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  1. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I got the software update and new maps. FSD seems about the same to me in general, but the auto speed control seems different. The car seems to drive a little bit slower on average, though still above the speed limit. There were also a couple of times where it really slowed down for no apparent...
  2. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    The regen indicator is kind of cool information, but I don’t see that is has much practical use.
  3. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That’s right. I don’t want any visualizations at all. I want the full screen for other things. I would love to have the option of the map being full screen. I have always viewed the visualizations as a Tesla marketing FSD scam.
  4. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    How? I’m always going to have at least a third of the screen taken up by a video of my car driving, right?
  5. B

    Freeze my UI and OTAs please.

    You think Tesla has a bad navigation system? Try Rivian’s. It literally tries to route me to other states half the time!
  6. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I actually don’t like the visualizer. It’s fun for a few days, but I would rather just use the space for something else.
  7. B

    New Colors

    I like the new Lunar Silver. Tesla is listening!
  8. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I had my first safety intervention today in over a month of using it. It freaked out over a jogger at the side of the road. It usually handles them fine by crossing into the other lane a little to give them some space. My guess is that it couldn’t see around the curve on the road to determine...
  9. B

    One FSD to Rule them All!

    It’s technically doable. Tesla already has multiple cars that use the same system. Other automakers can use the same hardware and make it work. I can believe it would take 3 years. That’s major design work to get the hardware integrated.
  10. B

    One FSD to Rule them All!

    That’s right. I would expect the other companies to have similar cameras in similar spots to maximize compatibility. They would need to redesign their existing systems.
  11. B

    Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

    Tesla will eventually solve every problem you mentioned. That said, no FSD system will ever drive like a hyper aggressive driver. No system will beat you to a destination. You’ll eventually get old enough that you’ll need it, however, assuming you don’t kill yourself in a car accident before...
  12. B

    One FSD to Rule them All!

    I wonder if Musk is aiming to make Tesla’s FSD the standard, as he did with charging. License it to all the manufacturers. It would dramatically increase the amount of training data available, it would save the other manufacturers a fortune in R&D, it would more easily allow the cars to talk to...
  13. B

    March of 9s: The Beginning of the End

    I have recently provided them a bunch of training data on school zones and buses!
  14. B

    New Colors

    I was speaking specifically of Teslas here. I’m guessing the blue and definitely black take rates are much lower than above. Part of that is that they haven’t been the free colors in quite a while. Regardless, change them to a different blue or black. Add a couple other colors too. This is such...
  15. B

    Tesla in crisis?

    How does that confirm this?
  16. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This is my biggest gripe right now.
  17. B

    FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

    I still think the subscription is the way to go versus $8000. I’m probably not going to keep the car long enough to make buying it worth it, and I would hate to total the car or trade it in earlier than expected and lose the full $8000. At $5000, I would start thinking about buying.
  18. B

    New Colors

    I like the new red and grey colors, but why hasn’t Tesla refreshed all of the colors by now? Nobody buys black or blue. Change out those colors! Bring back the light silver. This is a cheap way to make aging models look fresh. Even with the Highland refresh, the car still looks very similar to...
  19. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    If I don’t use the shoulder as a turn lane in Austin off 360, I’ll most assuredly get rear ended at high speed.
  20. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That would be a realistic goal. You think Musk is going to set a realistic goal?
  21. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My car tried to go into oncoming traffic this morning to go around a stopped school bus. These things are really big and yellow. Come on, Tesla! How hard can it be to stop for these?
  22. B

    2024; Tesla's Tipping Point?

    I’m talking specifically about the last few years. I should have made that clear. I know they are working on those glasses. Maybe that will be interesting at some point. All I know is that I haven’t been excited about getting a new phone in years. I do have an iWatch, but I don’t find that it...
  23. B

    Tesla: Highlights from our upcoming Spring Release below

    Tesla might start doing this to nudge people to buy new cars from them.
  24. B

    Tesla: Highlights from our upcoming Spring Release below

    Why do we need larger visualizations? I thought that was cool for like a week. I would rather have that screen space for the map or something else actually useful. It’s just FSD advertising. I have an Atom, so I’m guessing this is a feature I won’t get, which is cool by me. The Spotify updates...
  25. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I just want FSD to honor my lane change requests. If it’s going to wait until the last second to get into the correct lane for a turn, the least it can do is honor my request to get in the correct lane ahead of time. This shouldn’t be hard to fix.
  26. B

    2024; Tesla's Tipping Point?

    I hate Apple too. Has there ever been another company with such a large R&D budget that has innovated so little?
  27. B


    I’m cheering for Rivian, but times are different now. There is much more competition, interest rates are higher, and Rivian’s CEO doesn’t have the ability to create a reality distortion field that gets employees and investors willing to buy in to a somewhat crazy and nearly impossible vision.
  28. B

    Robotaxi? Really??

    FSD is amazing, but it’s going to take Tesla 5 more years to get it nailed. How do you sell a robotaxi until then? What a disaster!
  29. B


    I love Rivian. I had an R1S for a while and it was awesome. I just don’t think they can survive as an independent company. They don’t have the scale they need. I would rather Tesla buy them than a Chinese company. Also, I want an R2 with Tesla’s software!
  30. B


    Tesla really needs to buy Rivian. They desperately need more products. Rivian has them. Rivian needs cash. Tesla has that. The product portfolios complement each other. It seems like a no brainer to me.
  31. B

    2024; Tesla's Tipping Point?

    Tesla needs to buy Rivian. It’s that simple. They need new products. Rivian needs cash. It’s a good match.
  32. B

    2024; Tesla's Tipping Point?

    The new model 3 fixes those problems big time.
  33. B

    FSDb acceleration / deceleration rate... hmm.

    They will eventually have settings for this. I don’t mind the acceleration, but I can understand why others would. The breaking is too aggressive. I basically never use the breaks. FSD users them a lot. That does waste power.
  34. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I suspect they will fix the late lane change problem fairly soon. That just doesn’t seem hard.
  35. B

    FSD Pricing

    I wonder what is the cost of running inference? It might be expensive enough that they need to charge a fair amount just to cover the running costs.
  36. B

    FSD Pricing

    I agree that they should focus on subscriptions. I would be reluctant to buy because you don’t get the value back when you sell. Total the car driving off the lot? Sorry, you’re out $12k!
  37. B

    FSD Pricing

    This has to be frustrating for Musk. The technology is amazing, but it has to be basically perfect for him to really unlock the value. That’s really hard to do.
  38. B

    FSD Pricing

    This is where I’m at. L4 gets me time back. That has huge value. Right now the value is still limited. It is nice to let the car drive when I’m tired, but I’ll only pay so much for that benefit.
  39. B

    FSD Pricing

    They could do that. Give out free months. Gather data and tweak model. Try to sell full priced subscriptions. Fail. Give out free months. Gather data and tweak model….
  40. B

    FSD Pricing

    Tesla really needs the data right now. I would think they would want to do some good subscription deals to keep it coming.
  41. B

    FSD Pricing

    I think he is going to want to monetize existing owners, so I’m thinking a discount is coming. I fully expect deals to move new vehicles as well, particularly at the end of the quarter.
  42. B

    FSD Pricing

    I’m guessing that Tesla will offer some deals on FSD at the end of the trial. I have been impressed by v12 so far, but I still wouldn’t pay $12k for a system that requires supervision. $199 a month is a little pricey as well. I’m guessing they would have a hit at $99/month. What do y’all think?
  43. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Auto speed works great for me. I’ve only had to override it maybe a couple of times thus far, and it is generally spot on with how fast I would go. I am irritated that the car decides so late to change lanes in preparation for a turn. It has done the lane changes well, but I’m just waiting for...
  44. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I see this all the time too. It bounces back and forth before deciding.
  45. B

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Does anybody think the quality of FSD varies by location? There are a ton of Teslas in Austin, for example, so a bunch of the training data invariably came from here. California in general would be a similar story. Does it work better in Tesla heavy areas than less Tesla heavy ones? I’ve been...
  46. B

    2022 Model Y - Austin Giga Factory - Delivery Experience

    I bet you got a customer refusal. I suspect that’s why you got so little notice.
  47. B

    Floored the acceleration on my brand new MYP and got dizzy

    I get the roller coaster feeling in my stomach when I floor my 3LR with boost. I thought I would get used to it, but I haven’t. I love it! That said, I have no interest in getting anything faster.
  48. B

    Horrible 2022 Model Y Tesla Experience

    When you are buying a new car, particularly a more expensive than average one, it’s not too much to ask that it be delivered spotlessly clean and not damaged. The 3 and Y that I bought this year were both just about perfect. Yours should have been too. I suspect your car was a delivery refusal...
  49. B

    Model Y LR built in Giga Austin!!

    I wouldn’t accept delivery. They might be able to fix them to your satisfaction, but maybe not.
  50. B

    Model Y LR built in Giga Austin!!

    I live in Austin and have had a Model Y LR on order for a while. A couple of weeks back, I was sent the text giving me the option of buying an AWD for immediate delivery. I checked the link daily for more than a couple of weeks, and there were always 3 cars on there as options. The link stopped...