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  1. G

    Motorway Navigation Instructions

    Why does the Tesla Navigation on Motorways treat every junction as separate Motorway section? When I'm on a long trip, as I was today, all I want to know is the distance until my next exit. I don't need to be told to stay on the motorway at every junction. When did this change? I'm sure it...
  2. G

    Leicester Owners Thread

    I never made it to the SC in the end. After 5 hours stationary on the M69 I'd had enough. The police turned us around on the motorway and I got home at 9pm. I heard some cars nearer the front of the queue had to wait another hour.
  3. G

    Autopilot - wrong direction on the motorway

    Does autopilot function when you're driving the wrong way down the motorway? This evening I had the opportunity to answer this question. Following an incident on the M69 and the subsequent closure of the motorway, the police turned us around on the M69 and directed us to drive in the fast lane...
  4. G

    Leicester Owners Thread

    Decided to pop out at 4pm. A quick drive along the M69 to the supercharger.... 3 hours later and I'm still on the M69. Good job I left home with a decent charge level.
  5. G

    Leicester Owners Thread

    Since taking delivery last month I haven't had need to use a supercharger yet. Wanted to make sure I know what I'm doing before a few long trips planned for next weekend. My nearest one is Leicester. Is there a way of checking it's open/working before leaving?
  6. G

    Ceramic Coating

    Just had mine done today at PPProtect. Very pleased. £399 plus VAT.
  7. G

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Had mine delivered yesterday. I rang up a few days earlier to check whether a collection was possible from Birmingham. It was, however the earliest collection was on the same day as delivery so I decided not to change.
  8. G

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    My SR+ also arrived today but not until 6pm. Was starting to worry around 4pm that it wasn't arrive. Got a tracking text 45 mins before delivery. Car looks perfect. I'm also leasing so I'm waiting for the app to go live.
  9. G

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Anyone else got a delivery scheduled for this week? Mine should arrive tomorrow.
  10. G

    Ohme charger app can't find car

    Yes, also like to know this. Got the charger, car expected on Wednesday.
  11. G

    2021 Shipping Movements

    Likewise. I have a delivery scheduled for the 17th and was wondering which ship it's on. (VIN 176xxx)
  12. G

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Also getting a company lease on the 17th March so I'm interesting in knowing the answer to this.
  13. G

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Yes I'm expecting a delivery but not until the 17th March