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  1. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Tesla is hiring someone to handle that.
  2. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Proof please! Are you getting your information from IF Metall?
  3. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Here's my problem. And I'm no expert in Swedish law and neither are you, btw, but IF Metall doesn't have a CBA with Tesla in Sweden(Tesla doesn't anywhere else). I get the fact that strikes are legal in Sweden(and U.S.) but is it "legal" if the company you are striking against does not have a...
  4. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Sorry bud, this is not an answer to: This is nothing against Niklas, btw. So you believe a Tesla employee can just walk just walk off their job for(not sure the length, a week or more?) without an excused absence and come back and say "I'm sorry" and it's all good, right? Right?
  5. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    And you know this how?
  6. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Sorry bud, that's not from Tesla it's from Niklas. Try again.
  7. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    No. The 12-13 on strike are still on strike. Tesla would not allow them to come back to work for violation of employment contract/agreement. The ones that got booted or actually resigned their membership to IF Metall depending on the version you believe, never went on strike.
  8. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Haha! Not possible at WaPo! https://x.com/vikrammayya/status/1741487135323033924?s=20
  9. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Couldn't read it. Paywall. Nonetheless, anyone who reads WaPo will most likely be biased against Tesla. Look how they posted the article on X:
  10. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    BINGO!!! DING DING DING!!!!! And guess what? There will be more union shenanigans to come just wait and watch! The UAW's Shawn Fain in still riding on cloud nine from his recent contract negotiations win with the Big 3 and having the POTUS come walk the picket line while on strike against the...
  11. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I've often wondered what the UAW's plan for unionizing Tesla might consist of and how they were going to organize Tesla employees to vote for union representation. Well I think I have stumbled across the answer here...
  12. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    As far as X anyway, IF Metall seems to be enjoying the holidays. Not much in the news either. Only activity I see concerning the Tesla-IF Metall fracas on X is mostly back-and-forth between Swedes. Probably won't hear much out of IF Metall until sometime early January 2024.
  13. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  14. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  15. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I'm pretty sure that among those Europeans that absolutely HATE Elon truly believe that Tesla Inc would do much better without him and with Elon gone a much greater chance that Tesla would give in to IF Metall, IG Metall and UAW demands for a CBA.
  16. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    You are correct. Wrong wording on my part. I was thinking about how in some past cases Board of Directors(even individual members) have had *influence* on company operations. 50% of general public hate Elon......hmmm, could be I guess now. That goes to show, imho, how much influence the media...
  17. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Question: Why do so many people think that Elon Musk acts alone and separate from Tesla Inc.? The Board of Directors at Tesla could direct Elon to give in to IF Metalls demands for a CBA. I guess that is some sort of strategy to separate/isolate Elon from Tesla because so many really like...
  18. TSemi

    HW4 & AI5 Discussion

    https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-is-among-the-first-to-adopt-tsmc-s-n3p-manufacturing-process-for-hw5-autopilot-chips-226732.html "The electronic chips are critical components, especially since there are only two companies that can manufacture the most advanced chips: Samsung and TSMC...
  19. TSemi

    HW4 & AI5 Discussion

    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tsmc-apple-bet-3nm-chips-compete-samsung-life-death-anne-ren/ "A17 Pro is manufactured using TSMC's latest 3nm process (N3), with a transistor count of 19 billion. This is the first time that TSMC's 3nm process has been used on a top chip. The 3nm process will...
  20. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Yes, it's well known Elon Musk's viewpoint on unions. Do you disagree?
  21. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  22. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    But it is allowed as you mention here: "So as mentioned earlier Norwegian dockworkers will not allow Tesla Sweden to avoid the strike in Sweden by undocking swedish bound Teslas in Norway and drive them to Sweden." The Norwegian dockworkers - Fellesforbundet(United Federation of Trade Unions)...
  23. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Why haven't Tesla service employees that belong to some union in Norway, Finland, and Denmark gone on sympathy strikes?
  24. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  25. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Denmark: A Nordic country that has allied with IF Metall with sympathy strikes against Tesla.
  26. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    🤣 Translation: No strikers... has IF Metall given up? https://x.com/emilkallqvist/status/1738585665137193388?s=20
  27. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I have to wonder if this is somehow related to the Tesla-IFMetall conflict...
  28. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  29. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

  30. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    In his X bio - Pelle Dragsted Democratic Socialist. Member of the Danish Parliament. Author of Nordic Socialism. Democratic Socialist. M.P. Author of Nordic Socialism.
  31. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Works! Thanks!
  32. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    How do you get the X links to show the actual post? It used to do that when I posted a link from X(formerly Twitter) now when I copy a X link and post it here it shows up as link address.
  33. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Agree. Someone let him slip by in the hiring process.
  34. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    If this is the case then why did some union members decide to work instead of striking which got them expelled from the union?
  35. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I am curious why some Swedish Tesla employees are members of IF Metall(or any union really). What is the benefit? Do they pay union dues? Same applies to German Tesla employees at Giga Berlin that have joined IG Metall.
  36. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    With Toys R Us I believe all employees went on strike. Not just 10%
  37. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Same in U.S. But since Tesla does not have a CBA with IF Metall are the 13 workers legally striking? It's not ALL of the 130 service techs only 13. Normally when a strike is called by a union all workers go on strike and they usually have a CBA with the company they are striking against. This is...
  38. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Ooops! My mistake. Yes, NOT.
  39. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I'm pretty sure those 13 will not be allowed back to work by Tesla. Most likely they violated their employment contract. Tesla does have a collective bargaining agreement with IF Metall so they just walked out on strike illegally(violating their work contract) I would think. LO/IF Metall are...
  40. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure you meant the type of boards where unions have a seat and say so i.e. Europe(not U.S.). Post #974: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/7972612/
  41. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I tend to entertain the idea that VW, Daimler, BMW, Volvo(Geely), and Stellantis support IF Metall rather than Tesla over collective bargaining agreements. Why? Because they see Tesla as having an unfair advantage by not being unionized, not having collective bargaining agreements therefore...
  42. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    This is mere perception hyped by some in the the "Left leaning" spectrum. Elon Musk has no ties with Putin or Trump.
  43. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    No, of course not. And I don't think Elon/Tesla view Sweden(this includes all Nordic countries, except Iceland, as their unions have joined in the sympathy strikes) as "pesky". It is a challenge for Tesla to overcome. I'm having difficulty understanding this fully. Could you elaborate?
  44. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Meh. Overton Window has its flaws.
  45. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    This isn't a good strategy because IF Metall *will not* "get bored and move on to another target". This fight with Tesla is too important to IF Metall. Not a good analogy. IF Metall will try and keep any energy going through any and all methods at their disposal. This isn't necessarily a...
  46. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    https://x.com/skitstropp/status/1736493901811225011?s=20 https://x.com/e_l_o_n_m_u_s_t/status/1736331762647679391?s=20
  47. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    https://x.com/ForeningenA/status/1736460831926141414?s=20. Episode description New spearhead companies are pushing the standards for Swedish class struggle. What conflicts are hidden behind the ongoing Tesla conflict? Aurora discusses tensions within both capital and the labor collective...
  48. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    I'd bet this ad is in large newspapers across Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany. I saw it while browsing X under IF Metall search.
  49. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    https://www.tesla.com/en_EU/careers/search/job/public-policy-and-business-development-manager-nordics-214707 Public Policy and Business Development Manager, Nordics Job Category Legal & Government Affairs Location Segeltorp, Stockholms lan Req. ID 214707 Job Type Full-time What to...
  50. TSemi

    Tesla Unionization

    Are the people who unload these cars non-union?