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  1. AS9.9.

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    I don't know why you mentioned much of what you said as a response to what I posted, why you assume I am leaving late to get to my destination, or why you believe I am the 'exact' kind of driver who should use it more. I am not offended, but I do take pride in being a punctual person! Driving...
  2. AS9.9.

    Tesla's Charging Woes: Why I'm Ditching It for Long-Distance Travel

    I love to 💩 on Tesla, but there is no way you had to stop 5-6 times to charge? Did your battery really degrade that much?
  3. AS9.9.

    Coming Soon - Tesla Summon

    I would love to see Tesla Insurance insure their own "self-driving car" with no driver in the driver's seat :) Put their money where their mouth is.
  4. AS9.9.

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    Sure, but it depends on your definition of 'work'. FSD sat behind a clearly stopped UPS truck for almost a full minute before deciding to move into the other lane and continue. If it takes significantly longer but still makes the correct decision, that does not signify that it works (to me)...
  5. AS9.9.

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    I genuinely wish I had the same experience!
  6. AS9.9.

    Has anyone realized how profoundly FSD will disrupt Real Estate?

    LOL! 😂 FSD can't even make a blind turn without almost causing an accident. Be real. The only thing FSD is going to disrupt is your blood pressure as it tries to make a U-turn at 10 MPH with oncoming traffic blitzing at you.
  7. AS9.9.

    Anything to be worried about

    Wouldn't it be easier for you to just clean it up than waste your time wondering what would happen? It can't take more than 5 minutes to clean up...
  8. AS9.9.

    Ads for Cars

    People enjoy doing burnouts. It's their tires and their money. It is silly to focus on such a small form of pollution when it is insignificant when looking at the larger picture. No hate, but good luck getting car companies to remove this from their ads.
  9. AS9.9.

    No USB drive for camera

    Formatting the drive, and then making a folder called "TeslaCam" on the drive does the trick for me. Do a 2-button restart afterward, and wake the car BEFORE you open the door to get in (like opening the trunk or doing something in the app), or it will keep saying "dashcam unavailable". Tesla...
  10. AS9.9.

    Is this ok? Strange noises.

    Sounds terrible! Of course, Tesla service can't reproduce/recreate any problem that would cost the company money. It's truly hilarious they get away with that excuse.
  11. AS9.9.

    Any effect on FSD when lifting M3 1.75" using MMP Lift Kit?

    Possibly. It might make FSD work!
  12. AS9.9.

    Wall charger installer in Portland, OR

    I paid $7xx for a NEMA 14-50 install. If I remember correctly, to hardwire a wall charger they wanted a grand or so. Obviously I cannot tell you how much it will be to run the cables 75 feet, but they were the cheapest quote I got at the time.
  13. AS9.9.

    Wall charger installer in Portland, OR

    'Greenbox Mechanical' is an installer I have used. They were quick and stuck to their quote.
  14. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    FSD curbed my model 3, so I am unsure. But I also think S, X, and Y will have a higher curb rate considering their width.
  15. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    Interesting as the curb is painted red as well. I feel like the car really can't gauge its distance to curbs well enough.
  16. AS9.9.

    Curbed the holy EFF out our MYP Ubertine wheels using FSD 12.3.3!

    Oh I feel your pain. I just posted about how it curbed my rim too. I think they forgot to turn on obstacle avoidance under a certain height. Can't see curbs whatsoever.
  17. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    I kind of understand what you are getting at, but it isn't like this is stopping Tesla from selling FSD in Oregon, or any other state other than California. The curbs in Oregon aren't drastically different than the ones in California, and I would expect Full-Self driving to use its many cameras...
  18. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    I asked of course, they told me to take a hike 😂 was worth a try.
  19. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    Yeah, I just wish I had the feeling it was going to curb the car at the time. From the front it looked fine, then at the last moment really hugged the curb. Annoying to say the least!
  20. AS9.9.

    FSD beta v12.3 pulls the ultimate April Fools joke

    Unfortunately it was a sick joke... This is one of the few times I use FSD beta v12, and it does this. It was turning in at ~10 mph, I am unsure how the software is this incompetent (yes I am here to vent, if you are drinking the Tesla Kool-Aid, relax). I watch 'Black Tesla' on YouTube use FSD...
  21. AS9.9.

    Power trunk retrofit causing car awake

    Yes, I got it done late October.
  22. AS9.9.

    Power trunk retrofit causing car awake

    Service center said it is indeed a firmware issue with the power trunk. They want $100 to disconnect the cable for me, of which I will need to comeback and get reconnected once the firmware update has been issued ($200). They are dreaming. Glad I paid $800 to get this installed!!
  23. AS9.9.

    Power trunk retrofit causing car awake

    Very interesting! I have a 2020 M3 LR. I am now losing %5+ everyday I am parked, but this wasn't happening when I got the retrofit done months ago. I hear my high-voltage contactors clunking repeatedly at all times. Sometimes I get in my car, and my screen is black, and I get "pcs_a022" alert...
  24. AS9.9.

    Minor scuff damage on bumper

    I can't load the image, but that sucks. Make a service request and tell customer service you want Tesla to foot the bill! 😂
  25. AS9.9.

    Will they ever make an upgrade for MCU2

    Part of me thinks they might just so they can grab more money from customers they know will likely not buy a new Tesla. The other part of me thinks they don't give a rats-ass.
  26. AS9.9.

    Window tint headache on new 24 M3, Any advice?

    Chargeback 100%. You have photo for proof, and a clear pattern of bullcrap from them. Doubt you lose the chargeback.
  27. AS9.9.

    Rejecting my brand new model 3 Highland

    I am very jealous you could return it! Trying to get things fixed now with Tesla is starting to become a hassle for me. I have some vibrations at high speeds in my 2020 M3, but I won't waste my time trying to get Tesla to do something just for them to say "within spec", and piss me off. I...
  28. AS9.9.

    Issues With Installing a Charger in NJ with no offstreet parking

    Yeah, running a cable ON the sidewalk (even with the cover you have) is kinda ridiculous. I'm also curious as to what type of permit you are trying to get? Please do update us.
  29. AS9.9.

    I've enagaged lawyers in an attempt to recover FSD cost (Australian owner)

    If my car is still trying to stop in the middle of the intersection and trying to drive me into concrete barriers after I get V12, I am following in your footsteps! Really hope you get a refund / some type of compensation. Good luck!
  30. AS9.9.

    Buying a refreshed 2021-2022 Model S 35k miles vs 45k miles or a 2024 Model 3

    Gotcha. Oregon sales tax rates on cars is like 0.5%, so apologies, as I never really factor that in. I could never pay $60K for a Model 3, simply not worth it. Depreciation hit is too tough for me to swallow. Would rather buy a used one and live with the older features (and feel like I still...
  31. AS9.9.

    Buying a refreshed 2021-2022 Model S 35k miles vs 45k miles or a 2024 Model 3

    In my opinion, buy the model 3. Not sure how you got $61K for a model 3. If the "options" you are referring to are FSD, save your money and don't buy that crap.
  32. AS9.9.

    Public Service Announcement - increase your sentry mode clip time to max.

    Never knew I could adjust this. Will check it out!
  33. AS9.9.

    Main display separating / breaking?

    If you already checked that you don't have an old screen protector on there, then in my opinion, it appears the screen may be delaminating. If I am not mistaken, a new screen from Tesla would cost >$1.4K installed (remember seeing a quote like this somewhere). If I was in your position (out of...
  34. AS9.9.

    Tesla collision center quoted $4400 for repairs

    $4400 for that? Keep the damage mate... I say touch it up best you can if it really bothers you and save yourself the money. Tesla resale values are trash anyways. Just my two cents.
  35. AS9.9.

    Is my beloved 2018 LR Model 3 turning into a maintenance $$$$ nightmare?

    When did your divorce finalize?
  36. AS9.9.

    Stay clear of Fashion Outlets Rosemont/Chicago, Active EV Fire around 11am

    Must be a Tesla!! Only Tesla's catch fire. ELON!!!!!
  37. AS9.9.

    Jeda HUB with Jeda SSD in 2023 Model Y

  38. AS9.9.

    Jeda HUB with Jeda SSD in 2023 Model Y

    You may just want to buy a mSATA enclosure on amazon (like $15). Worst case it doesn't work, and you can return it.
  39. AS9.9.

    Jeda HUB with Jeda SSD in 2023 Model Y

    That is just an mSATA. https://www.atpinc.com/blog/what-is-m.2-M-B-BM-key-socket-3 I see no reason why it would not work in an enclosure (not to mention it is already in an enclosure from Jeda). Get a mSATA enclosure to USB-C (or A idk what you have).
  40. AS9.9.

    Jeda HUB with Jeda SSD in 2023 Model Y

    You may want to open your Jeda SSD and see the brand name, model number etc. This way you can google it and see if it is compatible with an enclosure (have yet to see an SSD that cant be used in an enclosure, unless it was prohibited by the size of it).
  41. AS9.9.

    MYP tires

    Just replaced my MY LR tires with Hankook evo ion. $1400 (pricy, to me), but much quieter ride.
  42. AS9.9.

    Car wash?

    I personally only use automatic touchless carwashes (or just wash it by hand myself). I have many people in my family that do not care and just use the normal car wash with the spinning brushes, they have a plethora of fine scratches on their cars, but these can be buffed out most of the time...
  43. AS9.9.

    How much Tesla stock to buy to make $50 hr?

    The child-like tone in your posts always make me laugh (no offense if you aren't a teenager). You ramble about odd things and I just get a kick out of it!
  44. AS9.9.

    Trip Report: Orlando, FL

    Interesting, hope the transponders did work. It took Hertz about a week and half to bill me for tolls, so you will find out soon enough!
  45. AS9.9.

    Trip Report: Orlando, FL

    Nice! I recently took a trip to Orlando in late October and I also rented a Tesla (model 3) from Hertz to get around town. Overall, I had a great experience. Only thing that bothered me was that premium connectivity expired in the car on the second day into my trip, and then I had to use my...
  46. AS9.9.

    In the unlikely event that we lose power in an accident..

    I thought I already had these on my car? Every time I pickup my grandma I swear she pulls the emergency release!
  47. AS9.9.

    Free car repairs for new cars for 5 years

    Tesla already has a warranties on their vehicles. Basic warranty of 4 years / 50K miles, Battery warranty of 8 years / 100 - 150K miles. They are also offering extended warranties on some vehicles I believe.
  48. AS9.9.

    New kid on the block: 2020 - how to charge my phone - plug in, route the wires, etc.

    I personally use the one I linked, and have been for months. I will say that since I got the bigger MAX IPhone, I now have to charge my phone horizontally, but it does work. Something more expensive like the Jeda Wireless charger did not work for me. I also bought the OEM Tesla charger that...
  49. AS9.9.

    New kid on the block: 2020 - how to charge my phone - plug in, route the wires, etc.

    Most put a wireless charging pad like this on the platform. It looks cleaner and is what the newer Teslas have already built in to their center consoles. Regardless of what you use, make sure to get the right USB type depending on what you have in your car (USB-C and USB-A, or TWO USB-A).