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    24.6.11 HD Audio Playback via USB Stick - Loading Error FLAC

    Here to. On FW 2020.32.3 / MCU1 I batch process my files with EQ with iZotope RX and the DMG EQuilibrium sometimes fail so I had another go with an album in 88.2kHz and to my surprise it didn't work now either. Testing my other albums all the 88.2 and 96kHz does not work. During my batch...
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    WiFi connection problem when access point is connected through a VLAN switch

    Finally got it working setting up my Netgear router to use the ip range connected to a port on my Ubiquiti Edgeswitch using VLAN 85! I now have full VLAN firewall on that wireless access point! And strangely that works for my car... Thank you!
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    WiFi connection problem when access point is connected through a VLAN switch

    Hitting a dead end on my part here. The Ubiquiti AP's don't handle DHCP. My router and switch run on UNMS and AP's use UniFi controller.. I am a novice getting around on the most part but setting up my Netgear router with a suitable DHCP range to act as a DHCP gives me an awful lot of trouble...
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    WiFi connection problem when access point is connected through a VLAN switch

    Thank you! That is something I have not tested yet.
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    WiFi connection problem when access point is connected through a VLAN switch

    Model 3 MCU is probably much more similar to MCU2. Comparisons can most likely be found here on the forum. Most common problems I have found that people have is: -The old Parrot network adapter for MCU1 only supports older wireless technology. 802.11b/g and people have been solving this by...
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    WiFi connection problem when access point is connected through a VLAN switch

    I have one strange fault in my network setup that prevents my 2013 Model S in connecting to a wireless network at home when a wireless access point is connected trough a switch on a port that is configured with VLAN. The Model S just got a new MCU1 unit. I have waited a long time for the LTE...
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    How I processed my audio files and got much better sound on the Ultra High Fidelity

    Hello! This is my first post here at TMC. I mostly read Teslas own forum when I reserved my Tesla back in August 2012, and later on Norwegian forums. I have also read a lot of posts here and am glad to finally contribute. This is something I wanted to share with all you hifi enthusiasts driving...