to be able to export solar but not battery so I have it set to Solar only. Yes, I'm on PG&E. I want to switch to Pioneer but it would cost me too much to switch since my PG&E true-up is in...
  33. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    I like the way SP operates during peak. I was going to try TBC during off-peak because I like the way it prioritizes solar self-consumes solar and Powerwall charging and doesn't send power to the grid unless it thinks it can make it through peak without drawing from the grid. But when I think...
  34. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Yes, I tried several things. TBC always diverted solar generation to the grid and ran my house off the Powerwalls during peak hours. One thing that would be useful is a table of how both TBC behaves during off-peak, partial-peak, and peak hours for different configurations and charge...
  35. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    I made a post: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/powerwall-operation-strategies-for-pg-e-net-generators.323659/
  36. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    ^^^ The main thing I don't like about TBC is during peak hours it doesn't allow self-consumption of the solar power you generate, it sends it all to the grid. So you wind up paying NBCs to get it back. It also causes a deeper discharge discharge of the Powerwalls during peak so you are losing...
  37. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Operation Strategies for PG&E Net Generators

    Starting this thread to discuss Powerwall operation strategies for PG&E customers that are net generators. Trying to keep track of all the nuances can make your head spin. I'm on NEM2 EV2A and have made the following observations/conclusions: The most efficient use is directly consuming from...
  38. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    The author of Netzero (@offandonagain) is active on the forum. I don't think you need to worry about his app. All he asks is that you provide a review of how you like his app. Here is a link to a thread about his app: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/netzero-app.315233/ Now that...
  39. RKCRLR

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    I'm a net generator (barely) and was using Time Based Control but because of the way TBC works it tends to generate NBCs. The main thing from keeping me switching to Self-Powered mode is there is no way to tell the app to optimize operation to avoid drawing power from the grid during peak...
  40. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    One other feature that may be useful for those who use automations would be the ability to group rules together. The groups could have an "Enable Now" button as well as the ability to be invoked on calendar dates. I.e., one could have groups for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. I realize...
  41. RKCRLR

    What is PW's KW draw when charging from the grid? I have 2 PW's and they are charging at 2.4kw.

    I also notice different grid charging rates depending on mode. I can charge my 3 Powerwalls at 15kW (5kW per Powerwall) if I'm using time based control. But I can only charge them at about 5.2kW (1.7kW per Powerwall) if using self powered mode. Anyone know why this is and if there is a...
  42. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    Nevermind, it is working now.
  43. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    I also noticed that on my Windows 10 computer the pulldown for the calendar opens and then quickly closes. When I try again then I see a minimized version that does the same thing. I don't remember having this problem earlier and the Android app doesn't have this problem.
  44. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    I agree that it makes sense to disable automations when Storm Watch is active or perhaps make disabling automation during Storm Watch an option. I think knowing if automation fails to run is a good idea, I wouldn't want to be "stuck" in one of the automations without realizing it. I...
  45. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    Quick question. If I have automations what happens when Stormwatch is enabled? Will Stormwatch override the automation settings or will an automation override Stormwatch the next time the automation is scheduled?
  46. RKCRLR

    Netzero App

    I'm also a net exporter and will be following this thread. What I'd be hoping to achieve: 3pm to midnight - Prioritize solar generation to self consumption and send excess to grid. Run off Powerwalls when solar generation is insufficient to power home. Midnight to sunrise - Continue to run...
  47. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    This is after @tomho's update to 6.1. Before then I would just see the bar.
  48. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Reset During Grid Outage

    I've had my Powerwalls reset when an excessive draw occured (i.e. heat pump tried to start). I know you said you cisconned the highg loads, just throwing that out there for information. I've also had them reset when the power was attempting to come back on but didn't do it cleanly. Don't...
  49. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    Close. The top is still cut off but I can make out the toast descriptions and it works as expected if I hide the taskbar. Its fine for my use, just letting you know if you want to something about it in the future. Thanks!
  50. RKCRLR

    Powerwall Companion - updated Windows app

    My Windows 10 display resolution is 1366 x 768.