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Netzero App

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Have just had my PW2 installed and it's been working great with the automations in NetZero so big thanks to the developer!

Question which I'm hoping to get help with: I get really cheap power between midnight and 6am and I usually charge my car between those hours. Is there a way to set it to stop the PW discharging so I just use grid power to charge my car? I don't want the PW being charged during those hours either.

Any ideas?
Set an automation at midnight for backup reserve 100% and ensure grid charging is disabled
My automation screen says I've not given myself the ability to change powerwall settings, only read data. How do I change this so I can use automations?
You need to grant access to the app when you sign in through tesla. You may have to remove access, and then grant access again and make sure you allow both of the Energy permissions:


You should have received an email from tesla with the subject "You have granted Netzero for Tesla access to your Tesla Account" which has a link you can click to REMOVE the access. Then just log out and back in with the Netzero app to re-authorize permissions.
@offandonagain - Have you considered adding the "Vehicle" usage to the main dashboard? Even if you have to scroll over/down to see it? I know you can choose Vehicle from the drop down to view it individually, but right now with Solar/Home/Powerwall/Grid on the dashboard the numbers will not add up if you don't include Vehicle (if the vehicle was charged). Maybe you could combine Home+Vehicle if the 5th chart doesn't play will with the UI.

I charged for the first time yesterday (with any sort of significance) from solar, and the reporting in the dashboard was not adding up without that consumption being included.

Again -- Keep up the great work.
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Good job!
  1. I'm using this on a Mac instead of iOS. I'd love it if there were just a few tiny little Mac desktop fixes or a Catalyst version.
    1. Sometimes resizing the window doesn't redraw the graphs. Wait for an update and then it redraws
    2. Would love it if it used a sidebar - I think on iPad it would be nice too
    3. Would love to scrub the graphs with my pointer to get details at a specific time
  2. I don't see my vehicles at all. Not sure why. I have two cars, 2 PW3s, and a Tesla solar array.
  3. I'm not quite sure how to add array information for my setup. I've got 47 panels with a 7 arrays, different roof pitches, and 2 PW3s, and my first attempt basically said I would make a tiny fraction of what I am actually getting. Might be helpful to do it spreadsheet style also since if I have to add it 7 times, its annoying to keep entering some info over and over.
For solar estimates, you can get the data from your Tesla Full Site Plan doc. It'll list each MP along with the azimuth, roof pitch, and number of panels. When entering the estimates, for the kW, just do the math for (number of panels) x (watts per panel).

I think the solar estimates is one of the best features of NetZero!
For solar estimates, you can get the data from your Tesla Full Site Plan doc. It'll list each MP along with the azimuth, roof pitch, and number of panels. When entering the estimates, for the kW, just do the math for (number of panels) x (watts per panel).

I think the solar estimates is one of the best features of NetZero!
Yes, this is what I used to enter it into NetZero.
  1. Pitch was hard to find -I had to go look at the drawings and search for it (it was so small I couldn't see it)
  2. Entering as many sets was not particularly easy in NetZero. It was quite cumbersome. Also it's asking me a few things I don't know like losses %. A bit overwhelming. I provided some feedback via email on UI changes that I think would make it easier. The point I was making was that the UI was not user friendly and it took me a few tries to get the info in because of that. Another example is that the slider for azimuth doesn't let me enter exact values like what's in my site plan doc. Only in increments of 5.

I still have the issue where my vehicle info isn't being shown, even though it is in the Tesla app.
Yes, this is what I used to enter it into NetZero.
  1. Pitch was hard to find -I had to go look at the drawings and search for it (it was so small I couldn't see it)
  2. Entering as many sets was not particularly easy in NetZero. It was quite cumbersome. Also it's asking me a few things I don't know like losses %. A bit overwhelming. I provided some feedback via email on UI changes that I think would make it easier. The point I was making was that the UI was not user friendly and it took me a few tries to get the info in because of that. Another example is that the slider for azimuth doesn't let me enter exact values like what's in my site plan doc. Only in increments of 5.

I still have the issue where my vehicle info isn't being shown, even though it is in the Tesla app.
Ah, ok so you got it. :)

I left the losses at the default (which I remember the app recommending that).
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I have the Netzero app, and I'm a bit confused how to use the diagnostics. I understand I need to login to my gateway. The app asks me for my gateway password and the IP address. I give it both but it says it cannot connect. I know this works because I also use the Powerwall Dashboard and it connects to the same unit with the same password (and e-mail) and it gets data all the time.

Am I missing something? Also, shouldn't there be an e-mail address field? Or does Netzero already know this from my authentication token?
I have the Netzero app, and I'm a bit confused how to use the diagnostics. I understand I need to login to my gateway. The app asks me for my gateway password and the IP address. I give it both but it says it cannot connect. I know this works because I also use the Powerwall Dashboard and it connects to the same unit with the same password (and e-mail) and it gets data all the time.

Am I missing something? Also, shouldn't there be an e-mail address field? Or does Netzero already know this from my authentication token?
  1. Is the error you're getting "failed to connect" or "failed to authenticate"?
  2. Are you on the same wifi network as the gateway? (Powerwall-Dashboard is probably running on a Raspberry Pi that might be on a different network.)
  3. One way to confirm connectivity and credentials is to open a web browser (on the same device and wifi network as Netzero), go to https://gateway-ip-address (replace with your ip address), bypass the security prompt, click Continue, scroll down, click Upgrade Later and log in.
  4. The email address shouldn't matter, but the app will use the address you have in Settings (or a default one if none is provided). You can try updating the one in Settings if it's not there.
Hope this helps!


Thank you, for this Great app! I especially like that you have both web and iPhone versions. (Why doesn't Tesla do that for their own app?)

I've been using an old TeslaPy script on my Mac to automate PW, but the savings are just about washed out by the cost of leaving the Mac awake! You have solved that for me, and with an actual user interface, unlike my shell script hack.

One quick question, just so I understand. Can you confirm that you run our automations on a server somewhere? The upshot is that I do not need to keep the App running on my iPhone.

Thanks again!
One quick question, just so I understand. Can you confirm that you run our automations on a server somewhere? The upshot is that I do not need to keep the App running on my iPhone.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, the automations run in the cloud (on multiple servers for redundancy purposes), so no need to keep the app running. I'll add a note about this in the app as well.
I'm having some problems with changing the operational mode in Automation. Initially I was getting an error when I tested an automation that switches to Time-Based Control.

I logged out/in again and tried again. It now says the test was successful but the message says it is in Self-Powered mode even though the Automation is for Time-Based Control. The Tesla app shows I'm still in Self-Powered mode.


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