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  1. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    easier to use on a phone than in a car I’d reckon that’s why Carplay was invented
  2. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    I think @jq371 might be referring to the interface I liked Carplay and was sorry to lose it I liked Apple Music - so much music, but poor interface my spouse gets both in her 500e, which works so well
  3. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    it’s the best bit I needed convincing
  4. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    Apple Music recognises them
  5. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I think that happened a while ago
  6. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I’ve worked out that Sixt have five names on the list of drivers so presumably they can use their phones I added a profile for myself but it kept defaulting to ‘Frank’ - a bit difficult because he’s about three feet tall and it’s tricky getting into the car with his seat setup I gave up fighting...
  7. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I’m driving a Sixt rental model 3 at present while mine is having minor panel damage repaired - thanks, inner west food couriers! I already updated the software because I got the alert on day 1, but I can’t find a way to set up my phone key what do people do if they have two Teslas?
  8. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    yep - the old ‘this is my space’ attitude, even in motion it might be counterintuitive but I prefer driving in the USA and Italy UK, not so much
  9. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    car companies have usually lagged behind the tech and so they’ve never done a great job with music, and probably interfaces in general a few cars back when I first used Carplay the difference was staggering - particularly music and maps
  10. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    I use Apple Music all the time because it has my whole library from home plus other stuff - the extras are a bonus the interface isn’t as good as Carplay but I won’t bang on about it I would like better scrolling to find stuff - being able to click on an alphabetical list would help so I don’t...
  11. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    of all the frustrations that undoubtedly occur, my wifi reaches across the road and a few doors down - which I proved yesterday installing the update
  12. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    [sorry - I’ve always wanted to do this] but seriously, turning everything off and on again could help
  13. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    nope - iTunes Msrvh was invented to replicate the libraries on users‘ computers irrespective of source I have many thousands of songs in my library and very few via Apple downloads as someone else pointed out, the actual music file isn’t uploaded I think you’ve been misinformed as to how the...
  14. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    if you upload your music library, doesn't it then 'exist'? are you talking about a particiaulrar style or ethnicity? I don't claim to know how much there is from everywhere, but material published by major labels should be there
  15. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    you said it wasn’t possible and I explained how it worked apparently it’s not what you want anyway sure, I pay for Apple Music - it’s a subscription service I originally wanted Carplay, and still do - in my spouse’s 500e, with Apple Music it’s even better if you have all your music on your phone...
  16. schnaxxl

    Apple Music Songs Grayed Out?

    have you tried running the cloud update via the file menu in the Music app on your computer? I’m assuming that’s where you have your music collection I do it regularly
  17. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    when you sign up for Apple Music you can then use a function on a computer* running the Music app to upload your music library to the cloud [the list, not the actual files] this used to be called iTunes Match now you just pull down the file menu and select library > update cloud library you...
  18. schnaxxl

    Model 3 roof glass crack

    I can’t see a ‘sliding screen’ do you mean one of the shade screens that fit below the glass roof on the inside? they’re fixed, not sliding I have those and I can’t see how they could crack the glass
  19. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    I have Apple Music in the car - what difference is there with the phone app? and bluetooth? it's still not Carplay, which would be my preferred interface
  20. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    today I noticed the icon for a speed camera for the first time it's the one on Homebush Bay Drive oppposite DFO I was driving through the Westconnex tunnel, but no camera was shown there I'm fairly certain there would be one
  21. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    yep - I discovered that a few weeks ago I just go to the app and do something with the phone-bluetooth-car connection [don’t recall exactly what] and it’s working again I usually carry the card anyway
  22. schnaxxl

    Car Insurance Options

    yep I got the email about that sadly my car is booked in with another NRMA approved place for minor panel work following an altercation last month with a food courier on an e-bike* *there could be a joke in there or an irony, but I’m not amused
  23. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    and yet there will be times that you arrive at the car and it demands the key card
  24. schnaxxl

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    yep I’m thinking of looking into that we had some film done on the windows but were told that the roof was already tinted, and they’re somehow different the guy who did my Model 3 is a helpful chap, so I’ll discuss with him
  25. schnaxxl

    Finally getting second EV - any hints?

    I don’t normally venture outside the Aus/NZ part of this forum, but I was casting around to see whether anyone else has a Tesla and a Fiat we recently added a 500e La Prima to the fleet to go with my 2022 Model 3 LR spouse loves it - she’s a former Bambino owner, so had a soft spot as well as a...
  26. schnaxxl

    Novated Leases

    I’m leasing my Model 3 through Maxxia I recently got a second lease for my spouse to have a Fiat 500e to drive every time I’ve had to lease a vehicle - this is the sixth, since 2005 - there seems to be ever-more-opaque stuff going on that delays the process I put a deposit on the car in early...
  27. schnaxxl

    How do you listen to music?

    I would have preferred Carplay but Apple Music offers a big library ie everything in my home computer and more I don’t expect fantastic sound quality my spouse recently got a Fiat 500e and Carplay works well on that, with the bonus of Apple Music as well I guess Tesla doesn’t regard having a...
  28. schnaxxl

    Euro crash tester says carmakers must return to physical controls - Impact on Australia?

    a while back I drove a Peugeot 508 for a few months they have a thing called i-Cockpit note that row of buttons below the air vents it's a bit better defined now - back then there were hardly any visible identifiers on the buttons, so there must have been an upgrade over the period I drove...
  29. schnaxxl

    Model Y bluetooth disconnecting

    my Model 3 has been doing something similar lately the car forgets that my iphone is the phone key, and things happen like I can't unlock the car - need to sue the card on the door frame - or I get a message saying the car is unlocked I can fix it by reconnecting the phone via bluetooth, until...
  30. schnaxxl

    Supercharger - Cooma NSW

    I’ve also enquired via a snowsport forum - no-one has heard anything according to this they have two years to do it - starting October 2023
  31. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I use the Westconnex tunnel between Ashfield and Sydney Olympic Park the car has never really worked out that there's a tunnel, even with relatively recent acknowledgement that I'm driving on the M4 rather than Parramatta Rd I sometimes wonder whether it's using the speed limits of the...
  32. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    yep - I’ve observed that too
  33. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    today the Newtown chargers had two EVs parked and charging - breakthrough yesterday I saw a Fiat 500e there for the first time in Aus
  34. schnaxxl

    Evie EV charging networks

    Tesla, BYD, Kia, Hyundai, Peugeot, Fiat, Mercedes, Volvo, Polestar and Mini must be in - possibly others what’s a Maxus? answer: LDV, SAIC etc
  35. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    the newly-painted Newtown spaces were finally available today last I saw there were two ICEs parked there, as usual
  36. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    got in a day early
  37. schnaxxl

    BP Pulse Network

    I think I read that Cupra Born doesn't come with an app- not yet, anyway
  38. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    update a week later and this bit of road is still exactly as in the photo might be a while before we see it painted same with the one on Carillion Ave
  39. schnaxxl

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    the vote occurs at elections based on that outcome, govts usually claim a mandate for everything they do
  40. schnaxxl

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    a brilliant movie by Peter Cook depicted that
  41. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    I walk around the corner and what do I find? hopefully to be painted soon
  42. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    good news - I’ll be away for most of November in EV heaven aka Norway, so it’ll be a nice surprise when I get back I guess the section of the council that paints the road is a separate part from the one that installs chargers, which is separate from the rangers running Sydney is a mega-operation...
  43. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    this is something I suspected about the Westconnex tunnel in inner west Sydney it opened a few years ago but satnav took a a while to update ie it still thought I was driving above ground on those streets with their many changes of speed limit is it possible that it still uses those limits, even...
  44. schnaxxl

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    it might even help in achieving some rationality on energy policy and pricing - ok, faint hope
  45. schnaxxl

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    hopefully a coordinated approach will result they have to agree first!
  46. schnaxxl

    State based EV road user charge (Overturned 18/10/23)

    it's true I think we had a referendum about it, result being status quo
  47. schnaxxl

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    bearing in mind that when this system was set up there were mostly only Tesla chargers available just a key element in their market success
  48. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    per my post above, the council advised that once they receive a photo they have to send a ranger to identify the vehicle in the space and issue an infringement I presume this has followed legal advice that Joe Blogg sending a photo is insufficient evidence
  49. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    one problem is the lack of public visibility of the change or of the enforcement the signs are small and a bit confusing no paint on the road they have paperless infringement notices and for a while they weren’t even chalking tyres
  50. schnaxxl

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    I reported via the council's own website - maybe they have that to avoid the rent-seeking