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  1. J

    No more EVs for me

    Being banned from multiple Tesla forums was a major factor that convinced me that EV’s are not for me. Traded the 3 in at a massive loss for a Camaro SS.
  2. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I clearly see the USA is the liar, the evil empire we are told Russia is.
  3. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    no one can convince anyone of ether side of anything. Most major topics have the liar, and the one telling, more of the truth. Both sides clearly see it is the other, and nothing will convince ether side they are wrong. And, no. But, it was very interesting.
  4. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    unfortunately, the last few years have shown it is the USA that is the liar.
  5. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    the Truth is propaganda in a world of lies.
  6. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Can EV's be manufactured without fossil fuels?
  7. J

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Have you watched the Putin interviews and Ukraine on fire?
  8. J

    Financing Requirements, experiences

    the requirements seem to be very low. Try it.
  9. J

    long time member, now current owner. I Oregon.

    Way back in 2013 I joined, made a few posts, when I applied to be a Tesla Mechanic, didn't get the job. Perhaps that was a good thing as Im in a quite stable, decent paying position now. Finally am a Tesla owner now. 2023 Model 3 RWD.
  10. J

    Worried about the future of Tesla

    there was one, but the liars get to tell us what is true.
  11. J

    So much Tesla hate now

    our world is a lie. step out of line and the system comes for you. In reference to why our media is now attacking Tesla. why Tesla owners are being attacked? Many do seem like they could be I AM SAVING THE WORLD AND YOU ARE DESTOYING it types.
  12. J

    I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers

    Ive had a volt previously a few years ago.
  13. J

    I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers

    oh, yeah. I use Plug share. I see some personal chargers listed as well, that seems weird though. Hey, can I plug into your charger? don't know how the literal plug sharing works.
  14. J

    I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers

    I feel like the superchargers are more of a last resort, or for long drives. perhaps, ill used a blend of both? Is battery degradation not something to be concerned about with regular supercharger use?
  15. J

    Worried about the future of Tesla

    unfortunately, Tesla will be attacked from now on by the hand that fed it initially, our government, and our not so free media.
  16. J

    Worried about the future of Tesla

    I fear most EV owners are on the Left of the political spectrum. For a EV company someone like... Hillary Clinton would be a good figurehead, or Obama. wake up and realize our media lies to us 24-7
  17. J

    I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers

    I did charge at home yesterday. ran an extension cord out my second story window out 50ft. 12hrs to near full charge from 74% (gave up at the last 2%) only ran it at 9amps. 2023 RWD model 3. One interesting thing I've found is, many chargers seem to be free for the first 1hr. Ive charged two...
  18. J

    I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers

    given I have no way to charge at my apartment other than a extension cord (some one will say something eventually) I guess Ill be doing all my charging at mostly Public level 2 chargers. I figure at least 8hrs a week.
  19. J

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    or was it more important? Like Twitters involvement with guiding elections.
  20. J

    What is this? found this under the passenger seat

    if your not missing a cover on the left side of your instrument panel, than the factory must have left a extra one for you.
  21. J

    Disappointed in the media situation so far (No CD player in Model S)

    CD'S? are they those spinning disks that people used to use for storing audio? :biggrin: I guess that would bother some people. I haven't used a CD to play music for years.
  22. J

    Hawaii Tesla Owners

    Ouch! Also I'm guessing its easier to dent the aluminum pannels.
  23. J

    Rear-seat entertainment system absolutely necessary?

    A popcorn machine built in is nessasary. Haha. I do not think built in displays are nessasary. Defenetly no Aftermarket ones!