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  1. A

    UT Waiting Room

  2. A

    Current Delivery Times

    Here is my new baby at home. It’s been raining (of course) for the last few days, but she drives like a dream. Haven’t been this excited to drive since I was 16! Hate to be one of those people, but its worth the wait. 95 totals days from order to delivery for me. Hoping for more May VINS!
  3. A

    Current Delivery Times

    The saga continues - I decided to call the SLC office to see if they could tell where the car was in transit for my scheduled 08/25 delivery. Turns out its on the lot now. Picking it up at 4:00 today. Excited to say the least. Hoping all other MAY orders get good news soon!
  4. A

    UT Waiting Room

    The saga continues - I decided to call the SLC office to see if they could tell where the car was in transit. Turns out its on the lot now. Picking it up at 4:00 today. Excited to say the least. Truly hoping you get some good news in the next few days.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Would one of you lovely people reply with the 1-800 phone number for delivery specialists? Trying to pinpoint where my car is. Thanks in advance.
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    UT Waiting Room

    Not sure why! When I got the text to schedule delivery, it brought up a calendar UI. The 25th was the earliest day I could choose. FWIW I went to the showroom on 08/14 when I got my VIN to say hello and make sure I had my financing ducks in a row. He mentioned at the time that my car was still...
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    UT Waiting Room

    Yes 08/25 - not sure why I typed that lol.
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    UT Waiting Room

    Set up delivery for 10/25. Hoping all goes well and the car gets here in time!
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    Current Delivery Times

    Received an email at 5:30 AM - then I popped over to the browser, refreshed and it was there! Fingers crossed you get news soon, it’s gotta be right behind!
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    Current Delivery Times

    After 91 days, I received the magical blue button! 249xxx! EDD 08/14 - 08/19 Today happens to be my bday too lol. What a perfect start to the day!
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    Current Delivery Times

    Where is the sobbing emoji
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    Current Delivery Times

    Im also in the dont cancel camp, but Id also be willing to bet a service associate at Tesla could get this refunded since hes way outside of the original EDD at time of order.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Day 89. Second guessing whether I actually made an order or not back in May. Maybe it was a dream? EDD is 08/15-08/30.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Also they are making Calzones (MYP) from 5:00 - 6:50 and you will get it delivered ASAP
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    Current Delivery Times

    Hello fellow Utahn - when was your order date if I can ask? What car specs?
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    Current Delivery Times

    I know this mood. I hope we get ours within days.
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    Current Delivery Times

    EDD front day keeps slipping back a day - today its 08/14-08/26 I've been on this ride before. My full expectation is that sometime within the next week the EDD window will get really tight, and then BLAM - OCTOBER
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    UT Waiting Room

    Holding my breath. Elon said 2 weeks.
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    Current Delivery Times

    When I ordered my MYLR back in May, the EDD was 4-11 weeks. On week 13 at the moment. Elon promises it should be here in 2 weeks though so….
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    Current Delivery Times

    Have the exact same EDD as you - fingers crossed tightly we get blue buttons this week!
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    UT Waiting Room

    Amazing summary - thank you for taking the time to write it all. The car looks gorgeous. Congrats!
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    UT Waiting Room

    @md99 Show us the goods! I need proof Tesla's are actually shipped to SLC.
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    Current Delivery Times

    :) The face im making when I see June orders being assigned VINs while my keyboard gets worn down mashing F5 (refresh).
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    Current Delivery Times

    Customer rejecting orders? This feels like seeing a unicorn in reality.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Just got this text too, such highs and lows in 10 seconds.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Insanely high. Should be closer to 1200.00 - 1500.00
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    Current Delivery Times

    Clear cache or try a different browser. Happens to the best of us who refresh too much.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Almost my same config - post some pics of it when you take delivery! Would love to see it fresh off the truck.
  29. A

    Current Delivery Times

    You’re in good company with @allegedskeptic @md99 and I - all May SLC orders. Most of us still waiting.
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    Current Delivery Times

    EDD 08/09-08/21 AS IF IT MEANS ANYTHING. I’ll keep on refreshing 10x a day though because I love the group frustration dynamic we have here.
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    Current Delivery Times

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    Current Delivery Times

    I remember when I joked I wouldn't get my Tesla before page 1000. Now this thread has blown up.
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    Current Delivery Times

    My oldest (6) has started pointing out other teslas on the road. He's excited for me to get the Tesla, but its honestly pure torment. Everytime I see another Tesla I shake my fist and wonder what I did to make Elon upset with me.
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    UT Waiting Room

    @md99 I have an electrician I use for everything else in my house. He does great work. I contacted him last week, and he mentioned he was 3-4 weeks out for even a bid to come by to install the home charger. Michael - 801-803-9130. Ill let you know how it goes if youre still looking when I get...
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    Current Delivery Times

    My wife has stopped asking me every morning if there is any Tesla update. I think I’m brooding LOL EDD is 08/07 - 08/20. Would absolutely love to have the car before going out of town 08/18. side note - I swear I’m seeing so many more Tesla’s around SLC now. It’s replaced the slug bug for my...
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    Current Delivery Times

    Another day of fruitless page refreshes. Can’t wait for the uptick in west coast deliveries. Soon!
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    Current Delivery Times

    Peak 1st world problems lol.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Also have a black/black - love the look. Hoping to see a flurry of new VIN posts soon!
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    Current Delivery Times

    Really feel like a VIN is coming in the next week. No rhyme or reason. EDD is 08/07 - 08/20.
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    Current Delivery Times

    I have one sitting in my office. Can I ask how much you paid to have it installed? Just started getting a bid from an electrician we have worked with for a while
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    UT Waiting Room

    Saying it again - I am so happy but incredibly jealous! Cant wait to see the pictures. Which SA did you work with @ the SLC showroom?
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    Current Delivery Times

    Congrats! Post some pictures of that beauty when you take delivery!
  43. A

    Current Delivery Times

    Question for those with VINs (if you all even still visit this page lol) - does the VIN replace the RN# on the tesla profile?
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    UT Waiting Room

    Exactly the same EDD for me too.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Hmm interesting - same experience here - have an EDD now of 08/07 - 08/27
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    Current Delivery Times

    I understand this vibe. My wife made fun of the fact that the wall connected charger got here in 2 days, while we are approaching 3 months since order date. And then I think of all the accessories I bought that are also just sitting in the corner of my office. Im in too deep.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Woke up to a missing EDD today. No idea what if means anymore, it’s all just noise until you get the blue VIN button. Still hopeful we get flooded with VIN posts soon. GL everyone!
  48. A

    Current Delivery Times

    3 months* EDIT: can’t read good. I hope it doesn’t take 5 full months for delivery.
  49. A

    Current Delivery Times

    Same order - rooting for fellow black/black cars to get made and distributed ASAP.
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    Current Delivery Times

    Just curious - why wouldnt you consider M3 or MY luxury?