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  1. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation

    After running 2024.20.1 for 8 days now, I’m happy to report that have seen zero issues with maps and cameras. 😊 So I cancelled my upcoming service appt. And set the software update back to ‘standard’. 🙂
  2. SpaceShipDrvr

    Tesla's Supercharger Team laid off - What does it mean? | TMC Podcast #64

    @danny Is there something going on with the Apple podcast feed (or whatever Overcast uses) that causes episodes to show up WEEKS after they have been recorded? According to my Overcast app, this episode came out June 9 (yesterday), a full 3 weeks since it was recorded. And this is not the...
  3. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation

    I still have the issue - I got 2024.14.9 a few days ago, and it still happens. Frustrating. I though it might have been been fixed in .9, but just as I was leaving for a 6hr road trip, it struck again. :-( Normally my Y is an *awesome* road tripper, but with the added "fun" of: - No navigation...
  4. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation

    I got 2024.14.8 yesterday, and unfortunately it is still an issue. (Happened twice) But maybe it is slightly better, it seems to happen around 40% of the time when I get in the car instead of 80%? 😐
  5. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 problem

    I've tried that, and other things. See my update in the thread for the issue I created here, after talking to Tesla Support: 2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation
  6. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation

    An update after being on the phone with Tesla Support yesterday - The associate (very nice BTW) had me try a few of the their usual tricks to clear UI issues: - Changing the display language (and then back), this restarts some of the UI - "Powering off" the car and waiting 2 mins before hitting...
  7. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 breaking cameras and navigation

    Ever since I got 2024.14.6 update a few days ago, my MYLR '21 has been so frustrating. - All cameras broken ("not available") - Navigation is broken (car stuck in one spot on the map, like GPS or inertial updates are not happening) Things I have tried: - Reboots (steering wheel buttons) -...
  8. SpaceShipDrvr

    2024.14.6 problem

    The same thing is happening to me... MY LR 2021. It is SO FRUSTRATING. This is the first VERY buggy update I have received after 2.5 years of ownership. Same symptoms as you: 1. Cameras not working 2. Maps/navigation stuck... No movement when driving. And the car reports the wrong address to the...
  9. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Redding, CA (LIVE 11 Oct 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    I wonder why is this location not showing on the Tesla find us map? Find Us | Tesla
  10. SpaceShipDrvr

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I applaud what you are doing, but putting 100% into TSLA is what affected the sustainability of future scholarships. Please diversify. The TSLA gravy train of the last few years was never going to last forever.
  11. SpaceShipDrvr


    In my experience the green light chime has worked well, I'm happy with it: When stopped at the front of a light, it chimes when it turns green (if I have not moved after about 1/2 second) When behind a few cars, and the light turns green, it chimes when the car in front of me starts moving...
  12. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Redding, CA (LIVE 11 Oct 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    When multiple sites around Redding get superchargers a lot faster - how many years has this been in the works now? - Then it is not ”so-so logistics on Tesla’s end” that is at fault. Unless there is some mysterious Tesla logistics dampening field installed in Redding. 😉 It is either city or...
  13. SpaceShipDrvr

    Cruise Control

    Is it certain that the non-FSD TACC uses the same software stack as FSD Beta? Because I am very skeptical that is does… So a FSD Beta user saying it works well does not mean that the experience is the same in a non-FSD TACC user.
  14. SpaceShipDrvr


    The secondary street color in dark/night mode was already fixed (or vastly improved) in 2022.4.5 or 2022.4.5.1.
  15. SpaceShipDrvr

    Sold my Model S, bought an Ioniq 5

    The original poster has posted his thoughts on the Ionic 5 several times in this thread, with more coming hopefully - did you miss them?
  16. SpaceShipDrvr

    Model Y rolling / being pushed off assembly line

    They're checking the oil level. Perhaps one of the conditions of being allowed to open a factory in TX is that they have to make an ICE Model Y. ;)
  17. SpaceShipDrvr

    Since we are posting crash stories…Plaid S Idiot

    As the saying goes: "money can't buy taste". It also can't buy common sense, demonstrably. So any assumption that rich people know better should be thrown out the window.
  18. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Weaverville, CA (LIVE 10 Feb 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Awesome news - who will post the first on-site report? 😊
  19. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    Same here... I was able to find a CHAdeMO adapter, and I got it for peace of mind when road tripping. An expensive peace of mind, but still... 🙂 If you need it, 50kw is a heck of a lot better than the 5-10kw you will see at most L2 chargers. That of course assumes that the charger is...
  20. SpaceShipDrvr

    Sold my Model S, bought an Ioniq 5

    Thanks for the initial write-up of your experience @Sances! As someone who is very interested in an Ionic 5 (or EV6) as a potential 2nd EV in the future, I am very interested to hear of your continued experience as someone coming from a Tesla. 👍
  21. SpaceShipDrvr

    ioniq 5? too bad its a hyundai.

    Yes, I have no idea what the OP means... KIA / Hyundai have *very* reliable and great cars - I own two Kias and we are very happy with them. And we just passed down a Hyundai to my daughter. If I was in the market for a new EV (and a Tesla was not a practical option), I would have no hesitation...
  22. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    If for one have used the "email when item is restocked" functionality many times in the Tesla shop, but I can only recall being notified ONCE through email that an item was back in stock. So it definitely isn't working 100% of the time. Or they send out staggered emails and I've just happened to...
  23. SpaceShipDrvr

    Phantom braking survey

    My own personal anecdote - I did a long drive last weekend, with about 24hrs driving total over 5 days: The phantom breaking seemed slightly improved, but that may just have been different lighting conditions compared to the same route a few months ago. On normal (undivided) highways it still...
  24. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Red Bluff, CA (LIVE 27 Nov 2019, 8 V3 stalls)

    I forgot to mention... Not only this this location a dump metaphorically, there is LITERALLY a dumpster placed in the middle of the superchargers! What were they thinking? 😄 See attached picture. (from PlugShare) Ok maybe I am being too negative, this supercharger has saved me on more than one...
  25. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Red Bluff, CA (LIVE 27 Nov 2019, 8 V3 stalls)

    I certainly hope not, the current site is a real dump... One of the (if not the) sketchiest supercharger locations I have visited. It never fails to unimpress. :D
  26. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Santa Clarita, CA (LIVE 6 Apr 2018, 24 V2 + 8 V3 stalls)

    Was there this weekend, the navigation software led me here... For someone travelling on the 5, this was an odd location. Pro tip: Don't get there after 8pm if you plan to do any kind of eating or shopping, virtually all businesses were closed for the day. (or permanently, hard to tell) Only...
  27. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Glendale, CA - Harvey Dr (LIVE 25 Jan 2022, 16 stalls)

    Maybe I was just lucky, but I had absolutely no issues getting into the lot at 5pm yesterday. 🤔 There were lots of people in line to In-n-out, wrapping around The building, but they seem to manage the line pretty well.
  28. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Glendale, CA - Harvey Dr (LIVE 25 Jan 2022, 16 stalls)

    I dunno, visited here today - very busy. Only one or two stalls available. So it seems like a popular location. Or maybe the navigation software prioritizes newish superchargers. 🤔
  29. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    But they promised no such feature. There could be any number of things in the pipeline that some cars have that they might hope to enable in the future, but they have not promised it. I certainly want CCS support ASAP, but Tesla does not OWE me CCS support as it was never a promised feature.
  30. SpaceShipDrvr

    Huge update, V11...thoughts? and any hidden features found yet??

    Yes it is colder now, but not that much colder. I live on the coast. And I have my car in my attached garage so it stays pretty warm. (no colder than 50F) Although come to think of it, I did drive it today and there was no warning, so it may be more sporadic than it seems.
  31. SpaceShipDrvr

    Huge update, V11...thoughts? and any hidden features found yet??

    On my MYLR that I only charge to 81% every night, this holiday update always seems to give a warning about reduced regenerative braking - although I don't feel any difference. I assume that this is a bug, because previously I only saw it when charged over 90%. I did a quick reboot but that did...
  32. SpaceShipDrvr

    Available in Tesla Shop: OEM Model Y PPF

    Indeed! I would recommend both this door PPF and mudflaps… unless you live where there are perfect roads with no dirt, and no bad weather. 😊
  33. SpaceShipDrvr

    Phantom braking survey

    Has anyone noticed any improvement in the phantom braking severity/frequency with the holiday update? (2021.44.52.x with the new UI) I have not had time to make any drives to test it, but I am curious if the supposed FSD phantom braking improvements have carried over to for us non-FSD traffic...
  34. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    …Which is why it is important a list/spreadsheet tracking this makes a distinction between “not supported” (pre 2020) and “not installed” (post 2020). One can NOT be upgraded to support CCS, the other can be upgraded. At the moment, it seems like “Enabled” only shows on cars in a 2020 to...
  35. SpaceShipDrvr

    Huge update, V11...thoughts? and any hidden features found yet??

    Yes but that kind of defeats the purpose of the driver profile linked to phone. And normally it works fine. But if you travel in a car with someone else with phone-as-key (like your spouse), it sometimes picks the “wrong key” and selects your spouses driver profile. It happens at least once a...
  36. SpaceShipDrvr

    Huge update, V11...thoughts? and any hidden features found yet??

    I hear you, I like some things, but dislike other things. I suspect some things will come back in the next update. Because there really was no need to hide the driver profile display and selector up top… after all the space isn’t used for something else! (my biggest gripe) If they are allowing...
  37. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    You should be more specific… as far as I can tell, there are 3 options the UI will report for CCS adapter support: “Enabled”, “Not installed” “Not supported” @tps5352 you should update your graph to show the 3 possibilities.
  38. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Cottonwood, CA (LIVE 4 May 2022, 12 V3 stalls)

    Nice!!! This will make trips to Redding much more convenient, as Cottonwood is only 15 mins away. (Vs 30 mins for Red Bluff)
  39. SpaceShipDrvr

    CCS Adapter for North America

    I just got the new software update (2021.44.6) on my October 2021 build MYLR, and I was disappointed to see that it shows "CCS Adapter Support" as "Not Installed". 😐 Hopefully installing the support hardware in my car will not be too expensive, once it - and the adapter itself - is available...
  40. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Redding, CA (LIVE 11 Oct 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    It won't be ready for Christmas, it is several months away since no construction has started. You might have to go to Red Bluff to supercharge, I know I had to when visiting. Otherwise - If you are staying at a local hotel, two of them have Tesla Destination chargers, that might be your best...
  41. SpaceShipDrvr

    AliExpress Screen Swivel Kit

    A word of caution about swivel kits:
  42. SpaceShipDrvr

    New tweet from Tesla: will sell their own CCS adaptor “soon” in North America

    In many more "backwaters" areas (like where I live), there are still a substantial amount of CHAdeMO chargers (although CCS should pass it soon if it has not already). And those areas tend to be ones with more limited Superchargers as well, what a coincidence... ;) So CHAdeMO adapters would...
  43. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Cottonwood, CA (LIVE 4 May 2022, 12 V3 stalls)

    Excellent! Both Cottonwood and Weaverville showing Redding how it is done! :cool: And it looks like it will be a much nicer location than Red Bluff.
  44. SpaceShipDrvr

    Cruise Control

    Yep, had a 5hr drive today, and cruise control is close to unusable on an undivided highway. If you see a truck coming towards you, you can be 80% sure the car will slam on the brakes. So frustrating. Please, Tesla, if you aren’t going to fix it, add a setting in the menu that can turn it into...
  45. SpaceShipDrvr

    Phantom braking survey

    I had a crazy number of phantom brakes happening today on a 5hr drive from SF to Eureka. (Vision only 2021 MYLR with 2021.38.8 - no FSD) Want to use cruise control on an undivided highway? Good luck… it slams on the brake 80% of the time when encountering a truck in the opposite lane. With or...
  46. SpaceShipDrvr

    Another Price Increase? 11/11

    I wrote it was “sufficient”. But I hold Tesla to a higher standard than doing the bare minimum. What you are doing Is the equivalent of defending a hypothetical slow accelerating Tesla as “but it moves forward, what else do you need?”. 😀 Relax. It is OK that the Model Y is not perfect.
  47. SpaceShipDrvr

    Another Price Increase? 11/11

    There’s no need to be defensive about the Model Y. I love my MYLR… BUT … the rear visibility (and mirrors) of the Model Y are objectively bad compared to almost ANY car on the market. Certainly every car I have ever driven over 20+ years. There are so many low-hanging fruit efforts that Tesla...
  48. SpaceShipDrvr

    Supercharger - Redding, CA (LIVE 11 Oct 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    I really hope this thing gets built soon. It does not affect local residents much since they can charge at home, but for visitors to Redding it is a royal pain. I arrived in Redding today with not much charge for the weekend (coming from the coast) staying in a friends apartment, I had to...