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  1. Chuq

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    Spotted on Whirlpool - it seems some NRMA sites are using what looks like a single ABB Terra 184 (with 2x CCS) and a smaller ABB 24 kW unit (with CCS / Chademo). Examples with photos: Monto, Qld - NRMA Monto (Coming Soon) | Monto, QLD | EV Station Nanango, Qld - NRMA Nanango (Coming Soon) |...
  2. Chuq

    Tassy trip

    You'll have no issues at all! Many sites are single stall, but they're also close enough together than you can skip one (or two, or three). There are extra 24 kW DC chargers in small towns in between the main ones, just in case you unexpectedly get caught short. This map -...
  3. Chuq

    Supercharger - Griffith, NSW

    Good spotting - surprising no-one saw this even after a week! Maybe the site owners had been chatting to the Rules Club at Wagga (is it a similar thing to a Leagues Club?)
  4. Chuq

    Evie EV charging networks

    At last, more news on another of their ARENA funded sites in Tas. Sorell is about 25 km out of Hobart to the north-east, on the way to both the east coast and Tasman Peninsula.
  5. Chuq

    Tesla Iceland

    I would imagine the same as the rest of Europe - which I think is Model Ys from Berlin, Model 3s from Shanghai.
  6. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    If there isn't a thread for it here, or there isn't a dot on the supercharge.info map, there wouldn't be any more news. Having said that, this article from early May suggests an unnamed in regional Victoria, which was in progress, but then cancelled. If you can align the satellite image in the...
  7. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Usually the pins stick around even if things stall. It's handy to have the marker there as a link to this discussion. Generally if a planned site goes stale, there is usually a nearby site that will pop up to replace it and I'll relocate the old pin to new location. I'll chat to the other...
  8. Chuq

    Supercharger - Exeter, NSW

    If you mean after the supercharger team wipeout, yes they have said they are continuing existing NSW and Qld govt contracted locations. The technicians at Taree also mentioned heading up to the Coffs Harbour area for a couple of locations after Taree was done.
  9. Chuq

    Supercharger - Taree, NSW

    On the website map too: Does the font look different? That new supercharger team had to get in there and make their mark I guess... Not showing as open to all EVs yet, that will probably update in the coming days.
  10. Chuq

    Evie EV charging networks

    My guess would be how strongly Evie and Tritium are wedded. Due to their shared origins/ownership, Evie has never used any other product despite their major flaws, At some point the unavailability of hardware or support is going to impact Evie.
  11. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    I don't think it's reasonable to expect Leaf owners to have to buy a $2000 adaptor. As it stands at the moment, major networks in terms of area covered/volume of plugs available include Tesla supercharger network (0% Chademo), WA EV Network (0% Chademo), RAA Charge (5% Chademo). I don't think...
  12. Chuq

    Supercharger - Wollongong (Figtree), NSW

    Looks like it’s down in the nav, as per scheduled upgrade (a day early though!)
  13. Chuq

    NRMA fast charging network

    Same with the plans for the Ross site. I agree, don't trust Plugshare.
  14. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Interesting.. not related to a Tesla update, but I recently replaced my iPhone SE (2nd gen) with an iPhone 14 and I've noticed it now takes a shorter time to activate! Presumably related to the sensitivity of Bluetooth transmitter used by the phone?
  15. Chuq

    Supercharger - Taree, NSW

    Looks like Google satellite view has updated mid-installation!
  16. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I hadn’t travelled anywhere with speed cameras during the week since the 20.1 update - however I checked this morning and all the usual speed camera locations are there, and the chime works.
  17. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    What I don't get.. surely it is MORE work to create yet another supercharger map dataset? (their in-car nav and website map use completely different data, now they coming up with a 3rd) The only reason I can think of is that they are intentionally vague in order for it not be seen as promises...
  18. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Possibly the same one from the deck a few weeks back. Yeah, no idea where those dots came from...
  19. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    I got it this morning, haven't had a chance to test it yet, but notateslaapp.com reports these (two different ones?!)
  20. Chuq

    Supercharger - Taree, NSW

    That’s an interesting one. Woolgoolga only 25 km north of Coffs. Tesla has two NSW Govt sites approved for Coffs (211 Pacific Highway, and one named just “Grafton St” with no address), maybe one of them has been relocated to Woolgoolga?
  21. Chuq

    Supercharger - Taree, NSW

    They need bollards to protect the bollard!
  22. Chuq

    Supercharger - Sydney (Chatswood), NSW

    Great find @rx80! I assume this is the NSW grant funded location (was originally Chatswood Chase, hence the confusion). I've updated the existing pin at supercharge.info, pointed the forum link to this thread, listed as V4 stalls, but I've kept it at 9 stalls for the time being since that's...
  23. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Prompted a manual check based on your comment and got the same update! 2022 Model 3 (Ryzen, USS). Nothing obvious that I can see. Notateslaapp just shows the same items as .8. 5, etc.
  24. Chuq

    Supercharger - Benalla, Vic (Withdrawn June 2024)

    Nice work Elon.
  25. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Just trying to work out why some got the Tenterfield email and not others. But I just noticed @Nevyn72 's reply ... maybe just based on city/state?
  26. Chuq

    Supercharger - Blaxland, NSW

    I'm guessing a typo?
  27. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    @moa999 was spot on! The emails must all go only to drivers who had previously used one of the listed sites - I haven't received any of these. That's quite a few V3 stalls looking for new homes....
  28. Chuq

    Supercharger - Campbelltown, NSW

    That backs up @moa999 's suggestion that the NSW Grant sites are getting the new V4 stall hardware in order to support credit card payment, etc. (See Supercharger - Blaxland, NSW )
  29. Chuq

    Supercharger - Blaxland, NSW

    Interesting! Unexpected for this location. I’ve posted a comment asking for more details, but we’ll know soon enough.
  30. Chuq

    The longest EV charging network in West Australia

    Not linked to today's problems in any way. All of these units have credit card readers. The sites couldn't communicate their status back to Chargefox. It wouldn't matter what your payment method was. App, RFID or debit/credit card would have had the same issue - there have been quite...
  31. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Do you mean an update on the previous "grey blobs"? I haven't seen any notice of an update/change/new version from the previous one. Assuming you received other 14.x versions in the last month or two - guessing you did as you mentioned seeing "grey blobs" already.
  32. Chuq

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    Yeah, I can see how it could be taken! I guess it's a sign of the times changing - 5 years ago, charging networks were run by people/companies who actually wanted to build a charging network. Today, there seems to be a new company name popping up every month ... safe to say there would be a...
  33. Chuq

    ChargeFox EV charging Network

    Thats fantastic. I can see Katherine, Alice Springs, and all the western NSW 50 kW ones in the app. Odd they don't have the NRMA logo next to them? It'd be nice if Chargefox updated their site icons so that 150+ kW get the "ultra-fast" symbol! There's a huge difference between 50 to 150 kW...
  34. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Exact same here (except a M3). Not sure if we're going to notice anything different, all the features on notateslaapp.com seemed to list things that have come in the past few updates for us.
  35. Chuq

    Kerbside pole-mounted chargers are now a thing

    These seem conflicting. Idle fees are to maintain throughput at high turnover sites (DC chargers). People are going to be parking at 7 kW sites for long periods (e.g. overnight). If their charging finishes at 5am are they really expected to go out and move their car by 5:30am?! Not to...
  36. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    A few other models have this already. I've never driven a car with this, so I'm not really sure what the experience is like. I can imagine that it would be disconcerting if you move your head a bit to the side and the view doesn't change. Unless there is some fancy eye-tracking technology...
  37. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Arguably it's less bonkers than to have a functional 2-stall sled sitting in a Tesla warehouse somewhere doing nothing while queues are forming at other nearby superchargers.
  38. Chuq

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    The new vision view uses cameras only. However the default is the old USS version, you are able to switch between them in settings, and can toggle back if you prefer the old one.
  39. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    It was added by a Plugshare employee. Notably not via an automated process (that would be an account in the format "admin_cesar"). The same account added the "Scone, NSW (Coming Soon)" entry some months back. In both cases, the site was not listed anywhere official - not on Tesla's website...
  40. Chuq

    Ausgrid changing pricing for electricity grid access

    Another option for this is something like a hot-water diverter. MyEnergi makes one called the Eddi that operates on a similar basis to the Zappi - tracks your solar export and can be set to operated based on excess solar generation. Haven't looked into it, but apparently can also go to things...
  41. Chuq

    Order placed in Chile!

    Thanks - good info! Using CCS2 in Chile makes sense, it aligns with what Tesla has done in every other market it has entered since 2017 (includes new areas of Europe, Middle East, South East Asia). I don't expect you'll see NACS in South America at all, then. The other EV manufacturer which...
  42. Chuq

    Ausgrid changing pricing for electricity grid access

    I do get that.. I work for a company that operates under the same process! But the details are not generally easy to find for the general public! Generally with our tariffs they grandfather the old ones for some time - the worst they would do is not allow new connections to use the old tariffs.
  43. Chuq

    Ausgrid changing pricing for electricity grid access

    I totally understand the reason for electricity companies introducing new tariffs like this, but people choose to buy solar or solar/battery systems, a ~10 year investment, based on the tariffs available at the time. There needs to be a longer "phase in" period. Someone installing now would be...
  44. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    The other observation (which has been shared by many network operators) is that DC fast charging aligns almost perfectly aligns with solar generation output. Makes sense, as many people avoid making long trips at night if they can help it. Over the last week, the *average* percentage of...
  45. Chuq

    Supercharger - Glenelg, SA

    Don't get too excited by a new thread! Just a holding location for some info that was posted in the midst of the shitstorm of the last couple of weeks. This was in the comment of a post on a FB group. After the email yesterday I tried to find it again, took me quite a while, so copying the...
  46. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    Might be worth adding the Glenelg site and the "mystery" Victorian site (from the EFTM article - if it can be found) onto supercharge.info?
  47. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    To use the metaphor of "turning an ocean liner around" (often used to refer to ICE manufacturers who struggle to become EV manufacturers - but used in a different context here): Tesla's Australian supercharger network was like an ocean liner that was moving slowly for 8 years, then finally in...
  48. Chuq

    Superchargers in Australia

    I think the gnashing of teeth was entirely valid based on the actions and information we had at the time. Tesla still has to re-hire their charging team in Australia. Either the same people (who have been burned once), or new people who have to start from scratch.
  49. Chuq

    ARENA/NRMA national fast charging network

    I've noticed the sub-entity of NRMA who is building this is known as "NRMA ELECTRIC HIGHWAYS PTY LTD" - which can be handy to know when search for council records. https://www.abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View?abn=35659311163
  50. Chuq

    Supercharger - Armidale, NSW

    Well at least the council is doing things, even if Tesla isn't. This is from their meeting on 24th April. https://www.armidaleregional.nsw.gov.au/ArticleDocuments/259/Agenda%20-%2024%20April%202024.PDF.aspx