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  1. M

    Sentry Mode is so ridiculously bad

    No, seriously nothing at all. But thanks for your time. I guess it’s time for an appointment then. And I’m not sure I can check camera status in the service menu. I can only recalibrate the cameras for AutoPilot, which I’ve already done. Yes, last question. But did assume it just sucks, haha...
  2. M

    Sentry Mode is so ridiculously bad

    Turned it off when making this post, but here is an example: 23:52 23:51 23:51 23:50 23:49 23:48 23:47 And so on…. :p And of course nothing’s happening, nothing is moving, it’s all completely unnecessary.
  3. M

    Sentry Mode is so ridiculously bad

    My god, Sentry Mode is so bad. It’s just constantly flashing the headlights when nothing is happening. No one is walking past, not even a cat. There are no bats flying around the car either. And still it gets triggered constantly. The first day I blamed the wind, the second day I blamed the...
  4. M

    How do I know which SC are non-CCS?

    Update: I think all SuperChargers along highways also support the non-CCS cars! If you look up a non-SC charging point it will say if CCS is required or not. But if you navigate on a roadtrip I think all SuperCharging stations along the highways work! Am now 2.000 km further than I was when I...
  5. M

    How do I know which SC are non-CCS?

    Hi! Does a Tesla without CCS adapter know it doesn’t have the CCS adapter and will it avoid SuperChargers that are CCS only? How can I see which SuperChargers are CCS only? Is it possible to use the onboard navigation in Europe if you don’t have the CCS adapter? I’m very worried. The last...
  6. M

    Cabin Overheat Protection: how to activate?

    Thank you, that must be it! However I can’t disable tilt/intrusion haha Do you have any idea? Else no problem, I was planning on setting up a service appointment in the next 2 weeks anyway. Edit: Ah, can’t turn it off with Sentry mode engaged. I’ll try that later today!
  7. M

    Cabin Overheat Protection: how to activate?

    No I can’t figure out how to turn it on.
  8. M

    Cabin Overheat Protection: how to activate?

    Hello! What are the conditions that allow the activation of the Cabin Overheat Protection? I’ve had my 2019 Model S for about 2 weeks now but I can’t seem to activate it. I’ve tried waiting until it’s >40 degrees in the car, I’ve tried waiting for 15 minutes after driving, I’ve tried waiting...
  9. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    Awesome, that looks amazing! I have a spare Pi and love learning new IT stuff so I’ll definitely give this a go!
  10. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    I think I’m mistaken. The graphs I have in my memory are apparently from a paid app, not from Tesla’s own app or from the dashboard. Sorry guys! Thank you very much! I’m very happy with it. It’s a 2019 Model S so it even still has warranty so I’m not worried too much but it’s my first car so...
  11. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    Thanks, but how would I then get what I need? Tesla doesn’t have time to come over before my vacation next month. Thanks, I’ll try this!
  12. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    Used to be you could see a graph where it compared the battery status to other cars and gave you an indication of how much of the original capacity is left.
  13. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    But if my car is the only Tesla that doesn’t allow the battery analysis then I’ll just apply for service via the app.
  14. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    I just want to know if the most expensive part of the car I just bought is alright or not. And whether it’s all working well enough to allow me to embark on a roadtrip this month.
  15. M

    Range analysis unavailable

    Hi! I’d like to check the battery status of my new used Model S. Am I correct in that that’s no longer available in the car itself and has to be done via the app? I’ve owned the car for a week now but the app keeps saying “range analysis unavailable, try again later”. The car and phone have...
  16. M

    Automatic closing of doors

    Oh okay. Can’t believe I misremembered the model then! This kinda sucks haha. I want a Model S but the front window of the X is amazing and if it also closes the doors automatically that might have to become a serious alternative. Thanks for the input @stopcrazypp !
  17. M

    Automatic closing of doors

    Awwwww mann. I found it so sexy. Guess I’ll still need a boyfriend again then haha Thanks anyway @DerbyDave !
  18. M

    Automatic closing of doors

    Hi! I sat in a Model S and pressed the brake pedal and it closed the door for me. I thought it was super fancy. I liked it a lot! Do all Model S have this feature? I saw a video online but it had the yoke thing so it was probably the most high end version they have. But I mean, does a...
  19. M

    Is there a difference between FSD and AP2.5 in Europe?

    Oh wow that’s cool stuff, @Tam , thanks for clarifying!
  20. M

    Is there a difference between FSD and AP2.5 in Europe?

    And you’re sure that’s in Europe too? On their website they say auto steer on city streets is “upcoming” and it’s listed under FSD, not (E)AP. https://www.tesla.com/en_EU/support/autopilot
  21. M

    Getting tools for a Model S

    Yes, I’m not going to touch the battery or motors! But interior filter, maybe even HEPA filter, wheels, I expect door handles to fail, brakes will probably have to be replaced one day, sunroof might need a new seal, not everyone seems to be a fan of the rear speakers, it probably has a low...
  22. M

    Is there a difference between FSD and AP2.5 in Europe?

    Ohhh okay now it’s clear to me, thanks! Yes, thank you, I see now. On their website it shows what each package entails and seeing as I’d love auto lane change and especially navigate on AP I see I cannot settle for just AP :) It would be so cool if it could do the lane changes for me or when...
  23. M

    Hello from Europe!

    Thank you! I actually don’t know anyone with an EV. But I’m not worried and Norway is a great country for EVs regardless. I can’t wait to explore all of it with the help of the SuperCharger network! Thank you! Yes, it will be a used model. I’m aiming for a 2017-2018 model. But it was still...
  24. M

    Is there a difference between FSD and AP2.5 in Europe?

    Hi! I think I’d like to know the difference between HW2.5 and HW3 then. In the ads people call that AutoPilot 2.5 and FSD. If I search for HW4 it looks like it’s 2 days old and I’m looking for a 5-6 year old car so I don’t mean HW4 in any case! So what does an FSD Capability Package do in...
  25. M

    Is there a difference between FSD and AP2.5 in Europe?

    Hello! From what I understand there is no difference between AP2.5 and FSD if you drive in Europe, is that correct? I think FSD in Europe is for adaptive cruise control, reading road signs, maybe some lane changing and lane corrections and that’s it, right? I think AP2.5 can also do that and...
  26. M

    Hello from Europe!

    Hi! I’m Kumiko and I’m planning on buying my first car soon. I hope it’s going to be a facelift Model S with white interior. Hope to learn a lot here! Bye!
  27. M

    Getting tools for a Model S

    Hi! I’m considering buying a used Model S (facelift version) and to keep it affordable I’d like to do all maintenance myself. I’d also like to be able to do service stuff like switching between different sets of wheels myself. Is there a list or something of tools most commonly used to work on...