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  1. Manny13z

    Parcel shelf doubles as baby changing table.

    Yes, my little guy is about 6 weeks and is weighing in at a little over 9 lbs. Once he gets heavier the parcel shelf will no longer accommodate him.
  2. Manny13z

    Parcel shelf doubles as baby changing table.

    Found another unlisted feature my MS is capable of. The parcel shelf doubles as a baby changing table when needed.
  3. Manny13z

    Post a picture of your facelifted Model S

    Great looking car, but I must protest to its proximity to the curb, that's a quick way to scuff the rims.
  4. Manny13z

    Post a picture of your facelifted Model S

    My new MS.
  5. Manny13z

    How anal are you about parking spots and door dings?

    I never worried about that before until I picked up my MS. My walks to the store have now become longer and I find myself inspecting my car when I return. I also admit to honking the horn and flashing the lights periodically...Don't judge me!
  6. Manny13z

    My car was "keyed" :(

    Anyone who does this, and is envious of what others posses and have achieved through hard work honestly don't deserve to live in a free society. These people deserve to be living in North Korea or Cuba. I am willing to start a collection to ship them there and save us the trouble of putting up...
  7. Manny13z

    Pictures of my bad ass black Tesla model S!

    I appreciate that. I figure you used a drone for the video? Looks kickass! I preordered my wife the M3, didn't know what color she wanted to get it in until I showed her your pictures and video. Black!
  8. Manny13z

    Pictures of my bad ass black Tesla model S!

    And beautiful car all blacked out.
  9. Manny13z

    Pictures of my bad ass black Tesla model S!

    Ying meet yang.
  10. Manny13z

    Updated Swag Thread

    Picked up my MS today from the Orlando Sales Center. Swag was umbrella, pen, coffee mug, and Tesla lapel pin. All high quality, very nice touch.
  11. Manny13z

    Not like other car companies?

    There are certain things I expect when purchasing a $70K car. I know this is standard car industry practice. But one thing that attracted me to Tesla besides their cars being EV's is that they didn't do things like traditional car companies.
  12. Manny13z

    Not like other car companies?

    I'm sure you're correct, I just wish you weren't.
  13. Manny13z

    Not like other car companies?

    I refuse to pay extra for a certain color.
  14. Manny13z

    Updated Swag Thread

    It's not that expensive for them to do that, and it's a nice touch to make the new owner feel appreciated for forking over $71k+. I'm surprised this is not common practice across all deliveries.
  15. Manny13z

    Gotta admit - I will shop around when Audi/Benz/BMW have long range EV's

    I'm pretty loyal to companies that continue to innovate and put out great products. As long as Tesla continues to do those things, I will continue to purchase their products.
  16. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    I will try this method on the license plate.
  17. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    Has anyone tried the method folks use to remove the decals?
  18. Manny13z

    Today is the day!

    Very nice, congratulations. Still waiting on mine, and now I've run out of distractions...Help me, help Me!!
  19. Manny13z

    Photos of modified headlamp performance – amazing

    That's impressive.
  20. Manny13z

    Confessions of an i3 owner

    Now this definitely has Aztec DNA.
  21. Manny13z

    Confessions of an i3 owner

    The Aztec looks like it was put together from GM spare parts. I'm certain no Aztec owner was ever stopped and complimented on the car. ;)
  22. Manny13z

    Confessions of an i3 owner

    'Looks (aka: Vanity, thy name is i3) - Yep, I am placing the looks in the "Good" section, but hear me out. I will be the first to admit this is NOT a beautiful or even really "attractive" car - not at all (those of you who believe it is may need an eye exam). A friend if mine refuses to even...
  23. Manny13z

    Definitive S Refresh Front Plate Bracket Removal

    I'm going to bring it with me on delivery, stop the DS from starting their presentation and tell her she can proceed once I remove the front license plate bracket. ;)
  24. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    Thank you for talking me down, the little George Costanza in me just gets so upset! o_Oo_O I will try this out.
  25. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    That's it! I'm cutting it at the plastic!
  26. Manny13z

    Confessions of an i3 owner

    I currently own the i3, no range extender on mine. I'm super excited to get my MS, but I really love that little car and part of me will miss it. I think overall BMW did an excellent job. It's really fun to drive, very quick, and handles well. They also have plenty of room for improvement. In...
  27. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    Hmm, I forgot about gator grip, that might work well.
  28. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    I need to stop reading this thread, I'm about to take delivery and the more I read this the angrier I get. I might get to the delivery with a bad attitude.
  29. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    Image by Manny13z posted Jun 4, 2016 at 1:17 PM Has anyone tried a female torx socket?
  30. Image


  31. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    I agree 100%. I love the car, this is not going to prevent that. But this will affect my perception of satisfaction with delivery. To me, the fact that they show it without the tag on their website and showroom vehicles yet deliver it with it on is false advertisement. What really aggravated me...
  32. Manny13z

    Oh man! Thats great news.

    That's great, congratulations! My MS is in transit, hoping I get the same surprise. I'm scheduled for delivery the week of June 19, that's a complicated week for me since my wife has a scheduled c-section, keeping my fingers crossed.
  33. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    Tesla's promotional pictures on their website does not show the cars with the front license plate holder, false advertisement I say! If the car comes with it installed, the promotional pictures should show it as well.
  34. Manny13z

    How many of you are upgrading their refreshed 70kwh to a 75kwh?

    I actually calculated it, I travel that distance .02% of the time, basically 7 days out of 365.
  35. Manny13z

    How many of you are upgrading their refreshed 70kwh to a 75kwh?

    I was wondering about this, can charge to 100% without worrying about battery degration issues.
  36. Manny13z

    Model S Refresh: License Holder Part of Bumper?

    My DS told me that by law, they cannot remove the bracket. I find this really annoying.
  37. Manny13z

    Is buying a Model S still worth it?

    It's certainly possible, however, I trust Tesla will make the Model S compelling enough for it to still be desirable.
  38. Manny13z

    Is buying a Model S still worth it?

    I don't understand this. I don't hear people asking, will the BMW 3 series tank the price of the 6 series. Every car company has different cars at different price points, in the end it's individual affordability that makes the decision. A person that can afford the 6 series generally won't go...
  39. Manny13z

    Is Tesla using Ocean Freight to the East Coast?

    Mine finished being built on 5/23, maybe we will be travel buddies.
  40. Manny13z

    How many of you are upgrading their refreshed 70kwh to a 75kwh?

    For me, the additional Milage doesn't warrant the $3000 price tag.
  41. Manny13z

    Refresh Midnight Silver

    Very nice, congratulations!
  42. Manny13z

    Is Tesla using Ocean Freight to the East Coast?

    My delivery is in Florida. My DS told me it's railed to Alabama and put on a truck there.
  43. Manny13z

    Did people who ordered just before the price bump get the refresh at no extra $$?

    I received the refresh and did not get a price bump. The car is currently in transit for delivery.
  44. Manny13z

    Now -This- Would Be What I Call A Refresh

    Your avatar cracked me up.
  45. Manny13z

    Refresh Midnight Silver

    I checked with my Insurance just to make sure, they told me that I had nothing to worry about.
  46. Manny13z

    Now -This- Would Be What I Call A Refresh

    I kid, it looks good. I'm just glad people are starting to create concept EV's.
  47. Manny13z

    Refresh Midnight Silver

    I was just thinking, would this be an insurance issue? If you remove the front plate and you have a low speed frontal collision that damages the hood, would your insurance technically have grounds not to pay since it was removed by the owner?
  48. Manny13z

    Refresh Midnight Silver

    I was just told the same on the front license bracket, I find it ridiculous and will remove it.
  49. Manny13z

    Check Out My New Model S - with Refresh, and Photos

    Received notification yesterday that my MS has been built and is in transit from the manufacturing facility, apparently on a very very very slow train.
  50. Manny13z

    Now -This- Would Be What I Call A Refresh

    Were they intending for it to look like a boat? The rims look like propellers.