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  1. wknickless

    FSD Beta v11.x

    First couple of drives on v11.3.3 didn't show any obvious roundabout logic improvements.
  2. wknickless

    Supercharger - Pasco, WA (LIVE 20 Apr 2023, 8 V3 stalls)

    There's a couple of strips of masking tape on the front of one of the cabinets, as if the correction was taped to the front and was subsequently taken down. Still no meter or transformer.
  3. wknickless

    FSD AP improvements in upcoming v11 from Lex Fridman interview

    Not always; cf. Why C is faster than assembly - Embedded Software
  4. wknickless

    FSD Beta v11.x

    As A Matter Of Fact It Is My Road (AAMOFIIMR), pronounced "ammo-FEE-mur", as in throwing a leg into a cannon or something.
  5. wknickless

    Supercharger - Pasco, WA (LIVE 20 Apr 2023, 8 V3 stalls)

    Waiting on utility transformer; you can see the awaiting standard brown, orange and yellow three phase 480VAC conductors (along with neutral gray) beyond Tikka's left ear.
  6. wknickless

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Ditto - but I also drive myself if I'm on the phone. I've spent too many decades splitting my attention between a spoken conversation and what other cars are doing on the road. Having to monitor the car's driving while splitting my attention on a phone call, even hands-free? Nope.
  7. wknickless

    FSD Overfit to Southern California

    So you're saying that FSD is more fun than a human being should be allowed to have?
  8. wknickless

    FSD Overfit to Southern California

    Over the holiday break I drove to visit my brother in Glendale CA. FSD Beta is head and shoulders better in Southern Cal than here at home in Washington State! There are subtle differences in street markings and signage, and FSD Beta was never confused about (e.g.) which lane was the center...
  9. wknickless

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My experience tends to disconfirm that hypothesis. On my way to/from work there’s an intersection with clearly marked straight/left and right turn lanes: I have yet to see FSD Beta get into the straight/left turn lane when going left to right; it always wants to be in the right lane even...
  10. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Although widely believed, this is in fact not true. The real issue is that BMW blinker fluid reservoirs are relatively small, and can only be refilled at dealership service departments.
  11. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Elon said the old architecture had reached a point beyond diminishing returns for more training. However, the same training set was likely used for both the old and new architecture. So it's reasonable to anticipate similar behaviors for the first rollout of the new architecture, except...
  12. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Until the blinker fluid runs out. What? You say? No such thing as blinker fluid? Really, it's a thing. It's just that BMW forgot to mention it in their owners and service manuals.
  13. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Put another way: tighten your grip on the wheel, overpowering FSD Beta's attempt to turn early. Only after the partial disengagement, hit the brake or stalk to fully disengage. Make the turn manually. Re-engage FSD Beta. Hit the report button. This is a perfect example of a hard edge case...
  14. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    30+ years ago when dating my (now) wife I noticed that her surprise reactions were much slower than mine. I could hear a phone ring, turn my head towards her, and then watch her startle reaction begin. Much giggling and laughter and fun bonding times. These days she struggles with balance...
  15. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Ditto hands on knees with seat raised high enough / wheel lowered enough that it's natural to have my fingers loosely on the wheel at all times. I keep my fingers on the wheel ready to grab if it starts doing something crazy. And I've also learned how to tighten my finger grip--just enough--so...
  16. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    +1 on being patient and taking the time to learn how to torque the wheel just enough to stop the flashing blue, while not putting in so much torque that you disengage. That flashing blue is easy for me to see in my peripheral vision, and it instantly disappears when I hit just the right amount...
  17. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    All I can say is my Bachelors in Computer Science from 1991 didn't cover any AI or ML. So no, I do not expect that everyone buying a Tesla must have a PhD in AI/ML. How do you know this happened? Were you there? Or did you read this from some news source? Maybe we should follow/patronize...
  18. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Very good point - for all the haters out there: if you're going to use Elon's tweets as binding company statements about the progress of the FSD stack, then you also have to do your due diligence and include other non-official communications like their AI Day events and acknowledged employee...
  19. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    For a buyer of the geekiest cars ever built, a little due diligence would not be unrealistic. I'm also sick of companies feeling the need to conceal and obfuscate their development intent until everything is fully completed and tested. Go watch Sandy Munro's review of the Ford driving assist...
  20. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Better: take estimate, double it, and change to the next higher unit of time measure. Two weeks you say? Let's plan on four months. Seriously though--unless you've broken down your development plan into discrete tasks that will take no more than a couple of days each, it's a WAG not an estimate.
  21. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    You can't win. You can't break even. You can't quit the game.
  22. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yes - and remember, the problem isn't to reliably detect a car in a single image. The problem is to reliably detect a car in a continuous series of images (also known as a video stream). Remember playing Doom on 640x480 or 1024x768 displays? A semi-distant demon might only occupy a couple of...
  23. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Also Elon Musk: "SpaceX specializes in turning the impossible into late."
  24. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Ah yes, but lawyers. Maybe when municipalities get hit with slam-dunk liability lawsuits (AV camera video showing the traffic controls out of spec and obviously ambiguous or just plain misleading, leading to an AV-involved collision, where the AV manufacturer is sued and then sues the...
  25. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    My friend with a cardiac pacemaker might respectfully disagree. :cool:
  26. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    You’re not wrong, but in your hypothetical example the owner of the building will be named in the lawsuit filed by the trapped rider. Prior to the discovery phase (where the rider’s investigators get access to all the maintenance records and physical evidence) there hasn’t been a determination...
  27. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Is it really? Or is it just that its depreciation rate has been less than the inflation rate? #MoneyVsCurrency
  28. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Consider a historical example where schedule was the overriding priority: the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb. Planners knew early on they needed a certain amount of fissile material to make bombs. But they didn’t know what technical and engineering approach had the fewest unknown...
  29. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Project management is all about scope, schedule and budget. Let’s say you’re building a school. Thousands of them have been built before. Based on that track record a good project manager can take the requirements (where the school will be, how many students will be taught, local building...
  30. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Respectfully disagree. An NDA is a legal document whose creation and enforcement is very expensive. In contrast, it probably took Elon just a couple of minutes, tops, to write the tweets that pushed back on James. Same effect, but much more efficient use of everyone's time and money.
  31. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Exactly right. Chuck, Kim and others take the time and effort to record and post their drives with commentary. Putting that kind of skin in the game earns respect from professional and mature people whose work is critically evaluated. Particularly when objective evidence in the form of video...
  32. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    There's a tar strip in the middle of a briefly wide lane on my way to work. (Think very long bus stop.) Given the angle of the sun in the morning, the tar looks lighter than the asphalt. FSD treats that lighter tar strip like a lane marker. Thus it swerves into the wrong "lane" and has to...
  33. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Not just subjective, but driven by factors beyond what are available to the car. Specifically, “how safe a human feels” can vary wildly by situation, length of delay, and confidence in judging distances. The classic example is “driving way beyond the speed limit to get pregnant wife to the...
  34. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    The difference between simulation and reality is greater in reality than in simulation. (Or something like that.)
  35. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.69

    It already does that. One of my routes home from work requires a U-turn. FSD beeps and says it cannot complete the maneuver.
  36. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    THAT'S IT! Recall that Elon has a degree in physics. Does anyone know if his academic advisor was a fusion researcher? It would explain so much!
  37. wknickless

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Yes, Elon tweets aspirational time. That's rarely more than retrospective time.
  38. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.13

    And maybe reduce liability exposure by making the passenger experience so disagreeable that beta drivers don't engage it with family aboard?
  39. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.13

    Look at the blue planner line. Part of the line gets paler/lighter when the car comes up to a stop sign or red light, with the pale/light part getting darker again when the car decides to move forward. I have a similar spot on my drive home from work. The planner line acts like there's a stop...
  40. wknickless

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Correction: per Building Codes Division : Oregon Electrical Specialty Code adoption : Codes and standards : State of Oregon and https://www.oregon.gov/bcd/codes-stand/Documents/21oesc-table1-e-2021April.pdf the “2021 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC) is based on the 2020 edition of the...
  41. wknickless

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Yes. The point of an electrical inspection for an (e.g.) new construction building is to ensure that when power is applied there won’t be a catastrophic failure that leads to a fire, severe injury or death. The building owner pays an electrician to do the work, and the inspecting agency...
  42. wknickless

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Nope, just drove by. Still waiting on utility transformer.
  43. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.12

    That's exactly how I look at it. I want it to succeed as soon as possible so my parents can stay mobile as their health and vision and reflexes inevitably deteriorate. Oh--and so my colleague can let his car drive him home safely from the bar.
  44. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.12

    I can suppress an FSD Beta lane change by canceling the turn signal. That gets me a few feet down the road in the appropriate lane on approach to one of the complicated/confusing combined railroad crossing/traffic light intersections on my way to work. Often just one or two signal...
  45. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.12

    Alternatively, if your preferred route involves not making a turn, you can turn off Navigate by Autopilot until you get through the intersection and the route is recalculated.
  46. wknickless

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Agreed - I drove by it yesterday and from the road it’s pretty clear that’s where the utility transformer will go. Sure wish it was active. We had to turn south at Sisters to hit the Bend Supercharger before heading back north for a 10 minute boost at Boardman before arriving home at 0300.
  47. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.12

    "Italian position"? Cool--I didn't know that's what it's called! The torque sensing algorithm seems to accept/recognize drag when FSD is turning the wheel. So a little bit of finger grip is all that I seem to need; just enough to register as drag but not enough to disconnect. That's a fine...
  48. wknickless

    FSD Beta 10.12

    This is how I hold the wheel when FSD Beta is engaged: Maybe a little looser than what the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends (see https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/steeringtechniques.pdf) but steering with the fingertips lets me feel as the car steers plus...
  49. wknickless

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Was the utility transformer still missing, or just out of frame of the pictures? Your last picture seems to show an open pad to the right of the two Tesla cabinets.
  50. wknickless

    Supercharger - Boardman, OR (LIVE Jun 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    Yes I have a third party CCS adapter, and yes that's the stop I had in mind: Good catch!