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  1. S

    Starlink UK

    Things like that are under NDA
  2. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Yeah same here although mine was delivered and noticed it was missing. I rang and they said to log it as a service request but that seems to setup a mobile service appointment. I might ring them tomorrow and see if I can get one delivered ASAP
  3. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Where can I log a service request for things that I need fixing? In the app it just says searching for mobile services and then says it’s unavailable.
  4. S

    2020.36.11 - App wont connect to car anymore!

    Yeah this has been going on for a while now, this is a pretty hefty outage makes me think ti would be more than a 2fa switchover, its normally fairly easy to rollback those kind of changes if something goes wrong even at Tesla scale
  5. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Yeah I can find the granny charger but no sign of the type 2 connector. I rang Tesla and they said to put it through as a delivery concern request in the app
  6. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just had my M3 delivered, havnt gone over the full checkllist but i noticed there isnt a blue charge cable. How do i go about getting that.
  7. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    If anyone had had a car delivered in or around London does anyone know where the cars are usually picked up from? Is it Dartford or somewhere else?
  8. S

    Taptes delivery times

    Yep that looks accurate, not a problem happy to wait as long as it’s on the move
  9. S

    Taptes delivery times

    So update on mine as it has now been over 10 days I checked the trickling link and it now says it’s just gone through the Alataw Pass. I can only assume then that it’s on a cargo train or something similar!
  10. S

    Taptes delivery times

    Hoping mine arrives tomorrow then as the Lao post tracking says it shipped on the 10th
  11. S

    Taptes delivery times

    Good to know
  12. S

    Taptes delivery times

    I ordered one of the new usbc equipped hubs from them last week and got a notification that it’s coming directly from China has anyone experienced how long these deliveries usually take?
  13. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Did you have to call up for it? And when is your collection day? Im taking delivery next week (23rd) and havnt gotten a reg yet
  14. S

    UK accessories for RHD Model 3 [megathread]

    These look awesome do you have the sizes to the ones you have or even better links?
  15. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    My car is due to be delivered on the 23rd and lease is organised through zen.auto. Does anyone know how many days before the initial deposit was taken I seem to remember them saying 5 days before but also think they said it was like the day before.
  16. S

    UK accessories for RHD Model 3 [megathread]

    Y Yeah I have found the compressor/pump combo but what are the plugs you’re referring to?
  17. S

    UK accessories for RHD Model 3 [megathread]

    Do the model 3’s come with a puncture repair kit as standard?
  18. S

    Cup holder for M3

    This might be stupid but what is the diameter of the cup holders at the bottom. I have a few big bottles and wonder if they will be too big too small
  19. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just got my second text from Tesla confirming 23rd delivery
  20. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just got my delivery date text come through, 23rd Sept to my home
  21. S

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Once ships dock at Zeebrugge do they then go onto Southampton generally from there?
  22. S

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Looks like we might be on th same ship
  23. S

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I spoke to a Tesla rep today as I received my vin and wanted to know what ship it was on. The guy said it hasnt got a ship assigned and that this happens when its sitting in SF dcks so will be 4-5 weeks out until delivered. Are there are ships lurking around SF getting ready to load up?
  24. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Oh yeah the guy said this likely means the lead time 4-5 weeks
  25. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I got an email with my RN after ringing up zen auto asking where it was. I then called Tesla a few days later on the off chance of a VIN and they gave it me
  26. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Rang Tesla earlier and they said that there is no ship associated with my vin yet which means its sitting at the docks in SF most likley
  27. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Ah right yeah that makes sense! Maybe I’ll ring tomorrow with my Vin and ask what boat it’s on if any!
  28. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    How did you find out what boat it is on? I got my vin today.
  29. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I ordered on the 6th August.
  30. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Juts rang Tesla service center and they said I have been matched to VIN, but were hesitant giving it to me as apparnelt zen auto dont like it
  31. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    did you have to do anything specific for the chat to pop up in designer?
  32. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Received a email from Electric auto this morning with my RN number but no match yet, guessing there weren't any left of my spec on the latest delivery.
  33. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Yeah same here haven’t got a match yet. How did you find out if you were matched?
  34. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Just received my RN from zen auto and rang Tesla to confirm the order and that it was set to vin matching as soon as possible.
  35. S

    Offline use and lte connectivity

    H ave you driven through large areas of no connectivity. Does the map cache some of the journey ?
  36. S

    Offline use and lte connectivity

    I haven’t picked up my car yet. But I’m interested to know for those that have a car already what the experience is like with connectivity. I was surprised that for example Spotify doesn’t have an offline mode or maps. Have people found it being an issues?
  37. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Did you ring or email, and what did you say, just "Do you have my RN yet?"
  38. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Did you chase them at all?
  39. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Anyone here used electric/zen auto recently and have a timeline as to when they received there RN?
  40. S

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Cross post from the shipping updates but on my way out Southampton at about 6pm on the M3 I saw two car carriers with 8 m3’s on each
  41. S

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Just drove from Southampton and on the M3 saw two car carriers each holiding 8 m3’s each decent split between white and black with one or two other colours in there
  42. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    When did you order?
  43. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Ah right, I assume then that there might be some mistruths in there statements to me. I got the counter signed agreement back from them last week and everything is signed off from both parties. They said to me that they place the order within 24hours of the agreement being counter signed but...
  44. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Interested how you managed to get your RN so quick as I ordered with Electric.auto and just got an email from them saying they send the order to Tesla within 24 hoours but it takes weeks as they go through the "leasing" process with Tesla
  45. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Follow up how do you associate the car with your account after you take ownership of it?
  46. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Good to know! Yeah I don’t think it will be this quarter at all. I only just ordered with my finance company. Do you know what number I should call once I have the rn?
  47. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Once you receive your RN from the leasing company is there anything you can start doing from the Tesla side of things to tracking things or do you have to wait until you receive the vin? For example, how do you add the car to your Tesla account?
  48. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Also interested to know why lease companies hold placing orders? Is it purely in case someone pulls out to save them having spare cars and to save their margins?
  49. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I sent them an email to the sales person who I went through asking when they place the order and they have just not responded
  50. S

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I have just placed an order with zen.auto/electric.auto. Would love to know if there is a way to get them to place the order with Tesla sooner?